A Day in the Life of Berna Romulo Puyat

  • 4 years ago
01:22January, we were positive by 8.8%
01:28But since COVID, if you count January
01:32to June, revenues have decreased by 60%
01:36When you talk about El Nido, Coron,
01:39and San Vicente
01:41Those are only 3 tourist spots
01:43The losses were 3.1 billion
01:47and displaced workers directly
01:49were 14,000
01:51That's why it was important for us to
01:54come here because ang dami na
01:56talagang walang trabaho
01:58and people really need jobs
02:01so yun naman yung gusto natin
02:03magkatrabaho na yung mga tao
02:05But of course, safety first
02:08Safety and health protocols first
02:15Yes, it will but of course
02:18it won't be like before
02:20We had record-breaking numbers
02:22All our numbers even surpassed
02:25all our targets
02:26But because of COVID and
02:28with the absence of a vaccine
02:30it won't be like before
02:32but at least what is important
02:33is it wll restart
02:39Right now, under a modified GCQ
02:42you can already actually start tourism
02:47but then it is very important that
02:49you talk to the local government units
02:51because everybody has to be
02:53100% ready
02:55We recently had a survey
02:57for travelers
02:58and number one for them is how safe
03:01is the destination
03:04So that's why even though El Nido has
03:08been under modified GCQ since June 1
03:11It is important that you talk to the
03:14local government that all the
03:16health protocols are implemented,
03:18the safety protocols
03:19The DOT, of course we're in charge
03:22of all the accommodations
03:24But with the tourist spot itself, it's very
03:26important to talk to the local government
03:34Let's start with domestic tourism first
03:36and let's see how it goes
03:38Again, with the absence of a vaccine
03:40the situation is fluid but of course,
03:44if we can restart domestic tourism
03:47successfully, eventually
03:49we will be getting foreign tourists
03:52But again, it's very hard to give a timeline
03:54I'm quite happy. This is the second place
03:57I've been to. The first was Boracay
03:58and we were able to open Boracay
04:01but only for western Visayas as
04:03requested by the LGU
04:06Here in El Nido, dry run first
04:08But I'm happy that all the local
04:13government units want to restart tourism
04:15Slow but sure
04:17I want to assure everybody that
04:19even with all the health and safety
04:22protocols in place
04:23Even with the new normal
04:25It's still more fun in the Philippines
