More letters between leaders of N. Korea, U.S. revealed ahead of Woodward's new book

  • 4 years ago
"트럼프, 핵무기는 김정은에게 너무 사랑해 팔수없는 집과 같아"

With only days ahead of the scheduled release of Bob Woodward's new book about U.S. President Donald Trump,... titled "Rage,"... more letters that were exchanged between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have been disclosed.
Kim Hyo-sun has more.
More detailed anecdotes related to President Trump have been revealed, ahead of the scheduled release of Bob Woodward's new book.
According to CNN and Washington Post,... President Trump reportedly described North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's relationship with the regime's nuclear program as "somebody that's in love with a house and they just cannot sell it."
Their friendship was also apparent in a series of letters they exchanged,... in which Kim started off by calling Trump "Your Excellency."
Woodward has reportedly secured 27 letters,... out of which only two have been made public.
The North's leader also expressed his intent to sit down for another meeting between the two,... which he described as a "reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film."
Kim also called his summit with Trump as a precious memory,... adding that the deep and special friendship between the two will work as a magical force going forward.
While the exact time of the exchange of letters was not stipulated,... it's assumed to be between the first and second summits they had in Singapore and Hanoi, respectively.
Woodward also explains that Trump also boasted that Kim tells him everything,... even the way Kim had his uncle, Jang Song-thaek, executed.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.