00:00:30How did it come out?
00:00:37Not bad.
00:01:01I got one more shot to get up here.
00:01:05Get your skis and meet me at the lift.
00:01:30All right, let's go.
00:01:59All right, let's go.
00:02:26All right, let's go.
00:02:53How's he doing?
00:02:58Not bad.
00:02:59Well, he'll whip it, you know.
00:03:01He always does.
00:03:02Always does what?
00:03:04Whatever he wants.
00:03:05Yes, sir.
00:03:06Mr. Alexander Wood is a very capable vet.
00:03:10Don't you ever get thirsty?
00:03:13Not at 10 in the morning.
00:03:15Well, it was exactly at 10 a.m. that Mr. Martini invented the olives.
00:03:21That was terrific.
00:03:26Just terrific.
00:03:27It feels just like you're flying and you can keep on going forever.
00:03:31It was a perfectly delightful idea.
00:03:33Thirst already?
00:03:36Are you ready for the lift, Chef?
00:03:39Gypsy, you really ought to try it.
00:03:41It's a brand new feeling.
00:03:42You mean I've missed one?
00:03:44Had enough for today?
00:03:46Yes, Joe.
00:03:47I'm expecting Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones.
00:03:50They've been out seeing the sights.
00:03:52I hope the sights are tied down.
00:03:54Will Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith want to take a lesson today?
00:03:57Yes, I think they'll probably be wanting to take one all night.
00:04:00Well, I doubt that.
00:04:02There's a cougar on a rampage in this area.
00:04:04I don't think I'd be frightened with you around.
00:04:07Mr. Jackson looks as though he could take care of anything, doesn't he, Alex?
00:04:12Happiness Lodge.
00:04:14Your place is well named, Joe.
00:04:17I like it.
00:04:18Mighty hard place to get to, though.
00:04:20I like that, too.
00:04:22I bet you are hard to get to.
00:04:27Hiya, boss.
00:04:28Have a good time?
00:04:29Good enough, boss.
00:04:30Boy, this place is great.
00:04:32We went through a barn full of horses,
00:04:34and we took Polaroid pictures of people skiing and fishing.
00:04:38Oh, yeah, and, uh, we found a mine.
00:04:42Gypsy and I are going back to the lodge.
00:04:44I think it might be a good idea for you two to stay up here
00:04:47and let Mr. Jackson show you the ropes.
00:04:49He'll need one to hold him up.
00:04:51They'd better learn if we're going to make that cross-country run tomorrow.
00:04:56Drop by the lodge later.
00:04:58I'd like to take a look at those pictures.
00:04:59Right, boss.
00:05:00Let's go, Gypsy.
00:05:07What are you trying to do?
00:05:08Make that yokel suspicious?
00:05:10Did I do something wrong, my sweet?
00:05:14Someday I'm going to shut that pretty little mouth of yours for good.
00:05:19Nothing but promises.
00:05:38Well, that's fine.
00:05:39You're both doing very well.
00:05:41It's just a matter of practice.
00:05:42We'll have plenty of that tomorrow on the cross-country.
00:05:44Listen, Gil, when you make that turn,
00:05:47how do you do that thing you told us about?
00:05:50I've been doing pretty well.
00:05:52It's a question of getting your weight distributed over the seas in the right way.
00:05:56Is it okay if I leave these here until tomorrow?
00:05:58I'll wear the boots.
00:05:59That'll be fine.
00:06:01Is that your dog?
00:06:03He's half mine.
00:06:05Will he bite me if I pet him?
00:06:06No, he's very affectionate.
00:06:08Well, they say a dog always mirrors his master.
00:06:11Oh, excuse me, co-master.
00:06:14What's your name?
00:06:16Oh, how do you do?
00:06:18My name's Jack.
00:06:20Oh, really?
00:06:22No, I was only kidding.
00:06:23It's Marty.
00:06:24How long have you been here?
00:06:26All my life.
00:06:27No, I mean here at the ski shop.
00:06:29I started this year.
00:06:32You've never skied before?
00:06:33Oh, yeah, I've skied.
00:06:34I'm just, you know, kind of brushing up.
00:06:39It's funny.
00:06:40Every time I look at you, I smile.
00:06:47Did I tell you I knitted this sweater?
00:06:49It's a great color.
00:06:51What is it?
00:06:52Cedar brown.
00:06:53Funky color.
00:06:55Will you knit me one?
00:06:57You'll have to get in line.
00:07:00I mean, you like to knit.
00:07:01Is that your thing?
00:07:03I like to do things with my hands.
00:07:06I'm going to take up painting when I get the nerve.
00:07:09All you have to do is to start painting.
00:07:11I don't know anything about it.
00:07:13Well, you don't have to know anything about it.
00:07:15All you have to do is to do it.
00:07:17Well, who knew anything when they first started painting?
00:07:20What if it's bad?
00:07:21It's no bad or good.
00:07:22If it's what you like to do, do it.
00:07:25I wish I had known that about six years ago.
00:07:28I wanted to do something, but I was afraid.
00:07:32You shouldn't smoke, you know.
00:07:33It's bad for your lungs.
00:07:36How old are you?
00:07:38I don't like to tell.
00:07:39How old do you think I am?
00:07:45How old are you?
00:07:47How old do you think I am?
00:07:57You're not married, are you?
00:08:00Would you like to have dinner?
00:08:01I don't know you.
00:08:02You got a boyfriend?
00:08:06I have to cook dinner every night for my brother.
00:08:08Well, that's okay.
00:08:09I'll give him a quarter to go to the movies.
00:08:12Hi, Gil.
00:08:13I see you met Mr. Jones.
00:08:15Call me Marty.
00:08:16Hi, Gil.
00:08:17Visit my brother.
00:08:19Well, I think I'd better give him a buck.
00:08:23I'm taking Mr. Jones and his friends on a cross-country trip to the cabin tomorrow.
00:08:28We'll be leaving pretty early in the morning, so you and I will have to go over those orders tonight.
00:08:32Sorry, Gil.
00:08:33Sure, Gil.
00:08:39Gil and Gil, that's kind of cute.
00:08:43We don't have much imagination around these parts.
00:08:46But I guess Gil and Gil is about as original as Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones.
00:08:52Could we have another patrolman at the bottom of number one chair right now?
00:09:00Oh, give me a home where the weightlifters roam.
00:09:06Where the rough and the rugged ones play.
00:09:13Where there's never a sound and heaven was bound.
00:09:23Who put vermouth in this?
00:09:26We're not happy yet.
00:09:27I said shut up.
00:09:29Picture's okay, boss?
00:09:31You could have gotten some more of the mine area.
00:09:33What's the boat like?
00:09:35A crack of box with an iron door.
00:09:42I think we got a classic going here.
00:09:45Marty, tonight you're going to go up and plant the charges in the mine, right?
00:09:50Tomorrow morning at 8.30, Gypsy is going to take the cowboy up on the ski lift to get him out of the way.
00:09:57At 9 o'clock, the mine blows.
00:10:01And everybody runs to see the disaster.
00:10:04It'll look big.
00:10:06Then we move into the administration building, make the heist, grab the ski lift, and meet the other two at the top for the trip.
00:10:18Simple as you, boy.
00:10:20So then we wait at Jackson's cabin until Passer shows with the plane, right?
00:10:29Come in.
00:10:32Hello, Gil.
00:10:35How are the leg muscles?
00:10:37Oh, they're a little sore, but I think they're going to be all right.
00:10:41Say, I need about $20 for supplies.
00:10:47I'd like you to reconsider taking this cross-country run.
00:10:50It's two days to the cabin.
00:10:52If anything happens, we're out of luck.
00:10:54Well, don't worry.
00:10:55If Byron breaks a leg, we can always shoot him.
00:10:58Hiya, Jackson.
00:10:59Did you get that cougar?
00:11:02Go ahead, Miss Brulette.
00:11:06I'll see you later.
00:11:07Won't you have a drink with us?
00:11:08Mr. Jackson has to get things ready for the trip tomorrow.
00:11:13We'd like to leave between 8 and 8.30.
00:11:15Is that all right, Gil?
00:11:16That's fine.
00:11:19I'll see you later.
00:11:25People like that really exist?
00:11:27Not for you, Charles.
00:11:28Not for me, Charles, because I'm with you, Sam.
00:11:32You know, the happy little people enjoying their freedom.
00:12:00Go, see, go, and around we go.
00:12:05What kind of freedom is that?
00:12:08They're all tied down to their petty little futures.
00:12:13Might be nice to have a future, even a petty little one.
00:12:17What's bugging you, Charles?
00:12:21Don't you like the set-up anymore?
00:12:23Anymore? It's been a long time.
00:12:27You're wrong. Nothing's changed.
00:12:31Maybe I have, Charles.
00:12:37What's with your friends?
00:12:39They're spending.
00:12:41Scotch on the rocks, three bourbons with branches,
00:12:43one daiquiri and two gin fizzes.
00:12:45Hi, Gil.
00:12:46Hi, Natalie.
00:12:58I think I feel like a little dance.
00:13:02Just stay put, Charles.
00:13:17Howdy, cowboy.
00:13:18Howdy yourself.
00:13:20Where's Natalie?
00:13:21She was here a minute ago.
00:13:25Come on, nature boy, I want to dance.
00:13:29Wait a minute, what goes on behind that great silent face of yours?
00:13:54Nothing clever enough to interest you, I'm afraid.
00:13:56Well, we don't have to be clever all the time.
00:13:59I can talk about the important things, like nature.
00:14:04What do you think of nature, Gil?
00:14:06I guess it's pretty natural.
00:14:11Do you have a girl?
00:14:13Two or three.
00:14:15Well, I don't think that's enough.
00:15:04Hey, what's that in there?
00:15:05Part of the broken boot mine.
00:15:08Oh, yeah?
00:15:10Let's go take a look.
00:15:12I didn't expect to see this time of night.
00:15:15Besides, it's kind of spooky in the dark.
00:15:19And they spin this big cat around.
00:15:23Well, this, uh, maybe it'll take care of any little, uh, pussy cats.
00:15:29How come you pack a gun?
00:15:32Well, Gil Jackson told me about the cougar.
00:15:37Come on, take a look, come on.
00:15:38What are you going to do now?
00:15:40I've never seen a gold mine before.
00:15:41I want to take a look.
00:15:51Come on.
00:16:05You wait here a minute.
00:16:34You wait here a minute.
00:17:03Did you have a big ball down there?
00:17:30Is that pretty blonde woman your wife?
00:17:35She's my boss's, uh, secretary.
00:17:39Oh, I get it.
00:17:44You sure can do your share of drinking.
00:17:47You sure can do your share of talking.
00:18:14Stop it.
00:18:32Stop what?
00:18:34Staring at him.
00:18:36Staring at who?
00:18:39The cowboy.
00:18:42I'm not staring at the cowboy.
00:18:47I'm staring at the days of blind dates and Barbie socks.
00:18:52Chocolate moths.
00:18:55Have you seen Natalie?
00:18:57The dark-haired girl that serves drinks here.
00:19:01I used to be a dark-haired girl.
00:19:05I'm still serving.
00:19:09She was here an hour ago.
00:19:10Sorry, I can't help you.
00:19:16I can't even help myself.
00:19:21I'll be back in a minute.
00:19:29What's the matter with you?
00:19:35Did something go wrong?
00:19:44Come on, talk.
00:19:46I told you.
00:19:48I told you.
00:19:50You told me nothing.
00:19:53I told you.
00:19:56Did you set the charges?
00:19:59At nine o'clock?
00:20:04What's bothering you?
00:20:07You killed that good-looking chick.
00:20:09What chick?
00:20:13You mean the girl who works in the bar?
00:20:16You took that girl...
00:20:32What happened to him?
00:20:34Stupid idiot.
00:20:35I know all that.
00:20:38He took the barmaid to the mine.
00:20:40And somehow managed to let her get knocked up.
00:20:43Knocked up?
00:20:47She's dead?
00:20:48The dark-haired girl?
00:20:50I don't know.
00:20:52Maybe the cougar got her.
00:20:56It wasn't any cougar.
00:20:58I saw this thing and I saw this egg right down in the shaft where I planted the charge.
00:21:06Are you going to blow up that mine tomorrow?
00:21:10At nine o'clock.
00:21:12That means that you and Nature Boy will be at the top of the ski lift at 8.30.
00:21:19You're going to blow up that mine?
00:21:21Kill all those people?
00:21:25Alex, you're not even a mass murderer.
00:21:29Just a few bars of coke.
00:21:32Tomorrow's Sunday.
00:21:33Nobody works.
00:21:43You all set for the big adventure?
00:21:45You certainly look bright and shiny this morning.
00:21:47You expecting maybe a hangover?
00:21:49I'm certainly not a girl from a soap commercial.
00:21:52Good morning.
00:21:53At that time already?
00:21:55You were the one that said 8.
00:21:56That must have been out of my mind.
00:21:58I just checked on Marty and Byron.
00:21:59They're still out.
00:22:03Look, why don't you two go on up to the ski lift?
00:22:08The boys and I will have breakfast and join you later.
00:22:11No last chance to talk you out of this?
00:22:14What are the state police doing way up here?
00:22:19Natalie, the cocktail waitress, took off last night.
00:22:22She hasn't been seen since.
00:22:24Oh, I see.
00:22:27Well, look, why don't you two get started,
00:22:29and we'll join you in about half an hour, okay?
00:22:31Okay, we'll be there.
00:22:33Shall we all?
00:22:41Hey, Whitney!
00:22:43Get to the top!
00:23:13It's starting.
00:23:35The worst part of the trip's over.
00:23:37Thanks to the lift.
00:23:41Where do we go from here?
00:23:44That's where we came from and where we should be heading back.
00:23:48That's the way to my cabin.
00:24:00It looks cold and desolate.
00:24:02It is.
00:24:14Let's go.
00:24:27Let's go.
00:24:55Let's go.
00:25:03Let's go.
00:25:28Let's go.
00:25:37Look at all that gold!
00:25:39Hey, can we take more than six?
00:25:40Do it, please.
00:25:41That's all we can handle.
00:25:52Well, what do you think of me?
00:25:54What do you mean?
00:25:56First time you've seen me sober, isn't it?
00:25:59I'm paid to teach people how to ski, not to think about them.
00:26:02I'm always making scenes like that one last night.
00:26:05Don't you ever make scenes, Gil?
00:26:07I try not to.
00:26:08Well, you don't have to.
00:26:09You can go away to your cabin and burrow in the snow.
00:26:12Some people have all the luck.
00:26:14I think you make your own luck.
00:26:16No, you're wrong.
00:26:17Your luck makes you.
00:26:19I was your lucky one, and look what it did.
00:26:23Got a cigarette?
00:26:40Come on, get with it.
00:27:13Getting cold?
00:27:14I got 64% antifreeze in my veins.
00:27:18You talk like a faded woman regretting a misspent life.
00:27:30Here goes the roly coaster!
00:27:34Here goes the roly coaster!
00:27:37Oh, my lady!
00:27:41How old are you, Gil?
00:27:46You like to ski.
00:27:47You like to be alone.
00:27:49Things about the same for you as they were 10 years ago, right?
00:27:52Pretty much.
00:27:5410 years ago, I was 16.
00:27:5910 million years ago.
00:28:04You must have done a lot.
00:28:06I've done everything.
00:28:08So I have my whole life ahead of me, and yours is all used up.
00:28:13Not quite.
00:28:15Here comes the rest of mine on that chairlift.
00:28:28Let's go.
00:28:31Hail, hail, the gang's all here.
00:28:35Are you sure you know what you're in for?
00:28:37This cross-country ski run is something I've been dreaming about ever since I was a little kid.
00:28:41When were you ever a little kid, Charles?
00:28:48Everybody stick close and follow my lead.
00:28:50Okay, Gil.
00:28:51Here we go.
00:29:21Here we go.
00:29:36Here we go.
00:30:05We'll camp here for the night.
00:30:23Go to places we're going to find.
00:30:25I've never been so tired in all my life.
00:30:28Not me.
00:30:29I feel wonderful.
00:30:31I got just the thing to fix you up.
00:30:33Yeah, what?
00:30:34We need firewood.
00:30:39What's wrong with you?
00:30:41We're being followed.
00:30:45I've been feeling it on the back of my neck all day.
00:30:47You need a haircut.
00:30:49Hey, you're getting pretty useless.
00:30:52Don't laugh, Byron.
00:30:53That old tingling, you saved many a trapper and prospector.
00:30:58Here's to the old tingling from an old prospector.
00:31:03What about that wood?
00:31:04Well, I'll tell you.
00:31:06If I can get up here, the spirit's willing.
00:31:09Oh, man.
00:31:12Now stay put.
00:31:14I'll be back in a few minutes.
00:31:16And while I'm gone, you can start packing down the snow.
00:31:26What's taking you?
00:31:28Hey, you gotta forget that girl.
00:31:29I'm not thinking about her.
00:31:31Well, what are you thinking about?
00:31:32The thing that got her.
00:31:34Now, it saw me, and it means to get me.
00:31:36And that's what's been following us.
00:31:38You're a bundle of cheer.
00:31:40You better snap out of it fast, smart boy.
00:31:42Yeah, sure.
00:31:43You know, day after tomorrow,
00:31:44the pastor's gonna come out here with his ski plane,
00:31:45and we're off to Canada to spring a loose.
00:31:54You knock off the funny talk with nature, boy.
00:31:56You can't stop me from talking.
00:31:59Come with me.
00:32:29Come with me.
00:32:59Come on.
00:33:29What's the matter?
00:33:51What's the matter?
00:33:53Look at his face!
00:33:54Marty, what happened?
00:33:58Go back to sleep.
00:33:59Why don't you turn in?
00:34:00I'll take the rest of your watch.
00:34:01Nobody takes my watch.
00:34:03I still got two hours left to go,
00:34:04and I don't want to be a burden on anybody.
00:34:09Finish your watch, and I'm going back to the sack.
00:34:13Anybody that wants this bad watch has gotta be a kook.
00:34:17I'm going back to sleep before the next thrilling episode.
00:34:20Are you sure you're all right?
00:34:21I don't mind it.
00:34:22I told you, I'll take the watch.
00:34:25All right.
00:34:39One, two, three, four!
00:34:42Hands on hips!
00:34:46One, two, three, four!
00:34:48One, two, three, four!
00:34:52Take a look at this.
00:35:04Look at this.
00:35:07What is it?
00:35:08Some kind of tracks.
00:35:10I've never seen anything like it before.
00:35:12Must have passed through here during the night.
00:35:16You were on guard last night.
00:35:17What happened?
00:35:19Nothing you can handle.
00:35:20What kind of an answer is that?
00:35:23You were on guard all last night.
00:35:24Did you see something or didn't you?
00:35:27What I saw, you wouldn't believe.
00:35:29Look, I'm getting sick and tired of this.
00:35:31What did you see last night?
00:35:37Maybe I can help you to remember.
00:35:39Oh, that would be nice.
00:35:40We could take turns sitting up with him and his friend.
00:35:43Come on, Alex.
00:35:44Let's go.
00:36:36I told you we'd make it, Gil.
00:36:38It was mostly downhill.
00:36:39So what?
00:36:40What about the return trip?
00:36:42It looks like a nice place.
00:36:43Maybe we'll stay.
00:36:46We should head back before dawn if we're going to make a campsite by nightfall.
00:36:54Oh, isn't that the idea?
00:36:56Well, Gil, we're all a little tired.
00:36:59Couldn't we stay over a day and rest?
00:37:01That's fine with me.
00:37:03I'd like you to meet my housekeeper.
00:37:07As I was starting to say, I'd like you to meet my housekeeper, Small Dove.
00:37:15How do you do, Small Dove?
00:37:17How do you do?
00:37:18You'll have to forgive my son.
00:37:19His head was run over by a horse last night.
00:37:31About time for chow.
00:37:45Say, Gil, tell me something.
00:37:48How much land you got here?
00:37:50Oh, about 20 acres.
00:37:53Does this lake get pretty solidly frozen over?
00:37:56Yeah, it's pretty frozen.
00:37:58But I wouldn't try walking on it.
00:38:01Say, Gil, how much money can you make as a ski instructor?
00:38:05Well, you can't make as much money here as you could at a place like Aspen.
00:38:09But I could buy.
00:38:11Will you make enough money to live on and be happy?
00:38:13Well, sure.
00:38:14You can't base happiness on the amount of money you make.
00:38:17Well, I'm not knocking money, but there are other things.
00:38:21Besides, I got this property and a ski shop.
00:38:23Well, basically, you do pretty good then.
00:38:25Yeah, it works out okay.
00:38:27And nobody's your boss?
00:38:28Well, nobody tells me what to do, if that's what you mean.
00:38:32Well, don't you have to keep pushing, or don't you feel like taking it easy?
00:38:36Well, I like what I'm doing.
00:38:39I think that's about as easy as you can take it.
00:38:42We better go on in.
00:38:44Small Dog's probably got dinner ready.
00:38:59I think I know why Byron eats like that.
00:39:02Why's that?
00:39:03He has to keep himself stuffed to prevent his brain from slipping down his throat into his stomach.
00:39:09Now let's pause for a brief look at the news.
00:39:12The biggest story to hit the Black Hills since the murder of Wild Bill Hickok
00:39:16was Sunday's sensational robbery at the Broken Boot Mine in Deadwood.
00:39:21Authorities believe the bandits could not have left the vicinity by the single daily train
00:39:26and therefore must be hiding out somewhere in the area.
00:39:29Police also believe that the simultaneous mine explosion
00:39:32in which watchman Leonard Wilsey lost his life
00:39:34was in some way connected with the robbery, perhaps as a diversion.
00:39:38In a moment, the weather...
00:39:39Can you beat that?
00:39:41It must have happened right after we left.
00:39:43Yes, or we'd have heard about it.
00:39:45The weatherman says snow and heavy overcast for Deadwood and Leed all day Tuesday
00:39:48with strong winds Wednesday, possibly clearing Thursday.
00:39:51And now, back to music in a mellow mood.
00:39:53Will the weather be the same here as it is in town?
00:39:56Just about.
00:39:58I hope it clears for the trip back.
00:40:00Better clear tomorrow.
00:40:02Why tomorrow?
00:40:04We're staying here, remember?
00:40:30Come on, Byron, I've never cut a buffalo rug before.
00:40:33Well, I hope I'm sharp enough.
00:40:38What do you do up here on these long winter nights, Gil?
00:40:42Read, mostly.
00:40:44What kind of stuff?
00:40:46Sometimes I just flip open the encyclopedia.
00:40:50There's something interesting on almost every page.
00:40:53Don't you ever have a yen to cut out and make the big city?
00:40:57What for?
00:41:00Well, let's live it.
00:41:05I went to San Francisco once.
00:41:08I was there for about a week.
00:41:10I think I saw just about everything there was to see in that length of time.
00:41:14You didn't like it?
00:41:16No, it was wonderful.
00:41:19There's something about these mountains and trees.
00:41:24Makes everything else kind of insignificant.
00:41:28Well, I guess it takes all kinds.
00:41:32It's your turn, mountain man.
00:41:34Man, man, mountain, mountain.
00:41:36Mountain man, I think you're lovely.
00:41:50Marty, drop it.
00:41:52Byron, put that away.
00:41:54Everything over?
00:41:56Please forgive my outburst, Gil.
00:41:59I'm afraid I have a bad temper.
00:42:02I can't say much for any of you.
00:42:05You know how much trouble I've had from this broad.
00:42:20Nice going.
00:42:22Don't step out of line, cowboy.
00:42:25For the moment, you're a guest here.
00:42:28I'll thank you to keep your hands off Miss Bullett.
00:42:31I'll treat my secretary any way I feel like it.
00:42:34You can keep your nose out of it.
00:42:36Unless you want a .38 caliber nose job.
00:42:49Where are you going?
00:42:57It'll be fun taking care of that joker.
00:42:59Nothing moves till the plane gets here.
00:43:02And I'll take care of him myself.
00:43:06But if you're not doing anything, you can go outside and build a fire.
00:43:10Keep it going.
00:43:12Just in case that idiot Tasser tries to come in ahead of the storm.
00:43:29Thanks for the big try, Galahad.
00:43:33Fortunately, I do that sort of thing all the time.
00:43:36Alex had a perfect right to slap me.
00:43:42Maybe I'll kill him someday, but I can't blame him for being sore.
00:43:46Why don't you get out?
00:43:49That's what I keep telling myself.
00:43:54But I know I'll never have the guts.
00:43:58I've become part of Alex.
00:44:01Maybe a sick part, but a permanent one.
00:44:04What are you really afraid of?
00:44:07I was an underpaid model in a wholesale house.
00:44:11And I met Alex.
00:44:14And I met Alex.
00:44:16He was young and loaded.
00:44:18I liked the way he pushed me around.
00:44:21I liked Ben.
00:44:23And now it's too late to go back.
00:44:26And I don't know if I really want to go back.
00:44:32I don't know what I want.
00:44:35But I know I'd rather have Alex than nothing at all.
00:44:38You're selling yourself short.
00:44:42There's a law of supply and demand, mister.
00:44:46And I don't hear any bidders.
00:45:12Well, maybe I can let it go for tonight.
00:45:23There's something out there.
00:45:41What's that?
00:46:11What's that?
00:46:29Hey, take it easy, huh?
00:46:31I'm sorry, baby. I'm not Lawrence Nightingale.
00:46:35Do these backwoods stations have any news during the night?
00:46:38Why are you so concerned with the news?
00:46:41It affects business.
00:46:44There's a threat of war.
00:46:46People stop buying fireworks.
00:46:49Winter to you.
00:46:51In a moment, the weather.
00:46:53Which leads them to believe they are still in the area.
00:46:56There are no further clues.
00:46:58On the weather picture, forecasters warn that the new low moving in from Canada
00:47:01will bring blizzards to portions of the Dakotas sometime before Wednesday noon.
00:47:06In other parts of the country, blizzards.
00:47:09What's your worry?
00:47:11It might not come anywhere near here.
00:47:13Meanwhile, we can take it easy.
00:47:16Or are you in a hurry to get somewhere?
00:47:20What's that supposed to mean?
00:47:22Just a question.
00:47:25There you go. All fixed up.
00:47:27Thanks, Jan.
00:47:29Hot milk and graham crackers.
00:47:32For me?
00:47:33You were very brave.
00:47:42Feeling any better?
00:47:44Never better.
00:47:46It was a pretty dumb stunt you pulled.
00:47:49I pulled it on my own time.
00:47:51What time?
00:47:53You've got a 24 hour a day job.
00:47:56But my business with that baby outside is strictly personal.
00:47:59It's the most personal thing that's ever happened to me.
00:48:02So far.
00:48:04Any more questions?
00:48:08Take him to bed.
00:48:24How many people do you have working for you in Chicago?
00:48:29Oh, about 200.
00:48:34You must have quite a turn on her.
00:48:38Good night.
00:48:57Looking for Tasser?
00:48:59He won't try to make it with a storm coming up.
00:49:02Doesn't make any difference anyway.
00:49:05Let's take a walk.
00:49:24Work is a beautiful thing when somebody else is doing it.
00:49:27You should try it sometime.
00:49:29Take him in the act.
00:49:30Probably chop your leg off.
00:49:32Oh, it's a leg one way or the other.
00:49:35Well, it wouldn't matter if it was just any old leg.
00:49:40I didn't think you'd notice.
00:49:47Still, I'm beginning to understand how you feel about this place.
00:49:52It's comfortable and warm.
00:49:55At night I like to listen to the wind trying to get in.
00:49:59You think it ever will?
00:50:01Not while I've got two hands to hold it back.
00:50:10You know they're going to kill you.
00:50:17You don't seem very surprised.
00:50:21No, I'm not.
00:50:30How did they figure to get out of here?
00:50:32There's a plane coming. It was due this morning.
00:50:37Probably delayed by the weather.
00:50:39Then we were going to go to Canada.
00:50:41We're going?
00:50:43I would like to stick around if you have me.
00:50:46I haven't really thought about it.
00:50:50It's not true.
00:50:52Well, maybe not completely.
00:50:56Damn it.
00:50:58I didn't know anything about that killing until I heard it over the radio.
00:51:13You don't know me.
00:51:15And I don't know you at all.
00:51:18You got it in your mind you want to return to nature.
00:51:21And I'm part of it.
00:51:23But what happens when you get bored?
00:51:26How do you know what I think?
00:51:28I don't know.
00:51:30I wish I did.
00:51:33I know one thing for sure.
00:51:36I'm sending Smalldove back to her relatives.
00:51:39And I'm heading back to blow the whistle on your friends.
00:51:44If you still want to come along,
00:51:46meet me between 6 and 6.30 on the ridge where we first saw the cabin.
00:51:53I'll see you there.
00:52:23Strong-looking woman, that Smalldove.
00:52:27Big pelican.
00:52:29Too bad we have to kill her.
00:52:33Why knock her off?
00:52:36I kind of like that hefty old squaw.
00:52:40When Tassar comes, she goes.
00:52:43Along with Marty and the cowboy.
00:52:45Marty sure is flip.
00:52:47He's dangerous.
00:52:50Do you really think he saw something?
00:52:54Yeah, a big snowman.
00:52:56Hey boss, I found it.
00:52:58Found what?
00:53:08The cougar's cave.
00:53:18More than 50 people paid their last respects to Leonard Wilsey,
00:53:21who was tragically killed in a mine explosion last Sunday.
00:53:24And that's the news up to 5 o'clock.
00:53:26Where's Davy Crockett?
00:53:28He went hunting.
00:53:30Hunting at night?
00:53:32Left about four, hunting a deer.
00:53:34A venison hunter.
00:53:36Sounds great.
00:53:38When was the last time we had venison, Alex?
00:53:40I don't know.
00:53:42Two years ago at the Key Club.
00:53:44At the Key Club?
00:53:50You can only afford venison on your birthday, Alex.
00:53:54Out here, all it takes is a sense of nature and a strong hand on the trigger.
00:54:01We're running out with them out tonight.
00:54:05Why don't you drink and get fractured?
00:54:08You'll be normal.
00:54:10What did we do on my birthday that year, Alex?
00:54:13Your birthday?
00:54:15When is my birthday, Alex?
00:54:20Can't remember.
00:54:22Well, that year we spent my birthday in Florida.
00:54:27Pulled a bankroll robbery at Miami Fireworks Company.
00:54:31Oh, yeah, I remember.
00:54:34Killed two birds with one stone.
00:54:38Got $150,000 and put the southern competition out of business.
00:54:43Many happy returns.
00:54:45You're acting mighty peculiar tonight.
00:54:48What are we going to do after this job, Alex?
00:54:51Oh, same things we always do. Why?
00:54:54I've got an idea. Why not retire?
00:54:58You're a rich man, Alex.
00:55:00You've picked the bones of a thousand boobs who haven't had enough money to catch your eye.
00:55:04You don't have to take chances anymore.
00:55:07Why not quit?
00:55:19Sure, I'm a rich man, Charles.
00:55:22And you're letting high because of...
00:55:25I picked the bones of a thousand boobs,
00:55:27and I'll pick the bones of a thousand more because they are boobs.
00:55:30And they deserve exactly what they get.
00:55:32Does that old man deserve what he got?
00:55:35Every day some old man steps in front of a car.
00:55:41I'll send flowers, but I'll never quit.
00:55:44What are his plans?
00:55:47Here's a late highway warning.
00:55:49The west side of Strawberry Canyon Road is now closed,
00:55:51and will be for at least another hour.
00:55:53Motorists are again warned not to drive unless absolutely necessary.
00:55:56I guess it works.
00:55:58It's expected to last through the night.
00:56:01And now a request for Mrs. Bertie Arnold in Deadwood
00:56:04from the music memory album.
00:56:07Where are you going, Charles?
00:56:09For a walk, Charles.
00:56:12For a walk, Charles.
00:56:20Follow him.
00:56:23Hey, boss, I just figured it out.
00:56:26It's Pa.
00:56:29What's Pa?
00:56:30Him against the wall.
00:56:32He's been driving me crazy.
00:56:35Get out of here.
00:57:04Where's she going?
00:57:05To be away.
00:57:06I gotta follow her.
00:57:07No, you stay with me.
00:57:21Hey, sweetheart, this ain't no time for romance.
00:57:26Are you hungry?
00:57:27Look, sweetheart, I gotta follow her.
00:57:29The boss told me to.
00:58:03Thank you for waiting.
00:58:05Thanks for coming.
00:58:12Do you really mean that?
00:58:14I usually mean what I say.
00:58:17How do you know I'm not just trying to save my own skin?
00:58:21It'd be easier for you to tell Alex and let him finish me.
00:58:24It would have been easier, but it would have been impossible.
00:58:37We better get started before the blizzard.
00:58:39Long way back.
00:58:50Snap out of it, Byron, snap out of it.
00:58:53I see that you gentlemen have changed your ideas about my eyesight.
00:58:56Shut up.
00:58:57You got small now.
00:58:58Well, maybe it'll be satisfied with it.
00:59:00Not by a long shot.
00:59:02It knows who it's after.
00:59:04We gotta do something.
00:59:05We'll do nothing but stay put.
00:59:07It hasn't tried to get into the cabin yet.
00:59:10As a matter of fact, it ran from us.
00:59:11It didn't run from us.
00:59:13It ran from the fire that Byron threw at it.
00:59:15Well, it doesn't make any difference what chased it away.
00:59:19We're out here on a job.
00:59:21We can't afford to have any nightmares.
00:59:23Okay, okay.
00:59:28I never saw such an animal.
00:59:31What is it?
00:59:34I saw pieces of an egg in the mine.
00:59:39Where it got Natalie.
00:59:41Now, that could have been buried there for millions of years.
00:59:44Until the men working on the mine found it.
00:59:46Stop it.
00:59:47I don't care what it is.
00:59:49I don't care if it chews up the whole state.
00:59:51I don't care if it came from Mars or happened by spontaneous combustion.
00:59:56We're going to Canada with a load of gold, so forget it.
01:00:00It'll get us.
01:00:01It'll get nothing.
01:00:03It got small, though.
01:00:05It'll probably get Gypsy, too.
01:00:11Where is she?
01:00:13I saw her leaning on her skis.
01:00:16The cowboy didn't come back yet, either.
01:00:19Gypsy and the cowboy.
01:00:23They deserve each other.
01:00:33Where do you think they went?
01:00:36They probably went back to town.
01:00:40I'm going to get some soup.
01:00:42You should probably tell them about the robbery.
01:00:46I'll get the skis ready.
01:00:48We'd never catch them now.
01:00:51What are we going to do?
01:00:56They'll probably run into that blizzard pretty soon.
01:01:00Then they'll either have to hold up or turn back.
01:01:03There's a giant cave right near here.
01:01:06That's the only place they can't hold up.
01:01:09How do you know about the cave?
01:01:12That's where I follow the cougar.
01:01:15All right.
01:01:17I'll try it.
01:01:30Can we beat the storm?
01:01:32Not a chance.
01:01:34What do we do?
01:01:36We'll have to turn back.
01:01:38I knew it was too good to be true.
01:01:41I knew I'd never get away.
01:01:43Don't worry.
01:01:45We're not whipped yet.
01:01:48I know of a haunted cave not far from here.
01:01:51You're not afraid of ghosts.
01:01:53We'll wait there until the storm blows over.
01:01:55Anytime your broomstick is ready.
01:02:00I'm hungry.
01:02:03I can't hear you, boss.
01:02:05Why not?
01:02:07He left.
01:02:12Where did that idiot go?
01:02:14Don't ask me, boss.
01:02:17Maybe he's chasing that intruder.
01:02:20I don't think so.
01:02:22I don't think so.
01:02:24I don't think so.
01:02:27Maybe he's chasing that Indian.
01:02:34I'll let him go.
01:02:39You know, Jackson told me that the Black Hills are a sacred Indian country.
01:02:44They keep bad medicine for evil men from foreign lands.
01:02:51He must have heard we were coming.
01:02:54We don't need Byron.
01:02:58I don't think we need anybody.
01:03:24The Black Hills
01:03:54The Black Hills
01:04:24The Black Hills
01:04:54The Black Hills
01:05:21Go back.
01:05:23Go back.
01:05:25I've come to help you.
01:05:26You can't help now.
01:05:28I've got to work fast.
01:05:35Is she still alive?
01:05:37Yes, but she has no mind.
01:05:41The Black Hills
01:05:52It's nice of the cowboy to leave these things laying around.
01:05:55What are they?
01:05:57Buried pistols.
01:05:59What are they for?
01:06:01They're used to fire flares.
01:06:03They can be seen from miles away.
01:06:05They're not going to signal anybody.
01:06:07We can use them to light the cave, can't we?
01:06:22We've still got a chance.
01:06:28Marty's coming.
01:06:31He knows the monster's here.
01:06:34He's going to get it.
01:06:46It's sucking her blood.
01:06:52Kill her.
01:07:02He's coming at me.
01:07:04He's going to get me.
01:07:06Get away from me.
01:07:08Come on.
01:07:10Come on.
01:07:12Come on.
01:07:32They must be here.
01:07:34How are they now?
01:07:36I made a very good guess.
01:07:38Stay here.
01:07:40Be careful, Kelly.
01:08:02The Black Hills
01:09:32Gypsy, get back.
01:10:03Black Hills
01:10:16Stop wiggling or I'll break your neck.
01:10:19Where's the cowboy?
01:10:21Help me.
01:10:24I'll take care of both of you.
01:10:27He borrowed me to go with him.
01:10:30So that's how it was, huh?
01:10:35He's in there with all the guns.
01:10:38Let's take it.
01:10:40You lead the way. No tricks.
01:10:51Hold on to her.
01:11:01Good Lord.
01:11:04Watch out, girl.
01:11:11Buddy. Buddy.
01:12:00The End