Colosseum @ Ancient Rome Arena (古罗马圆形竞技场)

  • 3年前
建于公元 1 世纪, 当时罗马帝国达到顶峰, 斗兽场是罗马最盛大的代表. 斗兽场是一座蛋形建筑, 长约 620 英尺, 宽 512 英尺, 高 158 英尺. 这座椭圆形圆形剧场位于意大利罗马市中心, 就在罗马广场以东. 它是有史以来建造的最大的古代圆形剧场, 并且仍然是当今世界上最大的站立圆形剧场.

Roman Empire Amphitheatre:--
Built in the 1st century AD when the Roman Empire peaked which the Colosseum represents Rome at its grandest. The Colosseum is an egg-shaped building that is about 620 feet long, 512 feet wide and 158 feet tall. This oval amphitheatre situated in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, just east of the Roman Forum. It is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built, and is still the largest standing amphitheatre in the world today.


