House Votes to Increase Stimulus Checks and Overrides Trump's Defense Bill Veto

  • 4 years ago
House Votes to Increase
Stimulus Checks to $2000, Overrides Trump's Defense Bill Veto.
Both measures in the House required
a two-thirds supermajority to continue
on for possible consideration in the Senate.
Democrats voting for the increased stimulus check
amount were joined by 44 Republican representatives
for a vote of 275 to 134.
The vote to override President Donald Trump's
veto of the defense bill was a hefty 322 to 87.
If the Senate votes similarly,
it will mark the first
override of a Trump veto.
Trump objects to the portions of the bill that offer
protections for social media companies.
and that require the renaming of
military installations that bear
Confederate monikers.
The Senate could consider the
override as soon as Wednesday.
The question of whether the Senate
will take up the boost in
stimulus payments is unclear.
While the increase was
initiated by Trump,
Republican Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell
has not indicated his
intentions about the payments.
