The film “The Demilitarized Zone (1965)” depicts the horrors of war through the perspective of two youngsters who find themselves stranded in the DMZ following the Korean War's end.
Yong-ha (Ju Min-a), the younger of the two, falls into a lake and is rescued by an 8-year-old kid (Lee Yeong-gwan), whom she initially mistook for a grown man due to his torn military outfit and soldier's helmet. The unidentified little boy claims to have a sister named Yong-ha, and there are enough similarities in their backstories to make one wonder whether they are connected, but in any event, the boy "becomes" Yong-big ha's brother and vows to protect her while they each search for their long-lost mothers.
With built English subtitles.
Yong-ha (Ju Min-a), the younger of the two, falls into a lake and is rescued by an 8-year-old kid (Lee Yeong-gwan), whom she initially mistook for a grown man due to his torn military outfit and soldier's helmet. The unidentified little boy claims to have a sister named Yong-ha, and there are enough similarities in their backstories to make one wonder whether they are connected, but in any event, the boy "becomes" Yong-big ha's brother and vows to protect her while they each search for their long-lost mothers.
With built English subtitles.
Short film