Isabella Di Fabio-Community Manager Skills

  • 4 years ago
Isabella Secret Story The main function that this professional develops is the creation of attractive and quality content. In general, the community manager is not limited to creating and writing content only for social networks, this professional also usually is responsible for managing the corporate blog of the company.

In addition, the social media expert must decide what is the best time to post the content. To do this, it has tools that indicate the time of day (and what is the day of the week) in which the content will have the greatest acceptance. It also has tools to schedule the publication of content. Not only will content be programmed for the hours of greatest audience, although of course we will focus on these times, publications will also be made in the rest of the times, since otherwise we will not be able to reach all of our target audiences.

Isabella Di Fabio Secret Story of The community manager.
Also has to monitor all the publications and news of the sector of her company, becoming the eyes of the company on the Internet. This practice not only serves to identify opportunities and threats in time, it also allows detecting the most relevant content from the competition and the sector. Users do not like the self-bomb, but what we do like is the content that gives us value. In this sense, the community manager has to offer content oriented to this mentality, even if they have to promote publications from other companies.
