White House Jen Psaki mocks Ted Cruz and he responds with FACTS AND FIRE


par HotGirl

13 vues
White House Press Secretary mocked Ted Cruz today when she was asked by a Fox News reporter about Biden’s vaccine mandate reducing the workforce and contributing to the airline problem: https://www.tranganhnam.xyz/p/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-jen.html

As CSPAN notes in their tweet, Psaki said “I know world-renowned business, travel, and health expert Senator Ted Cruz has made that point, but I wouldn’t say that is widely acknowledged or echoed by business leaders…by health experts…”

The Fox News reporter didn’t mention Cruz in her question, Psaki just decided to mock Cruz on her own, probably assuming that because it’s Fox News, Cruz was the one behind the question.

Ted Cruz took to Twitter a few minutes ago and responded to Psaki’s mocking:

“So now Biden WH is launching snarky insults from the WH press room. Ok, Jen, I just spoke with a very credible & senior source in aviation who told me the following:

– a few days ago, there was a “sick out” of air traffic controllers in Jacksonville over vaccine mandates;
– As a result, out of 33 air traffic controllers ONLY THREE showed up to work;
– That resulted in cascading flight cancellations.

True or False, Jen? Or do you just do petty insults & ignore actual facts?”

Wow. If only 30 air traffic controllers protesting caused 2,000 flights to be canceled, just imagine what’s going to happen when 30% of pilots get fired in December. Christmas travel is going to be an absolute nightmare.