Aazmaish kiyon ati hai ..

  • 3 years ago
Peace be upon you and mercy and blessings

Why do trials come ???
Allah brings trials on His beloved servants. The Prophets (peace be upon them) were tested the most and Muhammad (peace be upon him) was tested the most among the Prophets. Just as we take the test to get a world degree, so we have to go through a test to get the love of Allah and then it depends on us whether we pass the test with patience or impatience. Demonstrate and sit down frustrated. Sometimes trials bring us closer to God. When man begins to lose more and more in the colors of the world, he is sometimes put to the test again so that he may once again strengthen his connection with his Lord, seek help from Him, weep before Him, and then in distress which Allah The pleasure of remembering is something different. There are some degrees with Allah and Allah wants to bring us to these levels but when we cannot reach that level by our deeds, Allah puts us to the test and brings us to that level. The meaning of the hadith is that "for the believer there is good in all circumstances."
