Is This The Way You Are Going To Implement The Vaccination Program? High Court Questions Government

  • 3 years ago
Is This The Way You Are Going To Implement The Vaccination Program? High Court Questions Government

#PublicTV #HighCourt #CovidVaccine

Is This The Way You Are Going To Implement The Vaccination Program? You have not even covered 1 percent of the population questioned the High Court.

State has a total stock of 12,32,960 doses of vaccines remaining (inclusive of both Government of India quota and state procured), answers Government.

Court: Will this be sufficient for 26 lakh people who need a second dose?

Court: The 26 lakh does not include the 5 lakhs of front-line workers. The state has only over 11 lakhs vaccine.... for 31 lakh people

Court to Centre: How are you going to bridge the gap? Second dose should be taken with 6 to 8 weeks, is it not correct?

Court: Will this be sufficient for 26 lakh people who need a second dose?
