• 4 years ago
Domino’s Is Testing Self-Driving
Pizza Delivery Robots.
Domino’s is stepping into the autonomous
delivery future with robotics company Nuro.
The pizza chain is testing out Nuro’s independent
R2 robots as self-driving pizza delivery robots at
one of their Houston, Texas, locations. .
Their R2s are the first fully autonomous delivery
vehicles to be approved for the open road by the
U.S. Department of Transportation.
Here’s how it works: customers ordering from the designated
test location can opt in to have their food delivered via robot. .
The R2 vehicle is then loaded with the
customer’s pizza and sent on its way.
The customer is able to track the
robot’s travels on their phone.
Once the R2 has arrived, the customer
plugs their unique PIN number into the robot’s
built-in keypad and retrieves their order.
In a statement, Domino’s Senior Vice President
Dennis Maloney described the program as an opportunity for
the brand to learn about the “autonomous delivery space.” .
There is still so much for our brand to
learn about the autonomous delivery space.
This program will allow us to better
understand how customers respond to the
deliveries, how they interact with the robot
and how it affects store operations, Dennis Maloney, via Thrillist


