Javier Castrilli denuncia a los arbitros, la television y jugadores 1998

  • hace 3 años
Bs. As .: They threaten referee Javier Castrilli. Statements to the press by Javier Castrilli upon leaving the courts of Justice where he states that he has just ratified before the judge everything he made public through the press. Then the journalists ask him: - Has he mentioned some names, we know that, Castrilli, in this case he has suffered threats again? -Do you feel that Castrilli has left you alone? -How did the events unfold, you are sure and you do not regret having done what he did? - Yesterday a Colombian radio said that in credibility it beat the AFA 8 to 1, does it continue to support it?
Reference: In 1998 Castrilli submitted his resignation to the AFA executive committee, making serious complaints against referees, television and players.
Date: 1998
Duration: 1 minute 42 seconds
Code: DV-03561

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