Isabella Secret Story and Advantages of Social Media

  • 3 years ago
Isabella Secret Story and Advantages of Social Media

* They help increase traffic to your website, since you can generate content that leads to your site.

* Increase awareness of your brand. Almost all Social Media offer functionalities for companies, helping them build brand community and spread their messages more widely.

* They generate new connections, through the help they offer to make new contacts, whether they are new clients or suppliers.

* They favor direct communication with users, being able to listen to them better to meet their needs.

* Help increase sales. Especially in small and medium businesses that can use the tools offered by many social networks to sell directly through them.

Isabella Di Fabio Types of social networks

There are different ways to classify social networks, according to their target audience, the main subject of the relationship or according to the platform.

According to your target audience

* They are addressed to the whole world, without a specific thematic focus or a specific community, but to the “general public” of the Internet. For example, Facebook and Twitter
* It is conceived based on a thematic axis that brings together a community, that is, a certain degree of specialization. For example: social networks, video games, makeup ... Examples of this type of social network are Womenalia -network for women managers- or Journalists around the world -journalism-.

Isabella Di Fabio Secret Story According to the main subject of the relationship

* They give rise to relationships between users, according to their social profile, tastes and hobbies.
* Of content. The interaction is centered on the information shared by the users and not by the creators of the web. An example of this is the document exchange social networks.
* Of inerts. They are the most innovative, they allow objects, places or brands to be networked.
