Seoul City to implement "Standstill for 10 mil. Seoulites" and reduce public transport

  • 4 years ago
서울시 '천만시민 멈춤기간' 선포…대중교통 운행 감축

Our starting point tonight: Tighter curbs for South Korea's greater capital area to blunt the third wave of COVID-19 infections.
With locally transmitted cases largely concentrated in Seoul and the surrounding region, the city of Seoul is taking additional steps to slow the spread under its 'Standstill for 10 million Seoulites' campaign.
Comprised of measures including a cut down in public transport during night-time hours, the standstill will take effect from tomorrow until the end of the year.
Jang Tae-hyun leads our coverage tonight.
South Korea reported 271 additional cases of COVID-19 on Monday.
It's the first time in six days that the number has been below 300.
But it's suggested the dip might be partly due to fewer people getting tested over the weekend.
Of the new cases, 255 were locally transmitted.
Sixteen were from overseas.
Of the local cases, there were 206 in the Greater Seoul area, including cluster infections at schools, private education institutes, small gatherings, religious facilities and hospitals.
And in Cheorwon, Gangwon-do Province, more than 30 people at a military base were confirmed with COVID-19 in a single day.
"It's almost the end of the year. We know that you are planning meetings like year-end parties. We strongly ask you to cancel the year-end meetings or have non-contact meetings because there's still a high risk of regional infection."
Seoul city announced on Monday that it will implement a period of what it calls "standstill for 10 million Seoulites," which means people should try to stay at home,... especially during the year-end period.
Public transport will run at 80 percent of normal levels after 10 PM.
This will apply to buses from Tuesday and subways from Friday.
It will last until the end of the year.
If the situation doesn't improve,... the time for the last subway will be moved up to 11 PM, one hour earlier than normal.
And, no rallies of over ten people will be permitted until the year's end.
The government also announced that it'll temporarily stop giving out discount coupons for six areas like cinemas, travel and accommodation nationwide starting Tuesday.
Those who didn't pay for their reservations cannot proceed with the payment and those who already bought tickets are advised not to use them.
Jang Tae-hyun, Arirang News.