• hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Commander in Chief of the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier General Omar Domingo Graffigna, returns to the country from Brazil; he is awaited on the military platform of the Buenos Aires city airport by the air operations commander, Brigadier Mayor Jesus Orlando Cappellini. He then proceeds to the rendering of honors and the salute of Brigadier Graffigna. In a hall of the airport, a report is made to Brigadier General Omar Graffigna, the journalists ask him the following questions: - Would you be very kind to inform us about the results of this trip to Brazil? - Have you had an interview with the President of Brazil, has the visit of President Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo to Argentina been confirmed? -If you allow us, are we going to talk about an issue related to our country as well, and with regard to journalistic statements that you have made to a newspaper in the Federal Capital but in Brazil, the implementation of political dialogue in Argentina and taking a phrase from you? is taking the first step? (Magnetic / Ambient Sound)
Detail: Brigadier General Omar Domingo Graffigna traveled to Brazil to start the construction of airplanes between the two countries. Present in the room are Messrs. Roberto Di Sandro, Edgardo Mesa and José Corso Gomez, among other journalists.
Date: 3/11/1980
Duration: 4 minutes 49 seconds
Film Code: C-01219

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