00:30Oh, let me keep roaming the prairie, where nature reveals all her gold.
01:00Oh, let me keep roaming the prairie, let the song of the west be told.
01:14Where the tumbleweed is rolling, and the trail is rather long,
01:21where a cowboy's heart is happy with a song.
01:25Oh, let me keep roaming the prairie, where nature reveals all her gold.
01:56Oh, let me keep roaming the prairie, let the song of the west be told.
02:10Where the tumbleweed is rolling, and the trail is rather long,
02:16where a cowboy's heart is happy with a song.
02:21Oh, let me keep roaming the prairie, oh, let me keep roaming along.
02:42All right, you get out of there.
02:47Are you Smokey Hammond?
02:51Don't tell me this is a reception committee.
02:53Yeah, it is. The music starts in just a minute.
02:56All right, driver, beat it.
03:50You get bad, partner?
03:51Yeah, I just creased my shoulder.
03:56Well, it was a lucky break for me having you come along.
03:59Not so sure of that. How's your shoulder?
04:00Well, it's still glued to my arm.
04:02Once again, I wish you a scary war, Ike.
04:05Well, burn me for a butcher. Smokey Hammer!
04:08Hello, Fuzzy.
04:09I thought you said you was going to meet us at the Bar BX ranch.
04:12Why, nice of you fellas to come down here.
04:14Well, as soon as I got your letter, I dropped everything.
04:16Thought it'd be kind of nice to get back to ranching for a while.
04:19Tom, I've got a hunch it's not going to be so nice.
04:23Those bandits weren't after my money.
04:26No, there was a Wells Fargo box full of cash on that stage,
04:28and they never even touched it.
04:30Doesn't make sense.
04:31Well, maybe they're reformed bandits.
04:32No, I think it was me they were after.
04:34After you?
04:37You see, I own a half-interest in the Bar BX ranch.
04:39That's why I wrote for you fellas to come down here and help me run it.
04:42I'll save you a story till we get this shoulder fixed.
04:45Come on.
04:46Yeah, here.
04:50The Bar BX ranch belonged to my father, Jeffrey Hammer.
04:53He was murdered when I was just a kid.
04:55Yes, I remember you talking about it.
04:58Didn't you have a sister?
05:01Here, I'll show you a picture of her.
05:05A mighty pretty girl.
05:07I take it that's your father.
05:08Yeah, her mother died when Tess was born.
05:12You look just like your father.
05:14Yeah, it is kind of close.
05:16What happened to your sister?
05:18Well, as far as I know, she was raised by the foreman of the Bar BX after Dad was killed.
05:22I never heard a word from her.
05:24I wrote her that I was coming down here, but she didn't get the letter, eh?
05:28What makes you say that?
05:29Just a hunch.
05:31If somebody's interested in keeping you away from the Bar BX ranch,
05:34somebody might have been reading mail that didn't belong to them.
05:37Yeah, I never thought of that.
05:38You know, Smokey, I have an idea that you ought to stay dead for a while.
05:42You mean a corpse?
05:44Oh, sort of.
05:45I have a hunch the man who killed your father tried to kill you.
05:49Now, if we let him think you're dead, maybe he'll show his hand.
05:53You know, Tom, I think you hit something.
05:55I hope so.
05:56Anyway, it's healthier for you to keep away from the Bar BX for a while.
06:00Fuzzy, go get your spade.
06:02Now you're talking.
06:04While Smokey's playing dead, we can dig for gold.
06:07Let's start digging right here.
06:10Tom, any lop-eared maverick can tell you there ain't no gold here.
06:14No gold, Fuzzy.
06:15Smokey's grave.
06:22Smokey's underneath the ground.
06:26We put him where he won't be found.
06:29Let's drink a toast to Smokey's ghost.
06:32Smokey's underneath the ground.
06:35Underground, underground, underground.
06:39We put him where he never will be found.
06:42Oh, he won't get hurt.
06:44Under six feet of dirt, Smokey's underneath the ground.
06:50Boy, that grave's gonna be lonesome without a ghost to haunt it.
06:54Maybe we'll let you be the ghost.
06:57Me? No, you don't.
06:58No, sir.
06:59Come on, we've got to find a hiding place for Smokey.
07:38Well, that's 300 head, Johnson.
07:40Yes, I know.
07:45Looks as if you don't like paying toll, Johnson.
07:50Just a moment, please.
07:54Since when do ranchers have to pay toll to pass through my father's rangeland?
07:58That's our job.
08:00I'm glad you came, Miss Tess.
08:02Why, it's a crime to charge toll here.
08:05This route's the only route us ranchers can take to move our cattle to market.
08:09And after we get through paying toll, there isn't anything left to live on.
08:14It's a long route.
08:15Who cares?
08:16If I do that, most of the cattle will die before they reach market.
08:19That's nothing but wasteland and no water.
08:21Return Mr. Johnson's money at once.
08:23Can't do that, ma'am.
08:24I've got orders.
08:25Gringo, you're fired.
08:26That won't do any good, ma'am.
08:28Your father will send another man right here to collect toll.
08:31You're pretty smart, Johnson.
08:35Looks like trouble.
08:36Come on.
08:42Howdy, Miss Tess.
08:44Anything wrong?
08:45Johnson here is squawking about paying toll.
08:48I ain't never heard you complaining to any Mr. Harkness.
08:50No, that's true, Gringo.
08:52I'm glad to run my cattle through Boulder Pass.
08:54That's very kind of you, Mr. Harkness, but it isn't fair.
08:56It certainly isn't.
08:58Well, now, I reckon your father knows what he's doing, Miss Tess.
09:01I don't know what he's doing, Mr. Harkness.
09:03I don't know what he's doing, Miss Tess.
09:04I'm going to speak to him about it right now.
09:25Go after the girl.
09:26Now that we've got rid of Smokey Hammer,
09:28we might as well get rid of the rest of the family.
09:30Clayton's not going to like that.
09:31Who's giving orders?
10:01That umbrella don't look like a fella just out riding with his girl.
10:30No, I've always had a hankering for new faces, especially behind masks.
10:35You go after the girl.
10:36I'll take care of our friend.
11:30Now, my friend, let's see what's behind that bandana.
12:30Well, I keep telling you, I didn't try to hold you up.
12:51No, you only tried to kill me.
12:55Sure, I wouldn't shoot a lady.
12:57Oh, I'm not a lady.
12:58Oh, yeah, you sure you are.
13:01Well, all right, go ahead and rinse me.
13:04Shucks, I never did win an argument with a woman.
13:07No, and you never will.
13:08Now, here comes somebody to prove that I'm not a bandit.
13:34Hey, Tom, will you tell this female cat who I is?
13:38Do you know him?
13:45Never saw him before in my life.
13:47So, just as I thought, before the law is through with you,
13:51you'll be sorry you ever came to the Barbie X Ranch.
13:53Lady, you ain't fooling.
13:55Barbie X, is this your ranch, ma'am?
13:56It's my father's.
13:58Who's your father?
13:59Sidney Clayton.
14:00I'm Tess Clayton.
14:09There's the sheriff.
14:11He'll take care of you.
14:12I beg your pardon, ma'am, but this is all a mistake.
14:15Howdy, Miss Tess.
14:16Who's that you got hogtied?
14:17A bandit, and you're just in time.
14:19Bandit, huh?
14:21Stagecoach driver reported being held up.
14:24Outlaws killed a man by the name of Smokey Hammer.
14:27We've been searching for the murderers everywhere.
14:29Say, maybe this hombre helped kill Smokey.
14:33Sorry to disappoint you, Sheriff,
14:34but this here's my buddy, Fuzzy Jones.
14:37I thought you said you didn't know this man.
14:39I was only joking.
14:40Well, it's no joke to me,
14:41and I'm going to hold you both under suspicion of murder.
14:44Now, what did you do with the body?
14:45The body?
14:47Oh, yes.
14:48We buried it.
14:49Oh, then you admit that you killed Smokey.
14:51No, Smokey was my best friend.
14:53Here, this'll prove it.
15:02Well, I guess you're telling the truth, stranger.
15:04Tell me, what did you mean when you said you buried the body?
15:08Well, we saw the murder being committed,
15:10but we were too late to do anything about it.
15:12But after it was all over,
15:13we thought it'd be too bad to leave it lying there
15:15to be eaten up by the buzzards.
15:16So we dug him a grave up beyond Boulder Pass.
15:20You mean I dug it.
15:21You're telling the truth, all right.
15:23We saw a fresh-dug grave up there.
15:25But you should have reported it first.
15:27Sorry, Sheriff, I meant to,
15:28but we saw somebody trying to hold up this young lady.
15:30Probably the same outlaws that killed Smokey.
15:33I kind of think so myself.
15:34I'll find those outlaws if it's the last thing I do.
15:36Well, I'll be on my way.
15:56Hey, you mind if I join you folks for a while?
16:01Sorry things turned out this way, miss,
16:03but with Smokey gone, Fuzzy and I are out of a job.
16:07Yep, just a poor starving critter, that's me.
16:32Oh, Dad, did you know the stagecoach was held up
16:45and a man named Smokey Hammer was murdered?
16:49Yes, these gentlemen were friends of his.
16:51They tried to save his life, but it was too late.
16:54Oh, is that so?
16:56Then I was shot up by a bandit,
16:58but Mr. Cameron here and Mr. Jones chased him away.
17:01Well, I'm mighty grateful to you two,
17:03and if there's anything I can do to repay...
17:04I've always shown my gratitude by offering them jobs on the ranch.
17:08Tess, you know we can't afford to hire any more men.
17:10But Dad, this is different.
17:13Very well, since you've promised them,
17:15I suppose I'll have to give them a job.
17:17Dad, another thing.
17:19About that toll charge at Boulder Path.
17:22No, not now, Tess, I'm too busy.
17:24Explain to them their duties, will you?
17:31Well, I know we can use a good cook.
17:34Can you cook?
17:35No, but he can.
17:36Well, we can only pay about...
17:37Well, that's enough.
17:37I can't work for that.
17:57Gil, it's Clayton.
17:59He wants to come hear about the girl.
18:01You got those circulars ready?
18:03Oh, almost.
18:04Well, make it snappy.
18:05And stop being so nervous.
18:13Hello, Sid.
18:14Hello, Gil.
18:16Take a seat, I'll deal you in.
18:18No, thanks.
18:23Gil, I thought we agreed not to kill Smokey Hammer.
18:28He's dead.
18:29Not only that, somebody tried to kill Tess.
18:44Oh, yeah, so the sheriff was telling me.
18:47He stopped here a while back.
18:49Don't shame about Smokey Hammer.
18:51You know, the agreement was that you were just to scare him
18:54so he'd go back to where he came from.
18:57Why'd you kill him?
18:59Accidents happen, Sid.
19:01Besides, what difference does it make?
19:02He's better off dead than alive.
19:04I told you before, I didn't want anything more to do with murders.
19:07After the first one, Sid, the others don't mean anything.
19:10You killed old Jeff Hammer, not me.
19:13You're in this thing up to your neck.
19:16But don't get church going with me.
19:19As long as you do as I say,
19:21you'll continue to live as a rich, retired rancher.
19:24Otherwise, you're just gonna retire.
19:27Like old Jeff.
19:29You got those circulars there, Jake?
19:34Yes, sir.
19:36Here, read this.
19:38Notice to ranchers, toll rate through Boulder Pass
19:41goes up beginning August 2nd.
19:44Said Clayton.
19:45That's tomorrow.
19:46You can't do that, Gil.
19:48The ranchers are grumbling about the rate we're charging them now.
19:51Let them grumble.
19:52Of the Barbie X owned Boulder Pass?
19:54And who's running the Barbie X?
19:57Yours truly.
19:58But listen, Gil, you can't...
19:59This notice stands.
20:01Charlie Andrews is coming through with a thousand heads of cattle tomorrow.
20:04That's gonna mean a lot of toll money, Sid.
20:07Now here, you better get these around.
20:09No one second thought I'd think I'll have Jake do it.
20:13As a matter of fact, Sid, for your own safety,
20:15I'm gonna have Jake stay at the Barbie X.
20:18Now, you better run on along home.
20:21Oh, by the way, Sid.
20:24Tell Ted that I'm coming over to see her tonight.
20:27I'm gonna stay for supper.
20:29You know, I've always had a hankering for your daughter.
20:32I'll tell her, but I don't know how she'll welcome you this time, Gil,
20:36because you know, my daughter has ideas of her own.
20:39Well, you just tell her.
20:45I'll tell her, but I don't know how she'll welcome you this time, Gil,
20:47because you know, my daughter has ideas of her own.
20:51You know, the way he acts, you'd think Tess Hammer really was his daughter.
20:56Say, Gil, suppose the gal finds out that Clayton's not her father.
21:00Yeah, well, she won't.
21:02Besides, she's gonna be changing her name to Harkness pretty shortly.
21:07Here, get back to work.
21:09All right, boys, deal the cards.
22:50There it is.
22:52I wonder what that means.
23:04Oh, the grass is always green in Sunshine Valley
23:10And the low-end cattle grazin' all the day
23:16I can see a ripplin' stream in Sunshine Valley
23:21Where I used to dream a while a time away
23:27When roundup time is over, over hill and dale
23:31I'll roam back to home sweet home
23:34I'll win my way
23:38Cause the grass is always green in Sunshine Valley
23:44And it's there forever more I'll want to stay
23:49Oh, the grass is always green in Sunshine Valley
23:55And the low-end cattle grazin' all the day
24:00I can see a ripplin' stream in Sunshine Valley
24:06Where I used to dream a while a time away
24:10When roundup time is over, over hill and dale
24:16I'll roam back to home sweet home
24:19I'll win my way
24:22Cause the grass is always green in Sunshine Valley
24:28And it's there forever more I'll want to stay
24:43Gil, I was packing up this poster when I heard shooting.
24:46Well, why tell me? I'm not your boss.
24:50Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right.
24:52Mr. Clayton, I was packing up this poster when the shooting started.
24:56It was just like you said, the spirits are just...
25:05Well, go on. Mr. Clayton is listening.
25:08Oh, yes. Well, just as soon as the shooting stopped,
25:10I snuck around and looked at the poster.
25:12This is what I found. The letter S.
25:23What do you think of it, Marcus?
25:26All right, see, somebody don't like the idea of paying you more toll.
25:31If I were you, I'd take it up with the sheriff.
25:33Mr. Clayton, do you believe in ghosts?
25:36No, of course not.
25:38Well, I do.
25:39What's that got to do with what we're talking about?
25:41It seems to me that S stands for something.
25:43Oh, sure. The 19th letter in the alphabet.
25:46Education sure is wonderful.
25:48I think it stands for Smokey. Smokey Hammer.
25:51You're crazy.
25:53Why don't you mind your own business?
25:54Talk less is right, Cameron. Keep your fool ideas to yourself.
25:57Yes, sir.
25:58Well, I think I'd better go.
26:00Thanks for the supper, Miss Tess.
26:02You're welcome.
26:02Good night, Sid.
26:03Good night, Gail.
26:03Good night.
26:14Hey, Jake, do you mind holding these?
26:18Have you got a match?
26:28He seems kind of nervous, doesn't he?
26:30All right, you two get busy and clean up those broken dishes.
26:32Yes, sir.
26:33Yes, sir.
26:39Yeah, what is it?
26:41You know that fellow that was telling me about the ghost?
26:44He's the one that kept me from running down the galley.
26:46I thought there was something I didn't like about him.
26:48Well, keep an eye on him, Jake.
26:50I wonder who shot up that notice.
26:53You don't suppose it was really Smokey's ghost?
26:55Ah, you fool.
27:28Dad, I saw someone at the window.
27:31Did you recognize him?
27:32No, I didn't get a good look at his face.
27:33Did you, Mr. Cameron?
27:35No, I didn't see anything.
27:36Maybe I better go have a look.
27:46You better go back in the house.
27:48Be careful, Dad.
27:52Tom, you don't believe in ghosts, do you?
27:54No, but Jake does.
27:55Smokey makes a pretty smart ghost.
27:59So the toll goes up tomorrow, eh?
28:01We better speak to Smokey about that.
28:03Hey, Tom.
28:08Fuzzy, get out behind the house and keep your eyes on him.
28:11You shouldn't have come here, Smokey.
28:12It's dangerous.
28:13You're likely to be shot on sight.
28:14Yeah, I know that, but I wanted to show you this, Tom.
28:17Oh, yes.
28:17I know about that.
28:18Here's another one.
28:22Felt more like putting my initial on that umbrage hide.
28:26Say, Tom, wasn't that girl Tess?
28:27Yes, but we can't talk about that now.
28:29Yeah, but what about this toll business?
28:30I've got an eye beyond that, too.
28:32I'll tell you about it later.
28:33Hey, but Tom, Clayton's in the back of the house.
28:36Uh, go outside to start a rumpus.
28:38I got you.
28:48The girl's coming, Smokey.
28:50Hide behind the desk.
28:51Prairie girl of my dreams, heaven brought you, it seems.
28:57Sweet Susanna, my flower so rare, I was thrilled.
29:05Oh, please don't stop.
29:06You look fine, George.
29:07Oh, thank you, ma'am, but I don't think your friend
29:09Harkness likes it very much.
29:11Mr. Harkness has known this house.
29:12Well, with your permission, I'll go right on singing then.
29:16I was thrilled from the start when you lassoed my heart.
29:21Sweet Susanna, my...
29:23All right, Smokey, beat it.
29:36Sounded like it came from the barn.
29:40Where is he?
29:40He's hiding in the back of the house.
29:42Where is he?
29:43He's hiding in the barn.
29:45Come out, you yellow-bellied vomit,
29:46or you're going to be dead in a bare rut.
29:49Whoever you are, come out with your hands high.
29:55Don't shoot.
29:58I ain't done nothing, Clayton.
29:59I was just a snoozing.
30:06Uh, hey, did you say you were just a snoozing?
30:09Well, yeah.
30:10Well, how can you sleep with Smokey's ghost prowling around?
30:17Do you really think that he's a haunting?
30:20Well, there's no use upsetting your nerves around here.
30:22Now, come on, I'll tell you a story that'll calm you down.
30:25Well, that'll be good.
30:33Hey, how do you feel?
30:34I'm fine.
30:35I'm fine.
30:35I'm fine.
30:36I'm fine.
30:36I'm fine.
30:37I'm fine.
30:37I'm fine.
30:38I'm fine.
30:38I'm fine.
30:39I'm fine.
30:40What's that story?
30:40Well, once upon a time, there was a little gal named White Riding Hood.
30:45Now, the reason she was called Little White Riding Hood is because she was Little Red
30:51Riding Hood's ghost.
30:54Now, one day, that ghost, that Little Red Riding Hood's ghost, came in to visit her.
31:01And of course, Little Red Riding Hood, she was awfully scared.
31:05But that didn't do her any good.
31:06She just started to back up.
31:08And she backed.
31:09Hey, did you ever have a ghost visit you?
31:12No, not me.
31:13Well, it don't do any good because you just keep backing and backing and backing until...
31:22What happened?
31:23Where'd you catch him?
31:23Why, the big wolf comes in.
31:37Oh, there you are.
32:01Don't take it so hard, Andrews.
32:02Life's too short.
32:04Don't be surprised, Ringo.
32:06If someday you don't find life a little shorter.
32:18I'll take that money.
32:36Go get the sheriff.
32:39I'll ride in and tell Clayton.
32:49Are you Andrews?
32:51Here's your toll money.
32:53I don't understand.
32:54It's nothing to understand.
32:55It's your money, isn't it?
32:56Just don't say anything to anybody.
33:02Hey, who are you?
33:07He sure can't be one of Clayton's men.
33:29Andrews thought that money came straight from heaven, I guess.
33:32Say, Tom, when am I going to see Tess?
33:34Today, maybe.
33:35We got to break this to a gentle, you know.
33:36Yeah, what burns me up is Clayton posing as her father and getting away with it.
33:46They're heading in this direction.
33:48You better stay here.
33:50I'll give them a ride for their money.
34:35Oh, uh, Miss Tess, there's something I've been wanting to ask you.
34:55Will you marry me?
34:57Mr. Harkness, I don't know what to say.
35:01Naturally, I'm slightly, but I don't love you.
35:05Well, I'd be kind of hoping that you'd learn to.
35:09Oh, Tess, darling, I got to talk to you.
35:16Now, there's no use getting sore.
35:17I'm perfectly willing to do anything you want about our wedding.
35:19You can have a large wedding or a small one.
35:21Personally, I think we ought to have a large one, don't you, mister?
35:23Hey, look here, then we can invite all the ranch folk.
35:26But who?
35:26Yeah, I thought of that, too.
35:27Who would come to the wedding with your father charging all that toll money?
35:30I wish he wouldn't do that.
35:31It's not good for a young couple like us to start out married life with everybody hating us.
35:34Miss Tess, who is this man?
35:36Why, I, how dare you come here?
35:37I've never even seen him.
35:38Now, don't get upset, sweetheart.
35:39I know you don't like me talking this way about your father, but, well, right's right.
35:43I don't know what you're talking about.
35:45Mister, would you mind leaving us alone for a moment?
35:47You know, two's company and three's a crowd.
35:49Don't go, Mr. Harkness.
35:51Now, you get out of here right this minute.
35:52Oh, now, sweetheart, you know you don't mean that.
35:54I don't know this man.
35:55I've never even seen him before.
35:57Well, what have you got to say to that?
35:58Why, she's just hysterical.
36:00Women often get that way, especially before they're married.
36:02Well, look, all the nerves.
36:03Now, look here, you.
36:08I can't explain right now, Tess, but that Harkness hombre is no good.
36:11Now, you get off this ranch.
36:13The real hammer spirit.
36:22Thanks, mister.
36:23Don't thank me.
36:24You heard what the lady said, didn't you?
36:25Come on, get out.
36:26Come on.
36:32Come on, you.
36:33Get out of here.
36:36You're taking a big chance coming here, Smokey.
36:38I just want to get a good look at sis.
36:40Tom, I don't like her being mixed up with those coyotes.
36:43Yeah, I know.
36:44But don't worry.
36:45Yeah, but Harkness wants to marry her.
36:46Oh, he does, does he?
36:48Well, I reckon it's about time we put Tess Wise to things.
36:51You leave it to me.
36:52All right.
37:04Kind of a snoop and ornery looking hombre, wasn't he?
37:06Oh, I don't know.
37:07There's something about him I can't explain.
37:10Well, there's something I can explain.
37:12Cameron, from now on, you mind your own business.
37:14Shooting a man in the back has always stuck in my craw.
37:17Well, ranch hands should be seen and not heard.
37:20Right, mister.
37:33Bandits held us up at Boulder Pass.
37:35They took all of the toll money.
37:37When did this happen?
37:38A while ago.
37:38I tried to reach you at the house.
37:40Never mind that.
37:41I'm not your boss.
37:42Why didn't you come here and tell Mr. Clayton?
37:44Well, I was going to.
37:45Oh, go get the sheriff.
37:46I sent Muley after him.
37:47Well, come on.
37:48Maybe we can still hit him off.
38:03I wonder who is boss around here.
38:15Dad, bandits just held up Boulder Pass.
38:21How do you know?
38:22Ringo wrote in and told Hartman.
38:25Where are they?
38:26They went off to join the sheriff.
38:29Dad, why didn't they come in and tell you about it?
38:33Oh, I don't know.
38:34I guess they didn't want to waste time.
38:35The way Gil Hartman acts, you'd think he owned this ranch.
38:38Now, Tess, don't talk, fool.
38:43Well, what do you want?
38:45I came to speak to Miss Tess.
38:50All right, but you can knock before you come in.
38:58I'm afraid your father doesn't like me.
39:00No, he's just worried.
39:01He doesn't mean anything by it.
39:05Tom, what did you mean when you said you wondered who was boss around here?
39:10That's a long story, Miss Tess, but I think it's time you ought to know it.
39:13Come on, sit down.
39:20Do you know anybody in that picture?
39:24You're looking at your father, your brother, and yourself.
39:29What do you mean?
39:30That's Jeff Hammer, that's Smokey Hammer, and that's you, Tess Hammer.
39:35Do you know what you're saying?
39:37Yes, ma'am, I do.
39:38But Smokey's dead.
39:40I know he ain't.
39:41I'm fixing some vittles for him right now, and he'll take good.
39:53But now to get back to our story.
39:55You see, about 15 years ago, your father, Jeff Hammer, and Mr. Clayton were married.
39:59Jeff Hammer and Mr. Clayton were partners in business.
40:21Any luck?
40:22In fact, we haven't seen Hyde in a hair of him since.
40:25Well, do something.
40:26There's too much lawlessness in Elmira County.
40:29Hey, mister, I'm a sheriff, not a magician.
40:40We shouldn't have boosted the toll rate in the first place.
40:42Shut up.
40:43That toll rate stands.
40:45And Ringo, if you can't use a gun, I'll get somebody who can.
40:48Now get back to Boulder Pass.
40:52And that's the entire story.
40:54It's like a nightmare after all these years.
40:59Well, here's Smokey's dinner.
41:05How'd you like to take this out to your brother?
41:07I'd love it.
41:08Then let's hurry.
41:09Tell him hello for me, will you?
41:28Gil, I was just going to look for you.
41:44Smokey Hammer's alive.
41:46You're crazy.
41:48What have you been drinking?
41:49Cameron said so.
41:50I even heard him tell the girl she was Smokey's sister.
41:53Cameron, eh?
41:54That's right.
41:55What are you going to do?
41:57First, I'm going to see what's buried in that grave up beyond Boulder Pass.
42:00If Smokey Hammer ain't there, I don't know who stole that toll money.
42:04Don't you think we'd better wait till tonight?
42:06We don't want anybody to catch us fooling around that grave, acting like ghouls.
42:11Come on.
42:27Here she is, Smokey.
42:56Hello, Tess.
42:57Hello, Smokey.
43:00I have so much I want to say, I don't know where to start.
43:02Yeah, I feel the same way.
43:03Well, suppose you begin by getting some food inside.
43:06I've been talking over while you're eating.
43:07Well, you may have something, Tom.
43:17What a funny-looking thing I was.
43:19But you were kind of cute.
43:21Yeah, Smokey, you were kind of cute at that.
43:24Boy, you're a little bow-legged, but cute.
43:31It's Fonzie.
43:39Hey, Tom.
43:41I caught Jacob sneaking in a peeking when you were talking to Miss Tess about Smokey.
43:44Now Harkness and Titan know that Smokey ain't dead.
43:47At least, they're going out to the grave tonight and dig it up to make sure.
43:49This time, they're sure to kill you, Smokey.
43:51We've got to tell the sheriff.
43:52Not yet.
43:53We've got a job to do first.
43:55What do you intend to do, Tom?
43:56Well, at the moment, I don't know.
43:58Let's all sit down and try and figure it out.
44:24All right, Jake, start digging.
44:30Come on, get busy.
44:32What if Smokey ain't there?
44:35Oh, me.
44:36Well, then this grave is just big enough for Cameron.
44:39We'll dig another for Smokey later.
44:41This time, a permanent one.
44:49All right, faster.
44:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
45:20There he is.
45:22It's him, all right.
45:23And you said Smokey Hammer is alive.
45:30You blubbering idiot.
45:32Bringing me on this wild goose chase.
45:34Throw the dirt back.
45:42What's the matter, kid?
45:44He moved.
45:45Ah, you're crazy.
45:52Better than a cold storage heifer.
45:54If I hear any more of this stupid talk, I'll bury you with Smokey Hammer.
45:58That bum liquor you've been drinking is making you see things.
46:09We got to get Smokey out of there.
46:11You leave that to me.
46:17What was that?
46:18I don't know, and I don't care to stay here to find out.
46:21Me too.
46:21Come on, get busy.
46:22Get this over with, quick.
46:24Trap the chipper.
46:39Well, that's as close as I want to get to being buried for a long time.
46:42I'm afraid you'll have to go on playing dead, though.
46:44I feel a lot better.
46:45I feel a lot better that Harkness and Clayton were in jail.
46:48Yeah, what are we fooling around about?
46:50Why don't we turn over to Sheriff?
46:51Don't forget, we haven't any evidence as to who killed his dad.
46:54That's right.
46:55Even if we jailed Clayton and Harkness, nobody could prove either one of them killed him.
46:58But one of them did.
46:59We'll have to go right on Raiden Boulder Pass and return the money to the ranchers.
47:03Miss Tess, you can help us by bringing information as to when cattle's to move through the pass.
47:08All right, Fuzzy, fill up the grave.
47:16Fifteen hundred head going through tomorrow.
47:19I'll have a couple of my boys there.
48:15Look over there.
48:31That's one of them bandits.
48:33So that's where the toll money goes to.
48:35Right back to the ranchers.
48:37Well, it's too late to do anything now.
48:41Seems kind of funny, Sid.
48:43Those bandits know whenever the cattle goes through.
48:45You ain't getting soft and double-crossing me, are you?
48:49Harkness, you know I wouldn't do anything like that.
48:51Oh, not much if you knew you could get away with it.
48:54Well, what are you going to do?
48:55I got an idea.
48:57Jake, tomorrow I want you to run some of my cattle through the pass and pay toll.
49:01Nobody will know whose cattle they are.
49:03You get that, Sid?
49:05No one.
49:11Any news?
49:12Yes, more cattle at noon, but I couldn't find out whose they are.
49:16It's all right, we'll be there.
49:41Hold it, you men.
49:42I'll take that money.
49:44Go get it.
50:15Go get it.
50:40Here you are, friend.
50:42Up with your hands, friend.
50:45Get off that horse.
50:58So you thought you could double-cross us, eh?
51:02Cameron, I'll admit this is a pretty clever trick on your part, Harkness.
51:06I reckon your partner is that cook at the bar BX.
51:09Yeah, but it was Clayton who hired us.
51:13I wouldn't fall for that.
51:14Suit yourself.
51:16Clayton's conscience is beginning to trouble him, I guess.
51:19Old Jeff's ghost has given him nightmares.
51:22Why, that dirty double-crossing weasel, I...
51:45There's one of the bandits.
51:47Come on, men.
52:01There's one of your men, Sheriff.
52:03Yeah, I kind of thought it was.
52:05Well, mister, the law is the law, and I got to carry it out to the letter.
52:10But I know a lot of people down in that area.
52:11But I know a lot of people down in Elmira County is going to be very sorry to see you behind prison bars.
52:18Well, I reckon you won't be needing me anymore.
52:21No, you can run along and tell your friend Clayton his toll money will be safe from now on.
52:26That's what I was just going to do.
52:31Sheriff, how'd you like to get the man who murdered old Jeffrey Hammer?
52:34Say, I've been wanting to do that for years, even before I was Sheriff.
52:38Well, then we got there quick.
52:39What do you mean, we?
52:41You seem to forget you're my prisoner.
52:42You don't have to let me out of your sight for a minute.
52:45All right, Cameron.
52:46I'll take you on your honor.
53:10Well, Sheriff, how does he look?
53:18Doggone if he don't look like old Jeff himself.
53:20He's a perfect likeness.
53:22Sure glad to see you're alive, Smokey.
53:24Thank you, Sheriff.
53:25I think we'd better get going.
53:39Howdy, Miss Tess.
53:39Howdy, Sheriff.
53:44Where's Smokey?
53:45Well, Smokey, I reckon that disguise is mighty near surefire.
53:50Why, Smokey.
53:52That's right, Tess.
53:53There's no time to explain right now, but I think you better stay here until we come back.
54:09Keep a look out.
54:40Putting away toll money?
54:47Well, you gave me quite a start, Gil, sneaking in like that.
54:52You've been giving me the double cross.
54:55Double cross?
54:57Well, I don't know what you're talking about.
54:59Don't play innocent with me.
55:02What's ailing you, Gil?
55:03Hiring Cameron and his pal to hijack that toll money.
55:06Why, you're a loco.
55:09You mean I was loco, trusting you.
55:12I should have got rid of you long ago.
55:14Listen, Gil, you've got me all wrong.
55:16For all I know, it's just like you.
55:19Where's the rest of that toll money?
55:20I haven't got it.
55:21I'm going to give you just two minutes to come through.
55:24Listen, I'll swear to you, Gil.
55:42Gil, the sheriff and his men are coming.
55:45Put yourself together.
55:46We'll go out and talk to them.
55:54Hold it there, boys.
56:02Hello, Harkness.
56:03Hello, Sheriff.
56:04I came over to pick up Cameron's pal.
56:06Have you seen anything of him?
56:08Why, no, I haven't.
56:09But if I do, I'll bring him in to you.
56:10Oh, thanks.
56:12Say, you'd make a mighty fine sheriff.
56:14Oh, I'm just doing my duty as an honest, upstanding citizen.
56:20All right, men.
56:20Scatter out and keep your eyes open.
56:27Jeff, it can't be!
56:29What was that?
56:30Say, that sounded like Triton.
56:32Let's take a look.
56:34Gil Harkness!
56:36All these years I've waited for this chance, Sid.
56:45You not only took my ranch, you tried to claim Tess as your daughter.
56:51I did it for you, Jeff.
56:52I took care of Tess after you were...
56:55I mean, after you disappeared.
57:00You thought you killed me.
57:02No, not me.
57:03It wasn't me, Jeff.
57:04Harkness, he did it.
57:05Harkness did it!
57:09Gil, give me a gun!
57:10Give me a gun!
57:12Give me a gun!
57:12Give me a gun!
57:13Give me a gun!
57:14All right, get over there.
57:35Now you move over.
57:36Come on out with your hands up.
57:37Hey, Jake, catch.
58:07Move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move,
58:14move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move,
58:21move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move,
58:28move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move,
58:35move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move.
58:44All right, Sheriff, there's your man.
58:46Good work, Tom.
58:48All right, men, pick him up.
58:58I've been waiting here for hours.
59:00Where have you been?
59:01Sorry, Miss Tess.
59:02We had a little unfinished business to take care of with Mr. Harkness and his friend.
59:04Yeah, we've got them all cooped up in the jailhouse.
59:06They're waiting for us to come down and testify.
59:08Now, let's hurry.
59:15Forgot I made that myself.
59:18I'm the lone rider on the great divide.
59:24All alone, roaming far and wide.
59:29When a helping hand is needed, I am the one.
59:34I am ready with a veil.
59:36I'm the lone rider on the trail.
59:42With a heart steady, I am on the train.
59:48Meet the sun or the blinding rain.