• 4 years ago


00:01:00How many of you can remember back as far as 1931?
00:01:26It is an era that is dead, and which we all devoutly hope will never return.
00:01:32It was an era when all the United States were dry, but when some of the people were doing
00:01:41their best to keep the country wet, all wet.
00:01:56Kings received more notoriety than kings, and it was an era when some wealthy society
00:02:02matrons vied with each other for the company of these Napoleons of organized crime.
00:02:08In between drinks, traffic became congested.
00:02:20Some shady lawyers made fortunes defending their, well, their distinguished clients.
00:02:27The verdict?
00:02:28Not guilty, of course.
00:02:30But some lawyers were not so successful.
00:02:34Oh, hello, Johnny.
00:02:37Hello, Will.
00:02:39Hey, where's your furniture going?
00:02:45Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
00:02:52It's going back to the finance company.
00:02:54Finance company?
00:02:55Well, I loaned you the money for the payment last week.
00:02:58Well, I had to entertain some prospects.
00:03:01I'll sit down a minute.
00:03:04Yes, this is Attorney Will Allen speaking.
00:03:06Oh, now look, lady, your boyfriend got off easy thanks to me.
00:03:12Well, he only got a year.
00:03:15Oh, well, I'm sorry, I did all I could for him.
00:03:21You lost again, huh?
00:03:22Oh, it was a hopeless case.
00:03:23Yesterday, you said it was such a cinch.
00:03:24Didn't even have to prepare the case.
00:03:25Johnny, the law is a bottomless pit.
00:03:26Well, the guys you defended, eh?
00:03:40Well, in the case you defended, there's 12 cases and 12 guys go to jail.
00:03:45What are you trying to do, make me lose confidence in myself?
00:03:47You've got too much confidence in yourself.
00:03:49Maybe if you prepared a case once in a while, you might win it.
00:03:52Stop worrying, will you?
00:03:53I want to move to larger quarters anyway.
00:03:56Money brings money.
00:03:58Why, all I need is one outstanding criminal for a client, not these small time petty chiselers.
00:04:02Here, get the bag.
00:04:04In the meantime, you can take me out to dinner.
00:04:07No, I can't.
00:04:08I've got a date.
00:04:09A date?
00:04:10You? Who's the frustrated little woman?
00:04:13She's not frustrated.
00:04:14It's Judy Parker. You remember her.
00:04:16She lived on our block for years.
00:04:18I don't know her. She must have been one of the goons.
00:04:21She's very nice.
00:04:23Oh, this is gonna be great, listening to her dull chatter all evening.
00:04:26You aren't gonna listen to her.
00:04:28You aren't even coming with us.
00:04:31And I used to tell myself,
00:04:33Judy Parker is the most beautiful girl in the block.
00:04:36Why, Will Allen, you never even looked at me.
00:04:39I didn't. Ask Johnny. I'm always talking about you.
00:04:42He, uh... Sure. I was telling him in the office.
00:04:45You sure were.
00:04:50Take care of that, will you, Johnny? My hands are full.
00:04:54Now, this is for you to remember me by
00:04:55while I leave for just a few minutes
00:04:57to make a very important phone call.
00:05:00Thank you, Will.
00:05:01Take care of her for me, will you, Johnny?
00:05:03I've got to tie up a few loose ends on a case I just finished.
00:05:06Finished is right. The guy went to jail for a year.
00:05:12Criminal law must be terribly exciting.
00:05:14I'm glad you brought Will along tonight.
00:05:16I didn't bring him. I couldn't get rid of him.
00:05:20I wanted to be alone with you tonight, too, Judy.
00:05:24Say, by the way, I'm having a little fashion show tomorrow.
00:05:27Would you like to come? Oh, I'd love to.
00:05:30Of course, I know selling lingerie isn't very romantic.
00:05:33Not like criminal law, but...
00:05:35There's nothing wrong with selling lingerie.
00:05:37I'm glad to hear you say that, because...
00:05:40Well, you remember that promotion I told you about?
00:05:43Mm-hmm. I got it.
00:05:45No. Oh, that's wonderful.
00:05:48You know, with a promotion like that,
00:05:50a fella could do a lot of things.
00:05:53He could build a home and raise a...
00:05:56That is, if...
00:06:00How do you feel about marriage?
00:06:02Well, I think it's wonderful
00:06:04for anyone who wants to get married.
00:06:05Well, you know, I've only been out with you a few times,
00:06:08but each time, I've wanted to ask you...
00:06:12Uh, I've wanted to ask you...
00:06:16Would... Would...
00:06:19Would you like to go to a movie tonight?
00:06:21Oh, I'd rather not, if you don't mind.
00:06:22I'm a little tired.
00:06:24Yeah, I'm a little tired, too, I guess.
00:06:26You're tired, Johnny? Yeah.
00:06:28Why, look at the boy. He's all in.
00:06:30Look, Johnny wants to get some sleep,
00:06:33so why don't we go somewhere and dance?
00:06:35No, thanks. Perhaps some other night.
00:06:37You don't know what you're missing.
00:06:38You're passing up Leginski's shadow.
00:06:40She'll live.
00:06:41Well, tomorrow's another day.
00:06:44Yeah, I've got a busy day, too, tomorrow.
00:07:00Do you like it? Oh, it's lovely.
00:07:02What's it called? Uh, Dawn.
00:07:09What's the number on that?
00:07:11621. Thank you.
00:07:14How many pieces? A half a dozen, though.
00:07:15Sorted sizes.
00:07:25She's a lovely model.
00:07:27She's not half as lovely as you are.
00:07:32What's the number?
00:07:34Main 4385, uh, 419.
00:07:39Say, Judy, I wanted to ask you if...
00:07:42Johnny, can we go now? We've showed them practically everything.
00:07:45You have?
00:07:47Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah, it's okay.
00:07:50I'll see if he has any.
00:07:53Uh, what I was going to ask you is,
00:07:56how many pieces do you have?
00:08:00Uh, what I was going to ask you is...
00:08:03Johnny, do you have any of these with lace inserts?
00:08:05Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.
00:08:09Now, look...
00:08:11I never could get anywhere rubbing two sticks together.
00:08:15What were you going to say, Johnny?
00:08:17Oh, I was going to ask you... Oh, come on, Johnny.
00:08:19Uh, goodbye, girls.
00:08:21Look, John, there's Louie Maroney, Big Maroney's brother.
00:08:24Say, Johnny, I like your neighbors.
00:08:26Hmm? You ain't doing nothing, kid.
00:08:29Let's do it together.
00:08:31Come on, John.
00:08:33Who are they?
00:08:35Oh, some hoodlums who visit an out-of-town big shot in there.
00:08:38One of them's rather good-looking.
00:08:43Hiya, Judy. I'm sorry I'm late.
00:08:45What are you late for?
00:08:47Well, I was tied up in court.
00:08:49Honey, would you excuse us for just a minute?
00:08:53Huh? I want to talk to you.
00:08:55Oh, yeah, excuse us.
00:08:57How much is it?
00:08:59Well, now, let's see.
00:09:03Beginning with the $2 I loaned you in high school,
00:09:05it's exactly $849.07.
00:09:08I'll have it for you tomorrow,
00:09:10just as soon as I swing a big deal I'm working on,
00:09:12which I need $20.
00:09:14Oh, now, now, now, wait.
00:09:16Why, aren't you going to lend it to me?
00:09:18Well, I can't afford not to.
00:09:20Let's see.
00:09:22Five, ten, twenty.
00:09:24Thanks a lot.
00:09:26Well, Judy, are you ready?
00:09:28Your display was beautiful, Johnny.
00:09:30Thanks for inviting me.
00:09:32Oh, you're not leaving.
00:09:34I thought you were going to have dinner with me.
00:09:36No, you didn't mention it.
00:09:38So when Will called me this morning,
00:09:40I told him I was free.
00:09:44I'm sorry.
00:09:46Shall we go?
00:09:48Call me soon, will you?
00:09:50Oh, all right.
00:09:54Here's two bucks.
00:09:56That covers the high school debt.
00:10:00Would you like to have dinner
00:10:02with me tonight, Millie?
00:10:04Your enthusiasm is irresistible, Johnny.
00:10:06And I know just the movie I want to see, too.
00:10:24Why, you two-timing rat.
00:10:26I take a trip to the border and you...
00:10:28Wait a minute, deadpan.
00:10:30This is fantastic.
00:10:32It is not.
00:10:34It's true.
00:10:36It's based on the life of Big Moroni.
00:10:38Public enemy number 21.
00:10:42Now, there's a guy.
00:10:44Now, that's for nothing.
00:10:46The next time I put an extra eye on your head,
00:10:48you'll be dead.
00:10:50You'll be dead.
00:10:53The next time I put an extra eye on your head.
00:10:55Another thing.
00:10:57Stay away from those cops.
00:10:59I understand you're getting friendly.
00:11:01I didn't rat on you, boss.
00:11:03I didn't.
00:11:05You got him wrong, deadpan.
00:11:07I tell you, you got him wrong.
00:11:09You talk too much.
00:11:11Oh, no.
00:11:13Just because I like you,
00:11:15I sent you them little presents.
00:11:17Three cases of uncut scotch.
00:11:19But I don't like any of my dollars running low, see?
00:11:21Let's go, Millie.
00:11:23Leave this. Are you crazy?
00:11:25This guy's my type.
00:11:27That guy?
00:11:29Lots of women go for men like him.
00:11:31Well, Judy doesn't.
00:11:33Judy's no different.
00:11:35She likes men who assert themselves.
00:11:37But he's a roughneck.
00:11:39Then he gets a lot of roughnecking, too.
00:11:41You ought to be more like him.
00:11:43Please, Millie.
00:11:45Let's get out of here.
00:11:47Look, little boy, you go on home.
00:11:49I want to see the rest of this picture.
00:11:51But I can't leave you here alone.
00:11:53I'll be okay. I'll take a cab home.
00:11:55You sure you'll be all right?
00:11:57Sure, sure.
00:11:59Thanks for everything, Johnny.
00:12:01See you in lingerie.
00:12:19Ain't he the cat's whiskers?
00:12:21Oh, boy.
00:12:23Sure knows what he wants.
00:12:25And gets it.
00:12:27Oh, boy.
00:12:29Wish I could find a guy like that.
00:12:44So women go for mugs like you.
00:12:46They like them tough.
00:12:49Well, I can be tough.
00:13:02Okay, mushnose.
00:13:04Start them hands climbing.
00:13:08One more move out of you and your middle name is lead, see?
00:13:12Okay, mushnose, you asked for it.
00:13:19Ah, you talk too much.
00:13:49Good evening, sir.
00:13:51Have you a table reserved?
00:14:09Good evening, sir.
00:14:11Have you a table reserved?
00:14:13Thank you, sir.
00:14:15I have a table reserved.
00:14:39Main nine seven eight four oh.
00:14:42Now look, Alan, I don't like my dolls running around loose, see?
00:14:56Next time I'll put an extra eye in your head.
00:15:00Just a minute, bud.
00:15:02Oh, that's all right.
00:15:03I got all the time in the world.
00:15:05Now look, I don't want to have to rub you out, horse face.
00:15:08Put one more slip out of you and...
00:15:35Most fellas always win.
00:15:38Even in telephones.
00:15:49Double bourbon.
00:15:55They need the big time operator.
00:15:57Gloria, I'm scared.
00:15:59Perhaps we shouldn't have left the party.
00:16:01They'll be wondering where we went.
00:16:02But you wanted to meet some of these characters.
00:16:04Oh, I do, but...
00:16:07Oh, that was terribly clumsy of me.
00:16:11Watch your step, sister.
00:16:13I'm terribly sorry.
00:16:15We both are.
00:16:26My name's Gloria.
00:16:27What's yours?
00:16:31Look, sister, why don't you stick to the nice boys?
00:16:36Nice boys bore me.
00:16:46But you look awfully important.
00:16:48I do?
00:16:53Look, sister, I'll tell you what.
00:16:55I'll buy you a drink.
00:17:00Champagne cocktail.
00:17:02Her, too.
00:17:05Ah, good evening, Mr. Moroni.
00:17:07Uh, Pierre.
00:17:08Good evening, sir.
00:17:09Mr. Moroni, stay.
00:17:11Good evening, Mr. Moroni.
00:17:12Good evening, sir.
00:17:28A bottle of the good stuff.
00:17:29Very well.
00:17:33We ought to consider the Mabouche proposition.
00:17:35It's out.
00:17:36But they can't do any harm this small town.
00:17:38Mabouche has worked herself up into public enemy number 24.
00:17:42So what, boss?
00:17:43So we let him work the northwest side.
00:17:45And from that, we get a commission.
00:17:47It's a good deal.
00:17:48Tell me, who am I?
00:17:50You're Big Moroni, public enemy number 21.
00:17:54Public enemy number 21 don't make deals with public enemy number 24.
00:17:58Tomorrow morning, you take care of Mabouche.
00:18:01That's your job for tomorrow morning, little Joe.
00:18:04Remember that.
00:18:06Okay, boss.
00:18:07Now check the lick in the joint.
00:18:20Here you are, Mr. Moroni.
00:18:21That ain't none of my stuff, is it?
00:18:23Oh, no, Mr. Moroni.
00:18:26Don't make no chances with my stomach.
00:18:31Hey, that dame over there by the bar, who is she?
00:18:37Oh, one of the young society ladies looking for trouble.
00:18:41That dame's got class.
00:18:46Check those hats, will you?
00:18:47My sake.
00:18:59Something wrong?
00:19:01That man over there's flirting with me.
00:19:04Point him out.
00:19:06Right there.
00:19:10Be right back.
00:19:29That's for nothing, see?
00:19:36Did you see that little squirt?
00:19:38Oh, you were wonderful.
00:19:39I just wish he was a bit bigger.
00:19:43Tell me, who am I anyway?
00:19:47You're Big Moroni, public enemy number 21.
00:19:53Let's get out of here.
00:19:55When there might be a fight over me, I feel like Helen of Troy.
00:19:59Okay, Helen.
00:20:00Stay and launch your ships, but I'm going.
00:20:02I'm afraid we'll have to go.
00:20:04Okay, babe.
00:20:06Keep your nose clean.
00:20:09Lock the doors, boys.
00:20:22Hey, you.
00:20:23The big fellow wants a word with you.
00:20:25What big fellow?
00:20:35He's Moroni?
00:20:41Oh, gosh.
00:20:53Oh, Cheema.
00:20:55You're still alive.
00:20:56Wise guy, huh?
00:20:58Oh, Mr. Moroni, I didn't know it was you.
00:21:00Honest, I didn't.
00:21:01What you did was slow suicide.
00:21:03Oh, Mr. Moroni, you wouldn't.
00:21:05You know, I saw a picture about you tonight.
00:21:08There was something about it I really liked, Mr. Moroni.
00:21:11One thing, it showed you for the good sport you really are.
00:21:15That scene where you forgave that guy, it got me.
00:21:18It really did.
00:21:20Right here.
00:21:22Yeah, that was a good scene.
00:21:24Just like me.
00:21:26I want to give you a break, son.
00:21:28Oh, gee, thanks.
00:21:29Sit down.
00:21:30I ain't going to kill you.
00:21:34Okay, boys, make with the William Tell.
00:21:37William Tell?
00:21:38Oh, no, please.
00:21:44Look, fellas, I...
00:21:45Oh, shut up.
00:22:11Oh, nobody can say I never gave him a chance.
00:22:14You're too good-natured, boss.
00:22:15That's what's trouble with you.
00:22:17Well, there's one guy I don't feel good-natured about, Mabuse.
00:22:21Remember that tomorrow morning, little Joe.
00:22:31You're looking good, kid.
00:22:33We want you to die clean, Mabuse.
00:22:35Look, little Joe, why do you want to do a thing like this to me?
00:22:38Nothing personal, Mabuse.
00:22:39Nothing personal.
00:22:40Well, that's what I mean.
00:22:41You keep saying nothing personal.
00:22:43Where's your profit?
00:22:44What are you trying to say?
00:22:45Well, I'm just trying to say you ought to make a profit.
00:22:49You got me interested.
00:22:50Highly interested.
00:22:51Well, it's very simple.
00:22:53Look, I'm ambitious.
00:22:56Right now I'm public enemy number 24, and I'd like to become public enemy number 23,
00:23:02which means that maybe public enemy number 21 should step down.
00:23:07Are you suggesting that my boss ought to be deceased?
00:23:11Big maroney and a bit cherry?
00:23:13It pays good.
00:23:15It pays very good.
00:23:17It could be a grand down and a grand BD.
00:23:23Body delivered.
00:23:25Make it 15 yards down and 15 COD.
00:23:28You made yourself a deal.
00:23:30How soon?
00:23:32Soon as I make one little stop on the way.
00:23:37This one's on me.
00:23:38And little Joe, don't cross me.
00:23:42Now, would I cross anybody?
00:24:08I didn't understand you, Jock.
00:24:10I couldn't find it in myself to understand you.
00:24:13I didn't think you realized what you had done.
00:24:16I realize it perfectly, Angus.
00:24:19I agreed to pay Mr. Little Joe a commission of $500 for locating the ingredients of a funeral.
00:24:26We ain't had a good funeral in three months.
00:24:29It's too much for the funeral of Mr. Mabu.
00:24:32He's named public enemy number 24.
00:24:35And besides which, his following is in the northwest side.
00:24:39And as you well know, Jock, the northwest side is nay a good funeral town.
00:24:44For a dice and stud poker, aye.
00:24:47But it's nay good for funerals.
00:24:51You're mighty hasty with your fault finding.
00:24:55But might I ask you whose idea it was to salvage and use the same casket over and over again?
00:25:01It was yours, Jock, and a good one.
00:25:03But Mr. Mabuse's nay worth.
00:25:05Are we making a profit on Mr. Mabuse's funeral?
00:25:09Aye, we're making a profit.
00:25:11A wee profit.
00:25:12Well, do we always have to make a big profit?
00:25:15Jock, to think that we have a radical in the family.
00:25:26Mr. Little Joe would like to see you, Mr. Angus.
00:25:29Maybe he's arranged the ingredients already.
00:25:32He works fast.
00:25:34Send the man in.
00:25:41Hi, boys.
00:25:42Good morning, Mr. Little Joe.
00:25:46I got to thinking about our proposition.
00:25:48I got a change to make.
00:25:50I come for more dough.
00:25:52More money?
00:25:53You've already taken advantage of us through Jock,
00:25:56charging $500 commission for Mr. Mabuse.
00:25:59This ain't for Mabuse.
00:26:01It's for Big Maroney.
00:26:05Public enemy number 21?
00:26:09How close is he to needing a funeral?
00:26:12Close enough.
00:26:13He's got some people mad at him.
00:26:15Oh, well.
00:26:19Didn't I tell you he was a good man?
00:26:22Well, was there ever an argument, Jock?
00:26:24Well, boys, it's worth a grand more.
00:26:27And I'm letting you off cheap.
00:26:28What's mine to hear, you duck?
00:26:30You think Mr. Maroney is one of the crown heads of Europe?
00:26:33Hey, are you making any cracks about my boss?
00:26:36Oh, easy, lad.
00:26:37Now, easy.
00:26:38He's right, Angus.
00:26:40This will be the biggest thing since the Chicago fire.
00:26:43We can root the funeral right through the business district.
00:26:47It's a bargain.
00:26:58Where is this game?
00:27:00Right down the hall, boss.
00:27:02Well, you see these suckers?
00:27:03Strictly from off a banana boat.
00:27:06I got it all set for you, just to walk in and take over.
00:27:08Gee, that's mighty nice of you, little Joe.
00:27:10It ain't nothing, boss.
00:27:11Tell you what.
00:27:12If anything should ever happen to you while you's in my employ,
00:27:15don't worry about a thing.
00:27:17I'll give you the swellest funeral you was ever at.
00:27:20Gee, you're an angel, boss.
00:27:22Ain't nothing though.
00:27:28Hey, where is this game?
00:27:45Judy, Judy, please.
00:27:47Johnny Dill, I won't listen to another word.
00:27:49You have to listen.
00:27:50You were out with Alan last night, and you're going out with him again tonight.
00:27:53And what's wrong with that?
00:27:54I think he's nice.
00:27:56He just makes you think he's nice.
00:27:58That's a lawyer for you.
00:27:59Not even a good lawyer either.
00:28:01He is a good lawyer.
00:28:02He isn't.
00:28:03Ask 12 hopeless cases.
00:28:26Oh, Judy.
00:28:27Oh, hello, Mr. Dill.
00:28:28You got that nightgown from my wife you promised me?
00:28:30It's in my sample trunk, Mr. McGough.
00:28:32I'll be right up.
00:28:33Now, look, Judy, please.
00:28:59Come on.
00:29:25Come on, Ron.
00:29:27Get out of here.
00:29:28You've got to get out of there, Mr. Moroni.
00:29:31He's dead.
00:29:34Oh, just a minute.
00:29:36Look, Mr. Moroni, please.
00:29:38Get back in.
00:29:39Look, you've got to get out.
00:29:41Moroni, please.
00:29:42Just a minute.
00:29:43I'm coming.
00:29:49Mr. Moroni.
00:29:52Just a minute.
00:29:53I'm coming.
00:29:59Just a minute.
00:30:01I'll be there.
00:30:09Come in.
00:30:13Just dropped in to pick up that nightgown, Mr. Dill.
00:30:16Oh, I...
00:30:17I can't seem to find it, Mr. McGough.
00:30:19Well, I'll help you locate it.
00:30:21I haven't been a house detective for 22 years, you know, for nothing.
00:30:24Oh, I remember now.
00:30:25I... I saw it at the stockroom.
00:30:28Well, uh...
00:30:29Well, what's that?
00:30:30This is like the Santa you showed me.
00:30:32Oh, it's too small.
00:30:33Why, this is it.
00:30:36So it is.
00:30:37Now, look, you take that right home to Mrs. McGough, now.
00:30:39McGough, you...
00:30:40You couldn't see it, but look.
00:30:41No, I couldn't see it.
00:30:42I didn't see it.
00:30:43How much applies to you, Mr. Dill?
00:30:45You know, my wife, she's certainly going to enjoy this little night.
00:30:47Well, you're pretty...
00:30:48Will you have a drink?
00:30:49Oh, no.
00:30:50No, thanks.
00:30:51I couldn't...
00:30:55It's just...
00:30:56It's just...
00:31:03Oh, no.
00:31:05Please, not you.
00:31:06Look, look.
00:31:07Look, Mr. McGough.
00:31:08Mr. McGough.
00:31:26Oh, yes.
00:31:41Come on.
00:31:42Oh, please, Mr. McGough.
00:31:43Come on, please.
00:31:45Come on.
00:31:46Look, please.
00:31:56Look, please, Mr. McGough.
00:32:00Come on, come on.
00:32:02All right.
00:32:05You killer, you.
00:32:07What are you talking about?
00:32:08The corpus delicti in the trunk.
00:32:10Why, there's...
00:32:11There's nothing in that trunk except for a few samples in this wax model.
00:32:16They kind of fell out.
00:32:26I better call that fellow in 313 and tell him about his last batch.
00:32:30I'm sorry, Mr. Dill.
00:32:31It's all right.
00:32:32I'm very sorry, Mr. Dill.
00:32:33Believe me, I'm sorry, Mr. Dill.
00:32:35And please, please, don't tell anybody.
00:32:39I won't.
00:32:43Well, I...
00:32:44I'd better call the police.
00:32:48No, they'd never believe me.
00:32:50They'd think I did it just to revenge last night.
00:32:53I've got to get Maloney out of here.
00:33:01Hello, this is Mr. Dill.
00:33:03Look, would you ask the Herky Drive Yourself Company to send me a truck right away?
00:33:07Yes, and then ask a porter to come up to my room for a trunk.
00:33:13How do I feel?
00:33:14I feel fine, thank you.
00:33:54Yes, yes, yes.
00:33:56Well, look who's here.
00:33:58If it ain't William Tell.
00:34:01What are you, moving or something?
00:34:02Just a few samples.
00:34:05Samples of what, brew?
00:34:08Oh, lingerie.
00:34:10Say, maybe you've got something that'll fit my doll.
00:34:13Let's open it up and see, huh?
00:34:14I haven't the key with me.
00:34:17Well, then we'll bust it open.
00:34:18We've got to find the boss, Louie.
00:34:20We ain't got time to fool with this.
00:34:22Yeah, that's right.
00:34:36Careful now, careful.
00:34:37Don't drop it.
00:34:39Oh, there.
00:34:40Come on.
00:34:42Here, thanks.
00:34:43Gee, five bucks.
00:34:44Yeah, it's all right.
00:34:45Hey, you.
00:34:48Yeah, you.
00:34:50You don't think you're going to get away with this, do you?
00:34:52We got laws, you know.
00:34:53I didn't do it, officer.
00:34:54I can explain.
00:34:55Explain nothing.
00:34:56You're blocking the sidewalk.
00:34:57Now, get out of here before I give you a ticket.
00:34:59Yes, sir.
00:38:16Oh, who's there? Oh, just a minute.
00:38:28Come in.
00:38:32It's good to see you, Judy. Did you bring the food?
00:38:36Yes, here.
00:38:37You know, I haven't eaten for six days. That's the only reason I called you.
00:38:41I didn't want to get you mixed up in this.
00:38:43Why did you do it?
00:38:45Well, you don't think I'm the gangster, do you?
00:38:47I don't know what to think. You didn't kill Big Maroney because he wouldn't buy your lingerie.
00:38:52I didn't kill Maroney.
00:38:53Well, then why are you hiding out?
00:38:55Well, it's...
00:38:56Will Allen says you have nothing to worry about.
00:38:58Will Allen?
00:39:00What's he got to do with this?
00:39:01He's going to defend you.
00:39:02Oh, he's going to defend me.
00:39:05Oh, no. No, I'm not going to be hopeless case number 13.
00:39:10You won't be a hopeless case if you're innocent.
00:39:12Oh, Johnny, listen to me. I don't want you living like this, a fugitive.
00:39:16Always running from place to place.
00:39:18I am innocent.
00:39:19Well, then come back and prove it.
00:39:21Let me call Will. Please, for my sake.
00:39:26Well, okay. Call him.
00:39:31Main 4-1-0-1-1.
00:39:33Tell him to bring another hamburger.
00:39:39Oh, hurry up with that sandwich, will you, Johnny?
00:39:41I told the reporters we'd be right down.
00:39:43We'd be right down where?
00:39:45Why, you're going to give yourself up on the steps of the city hall.
00:39:49The city hall?
00:39:50Oh, why can't I go down to a policeman on a corner?
00:39:53Oh, no. We've got to do this right, Johnny.
00:39:56Why, I planned a sensational surrender.
00:39:58Well, maybe it'd be better to do it more quietly.
00:40:00No, they're waiting.
00:40:01Well, there'll be reporters, photographers, at least 100,000 people,
00:40:05and the mayor's going to be there.
00:40:07The mayor?
00:40:08Yes, why, this is going to be the biggest surrender since Cornwallis.
00:40:11Will he have to go to jail?
00:40:13Only as a formality. I'll have him out of jail by morning.
00:40:19Public enemy number 21 surrenders.
00:40:23Crowds watch killer surrender to justice at city hall steps.
00:40:29Isn't that great? Oh, what publicity!
00:40:32Will, I thought you were going to get me out on bail this morning.
00:40:36Red tape, Johnny. I'll have you out of this cell by tomorrow.
00:40:41It's been four weeks, and every day you've been telling me you're going to get me out tomorrow.
00:40:46Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Your trial starts tomorrow.
00:40:50Are you sure you can get me out from a trial?
00:41:01Look at that audience. Didn't I tell you? You're a celebrity.
00:41:04Yes, but for how long?
00:41:06Hello, Johnny. Doesn't he look menacing?
00:41:10Doesn't Johnny look terrible?
00:41:12I just can't believe it.
00:41:14Look at those women. And every one of them in love with you.
00:41:18The whole world loves you, Johnny.
00:41:21I can see 12 people who don't.
00:41:25Look at them. They've got bars in their eyes.
00:41:30So that's the guy that knocked off Nick Murrow.
00:41:33He must be tougher than he looks.
00:41:35You know, he still looks like a punk to me.
00:41:38He don't look trustworthy.
00:41:40His eyes are too close together.
00:41:44Everybody rise.
00:41:55Hear ye, hear ye. The circuit court is now in session.
00:41:58Honorable Richard R. Watson, Judge, presiding.
00:42:01Be seated.
00:42:08State v. Johnny Dill, alias Killer Dill.
00:42:12And you say you heard the defendant threaten the deceased?
00:42:16It was the night before the murder.
00:42:18He was talking on the phone.
00:42:21I don't want to have to bump you off, he says.
00:42:24But any more slip-ups and...
00:42:26I knew he meant...
00:42:29Your witness.
00:42:38Now, you say that my client said,
00:42:40any more slip-ups and...
00:42:45Now, does that sound like the sort of thing
00:42:47that public enemy number 21 would do?
00:42:49Public enemy number 21?
00:42:51I object.
00:42:52It is not your place to object, Mr. Dill.
00:42:55It is for your lawyer to object.
00:42:57Well, I object to my lawyer.
00:42:59Well, we are sitting there in a blue cockatoo,
00:43:03minding our own business,
00:43:05when this vicious character come over
00:43:07and provoke injury on a boss
00:43:09by mashing his nose into his puss.
00:43:13And this cold-blooded killer,
00:43:15he knew the corpus delicti was reclining in his trunk.
00:43:18And then...
00:43:19And then when my plant was turned,
00:43:21he whisked the evidence away.
00:43:23When my plant was turned,
00:43:24he whisked the evidence away from under my nose.
00:43:28I was the porter.
00:43:30Five bucks he gives me to help him load the trunk.
00:43:33Five bucks.
00:43:34I was robbed.
00:43:36It's in the bag, Louie.
00:43:39That'll learn him to go around knocking off my brother.
00:43:49I will now call Miss Millie Gardner.
00:43:51Miss Millie Gardner, take the stand.
00:43:58You swore to tell the truth, the whole truth,
00:43:59and nothing but the truth.
00:44:00I do.
00:44:07Now, Miss Gardner,
00:44:08you have known the defendant for some time, I believe.
00:44:10Oh, yes, for years.
00:44:12He was only selling junior misses when I first knew him.
00:44:15And during this time,
00:44:16you have always found him to be a model citizen?
00:44:20His disguise was perfect.
00:44:23It wasn't a disguise.
00:44:27Order in the court.
00:44:35Yeah, the trial's practically over.
00:44:37I still can't figure out the defense that Dill's lawyer's putting up.
00:44:40The wise money's betting ten to one on Dill's conviction.
00:44:43He was wonderful.
00:44:44So calm and cold and brutal.
00:44:48So glamorous.
00:44:49I knew the minute I saw him he was an important gangster.
00:44:57I haven't got a chance.
00:44:59What are you talking about?
00:45:00I'm talking about my chances.
00:45:02The whole country is calling me public enemy number 21.
00:45:05Shh, quiet.
00:45:07I'll call Miss Judy Parker.
00:45:11Miss Parker, you have known the defendant for quite some time.
00:45:15Now, would you say that the defendant had the capabilities of a killer?
00:45:18Certainly not.
00:45:19And have you ever had any reason to suspect the defendant of leading a double life?
00:45:26He was always kind and gentle.
00:45:28And even a bit timid.
00:45:31He talked mostly about settling down.
00:45:34Said he wanted a home in the country and chickens and dogs.
00:45:38He was very sweet.
00:45:40And most considerate.
00:45:42Thank you, Miss Parker.
00:45:44Your witness.
00:45:54That's a very pretty picture you painted of the defendant, Miss Parker.
00:45:57But, of course, we understand why you'd like to see this killer go free.
00:46:02I understand you've announced your intention to marry the defense attorney, William Allen.
00:46:07It'd be quite a feather in his cap if he won this case, wouldn't it?
00:46:10Oh, so that's what you were doing while I was in jail.
00:46:13Sit down, you fool, and shut up.
00:46:15What are you trying to do, ruin me?
00:46:16Ruin you?
00:46:17I'll kill you.
00:46:18If I must die for murder, it's going to be yours.
00:46:20Order in the court.
00:46:21After separating these men.
00:46:23Order in the court.
00:46:41Any more outbursts and I shall hold you for contempt.
00:46:46Let us proceed with the case.
00:46:49May I ask the court a question, Your Honor?
00:46:51Request granted.
00:46:53The evidence shows that Maroney wore an 18 1⁄2 collar.
00:46:56Yes, that's right.
00:46:58Would the court ask Mr. Allen what the size of his collar is?
00:47:0315 1⁄2.
00:47:04Then how could a man who couldn't choke a 15 1⁄2 neck be able to break an 18 1⁄2 neck?
00:47:35Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?
00:47:38We have, Your Honor.
00:47:40Defendant will rise and face the jury.
00:47:52How does the jury find?
00:47:55Not guilty.
00:48:05Not guilty.
00:48:06Not guilty.
00:48:15Oh, he's gone.
00:48:19I want to talk to that mouthpiece. You wait for me.
00:48:23Innocent, huh?
00:48:25How do you like that?
00:48:26Not guilty.
00:48:27Well, he ain't going to get away with it.
00:48:29Leave it to me, boss. I'll get him.
00:48:36There's a pretty cute little trick you pulled off there.
00:48:39Part of the business. Just part of the business.
00:48:41You know, I could use a smart mouthpiece like you.
00:48:44Why don't you call me sometime?
00:48:49You know, that client of yours, that killer Dill, must be a pretty rough boy.
00:48:53Well, you have to be to put Big Maroney out of business.
00:48:56That's what I mean.
00:48:58Maybe you could arrange a meeting.
00:49:01Yeah, I'll call you.
00:49:14Thanks. Thanks a million.
00:49:16You don't remember me, do you, Mr. Allen?
00:49:19Should I?
00:49:20Well, I started you on your career.
00:49:23I was your first client.
00:49:25Oh, really?
00:49:26Yes, I got a parking ticket and you wouldn't let me pay the five dollar fine.
00:49:30Oh, yes, but I appealed the case.
00:49:33And I got ten days in jail.
00:49:35I knew when you had things beginning to look so bad for that guy, he just had to be innocent.
00:49:41Sure, he's guilty. Nobody believes otherwise.
00:49:44It was a trick defense. They must have rehearsed it for weeks.
00:49:47Yeah, that Allen's a smart lawyer.
00:49:51All right, Mabuse, I'll handle the whole deal.
00:49:57That looks fine.
00:50:05Mr. Dill is here, Mr. Allen.
00:50:07Oh, send him right in.
00:50:10Hiya, killer.
00:50:12Oh, you folks run along, will you? I've got some business to talk over with the big boy.
00:50:16Sit down, old man.
00:50:19Well, how does it feel to be a free man?
00:50:21Free? The whole world still thinks I'm guilty.
00:50:26Well, you're not behind bars anyway, thanks to my brilliant defense.
00:50:29Your brilliant defense convinced everyone that I'm public enemy number 21.
00:50:34That's why I sent for you to come up here.
00:50:36I fixed it for you to join Mabuse and his mob.
00:50:38Well, that's... Mabuse and his mob?
00:50:41Yeah, they want you to be their leader.
00:50:44I don't want to be their leader.
00:50:46Oh, now look, will you know that I'm not a gangster?
00:50:49Ah, but they don't. They think you're a pretty tough hombre.
00:50:52Well, I... I'm not.
00:50:55Well, unfortunately, you're going to have to be.
00:50:57For your own protection.
00:50:59What do you mean, for my own protection?
00:51:01Louie Maroney is after you.
00:51:03Louie Maroney is after me?
00:51:05He's trying to square things for the murder of his brother.
00:51:07And he still thinks you did it.
00:51:09Now, joining up with Mabuse will give you not only protection, but prestige.
00:51:14No, no, no, I'd only get into more trouble.
00:51:16Now, look, look, please.
00:51:17I tried being a gangster for just one night, and look what I got into.
00:51:21No, no, Will. I am going back to selling lingerie.
00:51:26If you live.
00:51:29Louie Maroney can do what he wants.
00:51:45Tell Mabuse I'll be right over as soon as I pack.
00:51:48As soon as I pack.
00:51:49Well, you don't have to pack, Johnny.
00:51:50You can go right on staying at the same hotel.
00:51:52Oh, no.
00:51:53That Maroney bunch is always hanging around there.
00:51:55I'm moving in with Mabuse.
00:51:57Mabuse has already moved in with you.
00:51:59You see, your hotel is now in Mabuse territory.
00:52:03Why, they'll take care of you like a baby.
00:52:05But what good will that do me?
00:52:07I'll be safe, but they'll still think I'm a killer.
00:52:10Oh, my kind of a life isn't worth saving.
00:52:12Well, now, wait a minute. Have you thought of this?
00:52:15This might be your chance to find the killer.
00:52:19Yeah, that's an idea.
00:52:21But how am I going to get back to my hotel?
00:52:23They've got field artillery outside the door.
00:52:26Wait a minute. Come on.
00:52:32Wait a minute.
00:52:36The coast is clear. Now make a run for it.
00:52:48Let's get out of here.
00:53:19Can't this thing go any faster?
00:53:22It's pretty hot in this town.
00:53:24What do you want me to do, get pinched?
00:53:27Pretty hot in this town.
00:53:28What do you want me to do, get pinched?
00:53:47Why'd you stop for just when we had him?
00:53:49But this is the borderline, little Joe.
00:53:51Ain't you seen the new map?
00:53:56This is my boat's territory now.
00:54:00You know, these changing frontiers confuse me.
00:54:04Hey, boss.
00:54:05Get a load of this.
00:54:07The killer sure goes for the dames.
00:54:17He must have a harem.
00:54:18And all sizes.
00:54:21All right, now look, you guys.
00:54:23Killer Dill isn't going to be a permanent fixture around here like you may think.
00:54:27He doesn't know it yet, but we're just going to make use of him until the right time comes.
00:54:31Then he goes for a ride.
00:54:32And you jump from public enemy number 24 to 21.
00:54:36That's right. I skipped two grades that way.
00:54:39Pretty sharp, boss.
00:54:41And stop calling me boss. Call him the boss.
00:54:44That way you don't get wise.
00:54:47Put that stuff away.
00:54:53All right.
00:55:24I'm leaving.
00:55:25There ain't nobody big enough to hold me back.
00:55:28Take it easy, killer, will you?
00:55:54Will you. Welcome home boys come on and yeah.
00:56:02Any of your friends got any friends but it yeah. Let's get down to business
00:56:08killing. I just been thinking why don't we show the world we got
00:56:13a legal contract you and us. Let's knock off the blue cockatoo tonight shove
00:56:19them around a gang right out yeah why not.
00:56:38They don't say.
00:56:44Mr Daley only lingerie salesman get rid of them I don't want any of his lingerie.
00:56:50Killer Dale.
00:56:56Tell Mr Dale. Why haven't you been in the sea is lately we miss you it's me I
00:57:02couldn't get past your secretary here she said you never wanted to see me. There's
00:57:07a grave error somewhere in this call. I wonder if I could impose on you at this
00:57:11moment the killer. I wonder if I could persuade you to take an order for say
00:57:16a dozen of each of your sample a dozen well. Make it two dozen.
00:57:22Two. Well five is the best I can really do five oh that's wonderful that's fine.
00:57:34I'm glad he didn't bump the old boy off not here. She she thanks.
00:57:40I'll see you.
00:57:45I just knocked off an order from one of the toughest guys in underwear what. In
00:57:51the underworld.
00:57:56I'm glad you dropped in Kayla I got some business to talk over with you yeah I
00:58:00would appreciate very much if that Maroney gang would take that crummy beer to
00:58:04someplace else as a matter of fact that's exactly what we came to talk to you about
00:58:09a bit killer. Show us to our table and we'll talk this thing over yes this way
00:58:23You heard what happened to the blue cockatoo last night we got dispossessed yeah I
00:58:28heard yeah I heard the killer deal is muscling in on our territory I thought you
00:58:32were going to take care of him don't worry I'll get him how that my booze marble
00:58:37keep him tighter than Alcatraz on a Saturday night.
00:58:42Wait a minute I just got an idea. OK my scientific old friend.
00:58:51I moved in with them a booze mob. You ain't figuring on giving us the cross a little
00:58:57job this is where we pretend we had the fight then you publicly exonerate me
00:59:04exonerate you throw you out that's right then I'm unemployed I need a job so what
00:59:11do I do I go through my booze mob for employment I'm beginning to catch you now
00:59:18I am his bodyguard see there ain't nothing at all to fix it so I can be alone with
00:59:23them. And then.
00:59:29And that's all there was to it. I had much nose on the end of my gun a rock.
00:59:37But I had my rod with me I could show you better use this force I picked this up
00:59:41with my kids Valentine this morning. So I said to my snows OK start them hands
00:59:49climbing higher one more move out of you and your middle name is let's say and
00:59:55what it must know is to know it's turns and springs like a panther OK much knows
01:00:00I said you asked for it now to take it. Why are you I'm sorry my booze I didn't
01:00:09know it was a water gun. So OK. Forget it.
01:00:14And. Get your kicks while you can boss that's what I always say.
01:00:22What you just did was slow so aside I told you I put my kid was there I didn't
01:00:28know it was loaded. Yet forget it say my booze said to the check and that rumor
01:00:34yeah but it's not a rumor little Joe really have a beef with him I'm only bunch
01:00:38that's right and he's joining our mob he's on his way over here right now. Of course
01:00:44if that's all right with you boss oh sure sure. Sure.
01:00:56I tell us. Good afternoon Mr Little Joe say boys I could use a little dough.
01:01:05I got news for you I. Public enemy number twenty one. Public enemy number twenty
01:01:13one. Killer deal. In fact I was on my way over not to see about his health.
01:01:35Oh. You let the blue cockatoo off pretty easy only two hundred cases but that's
01:01:41all he could handle he said if we put in four hundred cases there wouldn't be
01:01:45room for people to dance or we did well maybe
01:01:48a beer bottle across his skull to change his mind. I was given the orders around
01:01:53here or you want to kill it. I'm sorry no no offense.
01:02:04In my boots we collected eighty bucks so far all that's good. It was would you
01:02:09like to go in on these flowers with us who died. Always thinking of this is
01:02:15not all this is for
01:02:16a wedding a mouthpiece is getting married. But you're well and you know he's man
01:02:22a cute little chick Judy Parker by the way my Bruce Little Joe is waiting outside
01:02:27oh yes we'll send him in is that all right with you boys yeah OK yeah sure.
01:02:31I. Think. What's
01:02:38a matter with you nothing. Nothing's a matter.
01:02:46Well hi a little Joe hi. Hey boss you know a little Joe don't you
01:02:53yeah we met. Never thought I'd be working for you boss OK little Joe go on what's
01:03:00with. I got
01:03:03a steer for him a boost the fifty one club and what's the deal they're tired of the
01:03:09Moroni who's there ready for somebody with
01:03:11a proposition you wouldn't be playing games with it would you little Joe not going
01:03:16to look good up OK. Hey boss maybe we better take
01:03:20a run over there right now. Hey boss. Oh oh you you go on
01:03:28I don't feel like going out today maybe I better not go to I'm not in that
01:03:32territory that's right maybe you better not. A killer keep an eye on little Joe
01:03:37don't let him get frisky yeah I'll watch him or do we pick up the boys down
01:03:43a lot of the pinball machine we pick them up on the way out. Oh and here's
01:03:49a tip on your spiel.
01:03:57Oh. You do you can't marry him Alan's no good for you
01:04:05he'll only make your life miserable. Why don't you go and fight for
01:04:11the girl you love you and your big talk about mush nose but don't you act the way
01:04:16you talk.
01:04:17I'm going to stop you Alan. I'm going to kill you you double
01:04:23crosser take it easy killer don't shoot I'll sing.
01:04:30You will. Yeah it was me I killed Moroni Oh well you caused me an awful lot of
01:04:38trouble you know I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to
01:04:43Oh well you caused me an awful lot of trouble you know I didn't mean to kill
01:04:47her honest I didn't put that gun down when it might go off yes it might and it
01:04:51will I was going to tell you about it before a killer honest I was but something
01:04:55could come up I couldn't get to you you were yeah it was on my conscious
01:05:01something excruciating now when you put that gun down wait a minute you're going
01:05:06to write that confession here here's some paper you put it down on
01:05:12there or else now look and I've got more careful in my glove I'll give the orders
01:05:18here you write. With your hands up how am I going to write with my hands up.
01:05:26Against the wall.
01:05:30I. Am. Highest well right are a look just put down that you kill Moroni how you did
01:05:39it and then sign it Oh OK.
01:05:56Here you are killer all in black and white she thanks little Joe. Now you didn't
01:06:03think he was going to get it did you know why please I was just going to blow your
01:06:08brains out please don't. Why you very little look I'll get to the same way I got
01:06:14my role in it I know I'm going to do nothing little Joe no more you ain't.
01:06:20So lucky thing I came up to check on you.
01:07:36Gosh. Ten floors.
01:07:40Should have been forty.
01:07:47Little Joe kill. When. I see.
01:07:53OK thanks my booze. My booze that awful gangster I don't like him Judy it's clients
01:08:00like that to pay for honeymoons but since our honeymoon can only be for two weeks I
01:08:04don't see why I shouldn't be paid for by nicer clients now honey.
01:08:10You might have told me you were getting married today I tried to but you were too
01:08:14busy well I've never been that busy. It's a confession little Joe confessed to the
01:08:20murder of Moroni. Yes you realize what that means it'll prove that I'm not a public
01:08:26enemy I can put them a boost gang and I don't have to be afraid of Moroni anymore
01:08:31Johnny I'm so happy for you now you really are free well it always was free I proved
01:08:36that in court yes but you didn't prove that I wasn't a gangster this does all right
01:08:41it does it also proves a lot of other things you can hurt a lot of people with this
01:08:47little piece of paper Johnny what do you mean hurt a lot of people well suddenly you're
01:08:52not public enemy number twenty one it would make my booze the laughingstock of the
01:08:56country. If it's only my booze it's going to hurt let them laugh I don't care I
01:09:02wouldn't care either if it didn't affect Judy. Judy.
01:09:10The effect is indirect I know and I don't care about losing my law practice I'm not
01:09:14thinking of myself but you wouldn't want to throw anything in the way of Judy's
01:09:17happiness would you Johnny. Let's destroy this before it does any damage.
01:09:23But. Now you have nothing to worry about no I guess
01:09:31not. Well. Good luck to both of you thanks.
01:09:39You mind if I kiss the bride go right ahead.
01:09:43But. I hope you'll
01:09:51both be very happy.
01:10:03That straightens him out. I'm glad you did that. I Judy I was afraid you might
01:10:10misunderstand I understand perfectly oh that's well now we have
01:10:15a date with the minister no well I've got
01:10:18a date with public enemy number twenty one you see. I like my who can smile.
01:10:30Johnny Johnny aren't you going to come to my wedding. No I couldn't stand to watch
01:10:37you getting married to somebody else well if I beg you will you come no but you've
01:10:43got to why how can I marry you if you're not there.
01:10:50Would you say I said how can I marry you if you're not there oh. Well Judy.
01:10:56You. Know I say my own.
01:11:08Telephone Mr Allen it's Mr Mabuse.
01:11:15How long I'm
01:11:15a blues. I got you and Louie in jail. And the McPheeters brothers too.
01:11:24Well I'll be right down with bail. What's that. Are you kidding why they can't put
01:11:31me in jail. Hey buddy you know where I can get
01:11:37a good lawyer. I know a good guy you do and he defended Taylor Dill a lawyer named
01:11:43Will Allen.