DHANASRI Episode 5 : Ma forme à moi c'est trois

  • il y a 3 ans
Il y a un héritage improbable, un château, une histoire d’argent et des fantômes qui semblent tout droit sortis d’un dessin animé… Mais c’est aussi une histoire très contemporaine et réaliste dont l’héroïne a deux mamans qui sont « souvent dans la merde », comme Dhanasri le répète régulièrement (mais sans le dire à haute voix car la jeune fille ne parle que dans sa tête) et qui sont parfois « un peu bourrées ».
00:00"My shape is three"
00:07The last day
00:10We haven’t seen them today
00:14I think they want to be alone
00:16I feel like something's about to happen
00:22I too, sometimes, hide in my corner
00:27We all have a corner somewhere
01:41They were here
01:43In front of us
01:45and Julie was right,
01:48they are sublime
02:02If I started dreaming, where would we be?
02:04I think they're brothers and sisters,
02:08three,like us
02:10If you want to know, I'm tired too
02:15I came to find my dad
02:18but family is something strange
02:21very strange
02:26It's more of a feeling than a shape
02:31I understand that now
02:38My shape is three,
02:41the three of us
02:51Julie wants to talk to us
02:54She always scares me when she says
02:58“I want to talk to you”
03:02But they're here too
03:04and it's going to be okay
03:09As some of us have decided to keep on living as losers
03:13and that others believe they deserve a life, say, more luxurious
03:18a little bit
03:19And that I'm not yet ready to talk to ghosts
03:23I decide the three of us should vote
03:25Who is for my amazing Amusement Park project?
03:33Who is against it?
03:38I'm sorry
03:44I spoke with them
03:46They agreed to help us with our Amusement Park project
03:50but they think not everyone is able to see them
03:53By the way, Julie
03:54they think you don't have to drink to see them anymore
03:58They stayed for you
04:01So you would finally believe in something
04:04And for you too, Julie
04:07So that you can trust what you believe in
04:10And for me too
04:13And now that it's done,
04:16they must leave
05:09Is it here? Hey Dhana, Dhana, Dhana! Is it here?
05:10Yeah, this way
05:11Awesome, fucking awesome!
05:12Wait, wait, wait, we're not there yet.
05:14You're not going to start again, are you? Go get pissed if you want to believe it
05:16That's low.... very low
05:17I think there's something here
05:19I knew it, I fucking knew it
05:20"I knew it, I knew it"
05:22Will you shut up for a minute?
05:24Yes, so?
05:25There it is
05:26Hell yeah
05:27Yeah, okay, it's a chest, but is the treasure in there, that’s the question?
05:30You're never going to change, are you?
05:36Did you really talk with them?