• 4 tahun yang lalu
SAFE Forum 2020
"Reshaping Indonesia for a Sustainable Future"
August, 25-28 2020

Economic Sustainability Pathway: Indonesian Women in the Workforce

Applying gender equality in the workplace requires support and commitment from employers and policy makers (government and legislative). This implementation may lead employees to work more optimally, productive, and innovative in a very positive way. In addition, the company will also have numerous qualified workers to be trusted.

1. Maya Juwita - Executive Director, Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE)
2. Catharina Widjaja - Executive Vice President, Gajah Tunggal Group
3. Dedie Renaldi Manahera- HR Director, Danone Indonesia
4. Lany Harijanti - Indonesia Country Program Manager, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Arie Mega - Katadata

- If you want to access another discussion, please go to SAFE Forum 2020 page (https://katadata.co.id/safeforum2020)
- E-Certificate is available for participants on Zoom Application only who join 80% of the sessions in entire series of the events.
- All sessions are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia at Zoom Application


Mulai Sekarang #KalauBicaraPakaiData #KatadataSAFE2020

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