• hace 5 años
The living together in cooperative relationship and more or less in intimate association or close union of two... in heaven or in hell.

wardrobe. MARLO STUDIO @mmarlostudio
Marcio Lopes - creative director / Zsolt Nagyváti - artistic director
photographer. DOMINIK VALVO @dominikvalvo
models. PEITEADO TWINS @peiteadotwins / Miranda Talents @mirandatalents
hair. SERGIO SERPIENTE @serpiente.es
make up. SERGIO ANTÓN @makeupbysergio_
stylist. DAVID MARTÍNEZ @bydavmartens
special thanks. INSUBORDINATEAD @insubordinate_ad
brands. AFTR BARCELONA @aftrbarcelona
ART COMPANY SHOES @art_company_shoes / NEW ROCK @newrock
PR. DAVID ALARCÓN @david_alarcon__