Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and Minister of State for Health Ashwini Chaubey both resigned, hours before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cabinet reshuffle. Union Minister Babul Supriyo has also resigned. Along with Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, these are the biggest casualties of the mega government reset. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expanding his cabinet of ministers for the first time since he assumed the charge for a second term, in what is tipped to be a "major reshuffle". PM Modi's cabinet reshuffle, the first in his second term, will see 43 ministers being sworn in on July 7 evening. A number of leaders from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies arrived in Delhi ahead of the widely-anticipated cabinet expansion. Jyotiraditya Scindia and Sarbananda Sonowal were the frontrunners. The new cabinet of ministers was expected to be the "youngest-ever" in India’s history and women will be given more representation. There was also a buzz about Modi inducting some professionals and those with domain expertise. Watch the video to know more.