* Prepare ahead! *

  • 3 years ago
* Prepare ahead! *

موت When death comes, know for sure that nothing will work,
کسی Nobody will care if you leave the world,
• And all the affairs of this world will continue,
کوئی Someone else will take over your responsibilities,
Your wealth will go to the heirs,
• And you have to account for that wealth,
نام The first thing that will leave you at the time of death is the name,
• People will say where is the dead body?
• When they want to read the funeral, they will say bring the funeral,
• When they start burying, they will say, "Bring the corpse closer."
نام Your name will never be mentioned,
Do not be deceived by wealth, lineage, position and children.
How low this world is and how great the way we are going,
There will be three types of mourners:
* (1). * Those who know you superficially will say Alas! May Allah have mercy on him.
* (2). * Your friends will grieve for a few hours or a few days, then they will return to their words and jokes.
* (3). * The grief of your family will be deep, they will grieve for a few weeks, a few months or a year and then they will put you in a basket of memories,
درمیان Your story will end among the people and your true story will begin and that is the Hereafter.
• You will lose your:
* (1). * حسن ،
* (2). * Mall,
* (3). * Health,
* (4). * Children,
* (5). * You will be away from your houses and palaces,
* (6). * Husband will separate from wife and wife from husband,
• Only your process will be left with you.

* Here the question arises that what have you already prepared for your grave and the Hereafter? *
This is a fact that needs to be considered, so pay attention to it:
* (1). * Duties,
* (2). * Nawafil,
* (3). * Hidden charity,
* (4). * Good deeds,
* (5). * Tahajjud prayer,
* (6). * And towards good morals,
• May be saved!
والے If the deceased is brought back to this world, he will prefer to give alms, as Allah says: Why didn't you give me respite for a short time so that I could give alms?
• He will not say that I should pray or I should fast or I should perform Hajj and Umrah.
* Scholars say that the deceased mentions charity only because he sees its great effects after his death, so give more and more charity.
And the best thing you can do right now is ten seconds out of your time. You should spread this message to others with good intentions and sincerity, because saying good things is also charity.
If you try to remind people with this writing, you will find it on your scales on the Day of Resurrection: * Gives.
