• hace 4 años
Beyond the valuable information they have, the web pages of the companies must be able to attract users and retain them. Simple, easy-to-use and useful sites that take into account the needs of potential clients and their demands are the ones that register the most visits.

The landing page or the home page should be considered as a kind of business card, which forces it to be attractive, memorable and to have an optimal visualization of the most important elements.

However, some websites organize and structure their content according to interests other than those of the users, which impacts the popularity of the site.

1. Bad navigation: when a user cannot easily find what they are looking for, they usually get frustrated and leave the site. Home is the ideal place to explain what the portal offers and how to access the information. If the page is too wide and has too many features, it is probably best to implement a website map.

2. Excess of advertisements: although they are an important source of revenue, a large number of advertisements can generate rejection among users and make it difficult to view the content.

3. Badly structured content: order the contents in a schematic way and group them according to topic.

4. Videos and audios that play automatically: in the same way that the overwhelming advertising banners, the videos and the automatic audios generate interference in the communication and annoy the netizens. If the user wants to watch a video, she will make sure to play it.

5. Mandatory registration: encouraging users to register to view any type of content generates mistrust, especially due to problems related to privacy. It is better to offer them some valuable content that attracts them and then build loyalty with the registry.

6. Boring designs: attractive web templates are a good way to get users' attention. However, the chosen aesthetic must always be in accordance with the characteristics of the business.

7. Difficult readability: the attractive design should not hinder the communication of the content, with too bright colors or indecipherable fonts.

8. Lack of updating: sites that do not update their information and do not keep their users up to date are usually visited only once.

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