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13:28And my hat...
13:33you later. That guy's crazy. Running wild, fifty bucks on the nose. Fifty bucks on the
13:38nose and running wild. Can you look at him? It's nearly post time. Ryan left the office
13:42a half an hour ago. But running wild looks bad. Yeah, I know, but I just heard it. Don't
13:47let anyone touch you off him. Ryan knows what he's doing. How do you like that Count Rossi
13:54in the next race? I think he's got a chance. He had a good show in the last race. Two thousand.
13:57Running wild on the nose. Not today. It's too late, they're off.
14:27Hey, look at him go. The race ain't over yet, my friend. Yeah, but he's going to win. Look.
14:42He's running away from the field. Running wild wins all by himself. How do you like
15:02that? Were you on him? Sure, I know what I'm doing. What'll I do? Frank Moran expects ten
15:09thousand dollars back. He'll never believe I didn't bet. Boy, you're in a spot. Moran'll
15:14be awfully mad. If I were you, I'd leave town. Oh, I've been an awful sap. I shouldn't have
15:19waited so long. Well, there's still one more race. That Count Rossi should pay off today.
15:24Yeah? How do you know? I was out here clocking him every morning. That horse can run faster
15:30than they say he does, or my watch is crazy. I'm placing a bet right now. Listen, Louie,
15:43give me Count Rossi. Fifty to win, fifty to place. Are you sure he'll run the moneybugs?
15:46Didn't I just bet my own money on him? Yeah, I know, but I gotta be careful. Well, why
15:50don't you bet him to show? Top page five to one. He's sure to be in the money. Come on,
15:55The last race is post time. All right, I'll do it. Two thousand on Count Rossi to show,
16:00and two hundred on the nose. See you after the race. Maybe. Oh, Joe. Oh, hello,
16:16Bluggy. Well, you paid off. Moran's right again. Yeah. Well, you want to run a while too? Sure.
16:22I always play the same horses as the boss. Yeah, sure. He's a good picker. Come on,
16:28we better get back to town. Moran's waiting. Wait about five minutes,
16:31Bluggy. I got a couple hundred on the next race. Okay, no money.
16:52Golden boy by a nose. Count Rossi's still running. Come on,
17:13Sep. Well, I gotta make a phone call, Bluggy. I'll be back in a minute. Better wait till you
17:17get back to town. But I promised I'd call right after the last race. Forget it. She'll never miss
17:22you. Come on. I'll get the cab. Wait a minute. I got a phone whether you like it or not. Okay,
17:33but don't blow your top. Go ahead and make it fast. Hey, there's one over there. Buy a dog mode.
17:51Stick around. We'll be going in a minute. Yes, but Daisy, I'm in a jam. I gotta get out of town.
18:05I lost Moran's money. Okay, I'll meet you at Grand Central. You're not going any place,
18:16you dirty double-crosser. Let go of me, Bluggy.
18:46Yeah, Jerry, I just got in. Yeah, I know. Running wild one. Well, I haven't missed one yet. See you
19:00tomorrow. Nice going, boss. I wish I knew where you get your tips. Never mind that. The boy should
19:07be here any minute now. Yeah, it's only about an hour's drive from the track. Mo can do it fast.
19:11Benny, I'm going to throw a little party tonight and celebrate. Walk the corner and get some of my
19:15special brand. Okay, boss. Hey, boss. What's the matter with you? Blackie was shot at the track.
19:22Blackie shot? Who did it? Yeah, well, him and Joe got in a fight and the gun went off. Where's Joe
19:27now? Well, he paid it with the money. Why didn't you stop him, you sap? Well, there wasn't time.
19:32The cops was all over the place. Ace was right. He said that Rat Murphy'd crush you. Shut up. Now,
19:38get this. You and the boys go out and find Joe before the cops find out who did this. Anybody
19:44see you with Blackie and Joe at the track? Well, sure. The bookies saw us together. What do I do? I'm
19:48afraid they'll pick me up. The cops are liable to be here any minute. They pick you up, Joe'll be
19:52next. Now, you beat it up the camp and stay there till you hear from me. Okay. Now, get this. You
19:59and the boys go out and pick up Joe and get that money right away. If he hasn't got it on him,
20:03you know how to make him talk. Suppose the cops grab him first. That's what I'm trying to tell
20:06you. Once he's in jail, we'll never find out where the money is. Now, beat it. I'll phone you the
20:11first thing that happens. Got it again. Well, they hope to kill each other. She had some other kind
20:28of a job. Now, why don't you stop worrying, Mom? I'll live to be 105. There isn't a bullet made
20:33that could kill me. I'll answer it. Hello? It's for you, Mike. I'll see you in a moment, Terry.
20:49Right. Haven't you forgotten something? I know, Ma. What's on your mind? I was saving that one
20:59for Catholic. Go on, don't be so stingy. Terry, it's from Captain Wallace. I've got to go down
21:04to the station with you. Anything happened? Anything wrong? No, no, Mother, I don't know.
21:10Now, you stop your fretting. You stop your fretting. When did you see Joe last?
21:21At breakfast this morning. Who does he go around with? Where does he hang out?
21:26I don't know. I never met any of his friends. Why? What has he done? We're not accusing him of
21:35anything. Just want to ask him a few questions. Sorry this had to happen, Mike. You better get
21:41back on the job. If I need you again, I'll let you know. All right, Walter. Send Murphy in.
21:50Send Murphy in. Hey, Murphy, the captain wants to see you.
22:02Yes, sir? I've just been talking to your father about Joe. We've got to pick him up and ask him
22:07a few questions. Murphy, you're relieved from regular duty. You're on special assignment.
22:12Find your brother and bring him in. Yes, sir.
22:23What is it, Terry? It's about Joe, Dad. I've got to pick him up. Oh, no, boy. Oh, no, no.
22:30You can't do that. I'm sorry, Dad. It's orders. I can't help it.
22:35Yes, sir. Yes, I suppose you're right.
22:44No, thanks. That'll be all. It's a good thing we got out of that apartment. Yeah, I know, Daisy,
22:49but we can't stay here. I've got to dig up some dough and get out of town.
22:52Miranda, the cops are both after me. You can't leave this hotel, Joe. You've got to stay here.
22:55I'll go out and grab some money, and when I get it, then we can talk about going away.
22:59I'll go out and grab some money, and when I get it, then we can talk about going away.
23:02Where are you going to get that kind of dough? I could see your family. They'd come through for
23:07you. They haven't got that kind of money. Besides, you get that flatfooted brother of mine on your
23:11trail, he'd grab me quick. You mean your own brother? Sure. He put the whole family in jail,
23:15the commissioner told him to. Where are you going? Never mind. Just sit tight.
23:23I'll take it easy, baby.
23:36Nice little place you have here. Is there something you wanted? Oh, I get it. You don't
23:40know me, but we do have a mutual friend I came to see you about. It's a joke. I'm sure you're
23:45mistaken. I'm Mrs. Joe Murphy. Oh, is that what you meant by a mutual friend?
23:51Yes, and he's in an awfully tough spot. I thought maybe you might help him out.
23:58I'm sorry, I don't understand. You go around with his brother Terry, don't you?
24:02Well, yes, but what's that got to do with it? You're going to marry him, aren't you?
24:05That's my business. Well, you tell me what you're getting at. Look, there's a mob in this town that
24:10will dump Joe in the river if they can grab him. The publicity will ruin Terry's chances on the
24:14force and be the death of his mother. But what can I do? We need some money to get out of town
24:19quick, and I thought maybe you might lend us some. He's just in a little jam. He's done nothing
24:23wrong. I see. Well, if you're telling me the truth, take me to see Joe. After I talk to him,
24:28perhaps I might be able to help. That's great. We won't forget it. I told you 10 times over that
24:35the captain only wanted to ask him a few questions. There's nothing serious. I know, but I feel that
24:42something terrible's happened. Joe's all right, Mom. Why don't you stop crying? Sure, no, no,
24:47it's good news. Terry, you're not keeping anything from me, are you? Do the police know where Joe is?
24:55No, Ma. I wish they did for Joe's sake. Terry Murphy, are you telling me the truth? Will you
25:01just stop worrying about Joe? He's done nothing wrong. There was a bit of a mix-up about a gambler
25:08debt, and one of the gangsters that Joe knew was killed, and the police wanted to ask him a few
25:14questions, and Joe was afraid to come out hiding for fear of the gang. Oh, my poor boy. What'll they
25:22What'll they do to him? I...
25:42I'll phone Dr. Hansen.
25:43I'm afraid she's very ill, Mr. Murphy. It's her heart. She's had a bad shock.
25:55She should stay here for a long rest.
25:57Joe. Joe, where are you? Why don't you come to me, Joe? Joe.
26:13Hello. Have a good sleep, Mother, and I'll bring Joe here to you.
26:24It's a terrible thing that my boy has gotten into.
26:28If I had the 10,000, I'd give it to you now. Well, uh, there's another way you could pay off.
26:35But how? I said yesterday I haven't got anything like that kind of money.
26:39Let me worry about that. Now, Mike, uh, you work in the wholesale district, don't you? Yes.
26:49Why? I think we can pay this debt in a hurry.
26:53I don't understand you. Well, uh, there's a son of yours beat down there that, uh,
27:00if you could arrange to, uh...
28:12what's the matter with you, man? What are you doing off your patrol? I just seen a suspicious
28:15looking truck heading your way. I didn't like the looks of it, so I thought I'd tip you off.
28:19Well, you just covered this block, and I didn't see a thing.
28:22Thanks, just the same. You better get back on your beat. All right.
28:37I tell you, we waited too long. We should have left as soon as Kathleen gave us that money.
28:41Darling, if you don't take hold of yourself, you're gonna crack up. I've told you 50 times
28:46we can't leave here till things quiet down. We're safe here. Nobody knows about this place.
29:01I gotta see Joe. He's not here. How'd you find this place? Never mind how I found it.
29:07His mother's at death's door in the hospital. She wants to see him, and he's gotta go there.
29:12But he's taken an awful chance. Suppose something happens. Oh, wait a minute.
29:16I'm not going to any hospital. Do you think I'm crazy? That gang will get me, sure.
29:20A fine son I've been raising, hiding away like a yellow rat. What is this? Can't you trust your
29:28own father? Oh, sure, sure, Pop, but I'm hot as a pistol. I'm afraid the boys will get me.
29:32Moran will lay off. I got that fixed. All you got to do is look out for the police.
29:38Oh, man, man, will you go? You think I should, Daisy? Yes, I do, Joe. It looks okay. He says
29:45Moran's fixed. All right, Pop, I'll go, but I hope you're right. The undertaker will be sending
29:51you a bill. Murphy, if I thought you were stalling, I'd throw you off the force. I'm
29:56doing everything I can, sir. It's not enough. I want results. I'm warning you now. Don't let
30:02family sentiments prevent you from doing your duty. That's all. I'll break this case or it'll
30:08break me. I promise you that, sir. I know Joe's in terrible trouble. Oh, I wish I could help him.
30:19There, there, darling. Why don't you try to rest? Everything will turn out all right.
30:36Hello, Mom.
30:40I knew you'd come. I haven't done anything wrong, Mom. Now, don't you believe what the
30:46cops and the newspapers say. I won't, Joe. You know, I wouldn't lie to you, Ma.
30:56You're a good boy, Joe.
31:00You just got into bad company, that's all. Please, Ma, don't cry.
31:11Be careful, Terry. She's very ill.
31:17Why, Terry, what are you doing here? I just dropped in to see how you were, Mom.
31:22Terry, don't you do anything to Joe. I won't, Mom.
31:31I'm not going with you, Terry. All right, Joe. Terry, Terry, please, please give him a chance.
31:37You'd better. Boys, please. If you make this pinch, you'll drag Kathleen in.
31:41She's mixed up in this, too. You're lying. He's telling the truth, Terry. Oh, oh.
31:46Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
32:01Kathleen, I want to know what Joe meant. What do you know about this? I can't tell you. I gave my
32:05word. You're not going to leave this hospital until you tell me where Joe is. I won't. Please,
32:10stop torturing me. I haven't got time to argue with you. Tell me what you know. Tell me at once.
32:15Hurry up, hon. Have you got everything? Yes, everything, including my brother's go.
32:19We'll let Flatfoot catch him when he gets back to headquarters.
32:24I'm sorry it had to be this way, Joe. Come on.
32:44What do you know about this cab driver that's missing? I never saw him in my life. Come on, now.
32:55He was one of Moran's men, wasn't he? Moran's in the trucking business. He didn't own any cabs.
33:02Listen, buddy, you better come clean if you know what's good for you.
33:06Where's that cabbie? You ain't got nothing on me. There's thousands of taxi drivers in this town.
33:12When did you last see Blackie? The afternoon he went to the track with Joe Murphy.
33:17Oh, so they went to the track together, eh? Pals, huh? Yeah, that's what Blackie thought.
33:24What do you mean by that? Murphy was out to get him. He shot Blackie. Well,
33:29you seem to know all about this. Well, all I know is they didn't get along.
33:35Why were they so at each other? Murphy wouldn't pay off a bet. He kept stalling.
33:40Okay, you can go now, Benny, but don't take any trips. I sort of like to have you around.
33:55Send in that other witness.
34:05Jones, you saw the fight at the track, didn't you? Well, I wasn't paying much attention, sir.
34:12I was busy at my stand. Yes, I know, I know. But tell me exactly what you did see. Well,
34:18one man was in the phone booth telephoning, and the other man walked over and opened the door of
34:24the booth, and then they started fighting. Which man had the gun? I'm not sure, but I think it was
34:31the man who was telephoning. Are you sure of that? Did you actually see the man shot? Oh,
34:36no, sir. When they started a fight, why, I ran for help. Okay, that checks with your last statement.
34:45Now then, do you believe that you could identify the man who ran away? Oh, yes, sir. I'm sure I
34:50could. Is that the man? Yes, it's him.
34:58Is that the man? Yeah, that's him. He's the fella. All right, you can go now, Jones. We'll get in
35:03touch with you when we need you. Come on, Murphy, come clean. You might as well confess. Why did you
35:10kill Blackie? I tell you it was an accident. He started fighting with me, and his gun went off.
35:14Well, somebody's lying, and we'll find out who it is. Murphy, I'm going to give you one more chance.
35:18Why did you kill Blackie Tornado? I tell you, I didn't even touch the gun. I've never owned a gun
35:23in my life. Oh, take him out. Oh, wait a minute. I tell you, I didn't do it. If Moe the cabbie was
35:29here, he could prove it. He saw it. He was with us all afternoon. We'll pick him up within 24 hours.
35:33Then we'll find out who's telling the truth. That's all.
35:54Joseph Murphy, you have been found guilty of murder in the second degree.
36:01It is the sentence of this court...
36:24Hello, son.
36:31Hello, Pop. How are you? What difference does it make? Oh, no, you mustn't lose your hope.
36:38Things could be a lot worse. Yeah, I could have gotten the chair. No, maybe the police.
36:45The police will discover new evidence. Yeah, maybe a miracle will happen. Listen, Pop,
36:50just forget about me. I'm all through.
36:56Yes, well, I'll be telling your mother that you send your love.
37:06Sure, sure. Tell her anything to buck her up. All right, son.
37:14Well, I'll be seeing you.
37:20Hello? Hello, Terry. You move right over. I've got to see you. I'll be over right away.
37:31He's been railroaded, I tell you. That evidence at the trial was all phony. Moran lied. I know,
37:37Daisy, but they proved otherwise in court. I don't care what they proved in court.
37:42Joseph, good kid, he's made a few mistakes, but who hasn't? And now he's got to do 20 years.
37:47That's the best part of his life. When he comes out, he'll be old and wasted. That is,
37:51if he lives that long. And for what? He's not a murderer. I know it. I never believed it myself.
37:56Poor kid. We were so happy together. I can't stand it, Terry. I'll crack up.
38:04You have to keep your nerve, you know, Daisy. Yeah, yeah, I know.
38:08Before Joe went away, did he say anything about the taxi driver that disappeared?
38:12Wait. Yeah, he did. He said that guy worked for Moran and nobody'd ever find him.
38:18Now, if we can only get some information on that mob, it might help Joe.
38:22I'll get it for you, Terry. I'll get it for you if it's the last thing I ever do. Be careful.
38:26You're playing with dynamite. Don't worry. I think I got away. Just leave it to me. Good luck.
38:34Is Ace Gordon there? Will you put him on, please?
38:59Hello, Joe. Oh, it's you. Anything I can do for you? No, not a thing.
39:04I'm having a wonderful time. Oh, I know how you feel, Joe. You blame me for your being here,
39:10but someone would have named you sooner or later. Oh, save your preaching, wise guy.
39:14If you'll only cooperate, Joe, I'm sure I can help you. I'm no squealer. If I was,
39:18I'd live about a week. They'd get to you, even in the big house. No, thanks. I'll take it this way.
39:24But don't you understand, Joe? I'm only trying to help. I don't want any help from you. Get out.
39:28Get out! Scram! All right, Joe. Have it your way. Right.
39:37Well, here I am, Moran. What's the idea of the phone call? Oh, just a little social chat, Mike.
39:43Uh, sit down. Smoke? No. What do you want of me? That job, nice and clean. No kickbacks.
39:54Nice going. All right, then why don't you leave me alone? We will, Mike. But first,
39:59we need your help. Now, there's a jewelry store on your patrol that's a soft touch,
40:04provided you look the other way. I'll have nothing whatever to do with it.
40:11I don't want to get tough with you, old-timer, unless I have to. You can't scare me.
40:19I'm through. Listen, if Terry knew that you were in on that last deal of ours,
40:25where do you think you'd land? He's already put his brother away. Just a minute.
40:33You wouldn't tell Terry, would you? Not unless you force me to.
40:48Uh, well, what do you want me to do, Moran? Now, that's better. All you have to do is to be
41:02somewhere else when we're pulling the job. This is the last time.
41:09Remember that. Sure. Now you're using your head.
41:48Get him up. Reach out all you have. Drop that gun. Turn around and face the wall.
42:18Oh! Terry!
42:36Terry, Terry, what happened? He had a gun battle with some thieves. We've got to get him to the
42:49hospital quick. Oh, no. Easy, boy, easy. Please, easy. He's badly hurt. Tell me, Terry.
42:58The boy should have been here a half an hour ago. Something must have gone wrong.
43:07I'll take it. Hello? Yeah, he's here. It's Jake. Give me that. Hello, Jake. What's the matter?
43:18You're dead. What? Well, where are you now?
43:23Well, where's the gun? Stay in that garage until I get in touch with you. Right.
43:30The boys got away with the stuff all right. They shot that young Terry Murphy.
43:38Hello. Hello, Ed. You better hustle over here right away. I may need you in a hurry.
43:44No, no, just in case things start popping. Yeah, I want you on deck. You can accomplish the works.
43:50They'll throw the key away if they catch him. Jake said he threw the gun in the sewer on 25th
43:54Street. Suppose someone finds it. Cops can't trace that rod. It's an old 38 on a short 32 frame.
43:59Larry the locksmith put it together for Jake. Here, take this dough over to Joe's garage.
44:04Give it to Jake and tell him and the boys to get up to Sawler's Camp and lay low for a while.
44:07Now get going. How's Terry this morning, Mother? Oh, he's all right. But you know it's been awfully
44:17hard for the last six weeks. He has me worried. Why, only this morning he was talking about
44:22reporting for duty. So you're going back into the harness again, eh, Terry? Yep, I'm reporting back
44:26today. Terry Murphy, don't you dare to leave this house today. Now, don't you worry about me, Mom.
44:31I'm as strong as a lion. I can lick a room full of gorillas. Terry, I wish you didn't have to go
44:37back. You're a marked man and that gang will surely try to get you. Maybe, but they know they've been
44:42in a fight. It's your job and I suppose you've got to do it.
44:52Terry, I wish you wouldn't. First it was Joe and now if anything happens to you, I'll...
44:58The doc reported me fit for duty, Mom. I'll be all right, so stop worrying.
45:13Where's Terry? I must see him. It's terribly important. He's not seeing anyone.
45:21Oh, it was a sorry day when my poor Joe met the likes of you. Look where he is now. I didn't come
45:26here to apologize, Mrs. Murphy. I love Joe too and I'm trying to help him. But I've got to see Terry.
45:31Wait here then. I'll send him out. And make it snappy, will you? I'm taking plenty of chances
45:36coming here. Terry, you have a caller. She's in the hall.
45:52What is it, Daisy? I've been out with Ace Gordon, trying to pump him. It wasn't easy but he got
45:56drunk last night. Did you find out anything? Yeah, a little but not enough. They're going to stick up
46:01a hotel house near 26th and 10th. It's set for two o'clock. Two o'clock at 26th Street, huh? Yeah.
46:07Thanks for the tip.
46:15I'm reporting for duty, sir. Good. How's your shoulder? It's a little stiff but I'll work it out.
46:22Well, I'm assigning you to a day patrol. It's easy and safe. You start 8 a.m. tomorrow. Begging your
46:28pardon, sir. I'd like to be put on the midtown patrol. I want to settle an old score. You think
46:34you're pretty tough, don't you? Well, that's the way I like them. Go to it. Good luck. Thanks, Captain.
46:45Don't worry about this small change, boys. After the job tonight, we'll have plenty to split.
46:50Come on. It's time we were getting busy.
47:28Terry, what are you doing here? Hello, Dad. I got a hunch something may happen around here tonight.
47:33Now, be careful, boy. What's up? Truck came down the street before and I don't like the looks of it.
47:37I saw it turn this corner and heard it stop. Now it's disappeared. I'm going to find that truck.
47:42I'll go with you. No, that's what I'm getting paid for. You stay on your job. This is my job.
47:48It's my patrol and I've got to look into it. It might be the silk cloth. The freight entrance
47:54is down there. You got your gun? Yes, and I'm afraid I'll need it.
48:09You must be mistaken, Terry. I don't see any truck.
48:13You're seeing things. Maybe, but I'm going to make sure. What's this here?
48:19You got a key for it? No, no. You'd have to force that.
48:27There's something wrong here. Now, go slow. This is a big warehouse. I know another way to get in.
48:34All right, but don't take any chances. Be careful, Terry. You're crazy to go in there alone.
48:39I'm going in.
49:16bring plenty of men. It's the silk loft. They're here now.
49:37come on, boys, come on, hurry it up.
49:50Get moving. Hurry up, hurry up.
50:03Hold it around. Wait a minute, boys.
50:09Hello, Mike. What is this, a gag? No, it's on the level. Get out of here and quick.
50:17We haven't got time for any gags, Mike. Put that gun away. Get out of here in two seconds,
50:22or I'll let you have it. Ah, cut the comedy. I'm busy. You let us in here.
50:27Now you're going to try and throw us out. Get out of here and take those rats with you.
50:32And get them up.
51:26pull your guns out and come out with your hands up.
51:29Dad, are you hurt bad? Did you, did you get my ran? No, you did, Dad. You're a good shot.
51:44Thanks, Terry.
51:48Forgive me, boy.
51:53I made a few mistakes. You squared everything tonight, Dad.
51:59Oh, well, Murphy.
52:04Come here. What do you want?
52:11It's my luck. It's curtains for me. Listen, you, you could spring Joe if you get ahold of that cabbie.
52:24We got him stashed up at the soldier's camp at Lake George.
52:35Make him talk.
52:42So, you were in the Adirondacks on a vacation, eh? Yes, yes, that's what I said before. Oh, yeah?
52:48Well, where did you get the money to spend a nice long vacation?
52:51Moran gave it to you, didn't he? No, he didn't. I, I never knew anybody by the name of Moran.
52:56You're lying, Jensen. Moran squealed on you just before he died or so you're through. Frank
53:00wouldn't do that. Oh, so it's Frank now, is it? Come on. Out with it. Who killed Racky? You saw
53:07the whole thing. No, I didn't. I was never off that race track. Come on, you sap. You're going
53:12to do 20 years for your part in this. You're in on it. You took those two mugs out to the track
53:16in your cab, didn't you? No, I did not. I never saw those fellows in my life, I tell you. We have
53:20three witnesses who said that they saw you with them all that afternoon. They can identify you.
53:24Now, if you want to make it easier on yourself, you start talking and talk fast.
53:31All right. I brought Blackie and Joe out to the track. We all worked for Moran. The boys got in
53:39an argument about some money. Blackie started to fight with Joe and then he went for his gun.
53:45Who went for his gun? Blackie. He always carried a rod. He was Moran's torpedo. Oh, yeah? Then what
53:52happened? Well, they started wrestling around and Joe was trying to keep Blackie from shooting him.
53:58They was both fighting for the gun. Then it went off and Blackie went down and Joe beat it on the
54:05run. Well, that's better. All right, Max. Take him out.
54:35This really belongs to you, Dad.
54:50If Dad could only see this. Maybe he can, Kathleen.