Guard Dog Sleeps Through Security Training Drill, Hilarious Video Goes Viral

  • 3 years ago
It is generally believed that huskies do not make for good guard dogs due to their friendly, non-aggressive temperaments. And it was well illustrated by this hilarious video which shows a pet husky sleeping through a mock robbery drill. As per the Daily Mail, Lucky is a husky dog who belongs to the owner of a jewellery shop in Thailand. During a training exercise & security preparedness drill on February 16, an armed robber entered the shop & pointed a fake gun at employees, demanding that they hand over jewellery and cash. The drill was conducted by police to check security & train the staff on how to act during armed robberies, reports The Mirror. Worawut Lomwanawong, who owns the jewellery store in Thailand's Chiang Mai city, kept waiting for his guard dog to wake up and tackle the fake robber - but Lucky kept sleeping even as a mock robbery unfolded a few feet away.


