• 4 years ago


00:02:08Holy smoke, it's the new district attorney.
00:02:10Yeah, and his wife.
00:02:12What could they be doing riding in the same car with an escaped killer like Dixie Logan?
00:02:16I don't know.
00:02:24Do I have to talk a little?
00:02:30Why don't you ask Larry?
00:03:03Here he comes.
00:03:05Good evening, Mr. Forsyte.
00:03:06What did Marion Dale have to say?
00:03:08She's unable to talk.
00:03:10Her condition is very critical.
00:03:12Her husband's dead.
00:03:13Not yet.
00:03:14Well, then that's going to be tough on her.
00:03:16They were crazy about each other.
00:03:18Yes, they were.
00:03:19Tell us, what gives on the district attorney spot now?
00:03:22I shall continue as district attorney until my successor is named.
00:03:26That's all I can say now, so if you'll excuse me.
00:03:29Thanks, Mr. Forsyte.
00:03:31Good night.
00:03:47Your car's back here, John.
00:03:52All right, Mitch.
00:03:56Shouldn't drive a duck like that.
00:03:58Looks bad at a time like this.
00:04:00What do you want?
00:04:01The lowdown.
00:04:02I gave the press an interview.
00:04:04I want an exclusive.
00:04:06I haven't anything to say that you can't read in the other papers in the morning?
00:04:09Now, now, John.
00:04:10I've got an angle that they don't know about.
00:04:12You have?
00:04:13This is for you and me.
00:04:15What is it?
00:04:24This happened some time ago.
00:04:26I dropped into your office to say hello.
00:04:29Nothing special.
00:04:31Nobody was in the reception room, so I strolled over to the desk.
00:04:35Saw the papers on it.
00:04:37I can read upside down, and I like to keep in practice on papers that might give me a good story.
00:04:42So I leaned over for a good look.
00:04:44But my arm hit the ashtray and knocked it over.
00:04:48Grabbing for it, I struck the key that opened the inner top.
00:04:51It needs a little harping on it.
00:04:53Not at my expense.
00:04:54Your angle on this is...
00:04:55It's important to me.
00:04:57My health may keep me inactive, but I'm still conscious of my position and reputation.
00:05:00As I am of mine.
00:05:01Your ambitions, you mean?
00:05:03If I have to curb them, I can.
00:05:04Don't make it necessary.
00:05:07If I have to cross you in this Logan matter, I will.
00:05:10I'm warning you, it's at your risk.
00:05:14I'll take the chance.
00:05:16I won't let you.
00:05:17I'll stop you at any cost.
00:05:21Hi, sugar.
00:05:22Good morning, Mitch.
00:05:23What are you doing here?
00:05:24Waiting for you to make it a twosome.
00:05:26I thought you'd be in here where I could pour out my heart to you.
00:05:29That's assuming you have a heart.
00:05:30You're right, I haven't.
00:05:31I gave it to you.
00:05:32Is that what you call it?
00:05:33Oh, let's stop playing around, honey.
00:05:35How about you and me taking in the sights again tonight?
00:05:37I'm sorry.
00:05:38Some other time.
00:05:39I have something better on for tonight.
00:05:41The district attorney?
00:05:42No, just an assistant.
00:05:44But maybe he will be district attorney.
00:05:46Not bad.
00:05:48And with you?
00:05:49He might make it.
00:05:53What you're intimating is preposterous.
00:05:56Still, there it is.
00:05:58He wouldn't care to tell me what Larry meant.
00:06:01None of it meant anything.
00:06:03It was one of the very few arguments I ever had with him.
00:06:06Should there have been more?
00:06:07Stop it, Mitch.
00:06:09Larry was going to take over your job as district attorney tomorrow.
00:06:13But he gets killed tonight.
00:06:15You know, nothing about this adds up.
00:06:20Good night, John.
00:06:25Good night.
00:06:56Hi, Mitch.
00:06:58Hi, hon.
00:07:01A little.
00:07:03Pretty bad mess, wasn't it?
00:07:05Too bad.
00:07:07What happened?
00:07:09Long story.
00:07:11Gonna tell?
00:07:14Too long.
00:07:16The whole town's yelling for the lowdown.
00:07:19They could ask Larry.
00:07:21Or could they?
00:07:25You see...
00:07:26You mean he's dead?
00:07:29Yes, he is, honey.
00:07:31I knew it had to be that way.
00:07:35And Dixie Logan?
00:07:39He's dead, too.
00:07:43So there's just you now.
00:07:45You'll have to tell.
00:07:47Maybe later.
00:07:49Just you.
00:07:53You always were exclusive, honey.
00:08:01I'll help you sleep.
00:08:12There's so little time.
00:08:15And so much to tell.
00:08:18It started that day we...
00:08:21We met at the courthouse.
00:08:30Somebody wants something from the assistant DA.
00:08:33They call him Lucky Larry. Now I know why.
00:08:36He's gonna see you. Know him?
00:08:38He's not bad.
00:08:39I hope not.
00:08:40What's your problem, beautiful?
00:08:41Maybe I can help.
00:08:42Who are you?
00:08:43George Mitchell.
00:08:44Mitch to my friends.
00:08:45You can call me Mitch.
00:08:47Oh, of the Tribune.
00:08:48Flattering and right.
00:08:49Sees all, knows all.
00:08:50Except your problem.
00:08:51I'm going to ask him for a job.
00:08:53I hear he needs a new secretary.
00:08:55He does.
00:08:56And he's got one.
00:08:57What's your name?
00:08:58Marion Langdon.
00:08:59Oh, beautiful.
00:09:01But should be changed to Langdon, I mean.
00:09:03Come with me, honey.
00:09:06Marion, may I present your new boss,
00:09:08the Honorable Lawrence Dale.
00:09:10Larry, you lucky person,
00:09:11this is your new secretary,
00:09:12Miss Marion Langdon.
00:09:13How do you do?
00:09:16You may be right at that.
00:09:17I'm always right.
00:09:18Well, that's all for now.
00:09:19I'm taking her to dinner.
00:09:20She'll report to work at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
00:09:22Then you can work out the financial details.
00:09:24But Mr. Mitchell.
00:09:25I said Mitch to my friends.
00:09:27Oh, that's all right.
00:09:28I'll keep the job open till morning.
00:09:29Thank you, Mr. Dale.
00:09:30You'll be calling him Larry in a week.
00:11:13I hope Mr. Dale doesn't...
00:11:14Forget it. Larry wouldn't dare not give you the job.
00:11:17The powerful Mr. Mitch.
00:11:19No, beautiful. The powerful Tribune.
00:11:22For which I work and which Larry Dale wants on his side.
00:11:25By way of my column when he runs for district attorney.
00:11:27Is he going to?
00:11:28Well, he's got that look in his eye.
00:11:31John Forsythe's health just about bars him from trying again.
00:11:34Can he win?
00:11:38Look, hon, you're top shelf. You could get a job any place.
00:11:42Why'd you pick on Larry Dale?
00:11:44Or did you see his picture in the papers?
00:11:47Yes, I saw it.
00:11:48And that profile made you come running?
00:11:50No, not his looks. What he did.
00:11:53You mean the Dixie Logan case?
00:11:56Well, that was his best show so far.
00:11:58Tell me more.
00:12:00I was there and I worked for lawyers.
00:12:03I wanted to see the Logan trial because I...
00:12:06Wanted to know more about court procedure and...
00:12:11I will prove beyond a question of a doubt...
00:12:14The guilt of this ruthless, soulless criminal...
00:12:17Known as Dixie Logan.
00:12:22And I saw him as the defendant, Dixie Logan.
00:12:27Thank you, Mr. Collins.
00:12:30You're sure, Mr. Foreman?
00:12:33The man was Dixie Logan.
00:12:35You're a liar.
00:12:36He's Logan.
00:12:42Foreman and Collins lied and you know it...
00:12:44Because you paid them to lie.
00:12:46Your Honor, I must...
00:12:47You're trying to railroad me with perjured witnesses...
00:12:49Because you know I'm not guilty.
00:12:52Dixie Logan came here recently...
00:12:54To carry on his career of crime.
00:12:58There is no room in this city for murderous crooks like Logan.
00:13:03The only room we have is in the state penitentiary.
00:13:07I ask you to bring in Dixie Logan.
00:13:10I ask you to bring in the verdict that will send him there.
00:13:14We, the jury, find the defendant guilty as charged.
00:13:19And so...
00:13:20I sentence you to the state penitentiary...
00:13:23To serve 20 years of hard labor.
00:13:30I won't be gone 20 years, Dale.
00:13:33I'll be back for you.
00:13:35And I'll pay you what I owe you...
00:13:37In full.
00:13:40I knew then I wanted Mr. Dale for my next boss.
00:13:43So, when I heard he needed a new secretary...
00:13:46Yes, I went for him.
00:13:48He's brilliant. He's going places.
00:13:50An opinion shared enthusiastically by Mr. Dale.
00:13:53But not by you.
00:13:54Oh, I like Larry.
00:13:56He's made a good record as far as he's gone.
00:14:00Now, there's a nice guy.
00:14:02Gus Miller.
00:14:05He thinks he really owns this town.
00:14:07Or ought to.
00:14:10One of the big shots of our underworld here.
00:14:13Probably the biggest.
00:14:15Very interesting.
00:14:40Hello, Mr. Miller.
00:14:43Dale in?
00:14:44He'll be back shortly.
00:14:46I'll wait.
00:15:40Won't wait.
00:15:42I'll wait here.
00:16:04Sorry I'm late.
00:16:06When did you get home?
00:16:08When did you get home?
00:16:09I wanted to finish this brief.
00:16:11I don't forget we're going to the theater tonight.
00:16:13Any messages?
00:16:14Oh, Mr. Miller was here.
00:16:18What did he want?
00:16:19No message, except to tell you that he was here.
00:16:21I see.
00:16:23Well, pick you up at seven.
00:16:25All right, Larry.
00:16:28Later, Jones.
00:16:34I thought you were gone.
00:16:36I will be in a minute.
00:16:38Is it cool outside?
00:16:39No, warm.
00:16:41Is it all right if I start in there?
00:16:42It's a good place to begin.
00:16:45Things always need cleaning up around a courthouse.
00:17:38I'm sorry.
00:17:39It's all right.
00:17:40It's all right.
00:17:41It's all right.
00:17:42It's all right.
00:17:43It's all right.
00:17:44It's all right.
00:17:45It's all right.
00:17:46It's all right.
00:17:47It's all right.
00:17:48It's all right.
00:17:49It's all right.
00:17:50It's all right.
00:17:51It's all right.
00:17:52It's all right.
00:17:53It's all right.
00:17:54It's all right.
00:17:55It's all right.
00:17:56It's all right.
00:17:57It's all right.
00:17:58It's all right.
00:17:59It's all right.
00:18:00It's all right.
00:18:01It's all right.
00:18:02It's all right.
00:18:03It's all right.
00:18:04It's all right.
00:18:05It's all right.
00:18:06It's all right.
00:18:07It's all right.
00:18:08It's all right.
00:18:09It's all right.
00:18:10It's all right.
00:18:11It's all right.
00:18:12It's all right.
00:18:13Come on, Charlie.
00:18:14Come on, Charlie.
00:18:21What do you want?
00:18:22You've been a bad boy.
00:18:27What do you want?
00:18:37It's the freight elevator.
00:19:00Yes, Charlie.
00:19:01We've got it all fixed for you.
00:19:04You first.
00:19:05What about this?
00:19:23I spotted him when I was in your office.
00:19:25He was one of Dixie Logan's men, so I had the boys take care of him.
00:19:28But you can't do these things right at my front door.
00:19:31Why don't you get him on the outside?
00:19:34We can't take chances.
00:19:35Like I said, he was one of Logan's men.
00:19:38And you know why he was there.
00:19:39If he got you, he got us.
00:19:41We wouldn't like that.
00:19:42How did he ever get to be a courthouse janitor, anyway?
00:19:45How would I know that?
00:19:47I don't run the employment office.
00:19:48Maybe you'd better watch it.
00:19:50The blue noses are beginning to yell about the crime wave.
00:19:53They're always trying to ace a stool pigeon into a spot where they can get the lowdown.
00:19:59How about that girl in your office?
00:20:04The one you're so crazy about.
00:20:06Am I?
00:20:07Well, ain't you?
00:20:09You're always going out with her.
00:20:11Maybe I have good reasons for that.
00:20:13Believe me, my emotions are completely under control.
00:20:16I don't trust her.
00:20:19She's absolutely honest and on the level.
00:20:21I'm sure of that.
00:20:23That's what bothers me.
00:20:24She looks nosy to me.
00:20:25She's been with me for six months now, and I haven't seen a sign of anything.
00:20:30That doesn't mean anything.
00:20:32I don't trust her.
00:20:33Place safe.
00:20:34Fire her.
00:20:36Before she does find out something.
00:20:40It's good insurance.
00:20:41Fire her.
00:20:42Why, that's ridiculous.
00:20:43Don't you ever have a hunch?
00:20:46I have.
00:20:48What gets you gets us.
00:20:50Don't forget that.
00:20:51And we want to see her fired.
00:24:03Good morning, Mr. Dale.
00:24:08Good morning, Miss Langdon.
00:24:11Well, now that that's attended to, how do you feel, Larry?
00:24:14You look tired.
00:24:15I am.
00:24:16I've got a lot of things to do since this Dixie Logan escape.
00:24:19Any trace of him yet?
00:24:21The police must be blind.
00:24:22He won't come here, will he?
00:24:23He'd be insane if he did.
00:24:24I'm sure he won't.
00:24:25I, uh, no.
00:24:26He threatened you.
00:24:27You're not afraid, are you?
00:24:28Of course not.
00:24:29All criminals threaten their prosecutors.
00:24:30Never means a thing.
00:24:31I'll take a letter, will you?
00:24:32A second thought.
00:24:33Never mind.
00:24:34I've got to see Mr. Forsyte.
00:24:35He's leaving this morning.
00:24:36I know.
00:24:37How long will he be gone?
00:24:38He says until he's entirely well.
00:24:39Two months, maybe three or more.
00:24:40This is your big chance, Larry.
00:24:41I know.
00:24:42Oh, I'll buzz you later, Mary.
00:24:43All right.
00:24:46Oh, thank you.
00:24:47It's a letter from the Mr. Forsyte.
00:24:48Don't take it out on me, will you?
00:24:49Get out.
00:24:50Get out.
00:24:51Come on.
00:24:52Go on, get out.
00:24:53Why don't you sit down?
00:24:56Now get ready.
00:24:57Now go on.
00:24:58Go on.
00:25:00I don't want you getting there.
00:25:01I'm not going.
00:25:02I know.
00:25:03It's going to take a while.
00:25:04I've got to get out of here.
00:25:05I'm sorry.
00:25:06It's going to take a while.
00:25:07You'll be fine.
00:25:08I'm sorry.
00:25:09Don't worry.
00:25:10Now, go on.
00:25:11If he's really in trouble, he'll kill my wife.
00:25:12Go on.
00:25:13I'll be there.
00:26:00I want to dictate that letter.
00:26:02I lost my nerve a little while ago.
00:26:06Not in this case.
00:26:08The private secretary eventually knows all of her employer's secrets anyway.
00:26:11Why not this one?
00:26:13I need your help.
00:26:15What kind of help, Larry?
00:26:17I'll have to write this letter by hand later, but I want to see it first.
00:26:20How it sounds.
00:26:22And I want you to tell me what you think of it.
00:26:24Of course.
00:26:26Well, here goes.
00:26:29My dearest,
00:26:33I trust this will not come as too great a surprise to you.
00:26:39I'm sure you've known of my deep feeling for you from the moment we met.
00:26:46I know now that I could never get along or be happy with anyone else.
00:26:52Sometimes of late, I've even dared to hope.
00:26:58I'm sure we could make a wonderful team throughout our lives.
00:27:04So, very humbly, very hopefully,
00:27:09with all the love in my heart,
00:27:12I'm asking you to marry me.
00:27:17And there it is, Mary.
00:27:18How's it sound?
00:27:21It's very beautiful, Larry.
00:27:25Thank you. I hoped you'd like it.
00:27:27Please address that to Miss Marian Langdon, County Courthouse.
00:27:34Will you marry me?
00:27:35Oh, Larry, I thought you'd never ask me.
00:27:43You will, then?
00:27:44Right away?
00:27:45Why do we wait?
00:27:46This is a three-day stay, but you can get a license tomorrow.
00:27:49I see.
00:27:50This is Tuesday.
00:27:51We can be married by Friday.
00:27:53Friday will be fine. That will give me plenty of time.
00:28:17Let her have it the second she steps out of that door.
00:28:22Judge Conroy, is he in?
00:28:24Oh, yes. Come in. Thank you.
00:28:29Marian Langdon.
00:28:30Doggone, it's good to see you.
00:28:32Been over a year.
00:28:33Known her since she was a chick.
00:28:35I told you, he'd always been a very close friend of the family.
00:28:38Close? I'm practically a relative.
00:28:40Now, young lady, what are you up to?
00:28:42Joe, this is Lawrence Dale.
00:28:44Not the next district attorney.
00:28:46We think so. He's also my fiance.
00:28:48We want to be married, by you.
00:28:50I told him it would have to be you.
00:28:52Better not be anybody else.
00:28:54Well, what are we waiting for? You got the license, young fellow?
00:28:58Here we are, sir.
00:28:59You're getting the finest girl in the world, Mr. Dale.
00:29:02I know that you are.
00:29:04We'll need a witness.
00:29:09Clem, you be the witness.
00:29:10This is Clem Sparks, my deputy.
00:29:12How do you do?
00:29:13Now, you young people, just please join hands.
00:29:16That's right.
00:29:19Now, by the power invested in me...
00:29:22They ought to be coming out of there now.
00:29:24Wedding's a lot easier to get into than out of.
00:29:26Dale's getting out of this one quick.
00:29:28Thanks very much.
00:29:30I don't have to wish you luck, Mr. Dale.
00:29:32You've already got it.
00:29:34Yes, I know.
00:29:35Thank you again, Judge.
00:29:36Goodbye, Joe. Come and see us.
00:29:37I sure will, Marion. I sure will.
00:29:40You first, my dear.
00:29:41That is always first.
00:29:42I'll hold you to that.
00:29:45You hit Marion?
00:29:50You all right?
00:29:51Yes, I'm okay, but it was close.
00:29:53I wonder who could have done it.
00:29:55Somebody gunning for me, of course.
00:29:57You mean you have enemies like that?
00:29:59Every man in my kind of position has enemies.
00:30:01Anyone you could pin this on?
00:30:03I think so.
00:30:04I believe it was Dixie Logan.
00:30:06He'll be kind of hard to run down.
00:30:08I'll get him.
00:30:09Oh, keep this quiet, will you, Judge?
00:30:11I don't want any newspaper publicity on it.
00:30:13I reckon so.
00:30:14There's not much we can do anyway.
00:30:16Did you get a good look at that car, Clem?
00:30:18No, they got away too fast.
00:30:20Well, folks that heard it will think it was a backfire anyway.
00:30:23We'll keep mum about it.
00:30:24Thank you, Judge.
00:30:25Thanks again, Joe, and don't worry about it.
00:30:27Lots of luck to you.
00:30:28Thank you. Good night.
00:30:33It was Dixie Logan.
00:30:35I'm sure of that.
00:30:36I'll get him.
00:30:37I don't think it was Dixie Logan,
00:30:39and I don't think they were trying to get you.
00:30:41What do you mean?
00:30:42Well, I'm not very hard to distinguish from you,
00:30:44and there was plenty of white coming through that door.
00:30:47Only one shot was fired at me.
00:30:49If they had wanted you,
00:30:51they would have waited until you came up and fired again,
00:30:53as often as necessary.
00:30:56Why should anyone gun for you?
00:30:58I don't know, do you?
00:31:01No, but I will.
00:31:02I promise you that.
00:31:04It was someone who knew exactly where we were,
00:31:06why, and when.
00:31:08Does that help any?
00:31:10It will.
00:31:16Well, home at last.
00:31:19Try to forget about it, dear.
00:31:21Let's not have any shadows now.
00:31:23After all, tonight is our wedding night.
00:31:25Yes, so it is.
00:31:27We can make it a honeymoon anyway, right?
00:31:29No, Larry, we can't.
00:31:31Why not?
00:31:32I don't intend a honeymoon with you, now or anytime.
00:31:35I know exactly why you married me,
00:31:37and it wasn't love.
00:31:39What do you think was the reason I married you?
00:31:41That lovely old law.
00:31:43A wife can't testify against her husband.
00:31:45Why should I do that?
00:31:47Something convinced you that I knew too much,
00:31:50and I do.
00:31:52And you were afraid of what I might do about it.
00:31:54Are you trying to tell me that you did this deliberately?
00:31:58If I could find the well-covered tracks of your crookedness,
00:32:01what makes you think I couldn't see through your marriage offer?
00:32:03You must have had a better idea.
00:32:05If you have any evidence...
00:32:06I have, and you're sure of it.
00:32:08Well, why didn't you use it then to break me,
00:32:10instead of putting yourself in a spot where you can't say a word?
00:32:12Baby, I want you to be the next district attorney.
00:32:15What do you know?
00:32:16Well, one thing.
00:32:17I know your setup with Miller, Carter, and Blake,
00:32:20and how you keep the law away from them
00:32:22and smash anyone who tries to muscle in.
00:32:24You didn't learn all that through your dictaphone.
00:32:26What dictaphone?
00:32:27Don't be coy with me.
00:32:28The one running from my bookcase into your office closet.
00:32:31My closet?
00:32:33I discovered it and traced it.
00:32:34I found the receiver in the pocket of your top coat
00:32:36hanging in that closet.
00:32:37You what?
00:32:38I found it in your top coat pocket.
00:32:40I don't know what you're talking about.
00:32:42I put nothing in my pocket.
00:32:44Well, who else would?
00:32:45Someone else on your trail, maybe.
00:32:47I haven't touched that coat in weeks.
00:32:51Must have been old Charlie the janitor.
00:32:54Dixie Logan's man.
00:32:56He was in that office.
00:32:57And he's dead.
00:32:58Maybe you're saved again.
00:33:01Maybe you're saved again.
00:33:03Who else knows what you know?
00:33:05Nobody yet.
00:33:07How much do you know about that attempt to kill me tonight?
00:33:10Absolutely nothing.
00:33:11It would be very unfortunate for you
00:33:13if I should suddenly die or disappear.
00:33:16I've made arrangements.
00:33:17I tell you, I had nothing to do with it.
00:33:19But you know who did.
00:33:20Well, I can guess.
00:33:21So can I.
00:33:22I don't like so many people around ready to shoot me.
00:33:25That's why I married you.
00:33:28We're going to get rid of them.
00:33:32Your pals.
00:33:33And give you a record that'll make you district attorney
00:33:35while we're at it.
00:33:37Who's we?
00:33:38You and I.
00:33:40You're as crooked as a mountain road,
00:33:42but you're the best prosecutor around.
00:33:44So while John Forsythe is away,
00:33:47you're going to wipe out Miller and the others
00:33:49and break their grip on this town.
00:33:51Just like that, huh?
00:33:53You're very stupid, Larry.
00:33:54They think they control you and can smash you at will.
00:33:57Get smart.
00:33:58Smash them first.
00:33:59Why did you pick me for the job if I'm so crooked?
00:34:02Because being crooked, you know them better than anyone else.
00:34:05As of tonight, you're going straight.
00:34:07I'm staying on at the office just to make sure that you do.
00:34:10You must be out of your mind.
00:34:12No, I'm making sense and you know it.
00:34:15Anyway, that's the way it's going to be.
00:34:18What makes you think I'll go for this crazy cleanup scheme?
00:34:22You can't help yourself.
00:34:24You can't force me to do anything, remember?
00:34:26Let's say persuade them.
00:34:29Not under that lovely old law.
00:34:31You can't testify against me.
00:34:33Yes, I know.
00:34:35And, um...
00:34:36Oh, I forgot to tell you.
00:34:38Some of my best evidence doesn't need me as a witness.
00:34:41It's in a very safe place.
00:34:44This'll do as my room. I'm tired.
00:34:46Your room?
00:34:47If you think I'm going to let you get away with this nonsense...
00:34:50You'll have to earn that right.
00:34:56I'll be right back.
00:35:0643 burglaries, 38 car thefts, 26 hold-ups,
00:35:1014 assaults for the worst single day of crime in the city's history.
00:35:15Has law enforcement collapsed because John Forsythe is unable to be here to hold the reins?
00:35:21Is it possible that his young assistant, whose record promised so much,
00:35:25is unequal to his task?
00:35:27The police alone cannot halt this crime orgy.
00:35:30The office of district attorney has more potent weapons.
00:35:34Is Lawrence Dale going to use them?
00:35:37This wave of crime and terror must stop.
00:35:40This unbridled lawlessness is menacing our institutions,
00:35:44our homes, our children, our very lives.
00:35:47Ladies, as responsible citizens of this community,
00:35:50I call upon you to help me bring every ounce of pressure we can to bear
00:35:54upon the district attorney's office,
00:35:56that this disgrace may be wiped out.
00:36:05That doesn't cure anything.
00:36:07I told you they'd cross you and break loose.
00:36:09Told me, told me, told me.
00:36:11All right, lovebirds, congratulations and stuff.
00:36:13Say, for the love of my, can't a guy take a vacation without everything blowing up,
00:36:17weddings, crime waves?
00:36:19And what are you doing here in your work clothes?
00:36:23I'm staying on to help Larry until after elections.
00:36:25He certainly needs you.
00:36:26Anything on tap to cure the discontent?
00:36:28Yes, I'm issuing a statement today.
00:36:30But this office is launching a sweeping investigation into organized crime here.
00:36:34And we won't stop until we wipe out every gang in the city.
00:36:37Good boy. Tell me more.
00:36:39I'm serious about this, Mitch.
00:36:40I'm not pulling any punches.
00:36:42But I'll tell you more later.
00:36:45Did you give Larry that hypo?
00:36:48He runs this office.
00:36:50That's loyalty.
00:36:51Too bad we can't have any more of those lunches.
00:36:54Who says we can't?
00:36:55You mean that?
00:36:56Wait till I get my hat.
00:36:57That's the best offer I've had today.
00:37:10I had to have this lunch with you today.
00:37:13So did I.
00:37:15But it'll have to be the last one.
00:37:19I can't take it.
00:37:22I only hope that you're happy and we'll get everything that you want.
00:37:26Nobody ever does.
00:37:36Dale speaking.
00:37:39Colin's informing, but I thought...
00:37:42Why are you calling me?
00:37:45Where are you staying?
00:37:47Oh, just a second.
00:37:50Yes, now what was that?
00:37:52237 Oak Street.
00:37:54Apartment 2C.
00:37:57All right, don't budge from there.
00:37:58I'll meet you right in front of your place at 11.30 tonight.
00:38:02The two perjured witnesses.
00:38:04How much did you hear?
00:38:05Hear? All of it.
00:38:07A bad hangover, Larry.
00:38:09Oh, they can't touch me.
00:38:11You hope, but you know better.
00:38:13It might be a good idea to send them to Mexico until after the election.
00:38:17Then after you're in and the three payoff boys are wiped out,
00:38:20you won't have to worry about what Collins and Foreman say.
00:38:24Hello, Miller?
00:38:26You've got a job on your hands.
00:39:53Who's there?
00:40:18You know who, open up.
00:40:20Must be the DA.
00:40:21He said he'd meet us downstairs.
00:40:27Dixie Lopes, shut up.
00:40:29What do you want?
00:40:30What are you going to do?
00:40:31I'll let you live if you're smart.
00:40:33I don't want to murder, right?
00:40:34I just want to get rid of the one I got.
00:40:39Sit down over there.
00:40:41All right, all right, let's go.
00:40:43All right, let's go.
00:40:49Who hired you to lie against me?
00:40:55Well, who's going to talk, you or this?
00:40:58It was Miller.
00:41:00Who put up the dough?
00:41:01Miller and Carter and Blake.
00:41:03What did Dale have to do with it?
00:41:05Nothing, I... we don't know.
00:41:07Miller made us go to Dale, tell him we had evidence on you.
00:41:10Who cooked up the evidence?
00:41:12Miller and the other two.
00:41:14Wasn't Dale?
00:41:15No, he just coached us.
00:41:16You're lying.
00:41:17No, he ain't, honest.
00:41:19How much did you get?
00:41:21They pitched in a thousand bucks apiece.
00:41:23They promised to send us a thousand bucks more, but they didn't.
00:41:25That's why we came back.
00:41:26You suckers.
00:41:27You think they'll pay us?
00:41:29Well, they better pay or we'll talk.
00:41:31You think they'll let you loose to talk?
00:41:34Your boy's broke.
00:41:39Write down what you just told me.
00:41:41That everything you testified to was a lie,
00:41:44who hired you,
00:41:45how much they pay you, and sign it.
00:41:47Yeah, but...
00:41:48Get busy.
00:41:49It's no healthier for me around here than for you.
00:41:52Work fast and I'll see if you get enough dough to get out of town.
00:41:55You better move fast or you won't get out alive.
00:41:57That Miller's no chump.
00:42:03What's up?
00:42:05Collins and Foreman are back in town.
00:42:07No kidding.
00:42:08They tried to get in touch with you?
00:42:10No, not yet.
00:42:12They telephoned me.
00:42:13Said they had to see me.
00:42:15I figured they'd be around.
00:42:18Hungry, I guess.
00:42:20Didn't you send them the rest of that money?
00:42:23Why not?
00:42:24I wanted them to come back.
00:42:25You fool.
00:42:26That dangerous.
00:42:27I'm glad you finally figured that out.
00:42:29You were the fool when you wouldn't let us finish the job after the trial.
00:42:32To stink things up?
00:42:33No, you thought you were in the clear because of the way we handled it.
00:42:36Well, you're not.
00:42:37They sing and so do we.
00:42:39Where are you then?
00:42:40We haven't got time to waste talking about that now.
00:42:43Where are they?
00:42:44Oak Street.
00:42:46237 Oak, apartment 2C.
00:42:48They're going to meet me out in front at 1130 Sharp.
00:42:50That's all I want to know.
00:42:52And don't let your boys mess this up.
00:42:54Did they ever?
00:43:04Here's mine.
00:43:05Stay where you are.
00:43:10I'll be back.
00:43:22How'd you find us?
00:43:23The boys have been watching for you for months.
00:43:26I told you, you were suckers.
00:43:36Now get out of town.
00:44:01Who are you?
00:44:03Friend of yours.
00:44:04I think.
00:44:06Come in.
00:44:08I'm George Mitchell of the Tribune.
00:44:10Yes, saw you before.
00:44:12Talk fast.
00:44:14I overheard everything.
00:44:16Did, huh?
00:44:18Go ahead, I haven't got any spare time.
00:44:20Why aren't you gone now?
00:44:22That's why.
00:44:36Not your killers?
00:44:38Don't be crazy, I wanted them alive.
00:44:40They're all vile anyway.
00:44:42On account of those...
00:44:46Maybe they had any goodness.
00:44:56You wouldn't use that.
00:44:58Don't count on that.
00:44:59My friend, I am, I'm turning you in.
00:45:02That's very friendly.
00:45:03It's better than you getting knocked off before you clear yourself.
00:45:06The order's out on you, or shoot to kill.
00:45:09But those confessions will get you a new trial and acquittal.
00:45:12I'm not gonna use them until I get something on Dale.
00:45:15Stinkin' pale, grab to the rear of them.
00:45:17Forget it and give me those confessions.
00:45:20I'm gonna try taking them.
00:45:21Look, use your head on you, they're forgeries and the guys are dead.
00:45:24They'll believe me and I'll testify they're bona fide.
00:45:28Why are you doing this?
00:45:29I'm a newspaper man building up a big exclusive story.
00:45:31If I cross you, I'm easy to find.
00:45:35And hurry, they'll be here in a minute.
00:45:37You don't want that?
00:45:38No, it wouldn't look good for you.
00:45:39I'm taking you uptown.
00:45:44Maybe you got something.
00:45:46Let's go.
00:45:47Let's go.
00:46:17Let's go.
00:46:47Let's go.
00:47:18I told you, no killings.
00:47:20And I told you it was Dixie Logan's men.
00:47:23Logan, Logan.
00:47:24How could they find out where Collins and Foreman were?
00:47:26Find them and ask them.
00:47:28No, Larry.
00:47:29It was cold-blooded murder and you arranged it.
00:47:33Hello, Marion.
00:47:34Hello, Mitch.
00:47:36Hiya, Mitch.
00:47:37Hi, Larry.
00:47:39Another mess, huh?
00:47:40Oh, not so much.
00:47:41Open and shut case.
00:47:42It was Dixie Logan or his men.
00:47:44It was Dixie Logan or his men.
00:47:47No, it wasn't.
00:47:48What makes you think that?
00:47:50I don't think.
00:47:51I know.
00:47:54The time Collins and Foreman were being knocked off
00:47:57by a couple of Miller's trigger men would be my guess.
00:48:00I was having a little chat with Dixie Logan.
00:48:04Well, how could you?
00:48:05Well, it was easy.
00:48:06First he'd say something, then I'd say something.
00:48:08Well, where'd you see him?
00:48:09Why didn't you report this?
00:48:10I'm reporting now.
00:48:12Why didn't you turn him in?
00:48:13His gun was in the way.
00:48:15Where was this, Mitch?
00:48:16He said a lot of nasty things about you.
00:48:18That doesn't make any difference.
00:48:19Where'd you see him?
00:48:20He said a lot of other things, too.
00:48:23He's mighty sorry about Collins and Foreman.
00:48:26I can imagine.
00:48:27He was very anxious for them to stay alive.
00:48:30That's interesting.
00:48:32Because he thought if they were dead, their confessions were no good.
00:48:37That they'd lied on the witness stand.
00:48:39And I suppose Logan claimed that the phony confessions accused me.
00:48:42No, they didn't.
00:48:45How'd you know that?
00:48:47They look very legitimate.
00:48:50Whom did they accuse?
00:48:52Carter, Miller, and Blake.
00:48:57It's going to make a great story, Mitch.
00:49:00Sure will.
00:49:01Witness yet?
00:49:02No, I wanted to get your angle.
00:49:05Well, if what you say is true, why doesn't Logan turn himself in
00:49:08and use these confessions to clear himself?
00:49:11He's a strange guy.
00:49:13You'll have to ask him.
00:49:14He said he'd use them when he was ready.
00:49:17Mitch, will you hold up this yard in the interest of the public welfare?
00:49:20Depends on how convincing you make it.
00:49:22You've given me my first direct lead.
00:49:24I'll prove who heads this crime organization and who's trying to run the city.
00:49:28But I want the chance to run your lead without tipping anyone off.
00:49:31If you print this story now, it may ruin everything.
00:49:34But if you play ball with me and wait, I promise you I'll break that organization.
00:49:39Well, for a bigger exclusive, I'll postpone this one.
00:49:43Might be in the public welfare.
00:49:45So I'll be a good citizen.
00:49:47For a while.
00:49:49You won't regret it, Mitch.
00:50:02How stupid do you think I am?
00:50:04Want me to answer that question?
00:50:06Mitch sent you in here. Mitch is the reason for your locked doors,
00:50:08your partners and this whole thing.
00:50:10But your moves aren't very bright.
00:50:12That last one, having him come in here with that phony story.
00:50:15Trying to scare me, huh?
00:50:17With what? The truth?
00:50:28Imagine his thinking you and I were working together.
00:50:33From that day on, things began to move.
00:50:37Larry knew he was cornered.
00:50:40His only way was the double-double cross.
00:50:44Play crook against crook.
00:50:46Make them get each other out of the way.
00:50:50He sold Miller the idea of double-crossing Carter and Blake.
00:50:56Are you willing to gamble for big stakes?
00:50:58Yeah. Doing what?
00:51:01You and I working along.
00:51:03If we work together, we can take this entire town over before anybody knows it.
00:51:08How would you like to work along with me?
00:51:11What's on your mind?
00:51:12I figure on double-crossing Carter and Miller,
00:51:15taking over this town for ourselves.
00:51:19Sounds interesting.
00:51:21How would you like to take over this town alone with me?
00:51:25We'll double-cross Miller and Blake.
00:51:27They'll leave the town wide open for us.
00:51:29I don't know. Double-crossing is pretty risky business.
00:51:32It's foolproof.
00:51:35When he was all set, Larry put on a big show.
00:51:39It was all so rotten and crooked,
00:51:43but it still looked good.
00:51:51But they were most afraid of what you knew.
00:51:55They were sure they could handle Dixie Logan and those confessions
00:51:58if they caught him.
00:52:01But you were known to be honest,
00:52:03so you had to go.
00:52:05Larry gave the job to Miller with orders to go slow
00:52:08until he could make it look like an accident,
00:52:11because plain murder of a newspaper man would be poisonous.
00:52:36It all looked like a real clean-up.
00:52:39The election was a cinch,
00:52:41but everything else was piling up.
00:52:44We knew the whole thing was stony,
00:52:46and just how Larry would live up to his promise to the boys
00:52:49and get them out after being sentenced
00:52:51was more than even I could figure out.
00:52:55But the first answer came when Blake went on trial.
00:52:58Mitch, I want you to run that Dixie Logan story tomorrow.
00:53:00With the evidence we've got, I'll indict Miller's case.
00:53:05We'll do that.
00:53:07Mr. Allen?
00:53:10Uh, I don't want to wait on you, but I have to see your report.
00:53:13I've got to see your report, and I have to see your report.
00:53:16Come on, let's go to the bar.
00:53:18I can't.
00:53:22I'm not going.
00:53:25I said I'm not going.
00:53:27got I'll indict Miller and send him up for life we'll run it tomorrow in the first
00:53:30edition look what you want my place tonight we'll talk it over I'm sorry Larry I
00:53:35have to go to a press club dinner tonight I'll be seeing you.
00:53:54A lot of this is Larry which is going to run that story tomorrow unless we can
00:53:57stop him now he would listen to me so you stop him now he's going to a press club
00:54:03dinner it's possible that you might get him before he gets there.
00:54:07That's right.
00:54:37I. Want
00:54:51to make sure you recognize what. We three have been running around together so long
00:54:56I think we ought to get acquainted my name's George Mitchell what about it. I often
00:55:01wonder myself.
00:55:08Thank. You all right yes thanks to you but next they're waiting there we got
00:55:13a lamb say what is this anyway I thought you guys were laying for laying for you
00:55:18and we've been saving your life for
00:55:19a long time who are you running your business who put you on this job I wouldn't
00:55:24be a bit surprised it was on my trail someone that won't be any longer. Thanks
00:55:30a lot fellas I suppose I'll be seeing you around for a while if you look fast
00:55:35enough say would you do me
00:55:36a favor and pass the word on to the boss that I appreciate all this forget it.
00:55:54Yeah very slim they're both good but I don't have them who did it that's what
00:56:00I'm calling you to find out I don't understand.
00:56:05It was well. What are you driving at you weren't giving me
00:56:09a bum steer were you you know. I'm not sure.
00:56:16But I know a lot of things you don't even suspect I know. I'll be seeing you do.
00:56:24I. Work Larry making plans for tomorrow. Well Larry goes in as district attorney
00:56:31tomorrow it's going to be
00:56:32a big day I guess so what I mean. Yes of course it is no thrill should I have
00:56:39one. What's the matter honey I thought you'd be full of the spirit today. What's
00:56:45wrong Mary. It's just that I thought I could do something which I could. Is it
00:56:51Larry No I'm glad you came in today Mitch so I'm I but you'd rather I left now
00:56:59maybe it would be best please forgive me for what see in the big office tomorrow.
00:57:14Are you going. I'm leaving leaving I'll make
00:57:18a chart Larry my job's finished. What you've been asking for you're not going to
00:57:24become district attorney tomorrow. Why not today I mailed every bit of evidence I
00:57:30have against you to John Forsythe so you cross me now you crossed yourself as well
00:57:36as everybody else including me I warned you if you didn't play it on the level I
00:57:40turn you in. I've done everything you demanded of me have you. Deal deals with
00:57:45every crook you knew lying killing cheating you had Collins informant killed you
00:57:51tried to have Mitch kill Mitch who did everything he could for you because he
00:57:55believed you were on the level but I'm stopping you. As my wife you
00:58:01won't mind sharing the distress you're bringing us you brought it on yourself and
00:58:06no I won't be sharing it there are ways of stopping a mail and you have not very
00:58:11soft Larry you think you're going to hold it Larry. Better make up
00:58:17the lover's quarrel while you have time. What do you want you Larry I want to talk
00:58:23to you. You won't need that gun I will in just a minute for what anybody who crosses
00:58:30me is always sorry as long as he lives I haven't cried how hard you try you really
00:58:35had me fooled for
00:58:36a while now listen to all the time trying to wipe us out playing one of us against
00:58:41the other you're crazy am I maybe I was but not anymore what do you want to go to
00:58:47kill us Miller but it'll make me feel awfully good. Especially you.
00:58:55You're the cause of this whole blow up. I don't know what your game was or what you
00:58:59expected to gain by it but it didn't pay off.
00:59:12Dixie Logan Yes Mr Dale. How could it. Marry
00:59:20a lie you aren't married now you never were what do you mean. Marian was on a spot
00:59:26when you asked to marry you she saw a chance to help me so we arranged
00:59:30a phony marriage after all she didn't want to be
00:59:32a big list. The psychedelic money is supermarket marriage and land.
00:59:41Now Larry I never want I love Dixie I was married to him for three years before you
00:59:46framed him I never knew he was mixed up in any crime but I didn't know that he
00:59:50couldn't have committed the job you sent him up for that's why I came in determined
00:59:54to find proof to free him and break you which was swell for my setup. Now I have
01:00:00a very fine idea. You're going to be district attorney and keep everybody out of my
01:00:05way I'm taking this town over take it or leave it. I'd be very glad to play ball
01:00:12with you but. I'm afraid you're a little bit late. Why.
01:00:19Marry a male John Forsythe all the evidence she had against me. Looks like I'm not
01:00:26going to be district attorney. I may even take over that cell that you had
01:00:31at the state penitentiary. Fool. I just sent in the evidence before you told me.
01:00:39I did it because it cleared you but now I'm sorry even if you were framed I know
01:00:44now that you're right.
01:00:45You. Asked.
01:00:54Hello. Oh yes. Listen fast we just got a line on Dixie Logan heading your way and
01:01:02gunning for you squad cars on its way up should be there in a few minutes play it
01:01:06safe get your way to yourself out of the house if you can without being seen leave
01:01:11the door open. OK thank you. Somebody took the police coming up here to get you
01:01:19talk fast I stopped the mail of course I you in this day you're ready to talk
01:01:23business certainly but she's going to cause us trouble why for no life she won't
01:01:29be around.
01:02:27That's all there is. You know the rest better than I do.
01:02:34What a story you wouldn't believe it John yes I would. She sent this to me used to
01:02:41be your exclusive.
01:02:44The. Confirms everything she said.
01:02:52What a scoop. And I think that I can never print it.
01:03:01I thought you'd say that. I just. All right John.
01:03:14Don't worry. Everything's going to be all right.