• 5 years ago
코로나, 사흘 연속 100명대…"안심할 단계 아니다"

South Korea's daily increase of COVID-19 cases has remained under 200 for three days in a row, perhaps due to the enhanced two-point-five distancing measures.
But health authorities remain on high alert over newly emerging cluster infections.
Lee Kyung-eun has the latest.
South Korea has reported one-hundred-68 COVID-19 cases on Saturday.
It is an improvement compared to the past two days,..when the figures reached nearly 200,...and compared to last week when they once surpassed 400.
What's especially notable is that Seoul has reported the fewest cases in three weeks,...with 51.
It marks a continuation of the downward trend South Korea has been seeing, after imposing the enhanced 2-point-five distancing scheme.
However, despite this progress, the country remains cautious.
"We ask people to keep their understanding and patience for a little longer,...until the cases drop notably to a point where it doesn't pose a burden to the quarantine and medical system."
The decision is largely affected by growing cluster infections nationwide,...not just from the most affected Seoul Metro Area.
And from almost all sorts of facilities,...including hospitals, a health supplements company, and indoor pubs.
Also, cases with unidentified sources of transmission now make up 24 percent, while the number of critically ill patients is also on the rise.
To get the situation under control before it gets any worse,... the country announced on Friday that the 2-point-5 distancing measures were to be extended by another week for the Seoul area.
And this time, some additional policies have been put in place.
"We once again inform people that starting this Sunday, franchise bakeries and ice cream shops, in addition to franchise coffee shops, will also ban eating inside."
The measure also includes restrictions on indoor sports facilities, study rooms, and private academies.
The rest of the country, on the other hand, will have to adhere to Level 2 distancing measures until the 20th of September.
Lee Kyung-eun, Arirang News.


