• 5 years ago
Let’s be honest: This was the year of at-home manicures and we’re STILL struggling to get them right. But don’t worry. Mimi D is here to teach you some easy nail art that anyone can do at home! In this episode of 3 Levels, nail artist Mimi D will walk you through three levels of an abstract French manicure. Level 1 is a ~wavy~ French manicure, which is perfect for beginners. Level 2 requires a bit more skill with some organic lines and shapes. And Level 3 is for those of us who will stop at nothing for the most extra manicure out there. No matter what your manicure skills are, you’ll be able to achieve these iconic French manicures, right in the comfort of your own home. Have you subscribed to Bustle Digital Group on YouTube? ►► https://bit.ly/2BUqGfA Bustle’s “3 Levels” taps talented artists and influencers in the beauty industry to create dynamic makeup looks that viewers of all skill levels can enjoy and learn from. Each episode features a unique artist tasked to take on a different look — ranging from emerging beauty trends to treasured classics. They create three “levels” of the look based on skill level — one for beginners, one for intermediate levels, and one for beauty experts — for anyone to achieve!

