• 4 years ago
तो आज हम बनाएंगे हरे प्याज के भरवा पराठे बहुत ही नरम स्वादिष्ट और टेस्टी इस रेसिपी को एक बार बनाने के बाद आप बार-बार बनाएंगे और यह बहुत मजेदार बनते हैं तो जरूर से एक बार ट्राई कीजिए और इस रेसिपी को जरूर देखिए पराठा रेसिपी,प्याज के पराठे ,पराठे कैसे बनाएं ,प्याज के पराठे कैसे बनते हैं ,अनियन पराठा ,प्याज के पराठा रेसिपी|क्रिएटिव क्लास सारिका रेसिपी| रेसिपी बाय सारिका चतुर्वेदी

for dough
*wheat flour-2cup (गेहूँ का आटा)
*salt-1/2tsp (नमक)
*carom seeds-1/2tsp(अजवाइन)
*Nigella seeds-1/2tsp(कालोन्जी)
*dried fenugreek leaves-1tbsp(कसूरी मेथी)
*oil/ghee -1/2tsp(तेल/ घी)

for stuffing
*spring onion greens-2cup(हरा पत्ता प्याज)
*cumin seed-1tsp(जीरा)
*green chilli- 1chopped (हरी मिर्च )
*whole spice powder -1/2tsp(गरम मसाला)
*turmeric powder -1/2tsp(हल्दी)
*red chilli powder- 1/2tsp (लाल मिर्च पाऊडर )
*chat masala / lemon juice -1/2tsp(निम्बू का रस)
*salt- as per taste(नमक)
*dried fenugreek leaves 1tbsp (कसूरी मेथी)


firstly make a dough lets take a Big Bowl add wheat flour, salt,caramseeds ,Nigella seeds and dried fenugreek leaves add some water little by little mix well and make a soft and smooth dough .cover with damp cloth and keep aside
then make stuffing take a Pan add some oil cumin seeds ,green chillies and spring onion white part mix well and cook until soft then add some gram flour and mix well and cook for 2minutes , then add spring onion green part add some spices,Whole Spice powder,turmeric powder, red chilli powder ,chat masala powder, salt, dried fenugreek leaves mix well and cook for 2 minutes then take out in a large bowl and keep aside for cool down
let's check the dough, its ready now make a small Balls and stuff the green onions mixture and roll thick paratha
take a large Tawa /Pan put the paratha and cook one side. after 2 second turn other side and apply some oil or butter and cook until crisp or golden.
now delicious and tasty paratha is ready .you enjoy this yummy paratha with any favourite chutney / curd/raita/any vegetables.

you can make this paratha anytime any regions, because it's very yummy and tasty recipe so please try this recipe and share with more friends and families
