Common Ways to Succeed with Autopilot

  • 3 years ago
There are many ways you can succeed on Amazon and there is no one size fits all technique. Here are some common way our sellers operate and how they use our AutoPilot to fit their marketing strategy.
New products coming in every week. Non-performing products are disposed off.
For sellers that have thousands of skus coming in consistently the recommended approach is to set high ACoS for all the new SKUs and then lower it down on the products with the highest conversion rates.
You can even have an interim step where you can improve your conversion rates by optimizing your listing.
AutoPilot: Set it to high target ACoS for new products, low for products with high CVR. Check for CVR in the campaigns dashboard.
Brand Protection
This is something that even big brands overlook but you need to absolutely have in place especially if you love your brand.
AutoPilot: Setup a campaign with just your brand name keywords and set it to break even target ACoS. If you are a new brand you can even set the target ACoS to really low values. What you are trying to achieve over here is to make sure that no competitor get sales from customers who are searching for your brand.
Aggressive sales
This strategy involves selling products cheaply and quickly to gain reviews and Best Selling rank then drop the ACoS as well as increase prices.
With sufficient capital, it's a easy way to capture the market.
AutoPilot: For all of your campaigns raise the ACoS as much as possible and keep it at this high position until you have sufficient reviews.
Also enable keyword mining/harvesting and raise the max AutoBid. Offer discount coupons to sell quickly and get more reviews. Once you have achieved your target BSR, reduce the ACoS, remove the discount coupons and raise the prices slights.
Lose on Ads but win on organic sales
From what we have seen this is the most interesting approach. Some of our sellers set their campaigns to be consistently high ACoS, even above their break even point.
The rationale is to pick up on recurring customers and have a much lower Total ACoS.
AutoPilot: Set the campaigns to 100% ACoS for all products that are likely to have recurring purchases like home essentials, health and beauty products etc.
Raise the daily automated keyword mining from 3 to anything above 5. Raise the Minimum Spend threshold to the price of your product and Max AutoBid to 10x of your CPC
Consistent profits
This is the most common strategy for almost all Amazon sellers. The idea is to make small consistent profit on any item you sell on Amazon.
AutoPilot: Set it to a break-even ACoS after factoring in your profits. The industry average is 30% ACoS and is suits most brands and private label sellers.
These are the major way how our sellers succeed and few more uncommon ways which I haven't mentioned here. Do you fit into any of the profile above? If yes, then leave a comment below and let us know.
We will be dropping more information on how to best setup AutoPilot.
