• 3 years ago
Titles with;

"LK" are out of the Swedish 1986 hymnal "Lilla Koralboken"
ISBN 978-91-526-4650-2
About $91 at bookdepository.com

"DL" are out of the German hymn book; Deutsches Liederbuch: Sammlung von Chorälen und Liedern für Schule und Haus, 1895

"CF" are out of the Welsh hymn book "Canuon fydd"

"LK" are out of the Swedish hymn book "Lilla Koralboken"
ISBN 13: 9789152646502

"EG" are ut of the German organ book set l&ll "Evangelischen Gesangbuch"
ISMN 9790006489145

"GSS" are from the 1866 German hymn book "Gesange fur Sonntag-Schulen" (Song book for Sunday School)
"JKS" are from the 1936 Slovak hymn book "Jednotny Katholicky Spevnik" ( "Uniform Catholic songbook" ) by Spolok Vojtecha
Martinus books; ISBN 9788071629092 https://www.martinus.sk/?uItem=311200

"SZVU" are out of the Hungarian hymn book (Szent vagy, uram!) ISBN# 963-360-361-7 Harmat Artur & Sik Sandor, Budapest

"EE" are from the hymn book Eneklo Egyhaz, purchased from a bookstore in Budapest Hungary Oct/2020

"SKS" are from the 1918 hymn book "Slovensky Kalvinsky Spevnik"

If anyone wishes to donate to support the channel, (I do not earn a penny from the 600+ videos here) or for the continued recovery of my June workplace fire injuries (which will still be healing at least a year out I'm told, and is going to have some degree of permanent injury), my paypal address is: youtube AT mediacombb.net Thank you in advance!

I rarely use pedals unless I know the piece real well and can add the pedal line.
I use the iQ6 Zoom dual mic on an iPhone for recordings done after 2019

Specifications of the organ;

8' Stopped Diapason
8' Violin Diapason
4' Flute Triangulare (From 1957 Moller, Opus 9122 Carlisle PA) Extended to 8' with St Diapason 1-12 from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Salicional from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Vox Celeste (from tenor c)
8' Open Diapason 1-61, (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932 Fort Dodge IA, winded by it's original Kinetic blower)
8' Trumpet (1969 Reuter Opus 1659)
4' "Flute traverso" derived from an 8' St Diapason (Moller Opus 6447)

8' Open Diapason
8' Doppleflute (Uses Melodia bass 1-12) (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Melodia
4' Principal, of unknown make, spotted metal
8' Dulciana (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932)

16' Bourdon 44 pipes (#1 scale from 1934 Reuter)
Usual couplers 4',16' Gt-Sw , Gt-Ped, Sw-Ped

To be added soon;

Chimes- Deagan, from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932

Slide shows of the organ rebuild from Dec 2015 to Around Sept 2016


