• 3年前
探索不丹和尼泊尔, 这两个喜马拉雅山国家很少被时间流逝, 当您登上令人惊叹的 “虎巢” 修道院, 漫步在加德满都的杜巴广场, 并在当地尼泊尔家庭的家中享用美食. 探索尼泊尔丰富多彩的世界和独特的文化, 人民善良淳朴, 雪峰高原遍布, 宗教气息浓厚.
Travels To The Edge:--
Discover Bhutan and Nepal, two Himalayan countries little touched by the passage of time, as you ascend to stunning “Tiger’s Nest” Monastery, stroll through Kathmandu’s Durbar Square and enjoy a meal in the home of a local Nepali family. Discover the colorful world of Nepal and distinctive cultures, the people are kind and honest, the snowy peaks are all over the plateau, and the religious atmosphere is strong.


