• 4 years ago


03:51There's a gang of outlaws hanging out in Deadwood Pass,
03:54and they've been pulling raids all through this section.
03:58Deadwood Pass?
04:00Isn't that where the hawk used to hide out?
04:02What do you know about the hawk?
04:07Nothing, nothing much.
04:10But the hawk's in prison.
04:13My father sent him there five years ago.
04:16Your father?
04:17Yes, he's the sheriff of Deadwood County.
04:20Oh, then you're...
04:22I'm his daughter, Betty Rolland.
04:24Oh, yes, yes.
04:26I'm very glad to meet you, Miss Rolland.
04:29Oh, Jake!
04:31Come on!
04:33Oh, Ben's signaling that everything's all right,
04:36so we'd just as well be rambling.
04:39Come on!
04:47Get away!
05:54Come on, Ben!
07:39I'm all right.
08:37And you had no idea who he was?
08:39Never seen him before.
08:40Here comes the stage!
08:59What happened, partner?
09:01A gang of outlaws are on the moorpath.
09:03They shot the guard and winged the driver here.
09:05We don't fit.
09:07Why, hello, Miss Gary.
09:08Hello, Ben.
09:09How are you?
09:11I'll bet it was Butch Cassidy and that gang of his.
09:14Yeah, it has all the earmarks of that outfit.
09:17Fred, help the boys take Jake over to the doctor.
09:26Oh, hello, by the way.
09:28Where's Dad?
09:30Well, your father's out of town.
09:33How did Jake get hit?
09:35Cassidy and his gang are out again.
09:38How do you know it's Cassidy?
09:40It couldn't have been anyone else.
09:44And if it wasn't for this man,
09:46I don't know what would have happened.
09:50Oh, it's nothing, Miss.
09:52Anyone else would have done the same thing.
09:59What's your name, stranger?
10:01Asking questions is rather dangerous sometimes.
10:06And not answering them is rather dangerous sometimes.
10:12You see, we're a bit particular who comes to this town
10:18and where they come from.
10:21Seeing you're so interested, my handle is Tom Whitlock.
10:25I come from nowhere, and I'm headed for the same place.
10:28You're smart, ain't you?
10:30Yep, smart enough to attend to my own business.
10:33Why, you...
10:35Mind the way!
10:37This man is a stranger
10:39and risks his life to save the stagecoach.
10:42We owe him a debt of gratitude,
10:44and yet you try to pick a fight with him.
10:46Don't worry, Miss, it takes two to make a fight.
10:49But I'm not in the course of mood today.
10:52Let's get the stage over to the barn.
10:59How about the mail?
11:01The mail's been given out.
11:04I hope to see quite a bit of you while you're in town.
11:07Thank you, Miss Crawford.
11:12Miss, your hat, stranger?
11:14Yes, thank you.
11:30Here you are, a mile away. A letter for you.
11:43Hey, Bull, turn to the funnies, will you?
11:45Oh, wait a minute.
11:47Hey, Miloway.
11:49The Hawk got out of the Calaboos.
11:51Let me see.
11:54Joe Sadler, alias the Hawk,
11:56made a daring escape from the penitentiary today.
11:59The Hawk was serving a sentence of 20 years
12:02in the Overland Limited five years ago.
12:05Negotiable bonds valued at $200,000
12:08were stolen from the mail sacks.
12:10These have never been recovered,
12:13and the postal authorities believe that the Hawk
12:15hid them in the vicinity of Deadwood Pass.
12:22I'd like to meet up with that Hawk.
12:25Hawk, you're under arrest.
12:34What's the idea?
12:36Who are you?
12:37Inspector Sorensen, the Postal Department.
12:41I figured you'd be heading back to Deadwood Pass
12:44where you have a fortune hidden away.
12:46Yeah, well, you're barking up the wrong tree, Inspector.
12:49I'm not the Hawk.
12:51Yeah, well, you're barking up the wrong tree, Inspector.
12:54I'm not the Hawk.
12:56I'm Tom Whitlock.
12:58We'll soon see about that.
13:00Hey, roll up his left sleeve.
13:14That tattooed Hawk is a dead giveaway.
13:17Yeah, I was a fool to have it put on.
13:20Let's get going.
13:22Let's go.
13:48No, no, lay off.
13:50Let him go.
14:14Hey, did you see that?
14:20Come on.
14:50Come on.
15:06You, uh, going to take him back?
15:10Sure, but I'll need some help.
15:12Looks that way.
15:15Say, where's the Sheriff's office?
15:17It's out on, uh, Front Street.
15:20Look after him while I'm away, will you?
15:22No, you don't need it.
15:24But I'll keep one eye open anyhow.
15:26Thanks, I'll be right back.
15:50How are you feeling?
15:54How are you?
15:56Say, uh, I'm sorry I had that run-in with you on the street today.
16:01Don't mention it.
16:03That's all I've been having since I got out of the penitentiary.
16:07Hey, listen, Hawk.
16:09I've got a proposition to make to you.
16:12A proposition?
16:16A proposition?
16:20And it's a good one, too.
16:22That gang that tried to hold up the stage today are friends of mine.
16:27I've got Butch Cassidy out in Deadwood Pass now,
16:30trying to find out where you hid that loot from the Overland Limited.
16:33There's no hair off my hide.
16:35I know it.
16:36Well, we've searched the pass until even the rattlesnakes have squealed.
16:40I haven't found it.
16:44I've got the keys to your handcuffs.
16:49You cut me and Butch in on the loot,
16:52and I'll turn you loose.
16:54Or else you go back to the pen.
16:57Well, I don't like the pen.
17:00I'll take your proposition.
17:03That's a bet.
17:05That gang out there won't let you in the pass unless you're known.
17:09You try to tail it out there,
17:12and I'll have Forty-four and Bolt take you in to Butch Cassidy.
17:22Here comes that inspector.
17:42Take off your shirt.
17:44Wait, out the window.
17:45Come on, you folks.
17:49Bring him back.
18:12Take him over to my house.
18:15Take him over to my house.
18:45Take him in that room, boys.
18:48Get Dr. McMillan right away.
18:50Well, what's the matter, Dad?
18:51Never mind. Go get the doctor.
18:52Oh, all right.
18:54Come on.
19:15Miloway fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.
19:19Get out to the pass.
19:21Let the hawk through.
19:22Okay, Miloway.
19:33By now, Tom is on his way to Deadwood Pass
19:36to be introduced to Butch Cassidy as the hawk.
19:40Here's a wire for you I picked up over at the office.
19:53My chief wires that the real hawk has been traced to the state line.
19:58Oh, then he did escape.
20:00Why, sure.
20:01But we figured that Tom would get into the pass
20:03and locate that stuff before the real jailbreaker got here.
20:17You know who that is?
20:20I never saw him before.
20:23He's shooting at the hawk.
20:45Sure he is.
20:49Hey, wait a minute.
20:50Don't shoot anymore!
20:52Wait a minute, wait a minute, hey, wait a minute.
20:56Hey, wait a minute, don't shoot anymore.
20:58Hey, isn't that one of them?
21:00Hey, wait a minute, hey.
21:02What's the huck you're shooting at?
21:03Looked like a stranger to us.
21:07Go ahead.
21:49He won't be bucking this time, I sure doubt it.
21:56Hold your aim, he's gone, hold your aim.
22:05I'm figuring on heading back to Wyoming.
22:08There ain't nothing around here we want.
22:11I don't believe the huck hid his loot inside the pass.
22:14If he did, I'm sure we would have found it.
22:16Guess that's about right.
22:18What do you think about it?
22:19Yeah, Butch, it looks that way.
22:22You want me to boil the beer?
22:25You want me to run?
22:28You're gonna see.
22:37Oh, you're spying on me.
22:39I'll startle you worse than that
22:40if I catch you dancing for that Filippi again.
22:53Get in there and help your mother.
23:18Come on.
23:36Who's the stranger?
23:38That gentleman, the hog.
23:40The hog?
23:42Yep, he landed in Deadwood.
23:44Had a run-in with the law.
23:45Mile away, helped him make a getaway
23:48and brought him out here to dig up 200,000 in loot.
23:52There'd be a spit all around.
23:54You sure are welcome to Deadwood Pass, hog.
24:00Thanks, Butch.
24:01The pleasure's all mine.
24:05I'm going to get a beer.
24:07The pleasure's all mine.
24:13You sure this guy's the hog?
24:17Well, he plugged an inspector in Mile Away Saloon.
24:21And he got a hog tattooed on his left arm.
24:38Satisfied now that I'm the genuine article?
24:41Maybe, but not quite.
24:45Hey, Butch, I got one of those
24:47that was sent out right after December
24:49he held up the limited.
24:53How about the picture?
24:55It's here all right.
24:58But it's a good likeness of me.
25:00Nah, nothing like you at all.
25:03You sure changed a lot since this was taken.
25:07It was here on September 10th, 1960.
25:10Since then, I've been running out and down
25:13the block collecting the loot,
25:15and hiding it away,
25:16because I'm afraid I'll never find it again.
25:22Do you ever get to that point where you don't even have
25:25anything left of your own?
25:27Well, I'd rather you didn't,
25:29but that's the whole point.
25:34I mean, I'm not trying to sell you the money,
25:36Butch, it doesn't look much like me.
25:52You're pretty smart, ain't you, Butch?
25:57What do you mean?
26:00Kidding him that way.
26:03He sure would have made a break.
26:06And you said the picture of the hawk was on the reward sign if he hadn't have been on
26:09the level.
26:10Maybe, but I ain't so sure.
26:17Read it in and tell the chief.
26:18There's a fella here claiming to be the hawk.
26:19And a hundred eighty.
26:22Why, you old...
26:23Come in.
26:52How are you feeling today, Pete?
26:55Oh, not so good, Sheriff.
27:14Thanks, Betty.
27:15Dad, I can't understand why you don't get your deputies together and go out after the
27:27I will.
27:28When I'm ready.
27:29When you're ready?
27:30What do you think people are saying?
27:34I don't care what they say.
27:37You don't care?
27:38Well, I do.
27:39An escaped convict shoots Mr. Sorenson, and here you come, they said, playing pinnacle
27:43instead of going out after him.
27:45Betty, I'm surprised at you talking that way.
27:47Surprised at me?
27:48Well, I'm ashamed of you.
28:01Your daughter certainly has a mind of her own, hasn't she?
28:05She sure takes after her mother.
28:09I ought to tell her what we're up to, Bill.
28:13No, not until I say the word, Sheriff.
28:15Well, I guess you're right.
28:19As soon as you're ready, Hawk, we'll go out and dig up them bonds.
28:28Sure, when Mileaway gets here.
28:32Maybe we won't wait for Mileaway.
28:39Go to my tent, Flippy.
28:59Well, yes, sir.
29:11Come here.
29:15Buenos dias, senor.
29:16I'm glad to see you back again.
29:18Buenos dias.
29:19Where is the Hawk?
29:21He's over in the cabin, senor.
29:23Where's his horse?
29:25This one over here.
29:27The black one?
29:28Si, senor, en el otro lado.
29:33Well, don't let it leave the corral.
29:36Why, senor?
29:38Because the real Hawk hasn't had time to get into this pass.
29:42I believe that the man impersonating him is a law officer.
29:45Give me the word, senor, and I will attend to him personal.
29:49No, no.
29:51I'll attend to him myself, Flippy.
29:56Hello, Butch.
29:57Hello, Bo.
30:00Hello, Bo.
30:01Hello, Bo.
30:02Hi, boys.
30:04Pass the hog up this way.
30:09Just brought a friend of yours in.
30:12A friend of mine?
30:15The chief himself.
30:19Bet you'll be awful glad to see him.
30:25Why, sure.
30:32More avianca, please.
30:49Hello, chief.
30:50Hello, Butch.
30:51Where's this man who calls himself the Hawk?
30:54Oh, he's in there.
30:55He'll sure be surprised to see you.
30:57I know he will.
30:59Bring him out.
31:01Right away.
31:12Come on, Hawk.
31:13There's an old friend of yours just drifted in.
31:17You mean...
31:18The chief.
31:23That's great.
31:26Hey, Bo.
31:27When the old man get back,
31:29just bring him in this afternoon.
31:35Here's that old partner of yours, chief.
31:46Hello, chief.
31:47Glad to see you.
31:51Pretty clever, aren't you?
31:53You think so?
32:12Yes, but not quite clever enough.
32:20I admire your nerve.
32:24But I'm going to...
32:32Get whoever fired them shots.
32:39Too bad.
32:41What a great pal he was.
32:45Go on out and help round up whoever did it.
32:50Hey, Shorty.
32:52Tell the guards to not let anyone out of the path
32:54unless I say so.
32:56All right, Butch.
33:03Que bonito, Padre Victor.
33:05Ah, Lolita.
33:07In all my life, I have never behold
33:10such a beautiful señorita.
33:13Well, are the other girls the same thing?
33:16You think I joke with you?
33:18Why, the next time I rob the bank,
33:21I'm going to buy you everything your heart desire
33:24or maybe even more, eh?
33:26Oh, that is quite different, Felipe.
33:28Call it.
33:29What do you got?
33:30Two pairs.
33:32Three sixes.
33:34Two pair tens.
33:35That makes fours.
33:37You said two pair and three sixes beat.
33:39Look at the card, Butch.
33:48Shorty's right, Butch.
33:50Those chips belong to him.
33:51Why, you...
34:01Don't plug them yet till we get them bonds.
34:31You hurt much, Shorty?
34:33No, I'm all right.
34:59I think I'll take a ride into town.
35:06Guards have orders not to let anybody through the path.
35:13Well, what about Butch?
35:15Oh, he has a right to go in town any time he wants to.
35:23Heal me up.
35:26Now, I bet about five chips on these.
35:29Oh, oh, yeah.
35:33That's more.
35:34You got a raise?
35:36I'll take it.
35:37Why don't I put these over?
37:07Going into town, Butch?
37:26Have a good time, Butch.
37:53Butch Cassidy.
38:06No, that's Paul.
38:12Golly, Tom.
38:13I almost shot you.
38:15Those clothes.
38:16It was the only way I could get out of the pass.
38:20Chief wires that the real hawk has just crossed the state line.
38:23That means we've got to work fast.
38:25If he shows up, it'll throw a monkey wrench in our plans.
38:35Explain the whole thing.
38:37It'll need a lot of explaining.
38:39I never thought my father as a sheriff
38:42would have anything to do with a notorious outlaw.
38:45Tom, read this, please.
38:52Tom Whitlock is an inspector in the postal department.
38:56He's helping Sorenson locate some stolen securities
39:00that are hidden in Deadwood Pass.
39:03But what about the tattoo on his arm?
39:06But I don't think, Miss Betty.
39:08We weren't taking any chances.
39:12Why, why didn't I think of it sooner?
39:16What, Tom?
39:17This tattoo mark is an exact outline of Deadwood Pass.
39:21The hawk's head points to a tree in the pass.
39:24And the mark crosses the spot where the Luke is buried.
39:27I'll bet you're right at that.
39:28Sadler had that tattooed on his arm
39:30so he'd never forget the hiding place.
39:32I'm going back to Deadwood Pass.
39:34I aim to get there by daylight and dispose of the guards.
39:37Then I'll send word back to you.
39:39What will your horse do if I turn him loose?
39:41He'll come right back home.
39:43Just what I thought.
39:44You have a posse ready to ride the minute you hear from me.
39:50Good luck to you.
39:53And I'm glad you're not the hawk, Tom.
39:57Next time I come back, I won't crawl into the window, Betty.
40:32Must have had a good time, Butch.
41:02All clear, mile away.
41:28All clear, mile away.
41:48Now, how'd you come out in the game last night, Jack?
41:50Not so good.
41:51Lost 16 bucks.
41:53You'll learn you can't beat that game.
41:55Oh, I don't know.
42:26How do you like the looks of this pig?
42:28Oh, boy, that looks good. I'm hungry.
42:55Take him up.
43:05Put him up.
43:09Turn your back toward him.
43:11Turn your back.
43:25Stay right where you are.
43:46Untie him.
43:58Come on. Get on your feet.
44:23Say, would you mind turning over that bacon before you...
44:26Sure. I hope it's well done by the time I get back.
44:28Here's the bacon.
44:57Here you go.
45:25Hi, by the way.
45:30Hi, boy.
45:31Hi, by the way.
45:33This gent here is the real hawk.
45:46Well, that don't surprise me none.
45:49Where's the bird that tricked me into sending him out here?
45:55Here. Come on. Here.
46:03Go bring him in.
46:25Do you know Filippi?
46:29Sure, I know him.
46:32He's one of the insurance detectives who tried to make a deal with me
46:35while I was up in the big house.
46:43Not so fast, Filippi.
46:49The house is mixed up with you and this deal.
47:01Can't find hiding a hair, that stranger.
47:04I'll gamble. He's another star packer.
47:07Well, you can attend to him after we get through with this hombre.
47:14Here. Use his own gun.
47:18Get up against that wall.
47:23Is that coyote that calls himself the hawk a postal inspector?
47:33Come on, I'll give you one last chance to talk.
47:37I will fill you in knocking.
47:41All right, then. It's your own funeral.
47:52Filippi, get that gun.
48:11Not so fast.
48:35Get your horses.
48:40Come on.
48:45What happened?
48:46Somebody's been mucking with my saddle.
48:47Yeah, they cut my fence, too.
48:49Hey, look at that.
48:55And my reins have been cut.
48:57Look at these girls.
49:10Hello, Blackie. It's about time you got home.
49:21Dad, come here quickly.
49:24What is it, Betty?
49:25Look, there's a message from Tom.
49:46That tree marks where the loot is hidden.
49:48You keep your eyes open while I get it.
50:20Come here, big guy. Come here.
50:22Come to this manor. Come here.
50:35He's dug up the loot.
51:35I don't know where he is.
52:05We've got him cornered.
52:23They rolled into a pocket.
52:24Philippe, we're in a jackpot.
52:25Why, senor?
52:26Butch and his gang got us hemmed in and we can't get out.
52:28Philippe, they're closing in on us.
52:57You take the horse and make a getaway.
53:00Follow this quick.
53:01It may lead you out of the trap.
53:02No, no, senor, I will not leave you.
53:03You'll do as I say.
53:04It's one chance out of a hundred.
53:06If you get through, deliver these to the sheriff.
53:07I will.
53:08You're not going to get out.
53:09Here. If you get through, deliver these to the sheriff.
53:14I will.
56:10Fire! Fire!
56:11Come on!
56:34The bonds?
56:36And Senator Whitlock, he recovered them from the fire.
57:11Rafe, there he is.
57:25Well, we've been a long time catching up with you, Butch.
57:29Get mounted, boys.
57:30Hello, Pete.
57:31Hello, Tom.
57:32I see you've got the bonds.
57:33Yes, they're all here.
57:35Philippe, I was sure surprised when I overheard that you were an insurance detective.
57:46And I, senor, I'm surprised to find that you are not the hawk.
57:57Oh, say, who shot the chief?
58:01Senor, you must not ask questions.
58:06Thanks, amigo.
58:08Muy bien.
58:27Get going.
59:05THE END