00:06:15Hey, here I am!
00:06:17Hey, stop!
00:08:00Oh, hello there!
00:08:02Do you realize you went right past me a few minutes ago?
00:08:05Oh, but I wasn't...
00:08:06Just don't try to make a lot of silly excuses.
00:08:08Get down here and help me with these bags.
00:08:10I'm sorry, I'm a little new on the job.
00:08:18I'll give you a hand.
00:08:19You'd just better learn to meet these trains on time.
00:08:22I guess you don't know who I am.
00:08:25I'm Carol Vanderpool.
00:08:28Daughter of J. Malcolm Vanderpool.
00:08:30Well, lucky you.
00:08:32Must be Wall Street Vanderpool.
00:08:34I thought you'd be surprised.
00:08:36Will you ride inside or out?
00:08:42Your Highness.
00:08:44Well, here we go.
00:08:47Hey, be careful!
00:08:54Take it easy!
00:08:55This isn't a subway, ma'am.
00:08:56These things always ride like this.
00:08:58Get out!
00:08:59Hey, a little careful!
00:09:00I can't help it.
00:09:01These roads haven't been fixed in 20 years.
00:09:03I'm not going to let you down.
00:09:05Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:06Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:07Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:08Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:09Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:10Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:11Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:12Hey, hey, hey!
00:09:13These roads haven't been fixed in 20 years.
00:09:15Rugged, huh?
00:09:16Yeah, it's rugged.
00:09:24I can steer this thing better with my eyes shut.
00:09:26You think it's that easy, huh?
00:09:27Well, sure.
00:09:28Those horses know where they're going.
00:09:29They're smarter than you are.
00:09:32That does it.
00:09:33Give me the steering wheel.
00:09:35Is that the way you want it?
00:09:36It sure is.
00:09:38Whoa, whoa.
00:09:43All yours.
00:09:44And I'll just take them.
00:09:46Go ahead.
00:09:47Oh, no, you don't, Mr. Wise Guy.
00:09:50You're fired.
00:09:51Well, you can't fire me.
00:09:52I'm not...
00:09:53I certainly can, too, fire you.
00:09:54My father owns this stage.
00:09:55Now, just get off and see how you like
00:09:57walking down that hot road.
00:10:01Come on, Trager.
00:10:14Hey, wait a minute.
00:10:16What's the matter?
00:10:17Do you want to change your mind?
00:10:18Well, no, but if you're going back into town...
00:10:22I'm not.
00:10:23I'm going prospecting out in the hills.
00:10:25That's where you belong.
00:10:27I can handle these horses just as well as you can.
00:10:44I hope you've been by around, sir.
00:10:57Hey, boss.
00:10:58It's a stagecoach.
00:11:09Must have come in by itself.
00:11:13That's what you think.
00:11:15Hey, boss, a dame.
00:11:17You amaze me.
00:11:18What a ride.
00:11:19No wonder this company's going broke.
00:11:22Here, let me help you.
00:11:23A little late for that, isn't it?
00:11:25Your stage driver left me stranded clear out
00:11:27in the middle of nowhere.
00:11:29I'd be there yet if I didn't know how to drive this outfit.
00:11:34What do you mean about the company going broke?
00:11:36How do you know?
00:11:37I'm J.M.'s daughter, Carol.
00:11:40This is no dame.
00:11:42Miss Vanderpool, I'm Bill Regan.
00:11:45Why didn't you worry if she were coming?
00:11:47I didn't expect to find anybody here.
00:11:49There's no more money, you know.
00:11:51Well, I'm really very glad to see you.
00:11:53You don't think I'd run out on your father
00:11:55just because it didn't pan out, do you?
00:11:58Hey, Mike.
00:11:59Yeah, boss?
00:12:00Get Miss Vanderpool's bag.
00:12:03Give him a hand, Mike.
00:12:07I want you to take Miss Vanderpool to the Hangman's Hotel.
00:12:11The Hangman's?
00:12:12That's what I said.
00:12:13Okay, boss.
00:12:15If you say so.
00:12:16My boys are very thorough, Miss Vanderpool.
00:12:21Is that it?
00:12:22Well, I'll admit it isn't first class now,
00:12:24but it used to be.
00:12:25Now, Mike will clean up a room for you.
00:12:33You run along with him.
00:12:34I'll see you later.
00:12:36All right.
00:12:39Hey, boss.
00:12:41You're not going to let her stay in that hotel, are you?
00:12:43That's the idea.
00:12:44One night in that haunted joint with the coyotes howling
00:12:46and the shutters banging, she'll be glad to leave.
00:12:48We don't want her hanging around here.
00:12:49Yeah, but what about that remark she made
00:12:51about the stage driver?
00:12:52I know, I know.
00:12:53That's got me worried, too.
00:12:54I don't see how the driver could have been old Ed, though.
00:12:57Maybe we better make sure.
00:13:11Let's go.
00:13:29That stagecoach came back into town.
00:13:31Yeah, I know.
00:13:32The horses got away from it.
00:13:33But we got old Ed nice and safe.
00:13:36Why did you let me be a banker instead of a prospector?
00:13:40You children.
00:13:48You know why you're here, don't you, Ed?
00:13:53I said you know why you're here, don't you, Ed?
00:13:57Not because I was invited peacefully.
00:14:00They snatched me off the stage, and then they left my horses.
00:14:03Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:14:05This is in your handwriting, Ed.
00:14:07Dear Mr. Vanderpool, I found a real silver vein on your land.
00:14:12Don't trust that sidewinder Regan.
00:14:16Get your hide down here as soon as you can.
00:14:18Signed, Edward Llewellyn Carruthers.
00:14:21Oh, that's good.
00:14:23Just ask for old Ed.
00:14:25I can't understand why you wanted to contact Vanderpool.
00:14:28Now, where is it?
00:14:31Well, I'll tell you.
00:14:33It's buried under the ground.
00:14:35The same as I'd be the minute that I was fooling up to tell you where it's hid.
00:14:40Geary, take care of our guest.
00:14:43If there's anything he wants, give it to him.
00:14:48Hey, boy.
00:14:49Come here.
00:14:50You heard what he said, didn't you?
00:14:53How about a little snort?
00:14:54I'll get you some food.
00:15:10Hey, hey, hey.
00:15:11What's the idea?
00:15:13Don't worry.
00:15:14I got ours in the oven.
00:15:15Yeah, I know.
00:15:16But who's going to eat that?
00:15:18Well, the boys will be in for lunch.
00:15:20And you know the deal.
00:15:22Well, the boys will be in for lunch.
00:15:24And you know the deal.
00:15:25The first one that complains has to take over my job here.
00:15:29Boy, I get so tired of this cooking.
00:15:33I'm going to get rid of this job today.
00:15:36Hey, you sure are.
00:15:56Why don't somebody fix that thing?
00:16:00Here, here.
00:16:01We'll glue her down.
00:16:13A riding rope and cowboy named Colorado Joe
00:16:17Decided he would hit the trail for sunny Mexico
00:16:21And there he met a lady, a señorita fair
00:16:25He couldn't speak her language, but he didn't seem to care
00:16:29To care, to care, didn't seem to care
00:16:33Cause he smiled and she smiled and he winked and she winked
00:16:37And he thought she was as pretty as could be
00:16:41And he laughed, ho, ho, and she laughed
00:16:44And he thought, here is the only gal for me
00:16:48Well, he asked her what her name was, she didn't understand
00:16:52She started speaking Spanish when he took her by the hand
00:16:56She said, tú ten cuidado, ahà detrás de ti
00:17:00Mi viejo está parado, el cielo, so cuÃdate
00:17:04Se sonrió y ya no, batilo y ya no
00:17:08But the story ends unhappily, tis true, tis true, tis true
00:17:14Cause the words that she spoke that he thought were a joke
00:17:18Were beat it, kid, my husband's watching you
00:17:23Hi, Roy!
00:17:24Hey, Cookie!
00:17:25Hi, Boy!
00:17:26I sure had us fooled!
00:17:27Where's the rest of the boys?
00:17:28Oh, they'll be here, it's almost lunchtime
00:17:30Holy mackerel, it's one a minute till twelve
00:17:32Stand aside, boys, here they come!
00:17:35Boy, am I hungry!
00:17:36Yes, chow ready?
00:17:37And how!
00:17:38Roy, glad you got back all right
00:17:41Gotta wash up
00:17:42Listen to this
00:17:43Sin Town Discovery Day, everybody welcome
00:17:46Songs, music, barbecue
00:17:47They're having a big celebration right on the spot
00:17:50Where they're gonna build the new smelter plant
00:17:52Who is?
00:17:53The company that's gonna make us all millionaires
00:17:55They're opening up all the old silver mines
00:17:58Yes, sir, man, we're gonna be on easy street
00:18:00No more ranching for us
00:18:02You're not including me in on this, are ya?
00:18:04We sure are
00:18:05You know that check you sent the boys from the horses you sold?
00:18:08Now, wait a minute, you didn't use that money
00:18:10Yes, we did
00:18:11We wanted you to get in on the ground floor
00:18:13Before the prices went up
00:18:14Well, that's great
00:18:15We're all in on the ground floor
00:18:17Yeah, we thought you'd be surprised
00:18:19So will the bank
00:18:20You know, we already borrowed money on those horses
00:18:22Oh, yeah, we figured that out
00:18:24You see, the bank will get their money back
00:18:26Out of the first dividend
00:18:27When the mine starts paying off
00:18:29Oh, well, what's the matter, Roy?
00:18:32Well, I hate to tell you this
00:18:34But you can't sell horses you don't own
00:18:36If that mining stock doesn't start paying off
00:18:38We'll all end up in jail
00:18:40Yes, those rooms with little bars on the windows
00:18:42Oh, well, now, Roy, don't get mad at the boys
00:18:45It's not their fault
00:18:46I talked them into it
00:18:47Oh, we gotta go get our money back
00:18:49Yeah, we'll have to contact J. Malcolm Vanderpool
00:18:52Back in New York
00:18:55Well, I happen to know that his daughter
00:18:57Came in on the stage today
00:18:59Maybe she can get it for us
00:19:01Sure, let's go and ask her
00:19:03Now, hold on, wait till we eat
00:19:04I'm hungry
00:19:05By all means
00:19:14Do you suppose he's complaining about the food?
00:19:17He couldn't say
00:19:21How did it taste?
00:19:23You can keep the job
00:19:25Wonderful, delicious
00:19:40Where can we find Miss Vanderpool?
00:19:42She's right here, upstairs
00:19:47You two better go and cook
00:19:48She should never give me the money
00:19:50When I left her
00:19:51We weren't exactly on friendly terms
00:19:53All right, Roy
00:19:55Good luck
00:20:06Miss, will you hold the door open for me?
00:20:15Hey, hey, hey
00:20:16Hey, what's the idea?
00:20:18I didn't see you
00:20:21Which one of you is Miss Vanderpool?
00:20:24Oh, just a minute
00:20:25Never mind, Mike
00:20:27I'm Miss Vanderpool
00:20:29And just what can I do for you, my good man?
00:20:31Well, I'm Cookie Bulfincher
00:20:33And I wanted to ask you something
00:20:34About that mining stock
00:20:35Oh, just what did you want to know
00:20:37About the stock?
00:20:38Well, we bought $20,000 worth
00:20:40And we gotta have our money back
00:20:41You see, we borrowed the money from the bank
00:20:43On some horses
00:20:44Now we don't have the horses or the money
00:20:46No, we'll have a lot
00:20:47I'll go to jail
00:20:48Yeah, we'll all go to jail
00:20:49You mean you're gonna go to jail?
00:20:51But as soon as Sin Town gets going
00:20:53That stock's gonna be worth a lot of money
00:20:55Well, that's good
00:20:56I'll tell you what we'll do
00:20:57We'll let you have all of our stock
00:20:59Just for what we paid for it
00:21:02Well, that's very nice of you
00:21:04You could write us a check for it right now
00:21:06Yes, I could write you a check
00:21:07But it wouldn't be any...
00:21:09I didn't bring any with me
00:21:11Well, I could get you some
00:21:12Right down the street
00:21:13I know a...
00:21:14Sherbins, you heard what the lady said
00:21:15Go on, get out
00:21:17You heard what he said!
00:21:19Out you go!
00:21:20Oh, no I don't
00:21:22Stop him!
00:21:28Throw him out!
00:21:37Be careful, Mike
00:21:40Boys, boys, please
00:21:41You're gonna ruin the place
00:21:43The furniture!
00:21:59That's not funny
00:22:00I want to see yourself
00:22:06Get him, Mike
00:22:12Get him, Mike
00:22:38That'll teach you, you troublemaker, you
00:22:40He's always making trouble
00:22:42He hit poor Mike when Mike was helping me clean up the room
00:22:44And he's the one who was driving the stage, too
00:22:46Oh, he was, huh?
00:22:48Well, I guess this just about makes us even
00:22:50Let me talk to her, Miss Vanderpool
00:22:52I'll get this straightened out
00:22:53You go down and get Mike
00:22:54This place is really a mess now
00:22:59What's your name?
00:23:02All right, Rogers
00:23:03What were you doing driving that stage?
00:23:05Oh, I saw it running away and I stopped it
00:23:07And you didn't see what happened to the driver?
00:23:10No, I didn't
00:23:11Why all the questions?
00:23:13I haven't seen you around before
00:23:14Do you work in this part of the country?
00:23:17No, I just happened to be riding through town
00:23:19And I heard the fight and I tried to bring it up
00:23:21You sure did
00:23:22Those two guys can
00:23:23Shut up
00:23:24You couldn't be looking for a job, could you?
00:23:27I might be
00:23:28We can always use another man, can't we, Dave?
00:23:30Listen, Regan, I...
00:23:31Take him up to the mine and tell Gary to put him on
00:23:33Okay, come on
00:23:35Come on
00:23:40Look, I...
00:23:41Now take it easy, Dave
00:23:42I know what I'm doing
00:23:43What do you need him for?
00:23:44He's our alibi
00:23:45He was driving the stage, wasn't he?
00:23:47Old Ed's gonna turn up missing
00:23:48And Rogers is gonna have all the questions to answer
00:23:52But Old Ed, he...
00:23:53Tell Gary to give Rogers something to do
00:23:55That'll keep him away from that shack
00:23:56Now get going
00:24:06Hey, Roy
00:24:07Come on, get out of here
00:24:08I'm working for Regan
00:24:09You got a job?
00:24:10Yeah, don't let him see you talking to me
00:24:11You're gonna work from the inside, huh?
00:24:13That's what I've been trying to tell you
00:24:14Now leave
00:24:22The boss wants to keep Rogers around
00:24:24But he don't want him to see this old coot
00:24:28I guess it's all right to let those oversized jackrabbits in
00:24:30Isn't it, Trigger?
00:24:36Oh, dear
00:24:40You lost something
00:24:48You know, you're not supposed to be on that side of the fence
00:24:51That's obvious
00:24:52But I was just...
00:24:53That is, I thought...
00:24:54I was just...
00:24:55I was just...
00:24:56I was just...
00:24:57I was just...
00:24:58I was just...
00:24:59I was just...
00:25:00I was just...
00:25:01I was just...
00:25:02I was just...
00:25:03I was just...
00:25:04I thought...
00:25:06Wait a minute
00:25:08I'm Carol Vanderpool
00:25:09I know that
00:25:10But have you got an okay from Regan?
00:25:12Well, no, I didn't tell him I was...
00:25:14I don't need an okay from Regan
00:25:16My father owns this mine, remember?
00:25:18But I might ask you what you're doing here
00:25:20I work here
00:25:21I'm being paid to keep people out
00:25:25That doesn't apply to me
00:25:28Shoo! Shoo!
00:25:37Hey, this is the mine shaft, isn't it?
00:25:39I don't think you'd better go down there
00:25:41You just go back and guard your gate
00:25:47See what I mean?
00:26:00I've never seen a gun like that before
00:26:02Do you suppose one of those old prospectors lost it?
00:26:04Could be, it's old enough
00:26:07Could I have it for a souvenir?
00:26:09I guess so, as long as it isn't loaded
00:26:11You know, this gives me an idea
00:26:13I think I'll take some of that ore along
00:26:15It's all yours
00:26:27What's the matter, Genevieve?
00:26:29Did old Ed run off and leave you?
00:26:31Well, I wouldn't let you starve
00:26:33I'll feed you, old girl
00:26:35Good evening, Mr. Bulbanger
00:26:36Good evening, Mr. Regan
00:26:38Hiya, fellas
00:26:41I'm sorry about the mine not panning out
00:26:44I suppose you still have that worthless stock
00:26:47We're getting some use out of it now
00:26:49At least it keeps the wind from coming through those cracks
00:26:53Well, mining is a gamble, Cookie
00:26:55But I hate to see anybody get hurt
00:26:58I just might be able to make a deal with you
00:27:02You mean you want to buy that old stock?
00:27:04Did you hear that, fellas?
00:27:05That's swell
00:27:06Well, I might be able to give you a few cents on the dollar
00:27:08I mean, just enough so that you don't lose out highly
00:27:10Say, about $500, whatever you and your friends put into it
00:27:15We paid over $20,000
00:27:17Well, it's better than nothing
00:27:18Why don't you ask your friend?
00:27:19But then he'd know
00:27:21But that ain't very much money, we...
00:27:23Well, we hadn't asked him
00:27:24Well, that still ain't very much money
00:27:29Good evening, Miss Vanderpool
00:27:31Mr. Bulbanger
00:27:33Are you open for business?
00:27:34Sure, what can I do for you?
00:27:35Do you think you could clean this up and put some bullets in it for me?
00:27:38I thought maybe I might need it
00:27:40I guess you would, living over there at that old Hangman Hotel
00:27:43I wouldn't stay over there with a cannon, now, let me...
00:27:47Where'd you find this?
00:27:49I found it up at the mine
00:27:50I thought maybe one of those old prospectors might have lost it
00:27:53Well, it looks like it belongs to Ol' Ed
00:27:55You know that fella you hired to drive the stagecoach?
00:28:02How about it?
00:28:06Just as I thought, it is Ol' Ed's gun
00:28:08It might not be the same gun
00:28:09Yes, it is
00:28:10Ol' Ed's in trouble, caught in a cave-in or something
00:28:12Saddle up, fellas, we're going in the morning
00:28:14All right
00:28:17There's no reason for him to get so excited
00:28:19Ol' Ed's always wandering off somewhere
00:28:21My men will find him, see if you can stop him
00:28:26Here's your gun
00:28:27It's all loaded, Miss Vanderpool, you might need it
00:28:33What did you do with Ol' Ed's gun?
00:28:34We took it from him and threw it away
00:28:36That was a stupid thing to do, now that Dame's got it
00:28:38Cook and his friends are on their way to the mine to look for Ol' Ed
00:28:41Get up there and bring him back before they find him
00:28:43Sure, boss, sure
00:28:49Go, go, go
00:29:19Go, go, go
00:29:20Go, go, go
00:29:48Hey, Geary
00:29:51What's all the hurry?
00:29:52There's some rioters on their way up here
00:29:54Rogers, you stay here and stop them
00:29:55Get out of the way
00:30:06Pull up, Cookie, this is the end of the line
00:30:08What do you mean?
00:30:09If I can't let you in here, I'm working, remember?
00:30:11But, Roy, Ol' Ed's up here someplace
00:30:13That was his gun the Vanderpool girl found
00:30:16Ed's gun?
00:30:18Then that's why there wasn't anybody driving that stagecoach
00:30:20Someone must have grabbed him
00:30:22But why?
00:30:23Have you had a look around?
00:30:24No, they've kept me busy guarding this gate
00:30:26Well, now's a good time
00:30:32Oh, no, we won't
00:30:34This won't hurt much
00:30:36I told you to keep him out of here, Rogers
00:30:38Now get going
00:30:39Stand aside
00:30:45We're looking for Ol' Ed
00:30:47I say, there's nobody in there
00:30:49Now, I'm warning you, this is private property
00:30:51And they're going to take you to jail for trespassing
00:30:53We're probably all going anyhow
00:30:57Anybody got a match?
00:31:11Hey, Roy
00:31:12Hey, Roy
00:31:16The familiar cookie?
00:31:18Yeah, could be
00:31:20Get him out of here
00:31:25Can you take care of him, all right?
00:31:33Hey, somebody's leaving
00:31:35Come on
00:31:41I'm taking you birds in for trespassing on private property
00:31:44Move over to your horses
00:31:46You, Rogers
00:31:48Bring that horse over here
00:32:05Come on
00:32:35Come on
00:33:06Oh, my stomach
00:33:09I think you're broken
00:33:10Get the horses out of here
00:33:12Oh, hey, Genevieve
00:33:15Look what they're doing to your old partner
00:33:17Don't let them go, Genevieve
00:33:18Listen, I'm going to have the hangman put his curse on you
00:33:21That's what I'll do
00:33:22Listen, you young horse
00:33:24Hey, Genevieve
00:33:25Genevieve, come here, Genevieve
00:33:36Come on
00:33:42I guess I lost them, Cookie
00:33:43What's Genevieve doing here?
00:33:47I don't know, but it must mean something
00:33:58What are you doing here, old girl?
00:34:00We'll have to find another way to get in
00:34:01Oh, Roy, I better stay here and keep guard
00:34:03You're coming with me
00:34:04No, Roy, you know the legend about that old hangman
00:34:09Comes to life at midnight and haunts this place
00:34:12You're not going to believe that stuff, are you?
00:34:14I'm not going to, but I do, don't you?
00:34:36Okay, I'll give you a boost
00:34:37No, no, no, you go, I'll give you a boost
00:34:46You better come with me
00:34:47Don't forget the hangman's ghost
00:34:49No, no, no
00:35:04You see, I told you it's the hangman's ghost
00:35:13You look down that way
00:35:14No, I'll stay here with you
00:35:16Go on
00:35:17Oh, but Roy, I'll...
00:35:34Come on
00:36:04Come on
00:36:34Come on
00:37:04Come on
00:37:34Oh, oh, oh
00:38:34Miss Vanderpool, Miss Vanderpool, what happened?
00:38:58Talk to me.
00:38:59Oh, where am I?
00:39:03How should I know?
00:39:04Now, don't bother me.
00:39:05Can't you see that Miss Vanderpool's fainted?
00:39:32Let me!
00:39:34Let me go!
00:39:37Come on, Head.
00:39:38Come on, Head.
00:39:39I'll take care of you.
00:39:40I'll take care of you.
00:39:42Oh, it's you, huh?
00:39:44Now wait a minute.
00:39:45Listen, you vormint, get away from me now.
00:39:48Stay away from me, do you hear me?
00:39:49So you won't tell me where the mine is, huh?
00:39:52I'll find it myself, but I'll fix you so you won't tell anybody where it is.
00:39:55Now wait a minute.
00:40:01Hey, Roy! Roy! Oh, it's upstairs! I found him!
00:40:12Miss Vanderpool.
00:40:13Oh, poor Dad.
00:40:14Well, where is he?
00:40:16Oh, Dad!
00:40:17Oh, I don't know.
00:40:18Are you sure he was here, Cookie?
00:40:20Oh, honest, he was here, Roy. We gotta find him.
00:40:24You go that way.
00:40:26Oh, no, you don't!
00:40:34Attaboy, Cookie. Did you look around down here?
00:40:42Up here.
00:40:45That old man can disappear quicker than anybody I ever seen.
00:40:48Well, at least we got one of him.
00:40:50Let's take him over to your bunk.
00:40:53What's the trouble, Rogers?
00:40:55Your friend here is going to explain what he's doing in the hotel.
00:40:58I'll explain that.
00:41:00I sent him to look for you.
00:41:03Hey, Bud!
00:41:09Roy, you don't have to do that!
00:41:11I don't have to do that!
00:41:13I don't have to do that!
00:41:15I don't have to do that!
00:41:17I don't have to do that!
00:41:19I don't have to do that!
00:41:21I don't have to do that!
00:41:22Well, you know where we couldn't find old man.
00:41:35He's dead.
00:41:36That makes it a murder charge, Rogers.
00:41:39Now, wait a minute. You're not accusing me, are you?
00:41:42Why not? The last time we saw Ed, he was driving the stage.
00:41:45Who was driving it when you arrived, Miss Vanderpool?
00:41:48He was.
00:41:50That don't prove a thing. You'd never kill him.
00:41:52You still got Ed's gun?
00:41:54Yes, it's upstairs.
00:41:55Good. I guess that's more damaging evidence against me.
00:41:58Yeah, that's right. You found it at the mine, didn't you?
00:42:01He found it. And he was in the hotel, too.
00:42:04That's all we need to know. Take him to the sheriff, boys.
00:42:07I suppose halfway there, I get a bullet in my back.
00:42:10Not me.
00:42:20Oh, excuse me!
00:42:22Why didn't you stop him?
00:42:23Are you kidding?
00:43:20Genevieve, old girl.
00:43:22If you're going to keep your strength up, you've got to eat.
00:43:27Look how good it is. That's it. You've got to break down.
00:43:32Don't you worry at all.
00:43:35I sure would like to know who killed old Ed.
00:43:39Me, too.
00:43:40Yeah, I'm...
00:43:44Oh, Genevieve.
00:43:46Oh, Jim, glad to see you, Roy. It's all right. I'm all alone.
00:43:50I sure wish old Ed had finished what he started to tell me.
00:43:54Well, he didn't say anything about that before. What'd he say?
00:43:56Oh, it was all jumbled up about Genevieve and silver. It didn't make much sense.
00:44:03Well, maybe he left a note or something.
00:44:08Nothing here.
00:44:13Shh! Hold the bell.
00:44:19Hey, Cookie, it's Regan and the gal.
00:44:23Look, that's silver.
00:44:25Well, what do you know?
00:44:27This is the reason they killed old Ed.
00:44:30Get, get, get.
00:44:37Uh, good morning, Mr. Regan, Miss Vanderpool.
00:44:41We'd like to ask a couple of questions about your friend Rogers.
00:44:43Uh, what about him?
00:44:45We want to know where he came from and what he's doing in this town.
00:44:47Well, your guess is as good as mine.
00:44:50What are you hiding?
00:44:51Huh? Nothing, nothing.
00:44:57Well, well, well. Where'd you get this?
00:45:00Oh, I found it in there.
00:45:02You found it right there?
00:45:08Make a nice clapper, wouldn't it?
00:45:12This is old Ed's mule, isn't it?
00:45:16Well, he must have hidden it there.
00:45:18Somebody found out about it, and that somebody was Rogers.
00:45:21And that explains the murder.
00:45:23It's silver, all right.
00:45:25But it's too bad a man had to die for a thing like this.
00:45:30It's worthless.
00:45:32Do you mind if I see it?
00:45:34It's nice and shiny to me.
00:45:37I think I'll just keep this.
00:45:39There's a government assay office around here, isn't there?
00:45:42Right in the next town.
00:45:44Now look here, Miss Vanderpool, I'm an expert on silver ore,
00:45:47and I tell you that thing is valueless.
00:45:49I'd still like to find out.
00:45:51Yeah, yeah, me too.
00:45:54Well, if that's the way you feel about it, I'll send you over on the stage.
00:45:57Williams will drive you.
00:45:58I'll drive her.
00:45:59Oh, that'd be swell, Cookie.
00:46:01I'll see you in front of the hotel.
00:46:06I think you'd better leave too, Mr. Regan.
00:46:08Okay, okay.
00:46:14Roy, did you hear that?
00:46:16That's why Regan wanted to buy our stock last night.
00:46:18He's a crook.
00:46:19You mean a murderer.
00:46:21And I don't think he would stop at another one.
00:46:23Well, I gotta go get the stage for Miss Vanderpool.
00:46:25I'll be seeing you.
00:46:26Yeah, don't worry.
00:46:27You'll see me.
00:46:30I'll be seeing you.
00:46:31Yeah, don't worry.
00:46:32You'll see me.
00:47:00Hey, Cookie.
00:47:02We were right.
00:47:03They're coming up the road to stop you.
00:47:05Hey, Cookie.
00:47:06Give me your gun.
00:47:07What for?
00:47:08For him.
00:47:09They're not looking for us.
00:47:10They're looking for him.
00:47:11Be here now.
00:47:12They're looking for that oar you got in your purse.
00:47:14Give it.
00:47:15That's it.
00:47:16Get her inside, Cookie, and turn your team around.
00:47:18I'm going to get this silver into town if it's the last thing I do,
00:47:20and you or nobody else is going to stop me.
00:47:23Did you hear what he said?
00:47:24Now get inside.
00:47:25If you're afraid to drive these horses, move over and let me drive them.
00:47:28Put me down.
00:47:30Put me down!
00:48:00Here I am!
00:48:01Here I am!
00:48:12Go ahead and call them.
00:48:16Hey, wait for me!
00:48:23Oh, my hair!
00:48:24I'll get all wet!
00:49:05I'll get a fire starter.
00:49:06You're soaked to the skin.
00:49:09It's a cozy little place for a murder.
00:49:19If you're thinking of going anyplace, those trails get pretty slippery.
00:49:23So what?
00:49:25Well, don't blame me if you end up with a broken leg at the bottom of some canyon.
00:49:37A second thought.
00:49:43I suppose you still insist those men were going to try to stop me.
00:49:46Listen, I'm just as interested in finding out if there's any silver in Sin Town as you are.
00:49:50Just as soon as those guys force, I'll see that you get to the assay office.
00:49:53I'll go see if I can find you some dry clothes.
00:50:04These may be a little big for you, but while I'm taking care of Trigger, you can try them on.
00:50:12Me put those dirty things on, I should say not.
00:50:15They're clean.
00:50:16Besides, I'm only trying to help you.
00:50:18That's the trouble with all you society girls.
00:50:20You need a good spanking.
00:50:22You wouldn't dare.
00:50:27You didn't...
00:50:30Now get into these clothes.
00:50:33Yes, sir.
00:50:53Now if I had my way
00:50:56How I'd like to sort of stray
00:50:59To a land enchanted as a fairy tale
00:51:05Every night my dreams go riding
00:51:11Down the Grand Canyon Trail
00:51:18The moon is there on high
00:51:21Sitting pretty in the sky
00:51:23And a man can gather stardust by the fair
00:51:29Every night when dreams go riding
00:51:35Down the Grand Canyon Trail
00:51:41The river's a ribbon of silver
00:51:48And the fireflies are playing peek-a-boo
00:51:54And may I kind of casually mention
00:52:00There's many a perfect rendezvous for two
00:52:06And if I bide my time
00:52:09There's a chance in time that I'm gonna meet someone
00:52:13Who'll listen to my tale
00:52:17And we'll share the dream that's riding
00:52:22Down the Grand Canyon Trail
00:52:31Any luck?
00:52:33How are we gonna find her in all this rain?
00:52:35What are we gonna tell Reagan if we don't?
00:52:38Guess we better keep on looking.
00:52:40You take that far ridge.
00:53:26What do you think you're doing?
00:53:28Oh, gee, it's cold.
00:53:30I thought I'd get some more wood and put it on the fire.
00:53:32I'll get some out of the closet.
00:53:43Gee, hello, Mike.
00:53:45Glad to see you.
00:53:47Put your gun away.
00:53:48He's in the closet.
00:53:49Wait a minute.
00:53:50I'll get my things.
00:53:53Where's the silver?
00:53:54It's in here.
00:53:55He didn't get it.
00:53:56Let me help you.
00:54:09Oh, Mike!
00:54:20Get up, Mike!
00:54:21Get up!
00:54:29Now you got him, Mike.
00:54:47Do you think I killed him?
00:54:48No, he ought to be used to it.
00:54:56Hey, what are you doing?
00:55:00Here it is.
00:55:01Wait a minute.
00:55:02I want to go with you.
00:55:03No, you're not.
00:55:10Say, this is getting to be a habit.
00:55:13Roy, you've got to go get him.
00:55:14He's got the silver.
00:55:15Sure he's got it.
00:55:16You gave it to him.
00:55:17I couldn't find him out there anyway.
00:55:26Take it, Miss Martin.
00:55:28Sit down.
00:55:29I think we'd better find out just who you're working for.
00:55:32It's true, Roy.
00:55:33I'm not Carol Vanderpool.
00:55:36I just said that I was so I could come out here
00:55:38and find out why Regan put out that false rumor
00:55:40about there being no silver in the mine.
00:55:42What difference did that make to you?
00:55:44Well, I was Mr. Vanderpool's secretary.
00:55:47He was always very nice to me, and I liked him.
00:55:50And that rumor, it just ruined him.
00:55:53I guess I just messed up everything.
00:55:55I'm sorry.
00:55:56I'll go.
00:55:59Wait a minute, Carol.
00:56:01You're not going to give up now and let Regan take everything?
00:56:03Not if anybody's got any ideas I'm not.
00:56:06When you said false rumor a minute ago,
00:56:08you gave me an idea.
00:56:10If you want to stay Miss Vanderpool a while longer,
00:56:12we'll start our own rumor and say that we discovered a silver mine.
00:56:16But what if we don't find any silver mine?
00:56:18Well, the sheriff's already after me,
00:56:20so one more charge wouldn't make any difference.
00:56:33Good morning, Miss Vanderpool.
00:56:34Good morning, Mr. Regan.
00:56:35Did you want to see me?
00:56:37Did you know your father was on his way out?
00:56:40He is?
00:56:41Arriving on the 1040.
00:56:45Well, isn't that nice?
00:56:48It's a nice surprise, isn't it?
00:56:51I guess I better get back in the car.
00:56:53I'll see you later.
00:56:54Good morning, Miss Vanderpool.
00:56:55Good morning, Mr. Regan.
00:56:56Did you want to see me?
00:56:58Did you know your father was on his way out?
00:57:00He is.
00:57:02I guess I better get back and meet him.
00:57:04Those friends of Roger's are going over to pick him up.
00:57:06Oh, well, thanks very much, Mr. Regan.
00:57:11Looks bad, don't it?
00:57:13What do you mean, bad?
00:57:15Looks good.
00:57:16Those fellows are picking up a passenger they don't know about.
00:57:19The sheriff with a pocket full of warrants.
00:57:22Hey, Regan!
00:57:23Just a-joggin' along, singin' a song, not a worry or a care.
00:57:30Easy to sleep, free as a breeze, I'm gonna be a millionaire.
00:57:36Not a thing on my mind, troubles behind, oh, what a wonderful day.
00:57:42Standin' on the outside, lookin' on the inside, everything's goin' my way.
00:57:57Rich or poor, life can be sunny, but just to be sure, have plenty of money.
00:58:02So I'll say skidoo to all of my blues, no more skies of gray.
00:58:08Gonna take it easy out where it's breezy, everything's goin' my way.
00:58:16Gonna live like a king, won't settle for less.
00:58:19I'll have cattle in the bank and money out west.
00:58:22So I'll say skidoo to all of my blues, no more skies of gray.
00:58:27Gonna take it easy out where it's breezy, everything's goin' my way.
00:58:33Everything's goin' my way.
00:58:38Well, Regan, dear old fellow, dear old boy, so we've struck a disaster.
00:58:42Well, I need the dough, I need a lot of it. I've a lot of bills to pay.
00:58:45I'm very sorry, Mr. Vanderpool, that was just a false rumor.
00:58:48You're the sheriff I sent for?
00:58:51Well, arrest these men. There's no such mind.
00:58:53But honestly, I didn't start any rumor.
00:58:56Your daughter did. That makes you responsible.
00:58:58My daughter? I never had a daughter in my life.
00:59:01Well, I'm sorry.
00:59:03If that's not your daughter, who is it?
00:59:05Halt in the name of the law!
00:59:08Just a minute, young lady.
00:59:11Why, Carol Martin! What does this mean?
00:59:14I'm sorry, Jay. I'm honest, I am. I was only trying to help you, and I...
00:59:17Ah, another charge against you. Impersonating somebody who ain't.
00:59:22But there is silver here. Honest, there is, Sheriff.
00:59:25I'm sorry.
00:59:28Impersonating somebody who ain't.
00:59:30But there is silver here. Honest, there is, Sheriff.
00:59:33I've got two good friends, Roy Rogers and Cookie Bullfincher.
00:59:35And they're both up there now looking for it.
00:59:37They're following old Ed Mueller. She's bound to know where it is.
00:59:39Why don't you go up in the north section and talk to them?
00:59:41Rogers has wanted on a murder charge.
00:59:43Take these people to jail. I'll bring Rogers in, dead or alive.
00:59:46Don't you believe him, Sheriff! They'll murder Roy!
00:59:48What difference does it make? We're going to hang him anyway.
00:59:51And another thing, I came well prepared.
01:00:02I couldn't find anything that even looked like silver.
01:00:05Well, it's got to be around here someplace.
01:00:07There's got to be something here.
01:00:09I don't know, Sheriff.
01:00:12I couldn't find anything that even looked like silver.
01:00:14Well, it's got to be around here someplace.
01:00:16This is the second time she's come right to this spot.
01:00:19You can tell she's at home here.
01:00:21Look how she picked her way through them rocks coming up.
01:00:24She's been here with Ed all right.
01:00:26We'll just have to keep on looking.
01:00:36Well, it ain't quite the point, but give me a clue, will you?
01:00:42Come on.
01:00:54Must be Reagan. I'll try to hold him off.
01:00:56You keep on looking. We've got to find that money.
01:01:12Don't come any closer, Reagan.
01:01:14You better give up, Rogers. It'll go easier with you.
01:01:22Hey, Carol, hear that?
01:01:24Yeah. You see, Sheriff, I was telling you the truth.
01:01:27We've got to get over there.
01:01:29Just some hunters, that's all.
01:01:34Oh, bumpy, isn't it? Excuse me.
01:01:36You better keep me careful, young lady.
01:01:42Come on.
01:02:01Hey, Cookie, have you found anything yet?
01:02:04Not a thing, Roy. I guess we're on the wrong track.
01:02:20I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to hold them off.
01:02:23Let's get out of here.
01:02:33Hey! Hey! What?
01:02:48Looks like the back door's closed, too.
01:02:50Roy, I swear, if I ever get out of this alive,
01:02:53I'll never try and make a million dollars again.
01:02:57Yeah, but, Roy, let's give ourselves up.
01:03:00They can't pin that murder charge on you.
01:03:03That's not what they're figuring.
01:03:05Well, we can't stay here.
01:03:07You see what I mean? A fella could get hurt around here.
01:03:10Okay, Cookie, if that's the way you feel about it.
01:03:12That's the way I feel.
01:03:18All right, Reagan, call up your men.
01:03:20Okay, Rogers, but come out with your hands up.
01:03:23Hold your fire, boys.
01:03:27When they get down by the pool, let them have it.
01:03:40Hey, Reagan, you better hold it.
01:03:42Here comes the stagecoach with the law.
01:03:49Hey, Roy, the sheriff's got us under arrest.
01:03:52Tell him you found the mines, or we'll let us all go.
01:03:55I wish I could, Carol. We know it's around here someplace.
01:03:58We've looked everywhere. We can't find it.
01:04:01A likely story.
01:04:03Hold that. You pardon me, won't you?
01:04:06Oh, no, you don't.
01:04:09Oh, I guess I better unlock those.
01:04:12Just one more charge against you.
01:04:15You don't look very friendly. I'm gonna look some more.
01:04:20Oh, excuse me.
01:04:22This is the man you want to hold for murder, Sheriff.
01:04:24Oh, he is.
01:04:26Hand over those guns, young fella, and come along peacefully.
01:04:31Now hold up your hands.
01:04:35Hey, you!
01:04:39Hey, Cookie!
01:04:44Hey, Roy!
01:04:48Look! This is real silver ore!
01:04:51This is the mine! We were standing right next to it!
01:04:55That's what Genevieve was trying to tell us!
01:04:58Old Ed put a piece of canvas over it, then covered it up with dirt so nobody would find it.
01:05:02And then the rains came along and made a puddle out of it.
01:05:04Unfortunately, young lady, you're right.
01:05:06But there's still a murder charge against that man.
01:05:08Well, I'm not the man you want, Sheriff.
01:05:10It's Regan.
01:05:12If you'll check into it, you'll find that it wasn't the bullet that killed Old Ed.
01:05:15Murder or no murder, I'm preferring charges.
01:05:17Well, it's not gonna be me.
01:05:27Bring it up, you two!
01:05:46Attaboy, Roy. I'll help you now. Come back this way.
01:05:54I'm sorry, Carol.
01:06:01I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:03Me too.
01:06:06I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:16I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:18I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:20I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:22I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:24I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:26I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:28I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:30I'm glad that wasn't me again.
01:06:32I'm glad that wasn't me again.