Tirso Ripoll Answers 5 Questions to 5 Shots

  • 4 years ago
00:00Don't kid yourself, anybody who's been in a band
00:02is in it to pick up girls and make some money
00:05Girls number one, the main reason
00:16Hi, I'm Tirso Ripoll
00:18I play guitar with Razorback
00:20and I'm here to do 5 Shots with Esquire
00:23and this is the beer of my choice
00:26That's a little more than a shot but I'll drink that
00:28I guess five of these, right?
00:30See what happens, man
00:35This is my man cave/home studio
00:38I've been here since '07
00:41So anything we recorded after that was done here,
00:45which was the Three Minutes of Glory album
00:48and all of the singles that have come out since
00:51It's great!
00:52We've been doing the whole home recording thing for a while
00:55since the Razorback album
01:07Bona fide, good one
01:09You know it depends on what age you're in, right?
01:11It depends on how old you are
01:15If you had asked me the same question ten years ago,
01:18twenty years ago, I would've said a different answer
01:21But 30 years on, and I'm hitting 50 next year, right?
01:26What's cool about it [is] the fact that we're still going
01:30and the fact that we can still make music is great
01:32But the best thing about it
01:34is my kids think I'm freaking cool
01:37That you cannot buy
01:42I've worked very hard to make my kids think I'm freaking cool
01:47so that's the way to do it
01:49That's the best thing, I think
01:52That's more reward that you could ask for, right?
01:54Anyway, cheers!
02:06You know what, it was certainly what we wanted
02:09That's what we went for
02:10You know, that's what you go for
02:11And did I think we would?
02:15I thought so, you know
02:17At one point, we thought we were pretty good
02:19So I thought yeah, we can make this thing work
02:23I think we've got something here
02:24You know when most of the people in the audience
02:28weren't our friends anymore
02:30There were a whole bunch of other people
02:31Then we were like, hey, I think we got something
02:34Yeah, well, if you're gonna do it, do it right
02:46There's been a bunch
02:47But I'm gonna have to say Kampo, 1997
02:53Christmas eve
02:54I don't know why the bloody hell we would take a gig
02:58on Christmas eve in 1997
03:02There were like, two people in the bloody crowd
03:05No, sorry, Christmas day!
03:08It was the evening
03:09Like Christmas day but in the evening
03:11and there were two people in the audience
03:14and I'm like, this is ridiculous
03:15I'm like, who the hell would open on December 25, right?
03:19So anyway, we had a gig
03:21It was awful
03:23That was the absolute worst
03:25Well, except one time I had food poisoning
03:28When we got to Tarlac
03:30This one, this is true
03:32We were going up there
03:34and it had nothing to do with
03:36all the gin we were drinking on the way out
03:38This must have been like, early 2000s
03:42Also I remember I'm in the middle of a song
03:44and I had to run behind my amp and throw up
03:46And then eventually I ran to the bathroom and really throw up
03:50I went out and finished the set
03:53but then I was asleep, passed out all the way home
03:56That wasn't pleasant
03:57But at least I finished the gig
03:59and there were a lot of people at the gig
04:01and they were enjoying it
04:02You know, I think they found it very rock 'n' roll
04:05that I was barfing behind the amplifier
04:08All right, anyway, cheers
04:19What's safe for human consumption?
04:21What's safe for polite company?
04:23I think my favorite that I can actually tell you
04:27That's probably not gonna get me into trouble
04:32You know Brian had a nickname
04:34It was Brian hubad
04:35I think what happened was
04:37It was his birthday and he hadn't even joined the band
04:41He would've joined the band a year later
04:43But he was drinking with me
04:46It was with Migs and all of us
04:48because we were at a mutual friend's birthday
04:50And we were just drinking, right?
04:52And he wanted to keep up
04:55And we were like, Brian you need to relax
04:57Just don't worry about it
04:59And he kept [saying] no, no, no, man
05:01I can do it and he just kept going
05:03He kept going and we've all been drinking at this point
05:06and I don't know who it was that decided to strip him
05:09and put him in bed with somebody else who was drunk
05:13And then we were just like, this is not right
05:16But anyway, since then he was Brian hubad
05:19and he woke up the next day and they both were both naked
05:21and he's like, "oh my god"
05:24And that stuck, 29 years later
05:31Do you like my glass?
05:35Galing 'no?
05:46You know that's okay because I do listen to a lot of the new artists
05:51I'm just bad with names and song names and what-not
05:55But they're not so new anymore, that's the problem
05:58Like the Arctic Monkeys and I like AM
06:01I discovered them when I bought Suck it and See
06:05I was in Hong Kong or is it Japan?
06:07I was in Japan and I walked into HMV
06:09I bought a Kasabian album and the Arctic Monkeys album
06:14 And it was Suck It and See and the other one was Velociraptor
06:17Both fantastic
06:20I've never heard of these bands before
06:22I don't know what I like that would be so controversial
06:25in that sense because I don't know what really controversial would be
06:28I like the fact that I don't give a rat's ass about where you're from,
06:30who you are, whatever
06:35If I like what I hear, then that's all good
06:37So it doesn't bother me
06:39A lot of people say, "the music today is crap"
06:42It just means you're not listening right
06:44You're not listening to the right people
06:50Jazz, like Miles Davis, John Coltrane
06:53I listen to a lot of jazz, I do enjoy it
06:56I actually don't like musicals
07:00I really have a thing against musicals
07:04I can't, I can't and you know
07:07And my brother's in theater
07:10My mom loves going to plays
07:13He takes my mom to all the plays
07:15and my kids love to go
07:16and I'm like, no
07:17I can't do it
07:20I can't do musicals
07:21They freak me out, I can't do it
07:25But jazz, sure
07:27I like that you could walk around all day now
07:29and listen to great music
07:30That's great so I do listen [to music] everyday
07:33So to answer the question, yes
07:36Jazz, some classical – Ennio Morricone
07:39My god, the best, fantastic
07:42Ennio Morricone has been a hero of mine
07:46The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
07:47That's my ring tone
07:48It's one of my favorite movies of all time
07:50Plus best soundtrack ever
07:53But mostly jazz, I like jazz and the blues
07:55Of course, the blues
07:58Hiphop not so much and definitely musicals I'm out
08:06But you know, hey, what do you want
08:08It's a free country
08:11This has been fun, guys!
