Anibal 2000 French film part 2

  • 4 years ago
First part is here
44:26What do you think?
44:30You never come here empty-handed.
44:33A clematis seedling.
44:35I knew you'd like it
44:39plant it
44:41Go on, you have a knack with plants.
44:44Wherever you like.
44:53Here we are...
44:55It'll go well here.
45:05You didn't come just about plants, did you?
45:08It's your little brother too...?
45:12He was very sick last week.
45:19You haven't been very welcoming to him, have you?
45:23It's not my fault they didn't get a guarantee when they bought him.
45:29Do you know what asthma is?
45:34It's a cry of love which has been smothered
45:43He's trying to tell you something when he struggles to breathe.
45:46He wants to love you, but you push him away.
45:50Am I right?
45:55I'm not trying to say he's ill because of you.
46:00But I think you, and only you, can help him.
46:05Do you understand?
46:10Don't move, I've got something for you.
46:28Come and see.
46:31Sit down.
46:33It's about the Inca civilisation. - Very developed.
46:36I bought it years ago when I travelled to Peru.
46:41It's a fantastic country.
46:44I found white orchids in the ruins of Macchu Picchu
46:48growing amongst the stones. Incredible.
46:51Can you imagine, a great orchid right in the walls.
46:59It was there, just there, I found it.
47:04I had to take one just be sure.
47:11I thought you might be interested in the book.
47:15Go on, it's yours.
47:17You can take it.
47:36Sweetie, come and see me.
47:44You little so-and-so
47:46Take off the sunglasses. - It's too much.
47:48Oh, sorry.
47:49Will you be here for my birthday?
47:50I can't. - We start a new film in three days.
47:52Oh, that's not nice.
47:54Can't your film wait?
47:56Ask your Dad. - He's the producer
47:58Are you resting?
48:00All the time, all the time.
48:03Let's go and see the garden. Show me your latest triumphs.
48:09And you've got a little brother now?
48:11He's not my brother! They bought him in a sale.
48:16Oh, don't talk nonsense!
48:23I don't believe you, I don't believe you.
48:26He really said that.
48:27You find it funny?
48:28It's brilliant.
48:29"It's just a square, take my word for it." He's a genius, your son.
48:33I've always said so.
48:34Have you seen his garden? Have you BOTH seen his garden?
48:36He's got green fingers.
48:39One day everyone will be talking about Edgar.
48:42He'll be talked of like Le Notre and the other great French gardeners.
48:45Ah, Mozart. Come and sit down and try this wine.
48:49It's a Grand Cru '78. Unbeatable!
48:53You can't drink it like lemonade. You need to moisten your throat, like you moisten your flowers
49:02No, Roger, don't you think he's too young to drink wine?
49:06Oh, he's got to learn some time.
49:10Your health!
49:13Don't forget: in that glass there is earth and grapes and sun.
49:21And a least the salary of a driver on union rates.
49:24Your health.
49:25Not too fast.
49:33I've got to get the typewriter back to the desk in the office.
49:38You're not going to boarding school, I guarantee it.
49:41What about the signature?
49:43We'll forge it. It's on all the contracts I signed with your father.
49:47Are you crazy?
49:48Look it's a masterpiece.
49:51Come here.
49:54This letter is to the Director of the school.
49:56Dear Sir, I regret to inform you that current family circumstances
50:01oblige me to cancel the reserved place of my son Edgar Saumann in your establishment
50:07consequently please could you kindly take steps
50:14to re-allocate the place you had allotted him in the school.
50:18Yours sincerely
50:20Hugues Saumann.
50:23What do you think?
50:24It's a great letter.
50:26So, take the typewriter back, change your shirt and we'll go to the Post Office.
50:38Oh look at him, he looks wonderful. And his little cheeks!
50:42That's enough.
51:07Where have you been. - We were looking for you everywhere.
51:12Oh we went...
51:13into town.
51:14Yes to town.
51:17Roger. - Meet Anibal.
51:19Oh, my little boy. - You look wonderful.
51:24What a fine young fellow.
51:28Mind his head.
51:29It's nothing.
51:30You went to the park?
51:33Just the two of us.
51:34Mind he doesn't...
51:41He's not too heavy.
51:42Light as a feather, an Inca feather.
51:48Like the god Inti.
51:50Which god?
51:51Inti. - He's the Sun God for the Incas.
51:53So you're an expert on Peru?
51:55Dr Chevalier gave me a big book.
51:58Do you know what I read there?
52:01That the Spaniards stole all the gold in Peru.
52:04When they got there they exterminated the natives.
52:11The Spaniards made a holocaust of the Sons of the Sun, like what happened to the Jews.
52:18Maybe Hitler was a Spaniard.
52:22Or at least imitated them.
52:24Son, crimes like this aren't about nationality
52:28exploitation and murder are part of human nature.
52:33You don't need a passport to do it.
52:34You know what you are Roger? A philosopher, a great philosopher.
52:41Seetie, Seetie, Seetie.
52:45What does he want?
52:47It's you he wants.
52:51It's the first time he's called me by name.
52:54Take him.
52:59Can you see what he loves most of all in this house?
53:04Now tell me, the Spaniards.
53:07The killed and they stole, but didn't they do anything good?
53:12Nothing at all?
53:17You seem to know so much about Inca civilisation?
53:21Who said?
53:23Roger, when he was leaving
53:26was it your Spanish teacher who taught you?
53:28No, he was useless. It was Dr Chevalier.
53:31He gave me a big book full of things about the Spanish conquest of Peru.
53:36Really? Move your head.
53:39What do you remember?
53:41The extermination.
53:44The extermination?
53:45Yes, they exterminated the Incas dragging them round from place to place.
53:51Just like you did to Anibal. Same thing!
53:54And he's going to die because of you! You're no better than the Spaniards!
54:00You're turning into a great scholar.
54:04Maybe I am a scholar, but you're both murderers!
54:06Shhh, don't shout, you'll wake your brother.
54:11You're only saying these things because you're jealous.
54:13You're getting soap in my eyes!
54:17Listen, the extermination of the Incas by the Spanish happened a long time ago.
54:23We live now, and I'm not Spanish.
54:25Nowadays we adopt children from poor countries for their own good.
54:29And that's that.
54:32Yes you're so kind.
54:35He can't breathe in this country. If he stays here he's going to die of your kindness.
54:40It's like taking a plant out of its natural soil and sticking it somewhere else.
54:57I'll rinse you off.
55:39Seetie, no hospital. Seetie, no hospital.
55:45OK, we're not going to hospital.
55:51Press on your stomach.
55:53To push the air out.
55:56Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.
55:58Breathe slowly, like me.
56:03Think of something completely different.
56:06Listen, I'll tell you the history of the Incas.
56:11The king of the Incas wore great clothes, really fantastic.
56:16Did you know that? The clothes were worth a fortune.
56:23But he only wore them for one day, then they were burnt. Can you imagine?
56:28And they did the same with his plates.
56:32The best and most beautiful in the world. You couldn't find them in an antique shop now.
56:36Everything, cups, plates, bowls, jugs. - Just used once then smashed.
56:50Yes, breathe just like that. That's perfect.
57:22Did you understand? You're making progress.
57:46Good morning.
57:58Where are the children?
58:01Your son is preparing for an active life.
59:05Anibal, stop it, what are you doing?
59:09Stop it, stop it!
59:13No, not necessary.
59:15Right, I'll leave you with these two charming boys.
59:19Not that, stop it!
59:36She's stupid this teacher.
59:41When I tell my brother about Inca history he understands everything.
59:46You're not going to help me today?
59:51What's up?
59:54Lucas, did you see that programme on television about organ transplants?
00:01You know, I don't like television. I like to listen to music.
00:05My parents said Anibal has a lung infection.
00:09A lung infection
00:11I don't completely understand.
00:15I phoned Dr Chevalier and he explained, but I still don't quite get it.
00:21But as you know, apart from gardening...
00:26I think that if we can manage with one heart, why do we need two of other organs?
00:35What are you talking about?
00:38If Anibal's lungs don't work, maybe I could give him one of mine?
00:45They take organs from dead people, not living and even the dead people have to have been healthy.
00:52So you have to die and be healthy?
00:56Yes, they don't just take lungs from anybody.
01:04I'm going to stop smoking then.
01:12You've been smoking? Since when?
01:19Answer me!
01:21Since yesterday. But I'm going to stop. - I don't want to give my brother dirty lungs.
01:28And how are you going to do that?
01:30It's very simple. I'll teach Anibal everything I know about the garden so it will carry on after I'm dead.
01:35And then when I see he's ready I'll commit suicide.
01:40And since I'm not smoking he'll get really healthy lungs.
01:43And be able to breathe like everybody else.
01:47Fine. But for the moment just fetch me a bag of compost.
01:54In the wheelbarrow!
02:11This adoption thing is madness. - I've told you a hundred times.
02:16This is monstrous.
02:20It's not my fault I can't have any more children.
02:25And even if I could there's no guarantee that the baby would be healthy.
02:28Healthy, healthy... healthy or not it would be our child!
02:31HE is our child
02:35and you have another one, not that you're interested in him.
02:39Whose fault is that?
02:41We've got an imbecile who thinks of nothing but flowers
02:45and an asthmatic who has to go to hospital every three days.
02:48Maybe the asthma is caused by all the flowers your son grows?
02:52My son, who is also your son, is absolutely not responsible for his brother's illness.
02:57Look around! All these flowers
03:00and all the pollen they produce. - For an asthmatic...
03:09...and every day she used to go to his grave
03:13because being his mother she was very unhappy, you understand.
03:17She used to talk to him about the crops and things
03:23and Mani used to listen because being dead he loved to talk.
03:29One day while she was chatting to Mani
03:34she saw an unfamiliar plant near his grave and began to water it
03:40and the plant really flourished and bore fruit.
03:45Nobody really understood this plant, but everyone was talking about it.
03:50And one day the chief dug up a large root from the plant
03:58and made it into dough, like they usually did with roots.
04:07It was very tasty and rather like bread.
04:12Ever since this plant has been called 'manioc' because it was found at the grave of Mani.
04:25What do you want me to do? What?
04:37Damned flowers!
05:02You know what you've done?
05:07You caused Anibal's asthma.
06:11How awful...
06:16Lucas, what happened?
06:20I don't know, Sir. I didn't hear a thing.
06:31Hugues, phone the police!
06:39What are you doing here?
06:42I asked you a question! Why are you in the garden in your pyjamas. Answer me!
06:50You don't need to phone the police, Dad.
06:54I did it.
07:22Good morning, can I speak to the Director, please?
07:25Hugues Saumann
07:27I want to confirm the place of my son Edgar Saumann
07:31Yes, I'll wait.
07:37Good morning, I'm phoning because...
07:44What did you say?
07:47Right, thank you
07:51you don't want to talk to me. Why?
07:52Edgar! Come here!
08:07Why did you hit him?
08:10Why did you hit him?
08:12Your son is not just a vandal, he's also a criminal.
08:15Do you know what he did? He sent a letter to the Director at Rouen
08:19cancelling his enrollment, and forging my signature.
08:24He did that?
08:26Listen carefully
08:27tell this little thug I don't want to talk to him, okay?
08:52Get up, it's time. We're going to Peru.
09:02Get dressed!
09:16Let's go out the back way.
09:32We won't go to Lima. It's a big town and that's bad for your asthma.
09:37We'll go to Cuzco, the first city of the Incas.
09:41Or if you like to Ayacucho where you were born.
09:47It's all the same as long as we stay together
09:54We'll go this way.
10:01See how beautiful the sunflowers are
10:02they're a bit wilted because there's not enough sun
10:05but tomorrow they'll brighten up.
10:06You'll see!
11:17It's lovely, isn't it?
11:32Take it.
11:37Don't eat it, I'll give you some biscuits for breakfast.
11:52Damn, I'm so stupid!
11:57Let go, let go!
12:04Where's the aerosol?
12:06Shit, we forgot it!
12:10Bloody sunflowers!
12:15Listen, I'll tell you a story about sunflowers.
12:20Remember the flowers in the picture in the living room?
12:24They were painted by a man called Vincent.
12:29His brother was called Theo
12:32Vincent lived in Arles, but Theo lived in Paris
12:35They used to write to each other every day.
12:38Theo was always sending money to his brother
12:40so he could paint.
12:44He was a genius but no-one bought his pictures.
12:48And he started to go crazy. One day he shot himself through the heart.
12:54And Theo was so sad he soon died.
13:00They were buried side by side, always together.
13:05Like you and me! Breathe, breathe, so you don't die.
13:22If I wasn't afraid to start it again I'd take you in my arms.
13:51Thank you.
13:59What can I do for you, young man?
14:04I'd like an aerosol for my brother. He's got asthma.
14:12I'll see what we've got.
14:32Come on, sit down.
14:33Are you going to put me in prison?
14:34First tell us where your brother is, then we'll go to the judge. He decides.
14:59Shall we go?
15:07Come on, let's go.
15:21Sit down, boys.
15:26Are you hungry. Do you want to eat something?
15:29We had something to eat before we met Judas.
15:32Who is Judas?
15:34The pharmacist. He called the police.
15:38Do you want anything to eat?
15:40We're fine thank you. But if you're hungry I have a bag...
15:43sausage, pate, tomatoes, fruit, biscuits, chocolate.
15:49There's even a bit of Camembert left.
15:53It's because of my little brother, he always wants to eat.
15:57In Peru he couldn't eat well, you see.
16:01Of course
16:03Fine. Tell your brother we're going to have a little picnic.
16:14Good morning.
16:15Good morning, doctor.
16:16I'm sorry I'm late, I didn't even...
16:19She's with the children. I'll tell her...
16:22Thank you.
16:25And you were ready to give up everything...
16:31I'll see him in five minutes.
16:39And your flowers. You had to leave them?
16:42The flowers will grow without me
16:44but if I don't take care of my brother he'll die.
16:47He needs to go back to Peru because of his asthma.
16:50He's small, I'm his brother, so I've got to go with him. If I don't look after him, who will?
16:57But wouldn't you need money to go to Peru?
16:59I'd ask Roger.
17:01I got his address from my father's notebook.
17:04He'd give me whatever I needed.
17:09You don't know Roger Hanin?
17:11The actor.
17:14You know Roger Hanin?
17:16He's my friend.
17:19You know Roger? Everyone at home loves him.
17:24He's so funny.
17:27It's simple. - Next time he comes round I'll invite you over.
17:31Give me your phone number, and as soon as he comes I'll phone you.
17:36I'll give you my card.
17:40But also, the doctor's just come to examine you.
17:47Why? I'm not sick.
17:49Don't worry. - It's very quick.
17:51Come in, doctor.
17:52Good morning.
17:54I'll just call your parents to let them know they can come and collect you.
17:57My father will kill me.
17:59No, not after a week.
18:01It's obvious you don't know him.
18:05Try the pate. - It's delicious.
18:21Yes I'm Mrs Saumann.
18:31Are they alright?
18:32The found the boys at Blangy Le Chateau.
18:35Hugues Saumann here.
18:38And the lady judge knows everything you told me?
18:43Yes, while we were eating there was plenty of time.
18:46And I told her about the garden and my brother and the trouble with my father over boarding school, and everything.
18:52You've been busy.
18:54Doctor, could you come for a minute?
18:58I've just spoken with the parents.
19:00Do you know what their father said.
19:02When I told him the children had been found
19:05and he could come and collect them?
19:07That he had an official reception and couldn't go anywhere. Could we keep them for the night!
19:13It's appalling!
19:15Now we can see what he's like.
19:17Official reception or not.
19:18What do we do with the children?
19:35This is Claire, and this is Liz.
19:39This is Anibal. - Isn't it a nice name?
19:42And his brother Edgar.
19:44His mother calls him Sweetie.
19:47That's funny!
19:51Kiss him.
20:00And you kiss him.
20:13To the table!
20:15Claire, I'll leave our guests to you.
20:16Are you going?
20:18Yes, I have some work to do. I'll be back later.
20:30Consequently there can be no question of sending your son to a boarding school.
20:36Incidentally our psychologist completely agreed with my analysis.
20:39These children cannot be separated under any circumstances.
20:44It's clear than Edgar's presence is vital for little Anibal.
20:47And vice versa.
20:50I've made some decisions that I hope you'll agree with.
20:55We're now two weeks from the start of the new school year.
20:59Today I put your children down for school here in Caen.
21:09In view of the circumstances the Director is allowing them to take lunch at school.
21:17So that Edgar can see his brother at playtime and in the dining-room.
21:22Every evening the children can go home together.
21:28I will be visiting you regularly at home in Cabourg.
21:33To see how the children are getting on.
21:47I'm glad we have reached an agreement, and I need not keep you any longer.
21:56Thank you very much.
22:06When you come to visit us, will you bring your daughters?
22:11Especially Claire.
22:14It's not necessary. You'll see her every day.
22:17At school!
22:54Claire! Claire!
22:56Liz! Liz!
23:30Don't worry, Anibal, you'll be fine.
23:34And your teacher is nice.
23:38Let's go.
23:39He mustn't go near the blackboard in case he breathes chalk dust.
23:41Don't worry, I'll make sure he's OK.
23:46Don't be afraid, Anibal, I'm not far away and this lady is very nice.
23:52Come on, you'll be late!
23:54If his lungs start to wheeze, just call me. I'm in
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