Dag Otto Lauritsen forteller om sine opplevelser fra Arctic Race of Norway og sitt møte med det nordnorske publikummet. Tv2 kommentator Christian Paasche gir deg sine tanker om hva han sitter igjen med etter å ha kommentert samtlige utgaver bortsett fra en. Du kan i tillegg høre intervjuer med Susanne Andersen og Andreas Leknessund om deres møte med Arctic Race gjennom deltakelse i ungdomsrittet Morgensdagens helter rittet og hva det har betydd for dem.
Dag Otto Lauritsen talks about his experiences from the Arctic Race of Norway and his meeting with the northern Norwegian audience. Tv2 commentator Christian Paasche gives you his thoughts on what he is left with after commenting on all editions except one. You can also hear interviews with Susanne Andersen and Andreas Leknessund about their encounter with the Arctic Race through participation in the youth race Tomorrow's heroes race and what it has meant to them.
Dag Otto Lauritsen talks about his experiences from the Arctic Race of Norway and his meeting with the northern Norwegian audience. Tv2 commentator Christian Paasche gives you his thoughts on what he is left with after commenting on all editions except one. You can also hear interviews with Susanne Andersen and Andreas Leknessund about their encounter with the Arctic Race through participation in the youth race Tomorrow's heroes race and what it has meant to them.