• 4 years ago
Titles with; "GSS" are from the 1866 German book "Gesange fur Sonntag-Schulen" (Song book for Sunday School)

Titles with; "JKS" are from the 1936 Slovak book "JKS" "Jednotny Katholicky Spevnik" (translated roughly to English it is the "Uniform Catholic songbook" ) by Spolok Vojtecha, 565 pages.
Martinus books in Slovakia; https://www.martinus.sk/?uItem=311200​ it is ISBN 9788071629092 and cost me just a little over $102

Titles with; "SZVU" are out of the Hungarian book (Szent vagy, urami!)
ISBN# 963-360-361-7 Harmat Artur and Sik Sandor, Budapest
Purchased used from Antikvarius books in Hungary

Titles with "EE" in them are from them book Eneklo Egyhaz, purchased new from a bookstore in Budapest Hungary Oct/2020 for about 76 Euros.

Titles with "SKS" are from the 1918 book "Slovensky Kalvinsky Spevnik"

I rarely use pedals unless I know the piece real well and can add the pedal line.
I use the iQ6 Zoom dual mic plugged into an iPhone for recordings done after about 2019

Specifications of the organ;

8' Stopped Diapason
8' Violin Diapason
4' Flute Triangulare (From 1957 Moller, Opus 9122 Carlisle PA) Extended to 8' with St Diapason 1-12 from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Salicional from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932

8' Open Diapason
8' Doppleflute (Uses Melodia bass 1-12) (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Melodia
4' Octave (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Dulciana (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932)

16' Bourdon 44 pipes (#1 scale from 1934 Reuter)
Usual couplers 4',16' Gt-Sw , Gt-Ped, Sw-Ped

To be added;

Open Diapason 1-61, (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932 winded by Kinetic blower) to be used as a Swell manual stop
a 4' flute traverso.


