00:01:14Barton will see you now.
00:01:19Hello, Parkinson.
00:01:23I can't think of anything more pleasant than seeing you.
00:01:25I thought you'd be surprised.
00:01:27Sit down.
00:01:29Well, you'll have to give me some clues so I'll know how to, uh, conduct this investigation.
00:01:34Is this a personal or an official visit?
00:01:37I don't like that word, official.
00:01:39After all, I am the head of the homicide squad.
00:01:43You haven't, uh, committed a murder, have you?
00:01:46Please don't joke about my coming here.
00:01:48I'm sorry.
00:01:52It's about Van.
00:01:55I hardly know where to start.
00:01:57Well, perhaps I can help you.
00:02:00At the time when you, uh, well, threw me over for Van,
00:02:05I made the rather rash promise that you'd find me waiting
00:02:09whenever you grew tired of Van.
00:02:12Is that it?
00:02:15It's more serious than you think.
00:02:18I love Van with all my heart.
00:02:20Possibly too much.
00:02:22And I'm afraid of losing him.
00:02:24Van been making a fool of himself again?
00:02:27Well, he's become involved with a rather notorious gold digger.
00:02:31Oh, Miriam, I don't think I'll come in tonight. It's getting a bit late.
00:02:34Oh, come on in for just a minute, Van. I want to talk to you.
00:02:37All right.
00:03:25Darling, when are we going to be married?
00:03:28Oh, dear, now let's not go over that again.
00:03:30Don't let's spoil a pleasant afternoon with another argument.
00:03:33But you promised me.
00:03:35Now, you mustn't take things a man says when he's tight too literally.
00:03:38We're getting along very nicely as we are now.
00:03:41Listen, big boy, you're not talking to a gaga.
00:03:44I happen to know what it's all about.
00:03:47You'll keep your promise or I'll raise a stink that'll smell up your whole family.
00:03:51Now you're wowing me.
00:03:59Hello, Pearl.
00:04:04When did you get in?
00:04:05About half an hour ago. It was a rather heavy program.
00:04:08Miriam just came in with Van Campen.
00:04:14She goes out tonight. I hope she forgets to lock that window.
00:04:16She went out about noon.
00:04:18But I can't take a chance in crossing that roof in broad daylight.
00:04:21Couldn't you get a wire or something and pick the lock?
00:04:24That would be too obvious.
00:04:26Anyway, I'm not a regular second story man.
00:04:28This business is getting on my nerves, Jose.
00:04:31Can't we go away and forget about it?
00:04:33Nothing will ever happen.
00:04:35Now, you be a good girl and I'll give you a call the first thing in the morning.
00:04:39Oh, by the way, how'd you like those records I sent you?
00:04:42They were all right. I need some more perfume though.
00:04:45I'll see that you get it.
00:04:57How'd you get in here?
00:04:59I still make fast keys.
00:05:01Well, fill it. What do you want?
00:05:05I need some dough, kid. I'm on the spot.
00:05:08You've had the last time you'll ever get out of me.
00:05:11I'm through.
00:05:13Yeah, you can get out and stay out.
00:05:21Five grand, Miriam.
00:05:24That's the figure.
00:05:26I haven't got it.
00:05:28How about Brunel?
00:05:30I suppose he hasn't got it either.
00:05:33Do you want me to tell him?
00:05:35Go ahead. I don't care what you tell him.
00:05:38I might even decide to tell Van Kempen.
00:05:43You'll never do that.
00:05:45Oh, you're planning to marry him.
00:05:48I'd forgotten.
00:06:02Well, here's to the happy bride.
00:06:05Stop trying to be funny and get out.
00:06:08Five grand.
00:06:12I've got a date with Brunel tonight. I'll see.
00:06:15Your jewelry's worth more than that.
00:06:17Well, what if it is?
00:06:19Well, I'll take that.
00:06:21You'll take it over my dead body.
00:06:23I'll try and get it out of Brunel. Now beat it.
00:06:26Yeah, sure.
00:06:36That's all very interesting, Brunel.
00:06:39But what am I supposed to do about it?
00:06:41She might sue me for breach of promise.
00:06:43That's not entirely without precedent.
00:06:45I won't permit it.
00:06:47But after all, Arthur, let's be sensible about it.
00:06:50I might be able to...
00:06:52Now, look here, George. I won't have that woman suing me.
00:06:55She's nothing but a...
00:06:57Yes, I know. She might be.
00:06:59But you also told me she was very attractive.
00:07:02Now, that's not material.
00:07:04Think of my reputation.
00:07:06I can't have that woman suing me.
00:07:08Why, I'd rather get her out of the way.
00:07:10You're a bit late with alternatives.
00:07:12After all, you did write her letters.
00:07:14Notes, George. Notes, that's all.
00:07:16Now, if you don't want to handle this case,
00:07:18perhaps I'd better go to the police about it.
00:07:20I'll do all I can to help.
00:07:22I do wish, though, this talk this afternoon
00:07:24had been about someone else.
00:07:26I wish it had been about...
00:07:28you and me.
00:07:30You're making me self-conscious, boss.
00:07:33You know how I feel about that.
00:07:37Well, I come second to him, don't I?
00:07:39You know that.
00:07:41Well, now then, Beth, don't worry.
00:07:43I'll try not to.
00:07:47Goodbye, boss.
00:07:52Now, listen.
00:07:54You're in no position to be dicking around like this.
00:07:56You're in trouble.
00:07:58Now, if you want any help, you gotta come across,
00:08:00or else...
00:08:02You know.
00:08:04The boss said lay it on the line tomorrow.
00:08:06Now, that don't mean day after tomorrow or next week.
00:08:09You know that.
00:08:11I'll have it. Tell him I'll have it.
00:08:13The kingdom again?
00:08:17Or if not, there's other ways of getting it.
00:08:19The boss said cash this time.
00:08:21No jewelry.
00:08:23Say, listen, I'm not stalling. I'll have it.
00:08:25You tell him I'll have it.
00:08:27I hope you ain't.
00:08:29My advice to you is to sear and put the screws on.
00:08:33Sear tonight.
00:08:35Can't tonight.
00:08:37Got a heavy date.
00:08:47Say, Nick.
00:08:49Why don't you get a piano in here or something?
00:08:51Get some music.
00:08:53Music. I like some life.
00:09:00Ronnie, old dear.
00:09:02I need some money.
00:09:04Of course, dear.
00:09:06How much do you need?
00:09:08I need a lot.
00:09:10Haven't failed you yet, have I?
00:09:12How much?
00:09:18Now, Miriam, that's a lot of money.
00:09:20Here, I'll give you a few hundred.
00:09:22I need $5,000.
00:09:26Here, I'll give you a few hundred.
00:09:28I need $5,000.
00:09:30What for?
00:09:32I can't tell you.
00:09:34But I must have it. I'm in serious trouble.
00:09:36Here, tell me what your trouble's on.
00:09:38Maybe I'll be able to straighten it out.
00:09:40No, I can't do that.
00:09:42But I simply must have it.
00:09:44Here, Miriam, this is absurd.
00:09:46You can't tell me what you need it for.
00:09:48I'm actually going to feel well if it's just a racket.
00:09:50It's not a racket.
00:09:52I need the money, and I mean to have it.
00:09:54Listen to me.
00:09:56Suppose I were to mail one of your letters to your wife.
00:09:58Oh, you wouldn't do that.
00:10:00No, wouldn't I, though?
00:10:02Suppose I were to sue you for breach of promise.
00:10:04You can't do that. Think what it would mean.
00:10:06Think of my reputation.
00:10:08That's just what I am thinking of, your reputation.
00:10:10Why do you suppose I've been putting up with you for the last few months?
00:10:14Going out with you, having you up to my apartment.
00:10:16You're probably conceited enough to think I like you.
00:10:20Like you? I hate you.
00:10:22You posing as a pillar of society.
00:10:24Sneaking around to see me.
00:10:26You're nothing but a dirty hypocrite.
00:10:28Now that's enough. Don't make a scene here.
00:10:30Let's go.
00:10:52Who's there? It's getting late.
00:11:12I know it.
00:11:14But Locke's in our favor.
00:11:16What's happened?
00:11:18She just came in about an hour ago with Ron Nell.
00:11:20Then she drew the curtains and I couldn't see what happened after that.
00:11:22But she did open the windows some.
00:11:24Has Ron Nell left?
00:11:26I don't know. I haven't heard anything since.
00:11:28I think she's asleep.
00:11:49What makes you think she's asleep?
00:11:51Well, she's been lying on the bed there for 45 minutes.
00:11:54Now's the best chance I've had. I think I'll cut her.
00:11:57But suppose she should wake up. You can't tell what she'll do.
00:11:59She might have you arrested.
00:12:01Nobody knows that I'm in your apartment now.
00:12:03I'm going out through the back and walking through the lobby so they'll see me.
00:12:06Then if they catch me on the roof, I can say that I was looking for something that fell out of the window.
00:12:11Now keep watch till I come back.
00:12:13Be brave.
00:12:35Can you leave me a dime to get a coffee, please?
00:12:38I want to get a cup of coffee, please.
00:12:51Good evening.
00:13:14Have you heard anything yet?
00:13:16She's still asleep.
00:13:18All right, here I go.
00:13:20Be careful.
00:14:50I heard that noise.
00:15:04What happened?
00:15:07The dressing table drawer fell to the floor.
00:15:10But Miriam didn't hear it.
00:15:13She's dead.
00:15:14Oh, thanks.
00:15:16Why did you do that?
00:15:18I didn't.
00:15:19Don't lie to me.
00:15:20Tell me the truth.
00:15:21I'll speak to you.
00:15:22Only tell me the truth.
00:15:23I'm telling the truth.
00:15:24She was dead when I went in there.
00:15:26I don't know how long.
00:15:27But if anyone knows that I was in there, I'll get the blame for it.
00:15:30We'll have to plan an alibi.
00:15:31Oh, I wish you'd listen to me and not gone in there.
00:15:34Can't be helped now.
00:15:36I got what I went after.
00:15:41Are you game enough to make the man downstairs believe that Miriam was alive when I left her apartment?
00:15:46I'll do anything for you.
00:15:47You know that.
00:15:48All right.
00:15:49I'll go back through her window and lock it.
00:15:51You come around the hall and I'll let you in.
00:15:53I don't want to go in there.
00:15:54I'm afraid.
00:15:55You'll have to.
00:15:56I'll leave my gloves.
00:15:57When I'm gone, you phone downstairs and ask the man to catch me.
00:16:00I'll duck.
00:16:01When he can't find me, say that it isn't important, that I can get them tomorrow.
00:16:05But suppose it doesn't work.
00:16:07Oh, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.
00:16:10Buck up now, darling.
00:16:11We haven't any time to lose.
00:16:18Come on.
00:16:49I'm going to leave my gloves on this chair.
00:16:51And as soon as I have time to go out through the lobby, you call the man downstairs.
00:16:55Then go out this door.
00:16:56It will lock by itself.
00:16:59You told me the truth, didn't you?
00:17:01You know about not doing it.
00:17:03Of course I did, darling.
00:17:05Now keep a brave heart.
00:17:07Good night.
00:17:08Good night.
00:17:19Good night.
00:17:20Good night.
00:17:45Good night.
00:17:48A gentleman just left my apartment, will you try to catch him, please?
00:18:08He forgot his glove.
00:18:09Just a minute, I'll see if I can reach him.
00:18:11I'm sorry, I couldn't get a hold of him.
00:18:29It doesn't matter.
00:18:30He can get them the next time he calls.
00:18:58Hello there.
00:19:00I haven't seen you for ages.
00:19:02I want you to have lunch with me.
00:19:04Say, that's an idea.
00:19:06Why not make it today?
00:19:07That's fine.
00:19:09Pick me up at the office about 12.30, will you?
00:19:12Just a moment there.
00:19:14What is it, Dyke?
00:19:15Just wanted to tell you I'm going out.
00:19:17There's been a murder.
00:19:18There's always a murder.
00:19:19Who is it?
00:19:20Some Jane by the name of Miriam King.
00:19:25Just a moment, Dyke.
00:19:27Van, we have to postpone our luncheon engagement.
00:19:32Oh, you'll hear about it sooner or later, so I may as well tell you.
00:19:37Miriam King is reported murdered.
00:19:43That's terrible.
00:19:45How did it happen?
00:19:48Now listen, I want you to do something for me.
00:19:51You take that case yourself.
00:19:53You may not know it, but Miriam King and I were...
00:19:56Well, I'll come over and see you right away.
00:20:01All right.
00:20:02I'll meet you up at her apartment.
00:20:12Get Miss Elizabeth Hawthorne on the phone, please.
00:20:16How did it happen?
00:20:17Word just came in her maid found her in bed fully dressed.
00:20:19Dead as a doornail.
00:20:21Get the coroner and the fingerprint men down there at once.
00:20:24I want a list of everybody who called in the last couple of days.
00:20:27I'll be down there myself in a few minutes.
00:20:29Right, Chief.
00:20:35Oh, Van.
00:20:38Was Van with you last night?
00:20:40Why, yes, of course.
00:20:42How did he act?
00:20:44Perfectly normal, the way he usually acts.
00:20:48Matter of fact, we were out until very early this morning.
00:20:51Well, I don't think you need worry any more about that King girl taking him away from you.
00:20:56He's just been found dead.
00:20:59How awful.
00:21:07Well, thanks so much for calling, Bart.
00:21:10I'll be seeing you.
00:21:33Just a few questions, Mr. Rowe.
00:21:37How long have you worked for Miss King?
00:21:39About four months.
00:21:41Right after she came to this apartment.
00:21:43Do you live here?
00:21:46I come in the morning about 11 o'clock.
00:21:49Miss King was late.
00:21:52And you returned after dinner?
00:21:54No, sir.
00:21:56Generally, I leave in the afternoon.
00:21:58She usually had dinner out.
00:22:02Did you notice anything unusual in this room when you came in this morning?
00:22:06Yes, sir.
00:22:08The lights were still on.
00:22:11Does that often happen?
00:22:12Oh, sometimes.
00:22:15In this room, but never in her bedroom.
00:22:19Were all those windows locked?
00:22:23Yes, sir.
00:22:24Oh, I think so.
00:22:26They were locked.
00:22:27I did not examine them before I went downstairs to tell the manager.
00:22:33Can you think of any reason that anyone might have had for killing Miss King?
00:22:37Oh, no, sir.
00:22:39She had many friends, but they all liked her.
00:22:42Did she have much jewelry?
00:22:44Oh, yes, sir.
00:22:46She had always something new.
00:22:48Where did she keep it?
00:22:50In the dresser.
00:22:51On the top drawer.
00:22:55Do you think she was killed for her jewelry?
00:22:59She might have been.
00:23:01There's no jewelry in the dresser now.
00:23:05Have you ever had any trouble with Miss King?
00:23:09No, sir.
00:23:12Well, that'll be all for the present, Miss Duval.
00:23:16We may have to talk to you again later.
00:23:20I hope you don't think I did it.
00:23:23I'm quite sure you didn't.
00:23:30Try and get a description of the jewelry from her.
00:23:33Don't bother her.
00:23:34I'll show you the apartment, but don't let her out of your sight.
00:23:36Yes, sir.
00:23:39Oh, let me have those gloves.
00:23:44Doctor, were you able to find anything?
00:23:47Well, offhand, I would say natural death, following heart attack or suffocation.
00:23:52Excepting there's no signs of struggle or distressed features.
00:23:57Were you able to determine the time of death?
00:24:00I would judge between 11.30 and midnight, no later.
00:24:05Probably a poison.
00:24:09Yet the symptoms are very confusing.
00:24:13Well, I'd be able to answer that better after the autopsy.
00:24:16Well, let me have a report as soon as you can.
00:24:18Yes, sir.
00:24:21Dugan, you'll take up your duties in this apartment.
00:24:23No one is to be allowed in but the fingerprint men.
00:24:26I'll arrange for a relief for you.
00:24:28Okay, Chief.
00:24:38Say, Chief, here's a list of the people who called on her yesterday.
00:24:41Van Kempten, Mr. Scott, Mr. Burnell, Mr. Marino, and a young lady.
00:24:45Didn't get her name, but I've got a pretty good description of her.
00:24:49Were all these people allowed to go up or were they announced?
00:24:51Well, she always insisted that her callers be announced,
00:24:54with the exception of Mr. Scott, as they were old friends.
00:24:58The night man said that Mr. Marino went up late last night without being announced.
00:25:02He was her last caller.
00:25:04But she talked over the telephone here to the operator after he left the apartment.
00:25:10So she must have been alive at that time.
00:25:13What time was that?
00:25:14Between 11.00 and 12.00.
00:25:17Do you happen to know Mr. Burnell's initials?
00:25:20Arthur B. He's a broker.
00:25:22Could you get me his address?
00:25:23Yes, certainly.
00:25:26Get a description of Miss King's jewelry from Brown.
00:25:29Then set a detail round to all the pencils.
00:25:30Yes, sir.
00:25:35Hello, Bart.
00:25:36Oh, hello, Matt.
00:25:38I'm glad you volunteered to come down.
00:25:39I've got one or two questions I want to ask you.
00:25:41The men here say that you called on Miss King yesterday.
00:25:43Yes, I did, late in the afternoon.
00:25:45Have you found out who killed her yet?
00:25:47No, we haven't uncovered anything of unusual value as yet.
00:25:50Come on, I want to see her.
00:25:51I'll wait a moment, then.
00:25:53I wouldn't go up if I were you.
00:25:55It'll only upset you.
00:25:57The men are up there now, and they don't want to be bothered.
00:26:00Don't you worry about my feelings.
00:26:02I'm more interested in the capture of this murderer than you are.
00:26:05I'll help you any way I can.
00:26:07Here's Mr. Brownell's address.
00:26:10You're welcome, sir.
00:26:15You better ride on downtown with me, Ben.
00:26:17The talking is over on the way.
00:26:19All right.
00:26:25You know, I had no idea that you and this woman were so close.
00:26:30Did you ever meet any of her friends or her family?
00:26:33No, she'd never discuss her family with me.
00:26:36But she knew a girl named Pearl Hope rather well.
00:26:39They lived together at one time until they quarreled and separated.
00:26:43Did she ever tell you what they quarreled about?
00:26:45No, she didn't.
00:26:48Do you know if they've met since they separated?
00:26:50That I don't know.
00:26:54You, uh, did you take this apartment for her?
00:26:58No, but I probably would have had I met her in time.
00:27:01She moved in there a couple of weeks before I met her.
00:27:04But you did contribute to her support.
00:27:06Miriam had no income of her own, so naturally I supported her.
00:27:10Now, on second thought, Ben,
00:27:12perhaps you'd better not go with me on this interview.
00:27:16You might learn things you don't want to know.
00:27:18I want to know everything you've said about her.
00:27:21You policemen have a great habit of digging up all the dirt in a girl's life.
00:27:25She may need a defender.
00:27:28As a matter of fact, I'm the only intimate friend she's had in the past few months.
00:27:32And I'm not going to desert her now.
00:27:35Just one more thing, Ben.
00:27:37You'll be seeing a good deal of Beth now that, uh,
00:27:40your interests are not divided.
00:27:44This is the only high flyer I ever took.
00:27:47My feelings toward Beth haven't changed.
00:27:49I'm glad to hear that.
00:27:51I wonder if you are.
00:27:54You know, I've always had a feeling that you were just a little bit jealous
00:27:57ever since Beth and I hit it off.
00:28:08I'd, uh, like to see Mr. Brunel, please.
00:28:10Will you just wait a moment, please?
00:28:23Ever play the market?
00:28:25You forget, Ben, that I'm a public servant.
00:28:28That position does not carry a very big salary.
00:28:31It hasn't been doing very well with me lately.
00:28:33I'm sorry, but Mr. Brunel will be unable to see you.
00:28:36Can I do anything for you?
00:28:40I must see him.
00:28:43Tell him we'll wait.
00:28:45His entire afternoon is engaged.
00:28:47Couldn't I make an appointment for you later in the week?
00:28:52Give that to Mr. Brunel.
00:28:58Oh, by the way, Ben.
00:29:00Are these your gloves?
00:29:02No, not mine.
00:29:04I found them in Miss King's apartment this morning.
00:29:07Do you think they belong to Brunel?
00:29:09Well, we shall see.
00:29:11They don't belong to a very big man.
00:29:13Step right this way, Mr. Barton.
00:29:21Good morning.
00:29:23Good morning.
00:29:25I'm Henry Barton of the Homicide Squad.
00:29:27This is Mr. Van Kempen.
00:29:30I'd like to ask you a few questions
00:29:32with regard to the murder of Miriam King.
00:29:34So your note explains.
00:29:36Of course I regret Miss King's death exceedingly,
00:29:39but I must insist that her murder,
00:29:41if it was murder,
00:29:43does not justify your visit to my office.
00:29:46Would you prefer that we visit you at your own home?
00:29:49Don't be ridiculous.
00:29:51I see no reason why I should explain my conduct to you.
00:29:54Now, if there's nothing further I can do for you, gentlemen,
00:29:57I must bid you good day.
00:29:59You understand that considerable publicity might ensue
00:30:02if we are forced to take other means to make you speak.
00:30:06You can't threaten me.
00:30:13Gentlemen, you have me cornered.
00:30:18I'm prepared to place myself in your hands.
00:30:22What is your price?
00:30:24Information and facts.
00:30:27What is your price for silence?
00:30:30I'm an officer of the law, Mr. Burnell,
00:30:33and bribery is a crime.
00:30:36I don't think you want to make any bargain.
00:30:42Very well.
00:30:44Take a chair, gentlemen.
00:30:47I have nothing to conceal from you,
00:30:51but neither my family nor my associates
00:30:56know anything about my friendship with Miss King.
00:30:59That would be most disastrous.
00:31:02You saw Miss King yesterday?
00:31:07I saw her with my own eyes.
00:31:10I saw her with my own eyes.
00:31:13You saw Miss King yesterday?
00:31:18I've seen Miss King about twice a week
00:31:20for the last two or three months.
00:31:23We had dinner together last night
00:31:25and returned to her apartment about 10.30.
00:31:28I left approximately 15 minutes later.
00:31:31Was she wearing any jewelry when she was with you last night?
00:31:36She wore a necklace and a dinner ring that I had given her.
00:31:40There was no jewelry on the body when it was found.
00:31:43Then you think the motive might have been robbery?
00:31:49Would you give me a description of those two pieces of jewelry?
00:31:54A stern and stern could give you a better description.
00:31:57They were purchased there in my name.
00:31:59Was there anything unusual or out of the ordinary
00:32:02in your meeting with Miss King last night?
00:32:04Yes, there was.
00:32:07She made a demand on me for quite a large sum of money.
00:32:10I wasn't prepared to give her to her
00:32:12and our relations entered in an argument.
00:32:15You felt that you'd given her enough money?
00:32:18Or had you discovered that there were other friends besides yourself?
00:32:23Oh, she hadn't any other intimate friends.
00:32:25She couldn't have had.
00:32:27Why, she was always at my beck and call
00:32:29and I paid liberally for that privilege.
00:32:31That's why I saw no reason for giving her this extra money.
00:32:35Would you mind repeating as nearly as you can remember
00:32:39your conversation with her?
00:32:41Yes, I will.
00:32:43Though I feel that to do so would
00:32:46point a great deal of suspicion towards me.
00:32:51I'm sorry, Mr. Barton is not in.
00:32:54It really isn't important.
00:32:56I just want to tell him I saw Miss King late last night
00:32:58and thought he might want to ask me some questions.
00:33:00I'm expecting him any minute. Can't you wait?
00:33:03Well, all right, thank you.
00:33:08Do you think Browning was guilty?
00:33:10He didn't say.
00:33:12The gentleman wants to talk to you, Mr. Barton.
00:33:14He saw Miss King late last night.
00:33:18Mr. Barton, would you look me up?
00:33:21Step into my office. I'll be with you in a few minutes.
00:33:25Miss King lived at this address
00:33:27with a Pearl Hope a few months ago.
00:33:29Try and locate her.
00:33:30Yes, sir.
00:33:31How about the maid?
00:33:33Well, she went straight home and she hasn't phoned anyone.
00:33:35I got the telephone company watching the wires
00:33:37and Thurston on her trail.
00:33:39Hop over to Sterner's Turn and get a description
00:33:41of the jewelry that a Mr. Brownell bought Miss King.
00:33:45Yes, sir.
00:33:47Well, do you think Miss King is guilty?
00:33:49Yes, sir.
00:33:51Yes, sir.
00:33:53Well, do you still want to trail along
00:33:55or have you found out enough?
00:33:56I'll trail along.
00:34:08You, uh...
00:34:10said you knew something about the King murder, Mr., uh...
00:34:15I'm afraid I know nothing about the murder.
00:34:18But I was with Miss King late last night.
00:34:20Have you known Miss King very long?
00:34:24No, when she lived on 54th Street
00:34:26and trailed along when she moved to the Bannister Arms.
00:34:30Used to see her a couple of times a week.
00:34:33In fact, I saw her last night.
00:34:36Happened to be going by about 11.30 and dropped in.
00:34:40She wasn't feeling very well, so I only stayed a few minutes.
00:34:44Was she expecting you?
00:34:51I very seldom made dates with her.
00:34:53Just dropped in.
00:34:55Were you announced by the operator?
00:34:59All the boys knew me.
00:35:01I was told that Miss King insisted
00:35:02that all her visitors be announced.
00:35:04Well, the boys will all tell you I never was.
00:35:11How was Miss King dressed when you called on her?
00:35:14She had on an evening gown.
00:35:17Any jewelry?
00:35:20A ring and a necklace.
00:35:22That's all I saw.
00:35:23When you called last night,
00:35:24did you happen to notice whether the windows were open or closed?
00:35:31Are you sure?
00:35:33Quite sure.
00:35:34I wanted to open them and she refused
00:35:36because she said she didn't feel well
00:35:38and was sort of chilling when they were closed.
00:35:41Do you live in the city, Mr. Moreno?
00:35:47The Clinton Hotel.
00:35:51Then you'll be here permanently.
00:35:53I don't know about that.
00:35:56I've been talking about going to Europe with some friends
00:35:59although we haven't set the dating date.
00:36:05Are these your gloves?
00:36:08So that's where I left them.
00:36:12How do you know Pearl Hope?
00:36:16She lived with Miss King in 54th Street.
00:36:19You must have met her there.
00:36:21Quite a few months ago.
00:36:22Quite forgotten.
00:36:24Did you telephone Miss Hope last night before you called on her?
00:36:27I came here to give you a hand and not to be insulted.
00:36:30I'm telling you I did not see Miss Hope last night.
00:36:32And if I had, it would not have been any of your business.
00:36:42Have Moreno followed.
00:36:43Yes, sir.
00:36:45Why did you question him about Pearl Hope?
00:36:47Oh, it was just a wild stab.
00:36:50When I saw him wince at the first mention of her name,
00:36:52I knew that I'd struck home.
00:36:54I wouldn't be surprised if there'd been bad blood
00:36:56between Miriam King and Miss Pearl Hope.
00:37:00What do you think?
00:37:02I don't know. My mind isn't a muddle.
00:37:04You know, this has all been a great revelation to me
00:37:06and I can't tell you how shocked I am.
00:37:09I think Moreno knows more than he's told us.
00:37:12Well, why did you let him go then?
00:37:14He'll show us more than he'll tell us.
00:37:17Oh, I see.
00:37:20Here's the coroner's report.
00:37:24Definite traces of amilcanine, a derivative of aconite, were found.
00:37:28Death followed within an hour after injection of the poison.
00:37:31Sydney's would be a feeling of drowsiness
00:37:33which would account for her being found on the bed, fully dressed.
00:37:37Amilcanine, not fatal if taken by mouth,
00:37:39needs to be injected into the blood.
00:37:41Point of infection, a scratch on the thumb.
00:37:44Probably from a pin or needle or any sharp-pointed instrument
00:37:48which might have been dipped in the poison.
00:37:50Well, does that give you a clue?
00:37:54Not unless the poison is a difficult one to get.
00:37:56We'll look into that.
00:37:58Well, I think if you don't mind, I'll get along
00:38:00because I've had about all I can stand for one day.
00:38:02Oh, I can quite understand that.
00:38:05Try and spend some time with Beth.
00:38:07Probably it'll ease your conscience.
00:38:16Okay, check in later.
00:38:17Well, let me know if anything turns up.
00:38:19I will.
00:38:20Marina went right to phone, called up Pearl Hope.
00:38:22Good. Did you get her address?
00:38:23Yes, sir, here it is.
00:38:24Lannister Arms, directly across the court from Miss King's apartment.
00:38:28They may or may not have known that they lived in the sailor putt house.
00:38:33Miss Hope breaks the call.
00:38:40You got them all there?
00:38:42Two necklaces, two rings, four bracelets and a brooch.
00:38:45But I didn't know they were stolen.
00:38:47Mr. Scott told me that he and his wife had business troubles,
00:38:50so he had a pawn for jewels.
00:38:52We'll take them down to headquarters anyway.
00:38:54Yeah, but how am I going to get my money back when I put out on them?
00:38:57Well, I can't worry about that. You'll have to see Scott.
00:39:00Got his address?
00:39:01Yeah, not far from here.
00:39:03Now, here's your receipt, but I don't think you'll ever see him again.
00:39:28Yeah, yeah, send it up. Give me Brian 4638.
00:39:34I should do business with such a loafer.
00:39:36Oy, what a goner.
00:39:48Yes, just a minute.
00:39:50Oh, Mr. Scott?
00:39:53You're wanted on the telephone.
00:39:55All right.
00:39:59All right.
00:40:08Scotty, the Dicks was here and I had to give them up the stuff.
00:40:12Say, why didn't you get rid of it?
00:40:15I didn't have time.
00:40:17Say, I think they've gone over to your place now.
00:40:19They was awful anxious to see you.
00:40:21You didn't have to give them my right address, did you?
00:40:24Sure I did.
00:40:25Ain't I a law-abiding citizen?
00:40:27Say, I want you to give me my money back before they catch you.
00:40:56Where's Mr. Scott's room?
00:40:58First room at the head of the stairs.
00:41:00Is he in?
00:41:02Is anything wrong?
00:41:04Yeah, just wanted some water.
00:41:56Just a minute.
00:41:57What are you running for?
00:41:58I ain't running for nothing.
00:41:59I'm in a hurry to catch a train.
00:42:00My aunt and my uncle is down at the depot.
00:42:02I guess they can wait.
00:42:03No, no, no.
00:42:04You don't understand.
00:42:05I got to go to the station.
00:42:06That's all right.
00:42:07We'll see if you get to the station.
00:42:08Wait, look.
00:42:09Hey, you're Scott, aren't you?
00:42:12My name is Callahan.
00:42:13Well, Callahan or Scott, you answer the description of the mug we're looking for.
00:42:16Come on along.
00:42:17Hey, look.
00:42:18Wait a minute.
00:42:19You're making a mistake.
00:42:20I'll get you Blackwood's foot in the spot for this.
00:42:22I got some influence in this town, too.
00:42:23I don't want to be taking this place.
00:42:24I'm afraid there's very little I can tell you.
00:42:25You lived with her for some time, didn't you?
00:42:27We had an apartment together downtown.
00:42:28I met Miss King shortly after coming to New York.
00:42:29Why did you stop rooming with her?
00:42:30Was it a quarrel of some sort?
00:42:31Not exactly.
00:42:32More like a misunderstanding.
00:42:33She stayed out late at night.
00:42:34I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:35I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:36I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:37I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:38I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:39I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:40I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:41I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:42I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:43I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:44I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:45I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:46I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:47I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:48I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:49I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:50I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:51I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:52I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:53I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:54I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:55I didn't want to be a nuisance to her.
00:42:57But you knew she was in this building when you took this apartment.
00:43:00No, I didn't.
00:43:01We had looked at apartments here together once.
00:43:03But I didn't know she was here until I heard she was murdered.
00:43:08When was that?
00:43:09Why, I read about it in the paper this morning.
00:43:13Oh, I see.
00:43:16The news didn't appear in the paper until the noon edition.
00:43:21Well, I slept late.
00:43:23I still thought it was morning when I read about it.
00:43:27What time did you see Marino yesterday?
00:43:34You're a sweetheart, I believe.
00:43:39Perhaps I ought to talk to you some other time.
00:43:42I'll tell you the truth.
00:43:44You may not believe me, but I didn't see Mr. Marino yesterday.
00:43:48When did you see him last?
00:43:50A few months ago.
00:43:51Just before Miriam and I separated.
00:43:53But I haven't seen him since.
00:43:55Has he telephoned you recently?
00:43:58Yes, he did.
00:44:00He told me I was in danger and would probably be questioned.
00:44:03And he wanted to warn me.
00:44:06Why should he want to warn you if you have nothing to conceal?
00:44:10That's what I told him.
00:44:11But he said you might try to trick me with questions.
00:44:13And he wanted me to be on guard.
00:44:16What did he tell you to say?
00:44:18He didn't tell me to say anything.
00:44:20Just said to be careful.
00:44:23I guess that'll be all, Miss Hope.
00:44:30You'll be here if we want you, I suppose.
00:44:32Oh, yes.
00:44:33I'm planning on leaving for Europe to continue the study of my music.
00:44:36But I have to settle up my apartment first.
00:44:38I won't run away.
00:44:40No, I don't think you will.
00:44:43Good afternoon, Miss Hope.
00:44:44Good day.
00:44:52Good day.
00:45:15Any report?
00:45:16Not a thing.
00:45:18No one called.
00:45:19No mail.
00:45:22Looks like this is a swell way for a strong man to be preserved in law and order.
00:45:26Well, you never can tell what may happen here.
00:45:36I'll make us up at home.
00:45:39Let me know if you hear a man's voice in the apartment across the way.
00:45:42Why, do you suspect them?
00:45:45I suspect everybody.
00:45:52Come in.
00:46:08Hey, how long are you going to keep me here?
00:46:11You're resting comfortable, ain't you?
00:46:18Hello, Mr. Barton.
00:46:19Here's a description of that jewelry that Brunel bought.
00:46:22It was a pin, too.
00:46:24He took it out yesterday and brought it back again this morning.
00:46:27She said she didn't like it.
00:46:29A pin, eh?
00:46:30Yes, sir.
00:46:31Well, get hold of it and have the point examined.
00:46:34See if there's any trace of poison left on it.
00:46:36Yes, sir.
00:46:41Well, good afternoon, gentlemen.
00:46:43We picked up the mug that sold the jewelry.
00:46:45He hocked it at Rubens' this morning.
00:46:47Scotch his name.
00:46:48Has he talked?
00:46:50Shut up like a clam.
00:46:52But I'll make him talk before we get through with him.
00:46:54Or I'll knock him loose for his reason.
00:46:57Well, everything seems to be here.
00:47:00Except the necklace and the ring she wore last night.
00:47:04I guess he's got them bunked somewhere.
00:47:07Well, maybe Mr. Scott didn't have them.
00:47:10That's what I've been telling these mugs, but they won't believe me.
00:47:14Well, now you got me here, what are you going to do with me?
00:47:18Miriam King was murdered.
00:47:20I want to know where you got her jewelry.
00:47:23Oh, so that's it, eh?
00:47:24You're going to try and frame me for bumping her off, huh?
00:47:27Well, go ahead and ask your questions.
00:47:29I ain't going to say nothing until I see my mouthpiece.
00:47:32That attitude's not going to help you, Eddie.
00:47:34I'm after information.
00:47:37And unless you can tell me where you got these trinkets,
00:47:41I'm going to put you under arrest for murder.
00:47:45I know you were in Miriam King's apartment
00:47:47a few hours before she was murdered.
00:47:50And if you can tell me how you persuaded her to give you these jewels,
00:47:54now that may save your hide.
00:48:03Maybe you're right.
00:48:06I went there yesterday afternoon to get some dough.
00:48:10Oh, was she ready to give it to you?
00:48:13She wasn't none too keen about it.
00:48:15Said she didn't have it.
00:48:16But I made her kick in with the jewels.
00:48:18I told her I would give them back to her this afternoon
00:48:21if she could raise the cash.
00:48:23Oh, then she didn't expect you to pawn them.
00:48:26Well, I didn't say nothing about that.
00:48:29You seem to have known this Miss King pretty well.
00:48:34For a long time.
00:48:37She was different from most of these girls.
00:48:40You know, I broke her into the bright lights, the big time.
00:48:43She was just a small town hick when I first seen her.
00:48:47Any more questions?
00:48:52Was she ever married?
00:48:55Well, no, not exactly.
00:48:57She was engaged a couple of times.
00:49:00She used to pick up a few cents here and now with engagements.
00:49:06Well, most of these chumps write letters,
00:49:09and letters is just as good as checks, if you ask me.
00:49:11Was she engaged to Van Kampen?
00:49:13Well, no, she was working up to it.
00:49:15She was going to have him landed in a few more days.
00:49:17Was she engaged to Marino?
00:49:21They busted up, though, just before she moved uptown.
00:49:23Marino went on to make for Pearl Hope.
00:49:26He sent Miriam a lot of letters, though.
00:49:28She still got them.
00:49:30At least she still had them up to last night.
00:49:35How about Mr. Burnell?
00:49:38An out, an out steal.
00:49:41What a sailor for a blonde that old baby is.
00:49:45Well, that'll be all for the present.
00:49:48We'll hold these.
00:49:50Hey, look.
00:49:52You can't do that.
00:49:54Old man Reuben will have me in jail if I don't bring this stuff back to him.
00:49:56On the contrary.
00:49:58I'm afraid we'll ask you to stay in jail for a few days at least.
00:50:01Hey, you can't keep me in jail.
00:50:03I ain't done nothing.
00:50:05I want to speak to my lawyer.
00:50:06I want to speak to my lawyer.
00:50:08I want to speak to my lawyer.
00:50:15There's a man over in that Hopetame's apartment.
00:50:17I heard him when he came in.
00:50:21She said you shouldn't have come here.
00:50:24Then they closed the windows and I didn't hear anything more.
00:50:27Keep an eye on them.
00:50:29But don't leave the apartment.
00:50:31I'll send someone up.
00:50:37Good night.
00:50:39Take some men and cover all entrances to the Bannister Arms.
00:50:42Then call up Miss Hope and say that you're from my office.
00:50:45You want to examine her apartment.
00:50:47Arrest anybody who tries to beat it.
00:50:50If it's Marino, take him back to her place and I'll be right along.
00:51:07I nabbed her when she tried to throw these in the river.
00:51:10No, no, no.
00:51:12It's not true.
00:51:14I didn't steal them.
00:51:16You stole that ring and necklace and you killed Marion Kane to get her jewelry, didn't you?
00:51:19No, no, no.
00:51:21It's not true.
00:51:23That's all right, Miss Duval.
00:51:25I understand you're under a great nervous strain.
00:51:28It's quite natural that you might have forgotten to tell us about these things.
00:51:32Yes, I forgot.
00:51:35Now calm yourself and tell us all about this.
00:51:38You see, I needed the money very badly.
00:51:42I thought as long as the other jewels were gone,
00:51:47no one would notice these.
00:51:50I took them.
00:51:52But it began playing on my mind
00:51:57and I tried to put them where they would never be found.
00:52:00I understand exactly how you must have felt.
00:52:03Perhaps there are some other things you can tell us that we'd like to know.
00:52:08Did any of Miss King's friends have a key to the apartment?
00:52:12Oh, maybe Mr. Scott.
00:52:15But I'm not sure.
00:52:17I knew she did not like him.
00:52:19But I'm sure no one else.
00:52:22Did Miss King ever do any sewing or mending?
00:52:26No, she never sewed at all.
00:52:28I did all the mending.
00:52:30She would not even sew a button on her dress.
00:52:33Did Mr. Moreno ever call the apartment when you were there?
00:52:37Oh, no, he never came.
00:52:39As far as I knew, he always telephoned first
00:52:43and she met him outside.
00:52:46I see.
00:52:48You just come into my office for a few moments.
00:52:58See if Miss Pearl hopes upstairs, please.
00:53:01Mr. Dyke.
00:53:07Mr. Dyke calling.
00:53:12Hello, Miss Hope.
00:53:14This is Dyke from Barton's office.
00:53:16I want to look around on the roof outside your windows
00:53:19and see if I can find anything.
00:53:21Thank you, I'll be right up.
00:53:23There's a detective coming up.
00:53:25He mustn't find you here.
00:53:26That's right, you stick to your story.
00:53:33Thanks very much.
00:53:47Stop where you are or I'll drop you.
00:53:54What's your name?
00:53:56Mr. Moreno.
00:53:58Come back to your cage.
00:54:00The idea.
00:54:09As God is my judge,
00:54:11that's exactly what I did when I found Miss King dead.
00:54:14He didn't do it, I tell you he didn't.
00:54:16You'll have to believe it.
00:54:18Would you mind telling me
00:54:20why you spent so much time in Miss Hope's apartment?
00:54:22I'll tell you.
00:54:24Don't do it, Pearl, it won't do any good.
00:54:26Why weren't you living together?
00:54:28Miriam was blackmailing Jose
00:54:30with letters he'd written her before he knew me.
00:54:32She was bitter against the both of us.
00:54:34Had she known we were married,
00:54:36she would have sued him for breach of promise.
00:54:38He knew that would hurt me.
00:54:40Are you in the habit of spending the night here, Mr. Moreno?
00:54:44Two or three times a week.
00:54:46I live at the Clinton Apartments.
00:54:48The employees of this house
00:54:50know nothing of your association with Miss Hope.
00:54:52That's true.
00:54:54I always walked up to one side of the stairs.
00:54:56Calling on Miss King, and instead I came here.
00:54:58When I stayed all night,
00:55:00I used to go out the servants' entrance
00:55:02early in the morning.
00:55:04On Miss Hope's account.
00:55:06You can understand that.
00:55:08I believe your story, Mr. Moreno.
00:55:10Although I don't quite agree with your methods.
00:55:13Still, I don't think you've told me all that happened.
00:55:16What do you think I've lied about?
00:55:18I don't think you told me of one trip
00:55:20you made to Miss King's apartment.
00:55:22I told you I was there twice.
00:55:24Once to get the letters,
00:55:26and the other time I knocked on the door
00:55:28for Miss Hope to come in there and telephone.
00:55:30She verified that.
00:55:32Yes, I remember.
00:55:34By your own story,
00:55:36you had every motive for murdering Miriam King.
00:55:39I think you neglected to tell me
00:55:41of the visit you made to her apartment
00:55:43while Miss Hope was asleep in the other room.
00:55:45You're trying to make me admit something I didn't do.
00:55:48It's true I need some more evidence
00:55:50before I can prove it.
00:55:57I'm not quite sure what my next move should be.
00:55:59I'd say put him under arrest.
00:56:03I'm afraid Miss Hope wouldn't sleep very well
00:56:05tonight if we did that.
00:56:08Mr. and Mrs. Moreno,
00:56:11against my better judgment,
00:56:13I'm going to allow you two to spend the night here.
00:56:17There'll be a guard near,
00:56:19so don't try any sudden trips to Europe.
00:56:22Mr. Barton,
00:56:24everything I've told you
00:56:26is the truth, I swear it.
00:56:28We're very much in love.
00:56:30If you can understand that,
00:56:32perhaps you'll realize why we've acted the way we have.
00:56:34Now that our secret is out,
00:56:36we'll do all we can to help clear this up.
00:56:38Yes, I'm sure you will.
00:56:40Why not placing you both under arrest
00:56:42is rather unusual.
00:56:45But don't disappoint me.
00:56:47We won't.
00:56:57Do you think he believed us?
00:56:59I'm praying that he did.
00:57:03Do you think he did it?
00:57:05Well, the closer now that we've been,
00:57:08he had the strongest motive.
00:57:11If you can reach the fingerprint man this late,
00:57:13get them over here.
00:57:15Have them go over to the King of Paris for his prints.
00:57:17Especially around the bed where she was found.
00:57:19Yes, sir.
00:57:21Also, check over that phone conversation
00:57:23with the night operator.
00:57:25By the way, I'll be at River 1570.
00:57:28If anything important turns up, you can reach me there.
00:57:32Give me an outside wire, please.
00:57:38Can't we talk of something else besides this murder?
00:57:41I suppose we should.
00:57:43But I must admit it's the most baffling case
00:57:45that's come to my attention for some time.
00:57:51Have you eliminated any suspects yet?
00:57:52Why eliminate them when they eliminate themselves?
00:57:57I just had a report that there was no poison
00:57:59on the pin which Grinnell returned to the jewelers.
00:58:02Of course, that doesn't necessarily eliminate him.
00:58:05He could have had a pin in his glove
00:58:07when he squeezed Millian's hand.
00:58:09Even if she noticed it,
00:58:11she didn't have to pay particular attention to it.
00:58:14Well, I feel sorry for the two honeymooners.
00:58:20A woman's sympathy would go toward them.
00:58:23But I've practically eliminated them as suspects.
00:58:26They're not the type.
00:58:29They haven't got that murderous look.
00:58:33How about Scott?
00:58:36Well, he certainly isn't eliminated.
00:58:39Although I don't think he wanted
00:58:41to see Miss King out of the way.
00:58:43He had his living to consider.
00:58:48I'm surprised.
00:58:50I'm surprised you haven't suspected Van.
00:58:52I have.
00:58:55But he hadn't the motive.
00:58:57You see, he never heard of these other men
00:58:59until after the crime.
00:59:01True, he's spoiled, selfish,
00:59:05just an overgrown kid.
00:59:09He had everything he wanted
00:59:11and a great deal more than he needed.
00:59:13He could afford to buy himself anything he wants.
00:59:17If I thought he had the desire to commit murder,
00:59:18I'd say that he was temporarily out of his mind.
00:59:21How do you feel?
00:59:23How do I look?
00:59:25I always thought you were crazy
00:59:27to show any interest in anyone when Beth was around.
00:59:35Oh, by the way, Beth,
00:59:37why did you visit Miriam King yesterday?
00:59:39Don't try to be funny, Bart.
00:59:41Beth doesn't know Miriam.
00:59:43She never visited her.
00:59:45Oh, yes, I did.
00:59:47I went there to try and buy her away from Van.
00:59:51What did she do?
00:59:54She laughed at me.
00:59:56Did you become friendly enough with her
00:59:58to discuss clothes or sewing or anything like that?
01:00:05Naturally, she had the advantage.
01:00:07She made me feel as though I were a slave
01:00:09begging at her feet.
01:00:11I only stayed a few minutes
01:00:13and then I came directly to your office
01:00:14to talk with you.
01:00:16Do you mean to say you went to Bart's office
01:00:18to discuss me?
01:00:22I went there to ask him
01:00:24to try and get you to go away for a vacation
01:00:26and, incidentally, forget Miriam King.
01:00:35Not so good.
01:00:37Yes, I'm losing my stroke.
01:00:39Mr. Barton is the one on the phone.
01:00:41May I use this extension?
01:00:44You shall, Van.
01:00:47May I have a word?
01:00:51Hello, Mr. Barton.
01:00:53Say, Dugan's been murdered.
01:00:57Fingerprint man found him when he came.
01:01:01Dr. Stern's on his way up here now.
01:01:03Was the marina in Hope's apartment when it happened?
01:01:06Yes, he was.
01:01:08So what do you make of that, Chief?
01:01:10He was there when King was murdered.
01:01:12Must be some connection.
01:01:14Hold him there.
01:01:16I'll be right down.
01:01:19Sorry, but I'll have to leave you.
01:01:21New clues?
01:01:23Worse than that.
01:01:25The man we left in charge of Miriam King's apartment
01:01:27has been murdered.
01:01:29How awful.
01:01:31Yes, it is.
01:01:33I'll have to go right down.
01:01:35May I go with you?
01:01:37Oh, yes, I suppose so.
01:01:39If you feel like leaving Beth alone.
01:01:40If you find anything interesting, do call me.
01:01:42I'm as anxious as anyone.
01:01:59He's been dead about an hour, Mr. Barton.
01:02:01What's the cause?
01:02:03Obviously the same thing that caused Miss King's death.
01:02:05The same symptoms.
01:02:07The same relaxed expression of the facial muscles.
01:02:08Of course, I've only been able to make
01:02:10a superficial examination so far.
01:02:13But there is a scratch on the right hand.
01:02:16On the thumb?
01:02:20On the first finger near the tip.
01:02:23Well, let me have a complete report as soon as it's ready.
01:02:26Yes, sir.
01:02:31Where was he found?
01:02:33He was seen to right in this chair.
01:02:35Well, what is it, Dykes?
01:02:37You're dying to spill something.
01:02:39The Victrola was turned on.
01:02:41The record had automatically stopped.
01:02:43But the current was still on.
01:02:48Careful, Bart.
01:02:52Look out.
01:02:54I don't want to spoil the fingerprints.
01:02:59Well, what is it, Dykes?
01:03:01You're dying to spill something.
01:03:03I'll be the next.
01:03:05What are you talking about?
01:03:07That Victrola needle was poisoned.
01:03:09How do you know?
01:03:11I poisoned it.
01:03:13Dr. Stearns!
01:03:15Dykes, call the ambulance.
01:03:17Do what you can for him.
01:03:19He's had a cavernous scratch on his finger
01:03:21with the same needle that got the others.
01:03:23Get my case right away.
01:03:25The attorney might stop it from reaching his heart.
01:03:27Quick, get off your coat.
01:03:29Sit down over here.
01:03:31Give me that arm, quick.
01:03:47It's all right, Bart.
01:03:49I'm not afraid of what's going to happen.
01:03:51Now, don't talk, man.
01:03:53Find and save your strength.
01:03:55I've got to talk.
01:03:56There's things I...
01:03:58I've got to tell you.
01:04:01I've been an awful fool.
01:04:04I realized at last that all she wanted was money.
01:04:08I tried to break away, but she wouldn't let me.
01:04:11I'd said some foolish things when I was intoxicated,
01:04:14and she was trying to force me to marry her.
01:04:18That would have been to ruin for me,
01:04:21for my family, for Beth.
01:04:23And I couldn't hurt Beth.
01:04:25How did you find out about the ammokronine?
01:04:28I read it somewhere.
01:04:30It was easy to get.
01:04:32All simple things.
01:04:34I dipped a whole...
01:04:36a whole package of ectolin needles in the poison
01:04:38and put them in her room.
01:04:40I knew that the sooner or later
01:04:42she'd scratch herself with one of them.
01:04:46I didn't want to hurt anyone else, though.
01:04:49I tried so hard to...
01:04:50get up to the room that night to get them away, but...
01:04:53you wouldn't let me go near them, Ace.
01:04:56No, sir. You'd better give him another shot.
01:04:58It wouldn't do any good.
01:05:00It'd only make the heart pump harder.
01:05:02No, it's all right.
01:05:04I'm only getting what's coming to me.
01:05:13You'll be good to...
01:05:15Beth, won't you?
01:05:16I'll be fine.
01:05:18Take it easy.
01:05:20Take it easy, lad.
01:05:22Take it easy.
01:05:49Is it true,
01:05:51or is it just another of his wild stories?
01:05:54I'm convinced that he told the truth.
01:05:57He insisted on signing a statement,
01:06:00clearing all the others.
01:06:02May I see him?
01:06:06I don't think I would if I were you.
01:06:16Is he dead?
01:06:26Please take me home, Bart.
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