SAFE Forum 2020: Collaborating to Mitigate the Risk of Forest Fires

  • 3 tahun yang lalu
SAFE Forum 2020
"Reshaping Indonesia for a Sustainable Future"
August, 25-28 2020

Collaborating to Mitigate the Risk of Forest Fires

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warned that the peak of the dry season, which potentially trigger forest fires, will occur in August-September 2020. Many other countries are also entering the hurricane season soon. The threat of heatwaves and drought is also predicted to occur in Indonesia.

1. Hani Hadiati - Special Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Forestry
2. Sutedjo Halim - Managing Director for Trading and Downstream, PT Triputra Argo Persada (TAP)
3. Ruslandi, PhD - Director Terrestrial Program Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN)

Arie Mega - Katadata

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- E-Certificate is available for participants on Zoom Application only who join 80% of the sessions in entire series of the events.
- All sessions are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia at Zoom Application

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