First Americans could get vaccinated by December: U.S. vaccine chief

  • 4 years ago
美 코로나 백신, 내달 11일쯤 첫 접종 기대… 韓, "백신 필요한 만큼 제때 확보"

AstraZeneca announced today that late-stage trial shows its Covid-19 vaccine with Oxford University was up to 90-percent effective in preventing the disease becoming the third major drug company, after Pfizer and Moderna, to report late-stage results for its potential COVID-19 vaccine.
Against this backdrop, the U.S. top vaccine official said the first Americans could be vaccinated in a matter of weeks.
The South Korean government continues its efforts to have vaccines ready for its citizens as early as possible.
Choi Won-jong with the details.
The White House vaccine chief Dr. Moncef Slaoui says... the first Americans could receive a COVID-19 vaccine... as early as the second week of December.
Speaking in an interview with CNN on Sunday, he said the plan is to be able to ship vaccines to the immunization sites within 24 hours of approval... so on the 11th or 12th of December, the first people will be immunized across the United States.
He said pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its partner BioNTech had submitted their application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization.
If it gets approval from FDA vaccine advisory committee on December 10th, the vaccine could be distributed the next day.
However, it could take until May next year to achieve "true herd community" with 70 percent of the population vaccinated.
In South Korea, the government is gearing up to get enough vaccines prepared.
South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said on Monday the nation will secure enough COVID-19 vaccines at the right time.
Due to the high interest in vaccine readiness, the government will soon report the progress to the public.
Health authorities currently plan to purchase 10 million batches through the global vaccine supply platform, COVAX facility, and 20 million from individual vaccine companies.
The Prime Minister urged the results of the negotiations to be reported to the public transparently.
In the UK, AstraZeneca announced their successful COVID-19 vaccine results with an average of around 70-percent efficacy, and the possibility that perfecting the dosage would give 90% protection.
In the company's statement on Monday, it confirmed the efficacy and safety of the vaccines.
British health authorities welcomed called the development "fantastic news".
Choi Won-jong, Arirang News.