THE SHOW movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A new mystery from the extraordinary mind of legendary comic book writer Alan Moore, creator of Watchmen, V For Vendetta and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and directed by filmmaker Mitch Jenkins.
Fletcher Dennis (Tom Burke), a man of many talents, passports, and identities, arrives in Northampton - a strange and haunted town in the heart of England, as dangerous as he is.
On a mission to locate a stolen artefact for his menacing client, Fletcher finds himself entangled in a twilight world populated with vampires, sleeping beauties, Voodoo gangsters, noir private eyes, and masked avengers. He quickly sinks into a bizarre and delirious black hole, that is hidden just beneath the surface of this seemingly quiet town. Soon enough Fletcher discovers that dreams and reality have been blurred and there might no longer be a real world to go back to…
The track featured in the trailer is Bloodrush from the OST, produced by Andrew Broder and featuring Denzel Curry.
Director: Mitch Jenkins
Writer: Alan Moore
Stars: Tom Burke, Darrell D'Silva, Ellie Bamber
Fletcher Dennis (Tom Burke), a man of many talents, passports, and identities, arrives in Northampton - a strange and haunted town in the heart of England, as dangerous as he is.
On a mission to locate a stolen artefact for his menacing client, Fletcher finds himself entangled in a twilight world populated with vampires, sleeping beauties, Voodoo gangsters, noir private eyes, and masked avengers. He quickly sinks into a bizarre and delirious black hole, that is hidden just beneath the surface of this seemingly quiet town. Soon enough Fletcher discovers that dreams and reality have been blurred and there might no longer be a real world to go back to…
The track featured in the trailer is Bloodrush from the OST, produced by Andrew Broder and featuring Denzel Curry.
Director: Mitch Jenkins
Writer: Alan Moore
Stars: Tom Burke, Darrell D'Silva, Ellie Bamber
Short film