5 Quote Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet: Act 5 Scene 1-2

3 years ago
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Breakdown of Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Scenes 1 and 2

Nutshell Summary: Scene 1

- In Mantua, Romeo describes another foreshadowing dream. This time, the dream foreshadows his apotheosis — the resurrection of the sacrificed Hero.
- His servant, Balthasar, arrives and informs Romeo that he’s seen Juliet's corpse laid in the Capulet vault.
- Romeo vows to return to Verona, reunite with Juliet one last time, and kill himself.
- He visits an apothecary to purchase poison.

Nutshell Summary: Scene 2
- Friar Laurence hears that, due to quarantine (plague!), Friar John was unable to send the message to Romeo.
- Friar Laurence writes a second letter and runs off to the vault, where Juliet will soon awake.

Themes Discussed:
(For more detailed discussion of THEME in Romeo and Juliet see https://dai.ly/x80qt0r)

- T8 Dualism: juxtaposition of opposites; union of opposites; only through the process of passing life through death and death through life is the world reinvigorated
- Apotheosis: worthy Hero transcends human limitations; from death, hero is reborn as god.
- T8 Duality: dual nature of money
- T4 Love as healer of wasteland
- T5 Sacred Marriage
- T11 Fate: Cosmic, bad luck, fate of personality — Romeo is the lover
T11 Fate: cosmic, bad luck, not fate of personality, dramatic irony
- Imagery, mood, tone: external environment reflects internal psychological state

Characters Discussed:
(For more detailed discussion of CHARACTER in Romeo and Juliet see https://dai.ly/x80pud8)

- C1 Romeo: adolescent, idealistic fool, rich kid lecturing poor man; would Juliet or Benvolio do this?

This video on Shakespeare’s LANGUAGE might also help: https://dai.ly/x80qtdh

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— Prepare for GCSE, A-Level, IB, and AP evaluation
— Prepare for general high school and college quizzes, exams, and essays
— Generate ideas for analysis essays
— Participate knowledgeably in class discussions
