Approved | 26min | Adventure, Western, TV Series | Episode aired 3 April 1957
Hawkeye finds out that his brother has joined the British army and is now a "redcoat". However, when he is murdered by a treacherous Indian companion, Hawkeye seeks revenge.
Director: Sidney Salkow
Writers: Richard Schayer
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Michael Ansara
Hawkeye finds out that his brother has joined the British army and is now a "redcoat". However, when he is murdered by a treacherous Indian companion, Hawkeye seeks revenge.
Director: Sidney Salkow
Writers: Richard Schayer
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Michael Ansara
Short filmTranscript
00:00The immortal pen of James Fennimore Cooper brings you thrilling tales of excitement,
00:13blazing action on the early American frontier,
00:18stirring adventures filled with the daring and courage of Hawkeye,
00:22first of the long rifles, and his blood brother Chinguchkuk, last of the Mohicans.
00:32In the year 1757, a cabin on the Iroquois Trail, New York.
00:36Don't shoot, I surrender.
00:53Matt, I might have known it was you. Nobody else can hit that iron from across the clearing.
01:00Chinguchkuk, welcome to my house again.
01:03Oh, greetings to mother of Hawkeye. Where's Tommy? In the army. He's a sergeant already,
01:09dispatch writer. My kid brother doesn't seem possible. Not as many years since you went
01:14away to guide those settlers west, and Tommy just sort of grew up. Tommy, a red coat. How
01:21about some breakfast? You know we've been traveling all night thinking about your buckwheat cakes and
01:24maple syrup. Fort William Henry, an isolated British outpost defending against the French
01:30and Indians on Lake George. Now you understand, Cutler, you're to destroy this dispatch at the
01:36first sign of danger. Yes, sir. And then if you still get through, you can deliver the message
01:41orderly. I understand, sir. All right, will you repeat it for me once more? Danger of large-scale
01:46Indian assault. Situation grave. Rush reinforcements and wagon train at once. Excellent. You know the
01:53shortcut, I'm told. Sure do, sir. It goes by my mother's cabin up near Waterville. Colonel,
01:59it might be an excellent idea to let Organa escort Cutler as far as Waterville, then
02:04cut up the Iroquois trail to Lake Champlain and scout the French camp. All right, go ahead,
02:08Organa. Good luck, gentlemen. Thank you, sir. That'll be all, gentlemen.
02:26my. No more. Organa, turn here. Go scout French camp. It was sure nice riding with you this far.
02:42What's that Indian saying you taught me for goodbye, friend?
02:46A kushnuk. I mustn't forget that one. A kushnuk.
02:54A kushnuk.
03:28it's Tommy.
03:47He's hurt bad.
03:59What is it, Organa? Bad medicine, Captain. Young Cutler tried to give paper to Huron.
04:08Organa, stop him. Have to kill. We've done all we can. There's no doctor this side of Albany.
04:18What do you see? Picture talk. Huron talk. Scratch on blade with flint.
04:32Huron writing. Can you make it out? It's a Huron favorite sons of Manitou.
04:40A Huron knife. Yes, but Indian you shoot at dressed like Mohawk.
04:47Maybe you got it from a Huron he'd killed. No, my brother.
04:52Red men never carry Tommy Hawk or knife that belongs to enemy. Bad medicine.
04:59Well, I'm gonna carry it and a bad luck will be his. Organa. Organa.
05:10Tommy. Tommy, it's Nat.
05:12Organa. Organa, my dispatch must get. Oh, take it easy, lad. Don't try to force yourself to talk.
05:31Is Sergeant Tom Cutler here? Yes, he is.
05:37Who are you? I'm his brother, Nat Cutler. I've just returned from the new settlement.
05:43Well, at least you're not obstructing the king's justice. Well, that needs explaining, captain.
05:48Your brother was carrying an important dispatch. He was seen signaling to an enemy Indian patrol,
05:54calling them in to give them the dispatch. That can't be true. His own father was killed by the
05:58Hurons. I'm sorry, madam, but if he's able to travel, we'll have to take him with us. Father.
06:21Now go, please. Yes, madam. As soon as I make sure he is dead. You won't touch him.
06:30Get out. Steady, ma. The captain's only doing his duty as he sees it. Let him look for himself.
06:43Very well, I won't need to trouble you any longer.
06:57Just a minute, captain. It's not quite clear to me. Who saw my brother dealing with the Hurons?
07:04Our chief Mohawk guide, Organa. A very trustworthy man. He drove off the Hurons.
07:09Your brother tried to escape with them. And got shot in the back?
07:12Naturally. He was riding away. I see. Then what did this Organa do?
07:18He started for Albany with the dispatch and met my patrol. I sent him on with the message.
07:24What's the idea of that? Sorry, but as a man wanted for a crime against the crown,
07:28he's not entitled to military honors. That boy lying there never dealt with any enemy Indians.
07:34He was as proud of that uniform as you are. Unfortunately, the facts do not bear you out.
07:48Not entitled to military honors.
08:04Bad throw. Too high for a man's belly, too low for neck.
08:10My mind wasn't on killing, just pinning some of my thoughts down.
08:15Huron canoe.
08:21If that's our Huron, he'll take the Fort Williams trail.
08:26That Organa, him still dressed like Mohawk. You're right. Only a man the Hurons know is
08:33their spy could move among them in Mohawk dress. We kill? No. I've got a notion this
08:40Huron's taking his orders from someone else. We're going to follow him and find out.
09:04Brothers, I have just come from French camp. French general fool. Have heart of woman.
09:29He say you get no Yankee scalps, no guns, no prisoners. Go spread word among all Hurons.
09:37Tell them there is council fire in forest tonight.
09:41Tell them Organa lead them to great victory.
09:43Why Tomahawk Serski? Put it away. I wouldn't have anything happen to him for a king's ransom.
09:50With Organa dead, I could never clear Tommy's name.
10:02Don't shoot.
10:03We're friends. Why you follow? We're making our way to Fort Williams. We got run off our
10:07trap lines by Hurons. Is this the right path? Me Organa, Mohawk scout for Yankees.
10:15Fort only little way now. You stay in front. All right.
10:21I'm going to follow you.
10:22When did you get the message to Albany? I signed yesterday. Generals say tell you wagons
10:27soldiers leave before sundown. Did you hear that man? Our reinforcements are halfway here.
10:32All right, let's go.
10:39That's the way.
10:40And when did you get the message to Albany?
10:44I sun yesterday. Generals say tell you wagon soldiers leave before sundown.
10:49Do you hear that men? Our reinforcements are halfway here.
10:52They should be with us tomorrow. On way back,
10:56me scout French generals camp. Many French soldier,
10:59many Hurons. Big guns come through woods this way.
11:03Well that confirms it captain. Montcalm's on the move.
11:06It'll take him three days before he gets here. By that time,
11:09we'll have plenty of men and we'll give him a royal reception.
11:13Thank you Ogana. You rendered a very valuable service.
11:17I must go spread the good news among the other women.
11:20Thank you Ogana. I blame myself,
11:25sir, for taking that young Cutler scoundrel for granted.
11:28I should have sent Ogana on alone in the first place.
11:30Yes, we should have.
11:37My brother was right. Keep silence.
11:41Ogana fool Yankee so good.
11:44Nobody believe anything we say. He's a slick article,
11:48all right. But one thing certain, if Ogana gets out of this fort tonight,
11:51he'll be a massacre.
11:55Ogana, come with me. You're moving out.
12:07Ogana, I have talked the colonel into ordering you to get word to the relief column,
12:12which we both know is still in barracks at Albany.
12:16My orders for you, however, are a little different.
12:19Ogana, listen and obey. Our work here is finished, Ogana.
12:23Go at once to General Montcalm and tell him to speed the cannon and the infantry.
12:27We must move fast now, before Captain West's patrol reaches Albany.
12:31For then, we'll be able to secure the fort.
12:34Tell the general that I shall be waiting in the forest to join my old company of the 5th regiment.
12:41Au revoir, mon ami.
12:50Hold it, Ogana. I'll write downstairs fast.
13:04I don't know what the meaning of this is, but you'd better have a reasonable explanation for it.
13:08Captain, before I let that Huron devil out of this room, I'll shoot him myself and take the consequences.
13:12Huron? You heard what I said, Captain. And he's no mere warrior.
13:16He's one of their high top chiefs. They're gathering out there now, waiting his return.
13:20Just who are you?
13:23The name's Nat Cutler. He is Hawkeye to his Indian brothers.
13:27Hawkeye, the long rifle. Also the brother of Tommy Cutler, our traitorous spy.
13:33He was no traitor, Captain. The Mohican and I saw Ogana kneeling beside his body.
13:37I shot this knife out of his hand as he was about to scalp Tommy to make it look like another Huron had done it.
13:43Now we'll all go to the colonel's office and he'll clear Tommy's name.
13:47Take him along. Don't move.
13:50You're not going anywhere.
13:53Take his rifle, Ogana. Now go, Ogana. Go!
13:57You've got to stop him. That Indian's a traitor.
14:00So are you if you let him out of this fort.
14:03Your discovery comes a little late, my friend.
14:07So it was you who ordered my brother killed.
14:10And as the brother of Cutler the spy, your death at my hands will be equally justified.
14:24You're under arrest.
14:26He wasn't blind and thick-headed as General Braddock was when we scouted for him two years ago.
14:30He wouldn't believe us either.
14:33They soon all believe when Ogana will attack fort.
14:37French General, tell Ogana he give Yankees chance to make honorable surrender.
14:41Ogana say not wait like little children for French gun.
14:45Take fort now. Kill all Yankees. Take many scalp.
14:57What is it?
14:59The Hurons are shooting at something in the water, sir.
15:02Manual boost.
15:07It's Captain West, sir.
15:14Sir, the forest is swarming with Hurons. Simpson and I had to take to the water.
15:18And your patrol?
15:20I mean with the column. General Johnson sent me on ahead to clear up the Cutler matter.
15:23It'll take a considerable amount of clearing.
15:26His brother's in a cell now for killing Captain Brownell.
15:29And trying to prevent Ogana from leaving the fort on a mission.
15:32Then you have the wrong man in jail, sir. Ogana never delivered your dispatch.
15:36Albany is convinced he's an enemy agent.
15:39Change into a dry uniform.
15:41Yes, sir.
15:45You've been fools, my dear.
15:48Corporal, release those prisoners at once.
15:53The Hurons! They're attacking! The Hurons!
16:10Here they come!
16:22Here they come!
16:38Inside, quickly.
16:50Stay here and block the door.
17:27John! John! John!
17:59Well, Captain West. Cutler.
18:02My apology for everything.
18:04No apology necessary, Captain.
18:06That devil Ogana made off with Marion.
18:08I followed you out. I've sent Chingitsgook for help.
18:20The ashes are still warm. They can't be far off.
18:25What's this?
18:26That's a pathfinder mark.
18:29But they're Ottawa's, not Huron's. We're in luck.
18:32How? They both fight for the French.
18:34I know, but there's no love lost between them.
18:36This may be the break I'm hoping for.
18:38Come on, let's hurry.
18:49Hear me, great Ottawa chief.
18:51My name Ogana, chief of Huron.
18:53Today, my men win great victory over Yankee's fort.
18:56This woman mine, you make her my wife under Ottawa law.
19:02What say white woman?
19:04No, no.
19:07Woman say no.
19:09By what right do you claim her?
19:11By no right at all, great chief.
19:18This Huron speaks with double tongue.
19:21Your great white father, the French general, will be hunting for him.
19:24To hang him by the neck for ravens to eat.
19:27For what deed will French want this Huron?
19:31For stealing this woman, daughter of Yankee's chief at Fort William Henry.
19:34The long wife of lies, this woman mine.
19:37Only one of us is the liar, chief.
19:39I ask the right under Ottawa law to prove I speak the truth.
19:43In battle with this hunter of women.
19:45So be it.
19:54All right, Ogana. It's you and me after all.
20:31You will fight in the fashion of my father's fathers.
22:32Long rifle, great warrior.
22:35Ottawa word good.
22:38These three leave in peace.
22:41Let no one follow.
22:56My own personal gratitude to both of you.
22:59Is, of course, beyond measure.
23:01I wish to offer you, Hawkeye.
23:03The post of chief of scouts with the rank of captain.
23:06You would honor the service by accepting.
23:09That's a real compliment, colonel.
23:12The wreck and me and army regulations, we just don't get along somehow.
23:16Besides, Chinggis Cook and I were planning on heading out for some new territory.
23:20West of the big smoky mountains.
23:22The grass is tall and green and there aren't any wars going on.
23:26Thanks, anyhow.
23:33It's always like that on the other side of the mountain until you're there.
23:37Seems that way, ma'am.
23:39But it doesn't stop a fella from wanting to find out for himself.
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