• hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report to Admiral Armando Lambruschini, in which he is asked: -Mr Admiral, in a few minutes you will travel to the city of Trelew where you will inspect units of the three components of naval power? -With respect to your visit to the Omega Tower located 30 kilometers from the city of Trelew and on the same route that leads to Puerto Madryn, is it an important naval unit unique in South America and that is very important as a radio aid for ships and aircraft? ? -The only activity you are going to carry out on this inspection visit, right sir? Image of the Argentine Navy plane, a Fokker F-28 registered S-T-10 heading towards the head of the runway. (Osvaldo Logares / Magnetic / Color)
Reference: The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Armando Lambruschini departs from the Jorge Newbery airpark military zone bound for Trelew on a new inspection tour of the commands and naval units located in the south of the country; There he will inspect the Almirante Zar naval air base, the Golfo Nuevo naval detachment in Puerto Madryn and the facilities of the Torre Omega radio navigation aid station.
Date: 5/29/1980
Duration: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Film Code: B-05236

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