00:06:21Gee, Dad, I wish summer would never be over.
00:06:24What? Hey, you don't want to go back to school, huh?
00:06:27How do you think you're going to be smart?
00:06:29Well, you're smart and you never went to school.
00:06:32Who, me?
00:06:34Say, I'm so smart, I don't have to go to school.
00:06:38You know, Pop, you're a swell guy.
00:06:42Yeah, I know. Say, why do you say that?
00:06:45Gee, Remo and Dee Dee and the rest of the gang,
00:06:49they don't get to go along with their dads.
00:06:52You know why I bring you along?
00:06:54You'll be helpful to me.
00:06:56Ah, you know what I mean.
00:09:16Hey, Tony!
00:09:18Come on, man.
00:09:20Ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:09:22Ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:09:29That's it, Luigi. That's the goal.
00:09:31Pull up, pull up.
00:09:32That's it, good. Come on, Luigi.
00:09:34Oh, man, look, look.
00:09:36You let Tony catch, eh?
00:09:38Tony do that?
00:09:40Yeah, Tony catch him.
00:09:41All by himself.
00:09:42That's quite a...
00:09:43Bravo, Tony!
00:09:44Pretty soon he'll knock all of us in the shade, eh, Carlo?
00:09:46Pretty soon Tony will be big enough to have his own boat.
00:09:49And then we'll split him in four instead of three.
00:09:52Okay, boys. Divide him up like all the time.
00:09:54That makes how much for each?
00:09:57I reckon about 20 bucks.
00:10:01You guys are lucky you're working with Carlo.
00:10:03It's certainly been a swell season for you.
00:10:05Yeah, but most should boot like the last time.
00:10:08You've had five in a row.
00:10:09I'll bet you got plenty, Socrates.
00:10:11Don't worry. I got enough to take care of Tony and me.
00:10:14Come on, Julius.
00:10:18Come on, Julius. Come on, boys.
00:10:20Come on.
00:10:23Come on, boys.
00:10:25Vieni a casa a mangiare spaghetti alla napoletana, eh, Guglielmo?
00:10:28Come starte bene, eh?
00:10:32Eh, Giovanni Boscaluppi!
00:10:34Hey, how are the things? All right, eh?
00:10:37Buongiorno, Mario.
00:10:39Ah, Maria, you look more beautiful every day.
00:10:44Hey, by that, these shrimp taste so good I almost feel like a fan for him.
00:10:51Well, goodbye.
00:10:54Carlo, Tony, I got appointment.
00:10:57No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:59You're going to come home and have dinner with us.
00:11:01It's a pretty big appointment, you know.
00:11:03And besides, you don't get tired to have me for dinner every night.
00:11:07Well, for me...
00:11:08For me, yes.
00:11:10But for Angelina...
00:11:16Angelina, you'll have some more spaghetti.
00:11:18Maybe just one more little string, yeah?
00:11:20Good, very good.
00:11:30One string.
00:11:31One string.
00:11:37Why you not take the bowl?
00:11:50Angelina, she's a good cook.
00:11:53You know, Beppo, there's only one way I would give up
00:11:56such a fine housekeeper like Angelina.
00:11:58Carlo, if in 20 years I ask her to marry me,
00:12:01in 20 years we'll fight.
00:12:03Thank you, Tony.
00:12:07Why don't you ask her once more?
00:12:15Angelina, this supper tonight, she was first class.
00:12:20Tonight? What's the matter? Last night she was no good?
00:12:23No! Who told you?
00:12:25Last night she was... she was first class, too.
00:12:30Your appetite, she's first class all the time.
00:12:33I got a right to eat, no? I work hard all day long.
00:12:36I catch one fish 300 pounds.
00:12:39Madre mia, this man, he no can tell the truth.
00:12:43Ah, you call me a liar?
00:12:45Very soon I call you plenty more things.
00:12:49You see, she call me liar.
00:12:51Ah, she kid you.
00:12:52She love you. Here, have some more.
00:12:55Carlo, for 20 years I'm already to say,
00:12:58Angelina mia, sweet like a dove, marry me.
00:13:03And what happened?
00:13:05I say this, and she say that.
00:13:07I say yes, and she says no.
00:13:10I tell her the truth, and what happened?
00:13:12I call you liar.
00:13:15And then you ask me why I no marry her.
00:13:22Carlo Romo live here?
00:13:23Sure, it's my father.
00:13:2460 cents, collect.
00:13:26Eh, la moneta.
00:13:28No, take the telegram, she's a bad luck.
00:13:34Bad news?
00:13:36No, good news.
00:13:38What's it say, Papa?
00:13:40Eh, Tony, you never see your aunt Stella, huh?
00:13:42Aunt Stella?
00:13:43Yeah, that's your mama's sister.
00:13:45No, Dad, why?
00:13:46Well, she's been having a pretty tough time over there in Seattle
00:13:49since the husband died.
00:13:50She have some pretty hard come downs.
00:13:52She lose all of the money.
00:13:53So I was thinking maybe it would be nice to have her and her son
00:13:56come down and stay here for a while, huh?
00:13:58Why, sure, Dad.
00:14:00I think if your mama was alive, she'd like it to be good for them, huh?
00:14:03Say, it's going to be great to have your cousin come and stay with you, huh?
00:14:06Well, how old is he?
00:14:08Well, he got the same age about what you got.
00:14:10Great, and I'll get him right in with the gang.
00:14:13When's he coming?
00:14:14Well, the telegram, it say, arrive at San Francisco tomorrow, pier 68.
00:14:24Is that your cousin?
00:14:25Which one?
00:14:26Over there.
00:14:32Hey, Stella.
00:14:34Oh, no, no.
00:14:36Oh, Stella.
00:14:38Oh, let me look you the once over.
00:14:41I say, you don't change a bit.
00:14:43You still like a beautiful girl, huh?
00:14:45Oh, Stella.
00:14:46Oh, let me look you the once over.
00:14:48I say, you don't change a bit.
00:14:50I say, you don't change a bit.
00:14:52You still like a beautiful young girl, huh?
00:14:54Oh, you haven't changed much either, Carlo.
00:14:56And this must be Tony.
00:14:58That's right.
00:14:59Oh, he's sweet, Carlo.
00:15:01He's so sweet.
00:15:05Rudolph, this is your Uncle Carlo.
00:15:07That's wonderful.
00:15:08I don't see him since he was no bigger than a little piece of ravioli.
00:15:13Come on, boys, take a haul.
00:15:35It's lovely, Carlo.
00:15:37Takes my breath away.
00:15:38Hey, look, boy, look.
00:15:39That's my sister-in-law.
00:15:42Maria, Maria.
00:15:43That's my sister-in-law.
00:15:52Angelina, I'm going to call you out.
00:15:54Let me put out a couple of questions.
00:15:56Stella, it's a pleasure to meet you.
00:15:59How do you do?
00:16:03I unpack the valise now, eh?
00:16:06Oh, but, uh, maybe I'd better wash him up a little bit.
00:16:12Well, Stella, how do you like him, huh?
00:16:14I like him.
00:16:15I like him.
00:16:16I like him.
00:16:17I like him.
00:16:18Well, Stella, how do you like him, huh?
00:16:20I'm sure we're going to be quite comfortable.
00:16:22Aunt Stella, this is Julius.
00:16:31Don't be afraid, Aunt Stella.
00:16:32He won't hurt you.
00:16:33He's tame.
00:16:34Oh, Ma, it's only a seal.
00:16:37Does he live in the house?
00:16:39Oh, sure.
00:16:40He's the mascot.
00:16:41Well, I'm sure I'll get used to him.
00:16:42He's cute.
00:16:44But he is a little dirty.
00:16:47Yeah, that's right.
00:16:48Hey, Julius, go outside and wash yourself.
00:16:50Go on.
00:16:51Oh, but Pop, Julius will be insulted.
00:16:53No, I think that Julius, he understand.
00:16:55You know, the seals, they don't like everybody, huh?
00:16:58And the same way.
00:16:59Everybody don't like the seals.
00:17:00OK, Pop.
00:17:02Go on out, Julius.
00:17:05Hey, you go show Adolfo where he's going to sleep, huh?
00:17:17Well, shiver me timbers.
00:17:20So I'm going to live on a ship.
00:17:23You've got to get used to being a fisherman around here.
00:17:28Uh, those are our boats.
00:17:30And that's the Caronina.
00:17:32Not very big, is it?
00:17:36I've been through a great deal, Carlo.
00:17:38My debts and all.
00:17:40It was good of you to help us.
00:17:43And the boat fare.
00:17:44Oh, that's all right.
00:17:46I can afford them.
00:17:47I know.
00:17:48But it was kind of you, anyway.
00:17:50Ah, don't say that.
00:17:51I've made every sacrifice.
00:17:53I've done everything to bring Rudolf up as a gentleman.
00:17:55Yeah, look like you do a first class,
00:17:57A number one job, all right.
00:17:59Tony seems like a nice boy, too.
00:18:02Oh, he's a fine boy.
00:18:04He'll make a little trouble sometime, maybe.
00:18:06But the kid will don't make the trouble.
00:18:08He don't got what you call the pips.
00:18:10You've been awfully good to him, Carlo.
00:18:14Have you told him?
00:18:16No, why should I tell him?
00:18:17He think I'm the best pop in the whole world.
00:18:19And I want to be the best pop.
00:18:20Just because he think so, eh?
00:18:22Tony and me, we're just like he was my own flesh and blood.
00:18:26Yes, but...
00:18:27Hey, Rudolfo.
00:18:29He don't know it.
00:18:30Oh, of course not.
00:18:32But you don't think he'd say anything if he did.
00:18:34No, I don't think he'd say anything.
00:18:37But you don't think he'd say anything if he did.
00:18:40Maybe not, but I guess it's better that way.
00:18:43Here, I'll focus it for you.
00:18:48You know what that bridge is over there?
00:18:53Well, that's...
00:18:54Golden Gate Bridge.
00:18:55Saltwater come in.
00:18:58Well, do you know what that is?
00:18:59That's Treasure Island.
00:19:01The San Francisco Exposition.
00:19:04And right there is Alcatraz.
00:19:08That's where they keep the tough guys.
00:19:10You're pretty smart, ain't you?
00:19:11Hey, great.
00:19:15How much is two and two?
00:19:18Four and four?
00:19:20What's Mickey Mouse, a dog or a cat?
00:19:21A cat.
00:19:24A rat.
00:19:29Buona vienna, paisani.
00:19:30Buona vienna.
00:19:33Hey, come on.
00:19:34They take some wine.
00:19:35Come on, Rudolfo.
00:19:36Oh, just a few friends come.
00:19:37A little music, a little vino.
00:19:39What you want, eh?
00:19:40Sometimes they come here, sometimes...
00:19:41I go there.
00:19:42It's all the same thing, eh?
00:19:48Everybody, meet my sister-in-law.
00:19:55This is it.
00:19:56Let me buy that.
00:19:57Look at this.
00:19:58I make you want to win.
00:20:00That's right.
00:20:01Come on.
00:20:02Come on, buddy.
00:20:03Let me take it.
00:20:04That's the order.
00:20:05That's the order.
00:20:36Sing, be merry.
00:20:38Life is very wonderful.
00:20:40Sing, be merry.
00:20:47Is Mickey Mouse a cat or a rat?
00:20:49Why, dear, Mickey Mouse is a mouse, of course.
00:20:52Why do you ask?
00:20:53Something's wrong.
00:20:55Sing, be merry.
00:20:57Life is very wonderful.
00:20:59Sing, be merry.
00:21:02This San Francisco, she never see another fisherman great like me.
00:21:06Someday later, my son be greater.
00:21:12Sing, be merry.
00:21:14Life is very wonderful.
00:21:16Sing, be merry.
00:21:20My Angelina no want me for 20 years she's a nursery.
00:21:24No way to lady until I made it.
00:21:28Sing, be merry.
00:21:30Life is very wonderful.
00:21:32Sing, be merry.
00:21:34Life is very wonderful.
00:21:36Sing, be merry.
00:21:39I cook and cook with the finest baguette.
00:21:42Well, he go catch the fish in the net.
00:21:44But he no catch this one, you betcha.
00:21:47If you no like him, you tell me.
00:21:50Sing, be merry.
00:21:52Life is very wonderful.
00:21:54Sing, be merry.
00:21:57I'm afraid I don't know how to do it.
00:21:59Oh, boy, he sing?
00:22:01No, but you recite, don't you, dear?
00:22:06Sing, be merry.
00:22:10Life is very wonderful.
00:22:12Sing, be merry.
00:22:18Oh, Sunday's like an electric light.
00:22:20It helps to brighten the darkest night.
00:22:22Bubbles gotcha.
00:22:24Come on, Polly gotcha.
00:22:27And Sunday's like an electric light.
00:22:44Hey, hello, Tony. Come on, boy.
00:22:57Hello, boys.
00:22:59Hello, Bimbo.
00:23:00So, this is a Karenina?
00:23:03She looks bigger in the picture.
00:23:05Well, she's seaworthy, all right.
00:23:07Hey, uh, how far out could this tub go?
00:23:11I guess a lippie should go out to four, five a mile.
00:23:14Let's come back.
00:23:15Hey, that's what it's important, that she come back.
00:23:18Sure, there he is. Didn't I tell you?
00:23:20Looks like a dude. Let's find out.
00:23:22Kind of smelly, ain't she?
00:23:24This boat, she no smell all right to you?
00:23:27She smells kind of fishy.
00:23:29Well, the next time you come on board,
00:23:31we'll sprinkle her with a little perfume.
00:23:33Hiya, Tony.
00:23:35Hiya, Tony.
00:23:36Hiya, gang.
00:23:37Let's meet your cousin.
00:23:39Meet the gang.
00:23:41Come on up.
00:23:42Let's go.
00:23:43Fresh air, boy.
00:23:46Hey, are you in?
00:23:47In what?
00:23:48The gang.
00:23:49Come on.
00:23:50We'll show you.
00:23:51Yeah, let's go.
00:23:52Come on.
00:23:53I don't think he can take us.
00:23:54We are.
00:23:55First thing you gotta do is walk the plank to the end.
00:23:59And then we'll tell you what's next.
00:24:02What do you think I am?
00:24:03Kid stuff.
00:24:04Aw, come on, Rudolph.
00:24:05We all did it.
00:24:07Well, let me see you do it first.
00:24:10Come on.
00:24:11Come on.
00:24:12Come on.
00:24:13Come on.
00:24:14You do it first.
00:24:38See, just watch out for the loose board at the end and the cinch.
00:24:41Ah, there's nothing to this.
00:25:13I've been fishing for 30 years.
00:25:17I never caught a fish like this before.
00:25:28Some type of water.
00:25:29Try it again.
00:25:30He made it, eh, Rudy?
00:25:33Aw, come on, Rudy.
00:25:35Take another crack at it.
00:25:37You can't make a sucker out of me.
00:25:39I told you he couldn't take it.
00:25:42I bet that cousin of yours would like to play jacks.
00:25:44Hey, Rudolph, want to play jacks?
00:25:48Oh, he'll be all right, fellas.
00:25:49Maybe he's homesick or something.
00:25:57Look, tourists!
00:26:13Oh, a little Chinese boy.
00:26:18Isn't he cute?
00:26:19You speak English, little boy?
00:26:33Sure, don't you?
00:26:38I only have a dollar.
00:26:40It's okay, I have some change.
00:27:08It's okay.
00:27:09It's okay.
00:27:38It's okay.
00:27:39It's okay.
00:27:40It's okay.
00:27:41It's okay.
00:27:42It's okay.
00:27:43It's okay.
00:27:44It's okay.
00:27:45It's okay.
00:27:46It's okay.
00:27:47It's okay.
00:27:48It's okay.
00:27:49It's okay.
00:27:50It's okay.
00:27:51It's okay.
00:27:52It's okay.
00:27:53It's okay.
00:27:54It's okay.
00:27:55It's okay.
00:27:56It's okay.
00:27:57It's okay.
00:27:58It's okay.
00:27:59It's okay.
00:28:00It's okay.
00:28:01It's okay.
00:28:02It's okay.
00:28:03It's okay.
00:28:04It's okay.
00:28:05It's okay.
00:28:06It's okay.
00:28:07It's okay.
00:28:08It's okay.
00:28:09It's okay.
00:28:10It's okay.
00:28:11It's okay.
00:28:12It's okay.
00:28:13It's okay.
00:28:14It's okay.
00:28:15It's okay.
00:28:16It's okay.
00:28:17It's okay.
00:28:18It's okay.
00:28:19It's okay.
00:28:20It's okay.
00:28:21It's okay.
00:28:22It's okay.
00:28:23It's okay.
00:28:24It's okay.
00:28:25It's okay.
00:28:26It's okay.
00:28:27It's okay.
00:28:28It's okay.
00:28:29It's okay.
00:28:30It's okay.
00:28:31It's okay.
00:28:32It's okay.
00:28:33It's okay.
00:28:34It's okay.
00:28:35It's okay.
00:28:36It's okay.
00:28:37It's okay.
00:28:38It's okay.
00:28:39It's okay.
00:28:40It's okay.
00:28:43It's okay.
00:28:56Why Rudolph, what happened?
00:28:57Aw, nothing.
00:29:00Oh, tell me what happened.
00:29:03Aw, they pushed me overboard.
00:29:04Who did?
00:29:05Tony, what has Tony got against you?
00:29:09How should I know?
00:29:10Oh, how can you talk to mother like that?
00:29:13Then why do you ask so many questions?
00:29:15Because I want to help you, darling.
00:29:18Mother's miserable when you're in trouble.
00:29:21Then tell Tony to lay off of me.
00:29:24You just leave Tony to me.
00:29:27You know, dear, you're just as much right in this house
00:29:29as he is.
00:29:35Things are going to be difficult around here.
00:29:57The fork always goes on the left, Angelina.
00:30:00I don't understand why you think that.
00:30:04I don't understand why it's always go on the left.
00:30:06Carlo and Tony, and you too, we always
00:30:09pick them up with the right hands.
00:30:11It's more polite this way.
00:30:13I've been telling you that for three weeks.
00:30:16All I say is, pretty soon, the fork, she's in the mouth,
00:30:19pull up with spaghetti.
00:30:21So what's the difference, left the side or right the side?
00:30:25Napkin in front, cup on the sauce, knife on the right.
00:30:30When she might put a knife in the back.
00:30:33You're just sore, because my mother said you oughtn't
00:30:35to go out on that boat in the rain.
00:30:38I don't see what kick you get out of that anyway,
00:30:41hanging around all day catching fish.
00:30:44Who's asking you?
00:30:46Why don't you mind your own business?
00:30:48I'm not asking you to mind your own business.
00:30:50I'm asking you to mind your own business.
00:30:53Learn your poem like you're supposed to.
00:30:55When you've seen one fish, you've seen them all.
00:30:58Oh, what do you know about fishing?
00:31:14That tune, it's getting on my nerves.
00:31:17Cut it out, will you?
00:31:23You know it by heart, dear?
00:31:25I want you to recite it tonight for Uncle Carlo.
00:31:28How do you expect me to know it, when Tony's all the time
00:31:31singing and interrupting me?
00:31:33How can a guy study that way?
00:31:35Tony, dear, you know we mustn't be selfish.
00:31:39It's only a little thing, Tony.
00:31:41But you don't understand how it says love.
00:31:43It says love.
00:31:52You don't understand how it's those little things
00:31:54that get on one's nerves.
00:31:56How would you like it if you were intent on what
00:31:58you were doing and someone was rude enough to
00:32:00distract you by singing and whistling?
00:32:03It isn't very pleasant, is it, dear?
00:32:10I just to say how's everything to Angelina the night girl, huh?
00:32:14Come on, come on.
00:32:15Say, have a peppermint.
00:32:16Go on.
00:32:17Mamma, eat that.
00:32:19And you better wipe off your boots, too,
00:32:21because Estella got a new rug.
00:32:22Oh, I won't take them off if I'm a new rug.
00:32:25Oh, no, I gotta, I gotta hold in my sock.
00:32:27Come on, come on, come on.
00:32:28Hello, everybody.
00:32:37How are you?
00:32:38Uncle Carlo, can I help you off with your boots?
00:32:41Yeah, sure.
00:33:01Hello, Angelina.
00:33:03It's a good evening.
00:33:04Angelina, bella.
00:33:07I bring you all my friends, eh?
00:33:12Pretty fresh guys around here.
00:33:14Ma cosa ho fatto?
00:33:16Mi correzza.
00:33:19Well, goodbye, everybody.
00:33:20I got appointment.
00:33:21No, no, no, no, no.
00:33:24You're going to stay and have dinner with us.
00:33:26But it's a pretty big appointment, you know.
00:33:28And anyway, you don't get tired to have me here
00:33:30for dinner every night.
00:33:32For a meal.
00:33:35Oh, I'm so sorry, Beppo.
00:33:37But if you have an appointment, then you
00:33:39must have dinner with us sometime soon.
00:33:42Thank you very much.
00:33:45Oh, no, Beppo.
00:33:46You've got to stay.
00:33:47All right, Beppo, come and stay.
00:33:48Don't go.
00:33:49Oh, I've got to go.
00:33:50I've got to go downtown.
00:33:51Hey, Beppo, you wait.
00:33:52I don't want you to go.
00:33:53Thank you very much.
00:33:56Beppo, now see what you did.
00:34:00Do you think I offended Beppo?
00:34:02That's a little game we always are playing.
00:34:04It's too bad you don't understand.
00:34:07Oh, Carlo.
00:34:08I'm trying so hard to fit in with your lives and your friends.
00:34:13Stella, don't say that.
00:34:15You're feeling fine.
00:34:16Everything is wonderful.
00:34:20One spoon of butter.
00:34:24Two spoon of cheese.
00:34:28One little pinch of salt.
00:34:31Mother of me, I'll give that woman
00:34:33one pinch someplace sometime.
00:34:37600 years, my family make the finest,
00:34:40longest spaghetti in Rome.
00:34:42Now I've got to cut them up for sure.
00:34:44Like they do in Boston.
00:34:46What do they know about spaghetti in Boston, anyway?
00:34:51Where is this Boston?
00:34:55Ah, that hit the spot, huh?
00:34:58Have another piece, Carlo.
00:34:59You think I should?
00:35:00Why not?
00:35:01I don't know.
00:35:02I'm getting pretty fat.
00:35:03I weigh five pounds more than I ever
00:35:05weighed before in my whole life.
00:35:06But I got to hand them over to you.
00:35:08You make a good pie.
00:35:09It's my special recipe.
00:35:13From the left, please.
00:35:20Tony, dear, what are you doing?
00:35:24Hey, Julius, cut that out.
00:35:27Oh, Tony, this is terrible.
00:35:28Look at the rug.
00:35:29Tony, I thought I told her to keep that seal outside.
00:35:31But, daddy, you didn't say all the time.
00:35:33Oh, Tony, I'm trying so hard to keep
00:35:35the place neat and clean.
00:35:37Stella is right.
00:35:38A house with a rug is normal.
00:35:40Oh, gee, Pop.
00:35:41Go on.
00:35:42Take them outside.
00:35:43Go on.
00:35:44Poor dirty snitch.
00:35:47Come on, Julius.
00:35:48Come on, Julius.
00:35:49Here, boy.
00:35:50Come here.
00:35:51Come on, Julius.
00:35:52Come on.
00:35:53Hey, what's the matter, Tony?
00:36:08Oh, nothing.
00:36:12Hey, what's the matter, Tony?
00:36:21Oh, nothing.
00:36:23Oh, yeah.
00:36:24Stopping and getting you down.
00:36:26Come on.
00:36:27Tell you what, you're going to get along with this Rudolph, huh?
00:36:33No, Dad.
00:36:35You tell your gang so they don't want to play with you?
00:36:39Well, it ain't my fault they don't like him.
00:36:42Well, he's all right.
00:36:44He's a little bit different, but he's a smart kid.
00:36:49I'll say he's smart.
00:36:51Hey, when I write you Aunt Stella,
00:36:54and I told you they was going to come to stay with us,
00:36:56she was very glad, and I liked you for that.
00:36:59Now they're here.
00:37:01Why can't you be friends?
00:37:02They're nice people, ain't they?
00:37:05Ain't they?
00:37:08How much longer are they going to stay?
00:37:10I don't know.
00:37:11Maybe a month, maybe more.
00:37:14You said that when they came,
00:37:16and they've been here nearly a month already.
00:37:19I don't like that.
00:37:20That's not nice.
00:37:22Your Aunt Stella's doing everything to make us happy,
00:37:24ain't she?
00:37:27I guess so.
00:37:28Then why can't you be friends with Rudolph?
00:37:30You kids are funny.
00:37:32One minute you fight, the next minute you're friends.
00:37:36I try to be friends with them, Dad.
00:37:42Then you try once more, huh?
00:37:44Come on, be a good boy, yeah?
00:37:47All right, Dad.
00:37:49Sure, I'll try.
00:37:50That's good.
00:38:07Okay, Julius.
00:38:13Hey, Tony, you're up so soon, huh?
00:38:17I'll be in a minute, Pop.
00:38:20Yeah, you'll feel good today, huh?
00:38:23That's fine.
00:38:24Hey, Rudolph, hey, your mama said you wanted to go with us today, huh?
00:38:28I don't feel so good.
00:38:31Maybe he'd better get some rest, huh, Pop?
00:38:33Hey, sure.
00:38:37Good morning, Angelina.
00:38:40Good morning.
00:38:44I'll take it in for you.
00:38:49I like the stove.
00:38:51I make the breakfast.
00:38:55I like the stove.
00:38:58I make the breakfast.
00:39:00Just the last minute, she take the tray.
00:39:07Oh, Stella mia, what's the matter?
00:39:10You don't have to get up so early to make my breakfast.
00:39:13Oh, I don't mind, Carlo, really.
00:39:15I want to make sure your breakfast is right.
00:39:17Yeah, well, you're here for the vacation.
00:39:20Four o'clock is too early.
00:39:21Four o'clock is too early.
00:39:23Too early.
00:39:24Well, four o'clock is too early for Stella.
00:39:26She's different.
00:39:27She don't know the fisherman's life.
00:39:32That's it.
00:39:36Say, this breakfast is wonderful.
00:39:38You're going to spoil me for sure.
00:39:40Oh, thank you, Carlo.
00:39:42I feel great.
00:39:43Today, I'm going to catch every fish in the ocean.
00:39:47But, Carlo, you work so hard.
00:39:50That's all right.
00:39:51All I got to work hard.
00:39:52You wouldn't have to work so hard if you were sensible.
00:39:55What do you mean, sensible?
00:39:57Did it ever occur to you that you own three boats?
00:40:02Oh, sure.
00:40:03They belong to my papa, and good boats, too.
00:40:05They're your boats, you know, Carlo.
00:40:07Don't you ever feel that Beppo and the other men
00:40:09should work for you?
00:40:11Oh, they work for me.
00:40:12I tell them what to do.
00:40:13Yes, Carlo, you tell them what to do.
00:40:16The boats belong to you.
00:40:19Yet you all share alike.
00:40:27That's another reason why you ought to be the boss.
00:40:30Hey, one of my notes.
00:40:31How's this going to work out for Beppo, Pietro, and Luigi?
00:40:35Well, you pay them a salary every week.
00:40:38And you keep the rest.
00:40:49Gotta hunch.
00:40:50We're going to break all records with the catch today, Dad.
00:40:54Hey, that's right.
00:40:55That's right.
00:41:01Hello, Beppo.
00:41:02Hey, I'm right here, Carlo.
00:41:03Let's go.
00:41:04No, no, no.
00:41:05No, no.
00:41:06One of my notes.
00:41:07Pietro, Luigi, come over here.
00:41:09What's the matter?
00:41:11Hey, howdy ho, Picaro.
00:41:13We're losing the best of place.
00:41:15Now, listen aboard.
00:41:16I just find out we do this fishing business all around.
00:41:19What's the matter?
00:41:20Just a chance.
00:41:21Spare the moment.
00:41:22Spare the moment.
00:41:23The way you catch them up with the fish is all right.
00:41:25Could be better, maybe.
00:41:26But what I mean is we gotta have the boss.
00:41:30We gotta have the boss.
00:41:32The boss?
00:41:33The boss.
00:41:34The boss.
00:41:35The boss.
00:41:36The boss.
00:41:37The boss.
00:41:38The boss.
00:41:39We got a boss.
00:41:41Everybody's his own boss.
00:41:43Everybody works for himself.
00:41:45We got four bosses.
00:41:46Hey, hey.
00:41:47That's the trouble.
00:41:48You got more boss than you got a fish in the ocean.
00:41:50I tell you, boys, we gotta have just the one lonely boss.
00:41:54That's good.
00:41:55I be boss on Monday.
00:41:56Carlo, you be boss on Tuesday.
00:41:58Therefore, you...
00:41:59That's good.
00:42:00Come on.
00:42:01Spare the moment.
00:42:02That's no good.
00:42:03We gotta have the same one boss every day.
00:42:07Well, who gonna be the boss?
00:42:09It's gonna be me.
00:42:11Why you, Carlo?
00:42:13Well, I own the three boats.
00:42:15Oh, yeah?
00:42:16They belong to my papa, no?
00:42:17The same way they belong to me.
00:42:19Hey, what kind of talk is that?
00:42:20The boat belong to your papa.
00:42:22All right.
00:42:23A long time ago.
00:42:24But I put in a new deck.
00:42:25I put in no more.
00:42:27I put in a whole new boat.
00:42:29That's all right.
00:42:30Hey, I own just as much as you, the Caranino.
00:42:33Such ignorance, stupid people.
00:42:36I don't want to push you out from the boat.
00:42:38But from now on, instead, we split up the catch.
00:42:41I'm gonna pay you the salaries every week.
00:42:44Only I going to be the boss.
00:42:47We do all the work and you keep all the money.
00:42:49We don't need the money.
00:42:50Well, not the boss.
00:42:51He's crazy.
00:42:52You want him to not be happy.
00:42:53That's no way to talk to the boss.
00:42:54You start to work today, I pay you the salaries.
00:42:56Not me.
00:42:57We going to build our own boat.
00:42:59You keep the Caranino all of yourself.
00:43:01Now, wait a minute, Beppo.
00:43:02You want us to get off your boat?
00:43:04No, I don't say that.
00:43:05But you mean that.
00:43:06No, I go and fish by myself.
00:43:12Before I go away, I'm going to take off the deck I put in.
00:43:15That's it, Beppo.
00:43:16And I remember now.
00:43:17It's on my will.
00:43:18Stop, stop.
00:43:19Hey, take off my jersey.
00:43:21Come over here.
00:43:23This is against the law.
00:43:25Beppo, stop that.
00:43:27Stop that.
00:43:29Well, I'm going to take them off.
00:43:31Well, I get the wood from the lumber yard.
00:43:33I bring the wood back to the lumber yard.
00:43:35Hey, that's my anchor.
00:43:37That's my anchor you got here.
00:43:39All right, keep the anchor.
00:43:41I just want my chain.
00:43:45I put in the deck, and now I'm going to take them off.
00:43:47Hey, you make a big mistake.
00:43:49We make a good buy.
00:43:50Also, go fish by yourself.
00:43:54Hey, which one of you men want to help me with the boat?
00:43:59I'll give you whatever you want.
00:44:05Why don't you go to the crazy house?
00:44:12I want to be my own boss.
00:44:25Pop, you can't go off without taking Beppo.
00:44:28Maybe you'd like to be the boss.
00:44:29I think you talk too much.
00:44:31But it's not fair.
00:44:32So maybe you'd like to stay home today, huh?
00:44:39The machine.
00:44:40Push that button down there.
00:44:45Hey, come on.
00:44:46We're long time already.
00:44:58I'd like to stop by the library.
00:45:19Why, Tony, dear.
00:45:23I thought you were on the Karinima.
00:45:25Hurry up, Angie, will you? I'm hungry.
00:45:29Tony, Mia, what's the matter?
00:45:31Angelina, will you please serve Rudolph's breakfast?
00:45:34You know, it makes him nervous if his meals are late.
00:45:37What happened, Tony? Tell me.
00:45:41Pop had a fight with Bemple.
00:45:45It's you who did this.
00:45:47How ridiculous.
00:45:47It's you who make all of the troubles.
00:45:50Angelina, I've been very patient with you.
00:45:52I'll ask you to stay out of our family affairs
00:45:54and look after your work. Is that so?
00:45:57And keep out of things you don't understand.
00:45:59There's plenty of things I understand in this house
00:46:02pretty well.
00:46:04Pretty well.
00:46:07If you're not too busy prying, Angelina,
00:46:10perhaps you'll serve the breakfast now.
00:46:14On your left, please, Angelina.
00:46:18Excuse me.
00:46:20That's right.
00:46:22I always forget
00:46:24to serve it up right.
00:46:26You've got to serve it on the left.
00:46:28Oh, dear, you're the biggest...
00:46:38You can't go. You mustn't.
00:46:40It's no use, Tony. I can't stand it no longer.
00:46:42I've got my bag packed two weeks already.
00:46:44Oh, but Angie needs it.
00:46:50I'll come back and see you sometime, eh?
00:46:55Take another piece, Carlo.
00:46:56You no get fat. It's good for you.
00:46:59It's my special recipe.
00:47:01But who baked that pie, anyway?
00:47:03I've been cooking in that house 15 years,
00:47:06and she want to tell me how to bake.
00:47:09That's right, Angelina.
00:47:10You may clear away the things,
00:47:12but you may leave the coffee.
00:47:14Angelina no catch on very fast.
00:47:17Hmm. And what did Carlo say?
00:47:19He didn't say a word.
00:47:20He didn't say a word.
00:47:22And what did Carlo say?
00:47:24He no say nothing.
00:47:25She's got him twisted around her little finger like that.
00:47:28All right.
00:47:29That settles everything.
00:47:32We get her married. Right away.
00:47:34Beppo Ferragini, you're crazy.
00:47:36Maybe so, but I got everything fixed.
00:47:39You remember the last time we talk,
00:47:41I go down to Seriola for the marriage license?
00:47:44Yes, and then you come back home and fight and insult me.
00:47:47What? That was your fault.
00:47:49Angelina, please, for just once, we no fight, huh?
00:47:53Look, we no use the marriage license right away.
00:47:57She's no good no more.
00:47:58She's a big cancer.
00:48:02I no can get married.
00:48:05I got no trucee.
00:48:07Who is a trucee?
00:48:09You see, you no understand nothing.
00:48:11The bride, she's got to have pretty things.
00:48:14Angelina, please, you got to understand.
00:48:17Angelina, please, you got a wedding dress.
00:48:20What's belong to you, grandma?
00:48:22For 20 years, you take them out of the mothballers
00:48:25and you put them back again.
00:48:26Pretty soon, you have no more dress.
00:48:28I bet you right now the mothballers hit them all up.
00:48:32How much you want to bet?
00:48:47Bravo! Angelina!
00:48:49I give you the piece.
00:48:50I get to the hole, I fix everything.
00:48:53Get out of here.
00:49:47I'm sorry.
00:49:48I'm sorry.
00:49:49I'm sorry.
00:49:50I'm sorry.
00:49:51I'm sorry.
00:49:52I'm sorry.
00:49:53I'm sorry.
00:49:54I'm sorry.
00:49:55I'm sorry.
00:49:56I'm sorry.
00:49:57I'm sorry.
00:49:58I'm sorry.
00:49:59I'm sorry.
00:50:00I'm sorry.
00:50:01I'm sorry.
00:50:02I'm sorry.
00:50:03I'm sorry.
00:50:04I'm sorry.
00:50:05I'm sorry.
00:50:06I'm sorry.
00:50:07I'm sorry.
00:50:08I'm sorry.
00:50:09I'm sorry.
00:50:10I'm sorry.
00:50:11I'm sorry.
00:50:12I'm sorry.
00:50:13I'm sorry.
00:50:14I'm sorry.
00:50:15I'm sorry.
00:50:16I'm sorry.
00:50:17I'm sorry.
00:50:18I'm sorry.
00:50:19I'm sorry.
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00:52:53I'm sorry.
00:52:54I'm sorry.
00:52:55I'm sorry.
00:52:56I'm sorry.
00:52:57I'm sorry.
00:52:58I'm sorry.
00:52:59I'm sorry.
00:53:00I'm sorry.
00:53:01I'm sorry.
00:53:02I'm sorry.
00:53:03I'm sorry.
00:53:04I'm sorry.
00:53:05I'm sorry.
00:53:06I'm sorry.
00:53:07I'm sorry.
00:53:08I'm sorry.
00:53:09I'm sorry.
00:53:10I'm sorry.
00:53:12I'm sorry.
00:53:27You're making a doll collar for yourself.
00:53:30Well, if it's for that seal of yours,
00:53:31you'd better use it right away.
00:53:33Because Mom don't want it hanging around,
00:53:35not even in the backyard.
00:53:36You keep your nose out of my business.
00:53:39Why don't you and your mother get wise to yourselves and pack up and go home?
00:53:46Get wise to your own self, dummy.
00:53:49We're here to stay.
00:53:50You ought to know by now we don't want you.
00:53:53You don't belong here.
00:53:56From what I know, we got just as much right here as you have.
00:54:00More right.
00:54:03How do you figure that out?
00:54:06You don't know.
00:54:07I ain't going to tell you.
00:54:08Then don't.
00:54:10What do I care?
00:54:12Must be tough at that, not to have a mother and not to know who your father was.
00:54:16What are you talking about?
00:54:17I know who my father is.
00:54:19That's what you think.
00:54:22Say, you cut that out, a cousin or no cousin, I'll take a sock at you.
00:54:26You're not my cousin.
00:54:28You're not related to any of us.
00:54:31You're just an orphan.
00:54:33Why, you don't know what you're talking about.
00:54:35Don't I?
00:54:36Ask my mother.
00:54:37Ask your father.
00:54:39They'll tell you.
00:54:40You'll find out.
00:54:43Good boy.
00:54:48Good boy.
00:55:02There's plenty of things I understand in this house pretty well.
00:55:06Pretty well.
00:55:07From what I know, we got just as much right here as you have.
00:55:11Just as much right here as you have.
00:55:14More right here.
00:55:16My Stella's doing everything to make us happy, isn't she?
00:55:19Get wife to your own Stella, you dummy.
00:55:22We're here to stay.
00:55:24You're not related to any of us.
00:55:26You're just an orphan.
00:55:28Just an orphan.
00:55:31Hello, Tony, bambino mio.
00:55:44You've come to see Angelina, eh?
00:55:47That's good.
00:55:49How is your papa?
00:55:51He's all right.
00:55:52Oh, you've come just in time.
00:55:57Gee, thanks, Angelina.
00:56:03When did you come to cook for my father?
00:56:06Oh, longer before you was born.
00:56:09Gosh, then you were there when I was born.
00:56:13Sure, sure.
00:56:14And you remember, huh?
00:56:19Well, we no live here, then.
00:56:23We live in Oakland.
00:56:26But you do remember when I was born, don't you, Angelina?
00:56:30Sure, sure.
00:56:33I remember.
00:56:36Madre mia, you're the most beautiful bambino we ever see.
00:56:41Just like a little angel.
00:56:44With fat little cheeks and curly black hair.
00:56:47Your papa and mama love you so much.
00:56:50But Angelina, she love you best.
00:56:52But Angelina, look.
00:56:53Look, look.
00:56:54Beppo, he's going to be home now, and he want his dinner.
00:56:56You go away.
00:56:57No bother me no more now.
00:56:58Go away.
00:56:59Go away.
00:57:10What's the matter?
00:57:11You want to put him in the tassoon?
00:57:13Let me do it.
00:57:16Hey, hello, Tony.
00:57:17Gee, it's nice to see you.
00:57:19Where you been?
00:57:20Oh, I've been around.
00:57:23Say, Beppo.
00:57:26Can I ask you something?
00:57:28Go ahead, Tony.
00:57:31Well, stop working a minute, will you?
00:57:33Because this is awful important to me.
00:57:36Well, go ahead.
00:57:37Shoot the words.
00:57:40Well, what I want to ask you is,
00:57:44what I want to know is, if a kid's born in an orphan home,
00:57:50how do you find out?
00:57:53Well, you see, it's like this, Tony.
00:57:56I was what you call an orphan myself.
00:58:00And it was in Napoli, Italy.
00:58:03And my father, he...
00:58:11Look out, a plane!
00:58:41It's a lot of bologna.
00:58:43Bologna ain't nothing.
00:58:44You don't look like him, do you?
00:58:48That's that.
00:58:49You're not so bad looking for a kid that got out of an orphan home.
00:58:52You take that back.
00:58:54Take it back or I'll punch you right in the nose.
00:58:57Why don't you try?
00:59:14Why don't you try?
00:59:39Hey, what's the matter here?
00:59:41So, why do you fight like this?
00:59:42and here I was telling Uncle Carlo it was perfectly all right to leave you two alone.
00:59:46I'm ashamed.
00:59:47You don't know how much it hurts me to think I can't trust you.
00:59:50Aw, he took the first punch.
00:59:54Why, Tony, you're all smeared with blood.
00:59:57Go wash your face. Go on.
00:59:58Come, Tony, dear.
00:59:59Keep your hands off me.
01:00:03Oh, Carlo, don't get angry.
01:00:04Tony doesn't mean it, do you, dear?
01:00:07Why you no answer?
01:00:09I tell you I'm sorry you say that.
01:00:11I won't.
01:00:12You do what I tell you.
01:00:14You don't do what I tell you?
01:00:15You and me is a finish.
01:00:18You wouldn't talk like that to me if...
01:00:23What do you mean, if?
01:00:28Could I talk to you alone, Dad, kind of private-like?
01:00:32What's the matter? Why you say that?
01:00:34What you got to say to me you can say in front of Anstella.
01:00:38Uh, what's the use?
01:00:40I don't understand you, Tony.
01:00:41No way, Carlo.
01:00:43You're all excited. You'll only make things worse.
01:00:47I guess you're right.
01:00:54I'm all right, Mother.
01:01:10Come on, Julius.
01:01:40Come on.
01:02:05Hey, what do you do out to so late?
01:02:07I'm going away.
01:02:09Why you go away?
01:02:10I don't understand.
01:02:12They don't want me no more.
01:02:14Who don't want you no more?
01:02:17My father.
01:02:20Never in my life I saw Papa love his boy as much as Carlo love you.
01:02:25He's not my father.
01:02:27He got me out of an orphan home.
01:02:28Oh, that's a crazy.
01:02:29Come on, we go home, huh?
01:02:31No, it's true, and you know that.
01:02:33I'm going away, Blackwater.
01:02:34Sure, sure, sure.
01:02:35You go home.
01:02:36You go away with Angelina and me.
01:02:38You go with us to Eureka, all right?
01:02:42Well, I'm not coming back.
01:02:45No, no, no.
01:02:46You're not coming back.
01:02:47Come on.
01:02:48Sure, sure.
01:02:49In the morning, we all go.
01:02:51But now, Tony, you rest a while.
01:02:53You sleep, huh?
01:02:54We leave early in the morning.
01:02:56And I'm not coming back.
01:02:57That's all right.
01:02:58That's all right.
01:03:01Down, down.
01:03:02Down, Tony.
01:03:06I'm confused a little.
01:03:08I'm going to show you, con caro.
01:03:11You stay here.
01:03:12I'll go tell Carlo right away.
01:03:16I go along.
01:03:17I tell Carlo something, too.
01:03:21Get up, Julius.
01:03:23This is a terrible.
01:03:25I know he went to bed.
01:03:27I'm telling you, he tried to run away.
01:03:29Povero bambino da da passe.
01:03:50Come here.
01:03:51Wake up.
01:03:52Hey, what's the big idea?
01:03:54Say, why are you not telling me Tony didn't sleep in his bed tonight?
01:03:58How should I know he didn't sleep in his bed?
01:04:00Rudolf, dear.
01:04:01Estelle, this is a terrible.
01:04:02Why do you want to run away?
01:04:03I tell you why, Carlo Roma.
01:04:05Because his papa not treat him right.
01:04:07Because his papa tell him he's finished with him.
01:04:09Because his papa tell him he's an orphan boy.
01:04:14I not tell him of that.
01:04:16Estelle, you tell him?
01:04:17I think yes.
01:04:18She tell him.
01:04:19You mind your own business.
01:04:23Hey, Rodolfo.
01:04:24You tell him.
01:04:26Answer me.
01:04:27You tell him.
01:04:28Well, what do you want me to say?
01:04:32You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
01:04:34Ah, you make me sick.
01:04:35You said yourself you ought to know it.
01:04:39Beppo, come on.
01:04:41Go get Tony.
01:04:42Nice boy.
01:04:45I think I stick around a while, eh?
01:04:47Because you're going to leave a poor early in the morning.
01:04:50So I'm going to pack your bag and serve them on the left.
01:05:05He's gone.
01:05:07My head's over there.
01:05:08No, sir.
01:05:16The Karenin has gone, too.
01:05:18Tony, take her.
01:05:20Come on.
01:05:22Come on.
01:06:21The Karenina!
01:06:46What's it all about, Tony?
01:06:49I'm going away.
01:06:51No, you don't go, Tony.
01:06:54I don't let you go.
01:06:57I know all about it, Tony, why you and Rudolf were having those fights.
01:06:59But everything's going to be all right.
01:07:01You're going to go home with your Pop, eh?
01:07:05You ain't my Pop.
01:07:11It's true, ain't it?
01:07:16You got me out of an orphan place.
01:07:20That's right.
01:07:22I take you out from the orphanage home.
01:07:25But I think it's only the right thing you hear that from me someday.
01:07:27And not from no Aunt Stella, and not from no Rudolfo.
01:07:32I want to tell you something, Tony.
01:07:35When your mom and me, we forced to get married, we want to have a little bambino.
01:07:40You know, a nice little baby boy.
01:07:44But when we get older, we don't gotta know.
01:07:48And we get lonesome.
01:07:52Then we find you.
01:07:56How many, how many other kids were, were in that, that place?
01:08:05About 50.
01:08:10But, why did you pick me?
01:08:14Because the minute we see you, we know right away we want you.
01:08:26Well, it's better than being born, ain't it?
01:08:28We, we pick you.
01:08:30Gee, if, if I had been born regularly, you'd, you'd had to take me.
01:08:35Even if you was just a little Eskimo baby or the wild man from the Borneo's.
01:08:41And you, you're not sorry you picked me?
01:08:48No, Tony.
01:08:51Before the school start, you and me, we're gonna go out and catch the big fish, you know?
01:08:56Not little fish, but big fish, yeah?
01:09:00Just you and me?
01:09:03Just you and me, Tony.
01:09:05And Beppo.
01:09:06Oh, and Beppo. Say, you know Rodolfo's going back to Seattle with his mama, where they belong.
01:09:12Okay, skipper, you take the wheel.
01:09:15If it's too much trouble, of course, I take the wheel.
01:09:18Say, who do you think you're kidding?
01:09:22Well, have we got any more uncles?