Erdbeben in Kroatien: Kernkraft, Corona-Maßnahmen, Erdlöcher

  • vor 3 Jahren
Kroatien wird Opfer von mehreren Erdbeben. Dutzende Häuser sind zerstört. Wie ist die Lage vor Ort und braucht Kroatien Hilfe? Die Reporterin Aurora Weiss im Interview.
00:22So basically the earthquakes are usually not possible to be predicted, especially in this case because in this area of Croatia they are not impacted by the outside-factors
00:42such as volcanos and land-slides. In this case, from the newest data that we got from our geographical researchers, they say that basically this eartquake was made by the
01:00contact of the Dinarits and Pannonia and the great stress in moving this area and parts releases huge amount of energy
01:23so usually the Krško nuclear power plant automatically shuts down during the earthquake via the sensor. Actually the Krško did not work only for a few days
01:39and we should know that the Krško can stand an earthquake of 7,9 magnitude. We have spoken with university professor and doctor of science Helmut Böck,
01:55he is the president of the Austrian association for nuclear energy and he pointed out that whole Europe is in an earthquake-zone due to the shifting of the continent
02:18The new houses that were rebuilt after the war-time in Croatia, they were not properly built and that is acuatlly the biggest scandal that was discovered during the
02:32earthquake in Croatia, like state authorities they already started during the investigation
02:43You need to take that the people who are living there are the farming people and it is a more rural area. The people who live there, they don't want to leave their homes,
02:58their pigs, theirs cows, so what is the most necessary now is to ensure that they are warm and a dry place, where they can sleep and stay there
03:16I need to point out, these people are in constant stress and that when the earth is constantly shaking under their feet and they are afraid that something is falling
03:29 on their head, so the last thing they think about is social distance or wearing masks, they are barely able to breath because of the panic they are going through
03:40they constantly have a cold and they and it also increases the risk of getting an illness and getting sick and also from the coronavirus
04:02so the ground in Petrinja, Sisak and Glina is made out of sand and also what they today pointed out and discovered that that area was full of landmines in the past that
04:18were not covered up properly, closed up properly, that also gives instability to the ground and makes to ground sink into the sand
