• 5 years ago
청와대 수석 일부교체…정무수석 최재성, 민정수석 김종호, 시민사회주석 김제남

President Moon Jae-in replaced three of his six senior secretaries who tendered resignations last week - in their words - to take responsibility for "the recent situation."
As the new senior secretary for political affairs, President Moon named Choi Jae-sung, a former four-term lawmaker; for the senior secretary for civil affairs and justice post, the president tapped Kim Jong-ho, the current head of the Board of Audit and Inspection.
Mr. Moon's secretary for climate and environment, Kim Je-nam, will be promoted to the position of senior secretary for civic and social affairs.
Their predecessors resigned amid a sharp decline in the administration's approval ratings over its real estate policies.
The top office has yet to announce replacements for the president's chief of staff or senior secretaries for public communication and personnel affairs - these three aides have also offered to resign fro their posts.


