00:54In two years when we are married, soon one dear heart ne'er to be...
01:01Soon one dear heart ne'er to be...
01:07Soon one dear heart ne'er to be...
01:19Coming, Captain Drummond.
01:22You rang, sir?
01:23Yes, I rang.
01:24Now, why didn't you come the first time I called?
01:26Because the cook is deaf, sir.
01:29Are we playing a game, Tenny?
01:31No, sir.
01:32Then riddle me the reason you didn't come because cook is deaf.
01:34Because if she were not deaf, sir, she would have heard you.
01:37And if she had heard you, she would have called me.
01:40And if she had called you, you would have heard her,
01:42I would have heard her, and I would have come to you, sir.
01:45Now, you win, Tenny.
01:47What, sir?
01:55Now, where were we?
01:56If you mean where was I, sir, I was outside with the corks later.
01:59The fog is very thick,
02:01and you're afraid that Colonel Nielsen and Miss Clevering
02:05wouldn't see them.
02:06See them?
02:07The gates.
02:08Oh, well, you'll let them, of course.
02:09The gates, sir.
02:11I know, Tenny.
02:12The lantern's on the gates.
02:13Oh, yes, sir.
02:15Well, now that we're out of the fog,
02:17let's see if you can help me.
02:24I have written a poem.
02:26Not really, sir.
02:27Yes, really.
02:28Here, read this.
02:30Very well.
02:31The first letters of each line taken in order
02:33spell a young lady's name.
02:40Go ahead, read it.
02:42I am, sir.
02:44Perhaps you'll know when this you see
02:47how much, my dear, you mean to me.
02:50You brought new joy into my days,
02:53love has me kept.
02:55Love has me kept.
02:59Cured in its maze
03:01long seem the hours through which I gaze
03:04into the years when we are married
03:07soon one dear heart ne'er to be...
03:14It's a bit on the feathery side, don't you think, sir?
03:18The feathery side?
03:19Oh, definitely, sir.
03:21Oh, Tenny, I want help, not criticism.
03:26What rhymes with married?
03:30Harried, sir.
03:31Oh, no, no, no, Tenny. Harried doesn't go with...
03:35You speak with the voice of inexperience, sir.
03:38You don't like the idea of my getting married, do you, Tenny?
03:41May I speak freely, sir?
03:42Of course.
03:43No, sir, I do not.
03:45But why, Tenny, why? I want to be married.
03:47There's an old saying,
03:48marry in haste and repent at leisure, sir.
03:52Phyllis, Miss Clavering is different, Tenny.
03:54She is probably at the door, sir.
03:56Shall I answer it?
03:57No, Tenny.
03:58I shall answer it.
03:59Here, hold this.
04:08Just a moment, young fellow.
04:11Hello, Colonel.
04:14I have your favorite cheese souffle just as you ordered.
04:17Try and hold it for me.
04:18I've got to meet the Seven O'Clock Express.
04:20There's some important papers from the yard.
04:22What's up at Scotland Yard? A nice, juicy murder?
04:25But now that you're back in England,
04:27anything can happen and probably will.
04:29Not this time, Inspector.
04:31I hope you're right.
04:32And don't call me Inspector.
04:34Right you are, Colonel.
04:42Do you like cheese souffle?
04:43Do you?
04:44I hate it.
04:45So do I.
04:53Good evening, Tenny.
04:54Good evening, Miss Clavering.
04:56Shall I destroy this, sir?
04:58No, Tenny.
05:00You may take Miss Clavering's wrap.
05:05Sit down, Ellen.
05:18Oh, for me?
05:19Like you, it's an acrostic.
05:21I spent the better part of two hours on it.
05:24Perhaps you'll know when this you see
05:27how much, my dear, you mean to me.
05:30Oh, that's sweet.
05:31You really like it?
05:32Of course I do.
05:34You've brought new joy into my days.
05:37Love has me captured in its maze.
05:40Darling, I'm so completely lost.
05:42I hope I never find my way out.
05:44Long seem the hours through which I gave
05:46into the years when we are married.
05:49Soon one, dear heart, near to be.
05:52Ah, yes.
05:55What rhymes with married?
05:59Oh, that's what Tenny said.
06:01Tenny doesn't like me.
06:02Oh, you mustn't mind him, though.
06:04But you're very fond of Tenny, and...
06:06Pardon me.
06:09Oh, I'm sorry.
06:10Oh, I'm sorry.
06:11Oh, I'm sorry.
06:12Pardon me.
06:17Hello, Hugh.
06:18Are you there?
06:19I hope so, Alfie.
06:20Are you?
06:21Someone must have spilled a box of tacks
06:22on the road near Five Oaks Inn,
06:23and all my cars have gone flat.
06:25Drift out for me, will you?
06:28Right you are.
06:31Here's your change, sir.
06:32Oh, thanks.
06:36Here's a bottle for you, my girl.
06:38Oh, thank you, sir.
06:40I beg your pardon, but you see, I was in a...
06:45Michael Valdean, at your service.
06:49I could not help but overhear your difficulty with the tacks,
06:52and as my way takes me to Captain Norman's very gate,
06:56may I suggest that I accommodate you in that direction?
07:00Oh, that's awfully decent of you and all that,
07:02but if I didn't wait for Hugh...
07:04Yes, of course, I understand,
07:06but you see, I insist that you permit me this slight favor.
07:13I say, you can't do this to me.
07:15Quiet, quiet.
07:16But my baby's being christened in the morning,
07:19and if I don't go...
07:20Yes, a smile for the pretty little barmaid.
07:25Sure you won't come along?
07:26No, I'll try to think of something to rhyme with marriage.
07:28Think about this.
07:31Back in a little while.
07:34Oh, Dursley?
07:35No, thank you.
07:37Oh, Tenny.
07:38Yes, dear?
07:40Why don't you want Captain Norman to marry me?
07:43Oh, Tenny.
07:44Oh, Tenny.
07:45Oh, Tenny.
07:46Oh, Tenny.
07:47Oh, Tenny.
07:48Oh, Tenny.
07:49Oh, Tenny.
07:50Oh, Tenny.
07:51Oh, Tenny.
07:52Oh, Tenny.
07:54You see, Miss, Captain Drummond leads an adventuresome sort of life,
07:59and I rather doubt that you would fit in,
08:01if you will forgive my saying so.
08:03Is that all you have against me, Tenny?
08:05You see, Miss, Captain Drummond is rather like a son to me,
08:09and I don't want to see him make a mistake.
08:12And because you proposed marriage an hour after he met me,
08:14you feel he might be making one.
08:17Love at first sight is rather like a mural, Miss Bevering.
08:22It kicks backwards.
08:25Suppose I were to tell you that Captain Drummond is the first and only man I've ever cared for,
08:31and that I love him deeply with all my heart.
08:34Would that make any difference?
08:36I rather think it wouldn't, Miss.
08:38Then that's the way it is, really.
08:40That makes me happier.
08:43Yes, Miss?
08:44Captain Drummond really likes this adventuresome life you mentioned.
08:48If I may use the term, Miss, it's the captain's wine.
08:51You like it, too?
08:52Well, it sort of runs in the family, Miss.
08:54Don't you think there's much to be said in favor of home and fireside?
08:58Well, I thought it never occurred to me, but it is an idea.
09:02Well, I for one hope that after we're married,
09:04we can all settle down to peace and quiet.
09:08We probably can in the office.
09:11This is Rockingham Lodge.
09:13Captain Drummond's residence?
09:15Yes, ma'am.
09:17Will you bring my bag, please?
09:24Quiet, please.
09:25Pay no attention.
09:27You're here with the man with the glasses, then?
09:29No, sir, but it was ever so nice and friendly, like.
09:31Because when your friend went away, he smiled at me.
09:34Well, that's good.
09:36Yes, sir, but it was ever so nice and friendly, like.
09:38Because when your friend went away, he smiled at me.
09:40And he gave me a bob, he did.
09:42He left no message for me?
09:43No, sir, he just went.
09:45Well, there's another bob for you.
09:46Oh, thank you.
09:50Rockingham Lodge. Hurry, please.
10:01Operator. Operator.
10:14Captain Drummond?
10:16Who are you?
10:18You are Captain Drummond.
10:20Where is Miss Clappering?
10:22May I suggest that you stay where you are, please?
10:27I am Michael Valdin.
10:29You do not know me.
10:31One year ago, my brother-in-law died on the gallows.
10:34You were responsible.
10:36I could kill you now, Captain Drummond, and settle our score.
10:41But I will not let you off with one bullet.
10:44No, that would be too easy.
10:47Too easy for you and Miss Clappering.
10:50Where is she?
10:51It became necessary for her to leave quite suddenly.
10:55She wouldn't do that.
10:56On the contrary, she went quite willingly.
10:59When informed of the condition.
11:02What conditions?
11:03You may find out later, that is, if you are clever.
11:06I am here only to impress upon you the necessity,
11:09shall we say the most vital necessity,
11:11of doing exactly what you are told.
11:15And what am I supposed to do?
11:17Remain here until you are told to leave.
11:20Do not notify the police.
11:23And I warn you particularly
11:25not to bring your friend Colonel Nielsen into this.
11:30If you do, Miss Clappering will be killed immediately.
11:36We understand one another, do we not?
11:40And now, Captain Drummond, until we meet again,
11:43you are clever.
12:00Colonel, Phyllis is gone.
12:14Gone where?
12:17I don't know.
12:18You don't know?
12:21I haven't the remotest idea.
12:23Confounded Drummond, how is it that whenever I see you,
12:27someone has either been murdered or disappears?
12:30Come on.
12:32Tell me about it.
12:34I can't.
12:35What do you mean you can't?
12:36Your Scotland Yard.
12:38I can't bring the police into it.
12:39I'm more than Scotland Yard, I'm your friend.
12:41If there's anything wrong, I want to know it.
12:43I can't tell you, Colonel. Thanks just the same.
12:52Don't think I'm being rude, but...
12:55You want me to leave?
12:58Then I won't leave.
12:59But Colonel...
13:04Captain Drummond.
13:05Captain Drummond.
13:08Tell him.
13:09Have him think what's happened.
13:11Here, sit down.
13:17Where's Miss Clappering?
13:19I really couldn't say.
13:20Well, what happened?
13:22I don't know exactly.
13:24Shortly after you left, there was a knock at the door.
13:27And when you opened it, there stood a lady.
13:32Read that, Miss Clappering.
13:37It's round and flat and not a hat.
13:39But it carries a message for all of that.
13:41What is it?
13:42A jingle.
13:44But a most important jingle.
13:46I don't understand.
13:48Perhaps your playful captain will.
13:50He's fond of putting his thoughts in rhyme, if he not...
13:53Well, he shall have his fill, I promise you.
13:55You want to hurt him through me?
13:58I shall.
13:59You mean, you intend to...
14:01Eliminate the meddling captain?
14:05Will I see him again?
14:08But do not think you can warn him.
14:10To do so would only end the matter quickly.
14:13I really couldn't say something.
14:15There was a roaring noise in my head like...
14:18Like a train emerging from a tunnel.
14:20And then...
14:22And then I woke up.
14:23Where did you wake up, Tenny? Where?
14:25In a tulip bed, sir.
14:27There was something in my hand.
14:29What was it?
14:31An envelope.
14:32An envelope?
14:33Yes, sir.
14:34Well, come, Tenny, we have to search you.
14:36It might help, sir.
14:45Someone's playing a joke.
14:46It must have backfired.
14:55Phyllis, darling, are you all right?
14:57Where are you?
14:58Listen carefully, Joe.
15:00I can say what I'm going to, only once.
15:02All right, darling, go ahead.
15:04It's round and flat and not a hat.
15:07But it carries a message for all of that.
15:10Say that again.
15:11Phyllis! Phyllis!
15:14She hung up.
15:15What did you say?
15:17It's round and flat and not a hat, but it carries a message for all of that.
15:21Round and flat and not a hat.
15:25There is a message for all of that.
15:28Well, what is round and flat and not a hat that carries a message?
15:31It might be a gramophone record.
15:45Do you recognize the voice, you drummer?
15:47I am Uranus Saldanus, widow of Carl Saldanus.
15:50You are the one person responsible for sending my husband to the scaffold.
15:54And now I am repaying you for the misery you have caused me.
15:58Phyllis Clevering is with me.
16:00You have until morning, drummer, to find her.
16:02You can use your friend Longworth and that putty-faced servant of yours.
16:07But keep Colonel Nielsen and Scotland Yard out of it.
16:10You like games, don't you, drummer?
16:13Then my game with you begins.
16:15Eight paces ahead you'll find a clue.
16:17It's twisted and hanging plainly in sight.
16:23Eight paces ahead.
16:31I don't see anything twisted and hanging.
16:33Sounds like a rope.
16:34Or a piece of cord.
16:37Mr. Longworth!
16:39One time.
16:40Glad you're alive, old man.
16:42Exactly 40 miles from here you'll find an inn where fishermen are lying.
16:46Perhaps Phyllis will be there.
16:47Exactly 40 miles from here you'll find an inn where fishermen are lying.
16:51Exactly 40 miles.
16:53If I can't be sure of it.
16:55Hugh, try Drayminster.
17:02Here you are.
17:03Drayminster, Sussex, population 2,200.
17:05Hotel The Angler's Rest.
17:07And fishermen will be lying at an angler's rest.
17:09It's an inn at Drayminster.
17:10Tenny, my gun.
17:11Yes, get one for me too, old boy.
17:12I'm coming too, sir.
17:13Good idea, Tenny.
17:15But Hugh, Hugh, Hugh.
17:16My baby's being christened tomorrow.
17:17You need a baby.
17:18In the name of Phyllis.
17:21She's a boy.
17:22What did this fella, uh, Val...
17:24What did he look like?
17:25Probably about my height.
17:26Very dark and wore thick spectacles.
17:27Thick ones, eh?
17:29Anything like this?
17:35That's Valdean.
17:36The gentleman's name is not Valdean.
17:38From these reports, which came down on the express tonight from the yard,
17:42it appears that a Mikael Vagoris and some woman, possibly your friend Irena,
17:46are wanted in Paris for swindling an American millionaire and murdering him.
17:49Stop and guard.
17:50I'll handle it.
17:51You heard what Irena said about the police.
17:52You can't, don't you see?
17:53You really think she'll play the game?
17:55Oh, as long as it amuses her.
17:56And you've got to keep out of it.
17:58All right, you go ahead.
17:59Handle it your own way.
18:01Your gun, sir.
18:02Goodbye, Colonel.
18:03Come on, Alfie, let's go.
18:08Stop and guard.
18:11Colonel Nimson speaking.
18:12Have Sanger meet me yet.
18:15You know my dear Sanger?
18:17I really think I should have been an actor.
18:19I was very good at amateur theatricals.
18:23But I chose a less dangerous profession.
18:26Would you know me?
18:27I know your voice, Colonel.
18:29Oh, why, get me me belly, Jackie.
18:31That's capital, sir.
18:33I remember.
18:34Don't you and Grisel follow me too closely.
18:36And don't come into the angler's rest until either I call you
18:39or you see that I'm in trouble.
18:41Right, sir.
18:47Hey, every gent.
18:49Fifth time around, right?
18:50Right here.
18:53Oh, thank you.
18:56Well, come on, Tenny, you're one of us.
19:05Oh, why the devil doesn't something happen?
19:16Oh, a bit of it.
19:46I'm going outside.
20:09If he tries to follow me, you fellas stay here.
20:11But you.
20:12Do as I tell you.
20:54I'm going to park.
20:55No, sir.
20:56Captain's done it and told us to stay here.
20:58My mind is made up.
21:04Why are they in a gang?
21:06All right, Yarrow.
21:37Captain Thurman.
22:01We meet again.
22:02Yes, I expected we would.
22:04Then you also probably expected another little boy.
22:10Yes, I...
22:13Here it is.
22:15What do I do next?
22:16That depends on your cleverness.
22:27What you've done once, do once again.
22:33Mild and bitter.
22:34Quite, young man.
22:59Oh, forget it.
23:29Where are they?
23:30Who, sir?
23:31My friends.
23:32They were sitting over there.
23:33Oh, there, sir.
23:34They're out for a bit of air, sir.
23:36They're heavy with ale, they were.
23:38You better bring me some.
23:39I shall.
23:43What you've done once, do once again.
23:57I had you come to Anglia's rest to make certain that you are keeping Colonel Nielsen out of
24:07You have been so clever in finding other people, Drummond.
24:09See if you can find Phyllis.
24:11Pay attention to this.
24:13In Limehouse, beneath a setting sun, you will find what sounds like the number one.
24:19Go inside and the number three will bring you straight to me.
24:24Well, now.
24:25I never heard that before.
24:27You're going to again.
24:30I had you come to Anglia's rest to make certain you are keeping Colonel Nielsen out of this.
24:41Thank you, sir.
24:45Oh, there you are.
24:47Jerry and I were just...
24:48Never mind that.
24:49Read this.
24:54They be see, old fellow.
24:55Oh, please, Alfie, be serious.
24:57Right you are.
24:58Limehouse district.
24:59Meet what?
25:02I think I can help you, sir.
25:05To begin with, I have a sister.
25:07Yes, tell me.
25:08And she lives near Limehouse.
25:10Well, and I know the place like a book.
25:28Don't you think you're taking an unnecessary risk, Colonel Nielsen?
25:31I rather like doing this sort of thing, Sanger.
25:33Besides, I've got to watch Hugh Drummond.
25:35Can't Griswold and I take this case?
25:37You don't know Hugh Drummond.
25:39He believes that he alone can save Miss Clevering.
25:41And you may be right.
25:42He's a fearless fool, you know.
25:44He caught Carl Saldanis, one of the most dangerous criminals I've ever known.
25:48And through Drummond, I hope to catch Irena Saldanis and Val Dean.
25:53Put this pillow under my coat, Gris.
26:01The Sanglebones Cafe, matey.
26:03I smell trouble, eh?
26:07Beneath the setting sun.
26:13Telling your idea of the skies was a stroke of genius.
26:15I don't feel like it, sir.
26:18W-O-N, one.
26:20O-N-E, one.
26:21The similarity of sound resulting from the different spellings of oriental and occidental words
26:26suggests material for an interesting thesis, what?
26:29Yes, and if you mix ideas like that with the clothes you're wearing,
26:31you'll get a knifing of a gullet down here.
26:33Yes, sir.
26:34Your life wouldn't be worth tuppence.
26:36Hey, don't you think I'll telephone Gwen?
26:38You know, our baby's being christened tomorrow.
26:40Oh, you'll be there, Algy.
26:42I hope.
26:44Be careful.
26:45Keep your eyes peeled for the number three.
26:48Come on.
26:49Right on.
26:50Up she rises, so high, and up she rises early in the morning.
26:55Oh, what shall we do with a drunken spider?
26:58Oh, what shall we do with a drunken spider?
27:00What shall we do with a drunken spider early in the morning?
27:05Take it easy, Mike.
27:06One down.
27:07Mildly bitter.
27:08Same here.
27:09Same for me.
27:10Put him in the longboat till he's sober.
27:12Put him in the longboat till he's sober.
27:14Put him in the longboat till he's sober early in the morning.
27:19Oh, Ryan, up she rises.
27:22Oh, Ryan, up she rises.
27:23Mild and mild.
27:24Oh, Ryan, up she rises.
27:27I'll walk it to you.
27:29All right, all right.
27:30I was just trying to be friendly-like, and you taxed my Blue Monado.
27:36Well, here's luck, Mike.
27:37You might need it.
27:49Know where we're about down here?
27:51Oh, you're right, Mikey.
27:52I am a stranger.
27:53Lonesome, too, I taxed it.
27:55Lonesome ain't a word for it, if you know what I mean.
27:57Come on, then.
27:58But unless you want to find her in the river, tell your pals to stay here.
28:06I'll meet you at my car.
28:07Don't you think I better?
28:08You heard what he said.
28:26I don't think you better follow him, sir.
28:28But that bloke looked like a murderer.
28:30Quite right, sir.
28:31But he said we were to stay here.
28:41Those two lads mean well.
28:42The drummer told them not to follow him, and he meant it.
28:48Kenny, my mind is made up.
28:50What, again, sir?
29:00Come on!
29:12Get them out of here!
29:13They're ruining my place!
29:15Get them out of here!
29:27Put him in.
29:29And never let them out.
29:34You see something?
29:36Yes, you had the right idea, Kenny.
29:46Here, take this.
29:47You may need it.
29:49Up to you, my friend.
29:50Well, don't you trust me?
29:52Like a brother.
29:56Come on.
30:27You are puzzled?
30:30Perhaps I can help you.
30:40Lovely lad.
30:41What did I say, old fellow?
30:42Come on, out of it.
30:44And be thankful there's only room in jail for three of you.
30:48Back there, Holden.
31:27How easily you follow orders, Drummond.
31:31What have you done to Phyllis?
31:32Is she all right?
31:33But of course.
31:34Would you like to hear her voice?
31:36Let me talk to her.
31:37Speak to him, my dear.
31:40Keep your chin up, dear.
31:41A pretty speech, Drummond.
31:43If Lady Macbeth isn't double-crossing us, we'll get out of this yet.
31:46But you've a long way to go before you find out whether I am double-crossing you or not.
31:50Then let's get on with it.
31:51The air in this place won't last forever.
31:53Be grateful that this time it is air.
31:55What am I to do next?
31:57I could kill you now or leave you here to die.
32:00But I've not finished with you.
32:02You will suffer just as much as my husband did when his life was taken away from him.
32:07Oh, tell him, please.
32:24You're wasting your time, Drummond.
32:30Below you is the Thames River.
32:33And I will...
33:05Now find the clue which is hidden below the line.
33:14Good help, Colonel.
33:16Well, I've been wanting to do that for an hour.
33:19Colonel Nielsen, do you think Irena Saldana intends to release Miss Cavering?
33:23I'm afraid not.
33:24And if she suspects the police are on her trail, it'll mean the end of Phyllis.
33:28Do you think we can...
33:29I know we can get to Rockingham Lodge before Drummond.
33:32After that, who knows?
33:34One of the words is underscored by the line, but there's nothing below it except what I've just read.
33:38Let me see that again.
33:41I'm confounded, Tenny. Where did your sister have to go for that ale?
33:44Here I am now, sir.
33:46It's fine, I think.
33:47It's because it's so late.
33:49That's why I was gone for long, sir.
33:51And you know Kernighan?
33:53That's what I used to call Henry when he were a baby, sir.
33:57When I was coming up the stairs, there was the most peculiar old man.
34:01And he...
34:04A clue which is hidden below the line.
34:07Below the line.
34:08Perhaps this will give you an idea, sir.
34:10I could use one, Tenny.
34:12No, I'm stuck, Elgie. I'm absolutely in the dark.
34:14May I see it, sir?
34:17Yes, Tenny.
34:20I think I have it, sir.
34:22Well, Tenny, what?
34:23An idea, sir.
34:24Effie, a match.
34:25Here's a match, sir.
34:28Now, you observe, sir. I'd like to match.
34:31I placed the flame under the paper so.
34:34During the war, spies resorted to invisible ink.
34:39And I thought...
34:40You thought that this might be one of the times.
34:42What does it say?
34:44Go back to Rockingham.
34:48She's giving us the run-around, Elgie.
34:50Maybe she isn't.
34:51I mean, we can't be sure until we're certain, can we?
34:54Either way, she's got a slash to the mast.
34:57But we'll beat her, Elgie. By Christopher, we'll beat her.
35:04Tenny, my clothes.
35:24That's where you found me, remember?
35:26Yes, sir, Elgie, I remember.
35:32Confounded Drummond, why do you have to make so much noise?
35:35Hello, Colonel.
35:36Did anything happen while we were gone?
35:38Not here at any rate.
35:39Why, the disguise.
35:41The place led to Limehouse.
35:42So you're back where you started from.
35:44Yes, confounded.
35:46Think you'll hear from the lady again?
35:48I'm trying to believe I will.
35:50Why doesn't something happen?
35:53Yes, sir.
35:58Hello, hello?
36:01Yes, Gwen.
36:02Yes, he's here.
36:09Don't worry.
36:10I won't worry.
36:13Sorry, old boy.
36:15What happened?
36:16Gwen wants to talk to you.
36:17Gwen? Is she here?
36:18On the phone.
36:24Gwen, darling?
36:26This is Algie-Walgie.
36:28Did you miss me, sweet?
36:31Of course I do.
36:35But you think you like being called Algie-Walgie?
36:39Now, if anyone, you know he looks just like you.
36:42Let's call him Gwen.
36:46Oh, yes, yes, that's right.
36:47He is a boy, isn't he?
36:48If you were a girl, we'd call him Gwenny-Wenny, wouldn't we?
36:51Pardon me, Gwen, but I'm expecting an important call.
36:55Look here, old boy.
36:56You are...
37:04I've brought you something, sir.
37:05And if ever I ride in one of them there taxis again, my name ain't Debbie Tennyson.
37:08I'll have it undone in a moment, sir.
37:10I've tied it up tight.
37:11Keep your hands to yourself, will you?
37:13And I told the taxi man to worry,
37:15but I didn't tell him to break me neck,
37:17which he almost did when he hit a bump.
37:19Oh, there it is, sir.
37:21And the taxi fare come to one pound twelve and sixpence, it did.
37:25Pay him, Tenny.
37:26Oh, he's paid, sir.
37:27But Curly Kinst can give me the one pound twelve and sixpence.
37:32When did you get this?
37:33Why, just after you left and not come at the door.
37:35And when I opened it, there was a very polite gentleman
37:38what wore heavy spectacles.
37:42It's a gramophone record.
37:44Maybe we'll have some pretty music.
37:47Come on.
37:55I am going to let you see Phyllis within the next hour.
37:58She's very brave, Drummond.
38:00You should be proud of her.
38:01And perhaps she will be proud of you
38:03if you find the answer to a line from a certain volume of Wordsworth's poems.
38:07Go back to Angler's Rest.
38:10That woman's giving me the run around, Hugh.
38:12Let me handle this, won't you?
38:14If the yard came into this, she would kill Phyllis.
38:16Now, Colonel, it's Irina's game and we've got to play it her way
38:19as long as we know Phyllis is alive.
38:22See you later, Colonel.
38:27What's it all about, sir?
38:30That's what I intend to find out.
38:48Start on the arm, Phyllis.
39:00Well, this would have to happen.
39:03Tools, Sonny.
39:07Here, hold this.
39:25Good evening, gentlemen.
39:27May I suggest that you raise your hands, please?
39:33It's your trick, allies.
39:34And you are vulnerable.
39:36What do we do next?
39:37You, Mr. Longworth, take the captain's gun, please.
39:40What would I say? Do as he says, Elty.
39:43It isn't cricket.
39:44Far from it.
39:45Drop it.
39:46Hands up again, please.
39:48This way, Captain Drummond.
39:50See you later, Elty.
39:52See you later, Elty.
39:54Well, you are very optimistic, my friend.
39:58Also, may I warn you that to fire after my car as you intend to do
40:03will result only in the sudden elimination of Captain Drummond.
40:10I see that you understand.
40:12After you, my friend.
40:15I shall have to lower my hands.
40:17Please be certain that is all that you do.
40:40We meet again, what?
40:41That's what.
40:43The night is full of surprises.
40:46And the night is still young.
40:48Good evening.
40:49Ah, Lady Macbeth.
40:51As witty as ever, Drummond.
40:53But I am not walking in my sleep.
40:55And here is Phyllis, too.
40:59Hello, darling.
41:00Hello, Hugh.
41:02Chin up.
41:04Uh, face forward, please, Captain.
41:11Yes, darling.
41:12Is Drayminster the fifth or sixth most beautiful village in England?
41:16Does it make much difference?
41:18That depends.
41:19Then I'll remember it.
41:20It's important.
41:22Is that all you can tell me?
41:24If she tries to tell you more, it will be most unfortunate.
41:27Say only what she's told you to, darling.
41:29You catch on quickly, Drummond.
41:31And now, my friend, you better say goodbye to Phyllis.
41:35What again?
41:36Uh, you, uh, may stop now.
41:44Uh, good hunting, sir.
41:47Bye, darling.
41:48Don't worry.
41:50Here we are, sir.
41:51Tell me.
41:52I came along on the concrete just in case.
41:54Oh, brilliant idea, Tenny.
41:55I'd rather make it so.
41:59That should be Mr. Longworth, sir.
42:05What happened?
42:06I saw Phyllis.
42:08Chin up with all that sort of thing.
42:09Right, go on.
42:11Have you got a book of words worth poems?
42:14Yes, poems, rhymes.
42:17Is he all right?
42:18I don't blame you for thinking I'm crazy,
42:20but I'm looking for a book of poems by Wordsworth.
42:22Do you understand?
42:23What's your name, sir?
42:25Captain Hugh C. Drummond.
42:26Then why didn't you say so?
42:30This here was left for you by a gentleman.
42:33With spectacles?
42:34Aye, and every one's too.
42:43Anything's liable to happen
42:45if the boys stand by with a car.
42:47Very well, Colonel.
42:49Wait a minute.
42:50Sitting on that...
42:51No, no, no.
42:52Captain Drummond.
42:56Move off a minute.
42:58I wonder if there's anything in that basket.
43:11Do you know Wordsworth?
43:18What do you got in the basket?
43:27Oh, give me another bitter.
43:32Follow me, if you're sweet.
43:36Captain Drummond.
43:37Yes, Kenny?
43:38While you were investigating the fish,
43:40I found this.
43:41The mirror.
43:47Oh, gents, what'll it be?
43:48There's a place down here called the mirror.
43:50All right.
43:51Are you sure?
43:56Go on, go on.
43:57We're doing 50.
44:03Watch out!
44:09Can we get round it?
44:10There's a ditch on this side.
44:11Over here, too.
44:12We could hitch up the tow rope and pull it off.
44:14It'll take too long.
44:15It's only half a mile further.
44:16Go ahead.
44:22Don't forget to call Gwen when we get back.
44:25If we get back?
44:46All right.
45:09That must be it.
45:11Hang on.
45:45Cheerio place, isn't it?
45:54Come on.
46:04Open the door, Algy.
46:06Open the door.
46:36Come on, Algy.
46:37Open up.
46:51Now open it.
46:52What, again?
46:53Come on.
46:54Hurry up.
47:17Looks like a badly torched chamber.
47:25This must have been where the murdered man kept his dog.
47:36Maybe we'd better go.
47:38Quiet, Algy.
47:50One, two, three, four, five, six rings.
47:54Algy, is Draymond's to the fifth or sixth most beautiful village in England.
47:57Do you think this is the right time to be discussing the relative beauty of villages, Hugh?
48:01Phyllis, ask me that question in the car.
48:03I can't see what difference it makes.
48:04From what Irina said, it might make quite a lot.
48:06They wrote that little message between the fifth and sixth rings.
48:09Then the rings must have something to do with it.
48:11Wait, Algy.
48:12If we choose the wrong one, the lady or the tiger, huh?
48:16Or the end of all of us.
48:24What are you doing?
48:25Never mind.
48:26Pull that light out.
48:34Come on.
48:53Stand back, Algy.
48:56Look out!
49:03Nearly missed the christening that time, Algy.
49:46Phyllis, this is a surprise.
49:49I'm Laura.
49:50Good girl.
49:51We've been looking all over the place for you.
49:53Shut up, Algy.
49:58Wait here a minute.
50:04Exactly one year ago today, you caused my husband's death.
50:08This is the last act, I take it.
50:10Yes, you are right, Roman.
50:12I don't suppose I could strike a bargain with you?
50:14A bargain?
50:15As for Miss Clavering and Mr. Longworth.
50:17After all, they're only innocent bystanders.
50:19It was my plan for the first that you and Miss Clavering should go together.
50:23If Mr. Longworth happens to be with you, that's his affair.
50:31And now I want you to be quiet.
50:32And listen very, very carefully.
50:50Do you hear it, Roman?
50:54Yes, I understand.
50:55Climax of your jolly little game is a trip to kingdom come when this inferno machine goes off.
50:59Is that right?
51:00That was Mikhail's idea.
51:02You seem to have thought of everything.
51:05We will keep them company if we do not get out of here.
52:08How much longer do you think it will be?
52:11Till the places fill with gas, I suppose.
52:15And then it will blow up.
52:17I see.
52:39We are being followed.
52:54Yes, Alfie?
52:55I wish Gwen were here.
52:58I mean, I wish I could call her.
52:59Let's try wishing that door was open.
53:08You, take it away. Take it away. Take it away.
53:19Push him off the road.
53:20Right, sir.
54:03Where would you have gone for your honeymoon?
54:06Captain Drummond.
54:08Captain Drummond.
54:09Stay here.
54:14Yes, Kenny, here we are.
54:18Are you there, sir?
54:20Unlock the door.
54:22I can't, sir.
54:23There's no key here.
54:25Now listen carefully, Kenny.
54:26Are there pins and hinges?
54:28Oh, yes, sir.
54:29They're all pins.
54:31Well, pull them out.
54:34I can't, sir.
54:36They're rusted in.
54:38Kenny, have you got a gun?
54:39Yes, sir.
54:40Now, Kenny, do exactly as I tell you.
54:42Yes, sir.
54:44Put the muzzle of the gun under the top pin.
54:51It's there, sir.
54:52Now, I'll pull the trigger.
54:55It worked, sir.
54:57Good, now the bottom one.
54:58Get ready.
55:02Come on.
55:17Yes, sir.
55:18This place is going to blow up any minute.
55:19Get out while you have a chance.
55:21I'm sorry, sir.
55:22I can't hear you, sir.
55:28It's too late, Nilsen.
55:41Wait a minute!
55:42You surely wouldn't impair a profile that has endured this long, would you?
55:48I might have known, but you didn't.
55:50Ellie, Raina got away.
55:51Oh, no, she didn't.
55:52She and Valerie are gone.
55:54Ellie, Raina got away.
55:55Oh, no, she didn't.
55:56She and Valdine are in my car.
55:58And when I'm through with them?
56:00They'll be on their way to Paris to stand trial for murder.
56:03Good work, Colonel.
56:05I think I'll think now.
56:06Oh, don't, darling.
56:07Wait until we're married.
56:09Kenny, I gave you the license, didn't I?
56:11Yes, sir.
56:12I have it here, sir.
56:54Thank you, sir.