Trump shares U.S. almost went to war with N. Korea in 2017 in Woodward's new book

  • 4 years ago
"트럼프, 북한과 전쟁 직전 갔었다"... 밥 우드워드 "격노" 15일 발간

One of two men behind the exposure of Watergate is set to release a book on his conversations with the U.S. President Donald Trump.
The book includes various events the President faced regarding North Korea, including a time in 2017 when the two were close to war.
Kim Do-yeon reports.
It was revealed that back in 2017, the tension between the U.S. and North Korea was at its peak with the two almost going to war.
This was the year North Korea successfully tested multiple intercontinental ballistic missiles, putting the U.S. within reach.
Such stories are included in Bob Woodward's soon-to-be released book, Rage, containing his conversations with U.S. President, Donald Trump.
When Mr. Woodward asked whether the President has openly discussed this with the North Korean leader, he said he didn't, but both definitely know what was going on then.
Kim Jung Un never complained to President Trump about the 30,000 U.S. forces stationed in South Korea in their conversations both in-person and on paper.
According to the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, this could be because the presence of U.S. forces keeps China on its toes.
On the other hand, it was the U.S. president himself, who wanted to withdraw forces from South Korea, accusing the ally of taking a free-ride.
Some of the interviews discussed COVID-19 as well... including one in late March, when the U.S. had reported more than 110,000 cases of COVID-19 nationwide.
At this point North Korea had yet to admit to a single case of the virus, but when Woodward asked the President whether the hermit kingdom had been hit hard, the President confirmed saying the situation was serious there.
Kim Do-yeon, Arirang News


